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Story County, Iowa
1860 Iowa Federal Census

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Page 13

Name Age Sex Birth Place Occupation Various Location/P.O.
13-102-90 J.M. PRESSNELL 5 M Iowa /Attended school in yr Palestine Twp/Cambridge
13-103-91 Tour OLSON 32 M Norway Farmer /Real Est: 500/Personal Prop: 200 Palestine Twp/Cambridge
13-103-91 Malinda OLSON 33 F Norway Palestine Twp/Cambridge
13-103-91 Ole OLSON 1 M Iowa Palestine Twp/Cambridge
13-103-91 Thomas OLSON 8/12 M Iowa Palestine Twp/Cambridge
13-104-92 Thomas SIMMONS 33 M Iowa Farmer /Can not read & write Palestine Twp/Cambridge
13-104-92 Elizabeth SIMMONS 28 F Iowa /Can not read & write Palestine Twp/Cambridge
13-104-92 Simon SIMMONS 5 M Illinois Palestine Twp/Cambridge
13-104-92 Ole SIMMONS 3 M Illinois Palestine Twp/Cambridge
13-104-92 Julia SIMMONS 1 F Illinois Palestine Twp/Cambridge
13-105-93 K. SENEY 30 M Norway Farmer /Real Est: 200/Personal Prop: 75/Comment: Surname difficult to read and may be incorrect. Palestine Twp/Cambridge
13-105-93 Anna SENEY 24 F Norway /Comment: Surname difficult to read and may be incorrect. Palestine Twp/Cambridge
13-105-93 James SENEY 5 M Illinois /Comment: Surname difficult to read and may be incorrect. Palestine Twp/Cambridge
13-105-93 Everett SENEY 3 M Illinois /Comment: Surname difficult to read and may be incorrect. Palestine Twp/Cambridge
13-105-93 Peter SENEY 4/12 M Iowa /Comment: Surname difficult to read and may be incorrect. Palestine Twp/Cambridge
13-106-94 Martha OLSON 35 F Norway Palestine Twp/Cambridge
13-106-94 Julia OLSON 16 F Norway /Attended school in yr Palestine Twp/Cambridge
13-106-94 Ole OLSON 10 M Illinois /Attended school in yr Palestine Twp/Cambridge
13-106-94 Augustus OLSON 13 M Illinois /Attended school in yr Palestine Twp/Cambridge
13-106-94 Larinda OLSON 6 F Illinois /Attended school in yr Palestine Twp/Cambridge
13-106-94 Amanda OLSON 8 F Illinois /Attended school in yr Palestine Twp/Cambridge
13-107-95 Simon F. ARNTES aka ARNTZ (Cem Rec) 35 M Norway Farmer /Real Est: 300/Personal Prop: 200 Palestine Twp/Cambridge
13-107-95 Melinda ARNTES aka ARNTZ (Cem Rec) 25 F Norway Palestine Twp/Cambridge
13-107-95 Andrew ARNTES aka ARNTZ (Cem Rec) 5 M Illinois Palestine Twp/Cambridge
13-107-95 Isabell ARNTES aka ARNTZ (Cem Rec) 5 F Illinois Palestine Twp/Cambridge
13-107-95 Thomas ARNTES aka ARNTZ (Cem Rec) 3 M Wisconson Palestine Twp/Cambridge
13-107-95 Lewis ARNTES aka ARNTZ (Cem Rec) 1/12 M Iowa Palestine Twp/Cambridge
13-108-96 Amos THOMPSON 28 M Norway Farmer /Personal Prop: 75 Palestine Twp/Cambridge
13-108-96 Mariah THOMPSON 24 F Norway Palestine Twp/Cambridge
13-109-97 Ole NERNESS 35 M Norway Farmer /Real Est: 500/Personal Prop: 200/Attended school in yr Palestine Twp/Cambridge
13-109-97 Margret NERNESS 35 F Norway /Attended school in yr Palestine Twp/Cambridge
13-109-97 John NERNESS 5 M Illinois Palestine Twp/Cambridge
13-109-97 M.E. NERNESS 4 F Iowa Palestine Twp/Cambridge
13-109-97 T.M. NERNESS 1 M Iowa Palestine Twp/Cambridge
13-110-98 Peter CHRISTIAN 36 M Norway Farmer /Real Est: 800/Personal Prop: 300 Palestine Twp/Cambridge
13-110-98 Sarah CHRISTIAN 34 F Norway Farmer /Attended school in yr Palestine Twp/Cambridge
13-110-98 Melinda CHRISTIAN 2 F Iowa Palestine Twp/Cambridge
13-110-98 T.O. CHRISTIAN 1 F Iowa Palestine Twp/Cambridge
13-110-98 Anfen ERSLAND 19 M Norway Farm Labourer Palestine Twp/Cambridge
13-111-99 Thomas JACOBSON 28 M Norway Farmer /Real Est: 300/Personal Prop: 150/Attended school in yr Palestine Twp/Cambridge


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