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Story County, Iowa
1856 Iowa State Census

Story Co. Home Page

Page 240 (Stamped Page Number)
Relative Page 80
Inhabitants in Lafayette Township
Transcribed by Mark Christian

Name Age Sex M/
in IA
Birth Place Occupation Various
240-21-21 Perry MCINTURFF 2 M 1 Connecticut
240-21-21 Lemuel DANIELS 70 M M Pennsylvania Carpenter /Native/Land Owner
240-21-21 Anna DANIELS 60 F M Pennsylvania
240-21-21 Lemuel DANIELS 18 M Pennsylvania
240-22-22 Giles SWAN 23 M M 1 New York Farmer /Native/Militia/Land Owner
240-23-23 Caroline SWAN 20 M M 1 Germany /Comment: It appears that the census taker recorded the sex incorrectly.
240-23-23 Mary E. SWAN 1 M 1 Illinois
240-23-23 J.J. FOOT 40 M M New York Farmer /Native/Militia/Land Owner/Comment: It appears that the census taker recorded the sex incorrectly.
240-23-23 Olive J. FOOT 30 M M Ohio
240-23-23 Nathan V. FOOT 12 M Ohio
240-23-23 Ellen A. FOOT 7 F Ohio
240-23-23 Emma FOOT 5 F Ohio
240-23-23 Geo. N. FOOT 4 M Ohio
240-24-24 Lars RASMUSMAN 20 M Norway /Alien/Militia/Land Owner/Comment: Really Rasmusson.
240-24-24 Jonas DUE 30 M M Norway /Alien/Militia/Land Owner/Comment: Later 'Duea'
240-24-24 Martha DUE 22 F M Norway /Comment: Later 'Duea'
240-24-24 Juliette DUE 2 F Illinois /Comment: Later 'Duea'
240-24-24 Rasmus SHELLDALL 49 M M Norway /Alien/Land Owner/Comment: Later 'Sheldahl'
240-24-24 Elizabeth SHELLDALL 50 F M Norway /Comment: Later 'Sheldahl'
240-24-24 Erick SHELLDALL 24 M M Norway /Alien/Militia/Land Owner/Comment: Later 'Sheldahl'
240-24-24 Elizabeth SHELLDALL 19 F M Norway /Comment: Later 'Sheldahl'
240-24-24 Elias HENDERSON 24 M M Norway /Alien/Militia/Land Owner
240-24-24 Moranda HENDERSON 18 F M Norway
240-24-24 Ann SHELLDALL 14 F Norway
240-24-24 Betsey NESS 50 F Norway
240-25-25 Lars NESS 22 M Norway /Alien/Militia/Land Owner
240-25-25 Betsey NESS 9 F Norway
240-25-25 Shuer BRISTON 35 M M Norway /Alien/Militia/Land Owner/Comment: Really Britson
240-25-25 Martha BRISTON 36 F M Norway /Comment: Really Britson
240-25-25 Leanes BRISTON 9 F Norway /Alien/Militia/Land Owner/Comment: Really Britson
240-25-25 Shurer BRISTON 4 M Norway /Comment: Really Britson
240-25-25 Sarah E. BRISTON 2 F Norway /Comment: Really Britson
240-25-25 Hense GERNSONTUIT 30 M M Norway /Alien/Militia/Land Owner
240-25-25 Abel GERNSONTUIT 29 M Norway /Alien/Militia/Land Owner
240-25-25 Obinhan WHONAS 2 M Norway
240-25-25 Henry PETERSON 29 M Norway /Alien/Militia/Land Owner
240-25-25 Rasman ERICKSON 50 M M Norway /Alien/Land Owner
240-25-25 Mary ERICKSON 42 F M Norway /Alien


Copyright ©1999–2025 Mark Christian

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