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Story County, Iowa
1870 Iowa Federal Census

Story Co. Home Page
Results for Names Matching "EAGLEBARGER"
(Results Shown Are An Abstract of The Record. Click on the Name in left column to display the census page containing all information for the adjacent name.)
Results from search on Census Surname
Name Age Sex Birth Place Occupation Township
Alvin EAGLEBARGER 18 M Indiana at home Milford Twp
Ammon EAGLEBARGER 11 M Iowa at home Milford Twp
Edwin EAGLEBARGER 16 M Indiana at home Milford Twp
Elisabeth EAGLEBARGER 42 F Ohio Keeping house Milford Twp
Frances E. EAGLEBARGER 51 F Connecticut Keeping house Milford Twp
Isiaac EAGLEBARGER 24 M Ohio Laborer Milford Twp
Jacob EAGLEBARGER 11 M at home Milford Twp
James EAGLEBARGER 30 M Ohio Laborer Milford Twp
Jno EAGLEBARGER 14 M Iowa at home Milford Twp
Jno EAGLEBARGER 8 M at home Milford Twp
Jno EAGLEBARGER 57 M Switzerland Farmer Milford Twp
Joseph EAGLEBARGER 18 M Indiana Laborer Milford Twp
Joy V. EAGLEBARGER 1/12 M Iowa at home Milford Twp
S. EAGLEBARGER 50 M Pennsylvania Farmer Milford Twp
Sarah EAGLEBARGER 21 F Indiana at home Milford Twp
Susan EAGLEBARGER 14 F at home Milford Twp

Copyright ©1999–2025 Mark Christian

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