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Story County, Iowa
1880 Federal Census

Story Co. Home Page
Results for Names Matching "VILAND"
(Results Shown Are An Abstract of The Record. Click on the “Button” button in left column to display the census page containing all information for the adjacent name.)
Results from search on Census Name
Name A
or Town
Amund VILAND 4 M Son Iowa At home Palestine Twp
Annie VILAND 25 F Daughter Norway Palestine Twp
Annie M VILAND 1 F Daughter Iowa At home Palestine Twp
Bertha VILAND 3/12 F Daughter Iowa Palestine Twp
Bertha VILAND 2 F Daughter Iowa At home Palestine Twp
Bertha VILAND 20 F Wife Norway Keeping house Palestine Twp
Carrie VILAND 7 F Daughter Iowa At home Palestine Twp
Carrie VILAND 5 F Daughter Iowa Palestine Twp
Carrie VILAND 59 F Wife Norway Keeping house Palestine Twp
Carrie VILAND 42 F Norway Farming Palestine Twp
Carrie VILAND 25 F Wife Norway Keeping house Palestine Twp
Colman VILAND 32 M Norway Farmer Palestine Twp
Edward VILAND 4 M Son Iowa At home Palestine Twp
Elsie VILAND 5 F Daughter Iowa At home Palestine Twp
Erick VILAND 37 M Norway Farmer Palestine Twp
Lars VILAND 15 M Son Norway At home Palestine Twp
Mariah VILAND 26 F Wife Norway Keeping house Palestine Twp
Martha VILAND 11 F Daughter Iowa At home Palestine Twp
Osmond VILAND 9 M Son Iowa At home Palestine Twp
Paul VILAND 10 M Son Iowa At home Palestine Twp
Paul VILAND 70 M Norway Farmer Palestine Twp
Rasmus VILAND 23 M Son Norway Works on farm Palestine Twp
Sarah VILAND 6 F Daughter Iowa At home Palestine Twp
Wier VILAND 35 M Norway Farmer Palestine Twp

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