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Index Q-Z

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QUARANTINE REGULATIONS, need for improvement of, 30, 31

Queenborough, Lord, mention of, 143, 249

Queen's Bench, Court of, case in, involving farm pupils, 153, 154

Queen's College, graduates of, 273

Quincy (Illinois), Daniel Paullin from, 58, 59; William B. Close at, 58,59; mention of, 285

Quorn, platting of, 100, 101, 291; English farmers at, 131, 132; cricket practised at, 190; football team of, 204; church services at, 239; origin of name of, 252

Quorn Farm, mention of, 176

Quorn Hunt, mention of, 291

RACE COURSE, condition of, 196

Races, mention of, 195, 196; attendance at, 197; holding of, 197, 198, 199, 200, 201, 207, 208

Railroads, literature disseminated by, 34; efforts of, to dispose of land, 40, 41; building of, 70, 71; number of, in northwestern Iowa, 72, 73, 88, 127; rates on, 78

Ramsey, Mr., part of, in cricket game, 191, 192

Range, disappearance of, 245, 246

Ratliff, Thos., membership of, in Prairie Club, 284

Raton (New Mexico), visit of English to, 231, 232

Raymond, 0. T., membership of, in Prairie Club, 222, 284

Reade, R., part of, in "tug of war ", 208

Reading (England), clergyman from, 238

Red River Valley, wheat growing in, 60; offer to inspect land in, 107, 108; Dalrymple farm in, 259

Regatta, Close brothers in, 57, 58

Reid, A. A. P., membership of, in Prairie Club, 284

Reid, Edward, land owned by, 268 Reid, F. R., membership of, In Prairie Club, 284

Religion, influence of, in English colony, 237-244

Rent, terms of, 65, 66, 67 Republican party, attitude of English toward, 216

Revell, Mr., part of, in paper chase, 188

Richards, Mr., part of, in paper chase, 188

Richards, C. N., office of, 280

Richards, G. J., membership of, in Prairie Club, 284

Richards, H. 0. K., membership of, in Prairie Club, 284

Richards, II. W., membership of, in Prairie Club, 284

Richardson and Hospers, Dutch immigration encouraged by, 127, 271, 272

Richmond, Mr., daughter of, 288

Richmond, William, church services conducted by, 243

Riekards, H., farm of, 137; business interests of, 175; place of, in Prairie Minstrels, 223; presence of, at picnic, 228; trip of, to England, 230; return of, to England, 248; reference to, 262; membership of, in Prairie Club, 284

Ricketts, purchase of land at, by Close brothers, 59

Ridgeways, A., horse owned by, 197

Roads, condition of, in northwestern Iowa, 89

Robert Benson and Company, firm of, 277

Roberts, F. C., membership of, in Prairie Club, 284

Roberts, Frost, and Heaphy, business of, 175

Robertson, C. L., part of, in athletic meet, 201; membership of, in Prairie Club, 284

Robertson, E. F., :place of, in Prairie Minstrels, 224; return of, to England, 248; membership of, in Prairie Club, 284

Robinson, F. R., part of, in athletic meet, 201; part of, in football game, 206, 207; membership of, in Prairie Club, 222, 284

Rochdale (England), representative of, 139

Rochester (New York), race course at, 194

Rock County (Minnesota), land bought in, 104, 113, 116

Rock Rapids, office opened at, 101,

102; mission church at, 244 Rodgers, Mr., syndicate headed by, 268

Rollo, Eric, part of, in football game, 206; membership of, in Prairie Club, 284

Rollo, H. E., membership of, in Prairie Club, 284

Roman Catholics, settlement of, in Iowa, 43, 44

Romanes, F. E., race won by, 202; part of, in tennis tournament, 208; place of, in Prairie Minstrels, 223; presence of, at picnic, 228; death of, 248; services of, on committee, 280; membership of, in Prairie Club, 284

Ronaldson, A., membership of, in Prairie Club, 222, 284; picnic by, 228; burial place of, 248

Ronaldson, Mrs. A., picnic by, 228 Rowing, interest of Close brothers in, 57, 58

Rubio, Mr., book by, 27

Ruble, Mr., farm of, 181

Rugby (Tennessee), English community at, 157-160, 275

Rugby colony, story of, 157-160; visit to, 276

Rugby football, playing of, 204, 205, 206, 207

Rugby Public School, graduates from, 157

"Runners", emigrants cautioned against, 22

Russell, "Bull Run", book published by, 265

Russians, number of, in Iowa, 257


St. George's Church (Le Mars), dedication of, 240; services in, 240, 241, 242; program for, 241; membership of, 243, 244

"St. Kames", farm pupil system described by, 144-147

St. Leonard, barony of, 236

St. Louis (Missouri), polo team of, 204

St. Paul (Minnesota), criticism of press of, relative to immigration, 96; conference held at, 100; mention of, 103; welcome extended at, 105; removal of Iowa Land Company to, 115; quotation from newspaper of, 116, 117, 129-131; market at, 166; cricket team of, 191, 192, 193; trains from, 194; horse races mentioned in press 'of, 196; guests from, 227

St. Paul and Omaha Railroad, train furnished by, 105

St. Paul and Sioux City Railroad, route of, 73; land commissioner of, 100; land agents of, 101; letter to, 103; title disputed by, 104; town site purchased from, 113; foreign land owners along, 116

St. Paul Pioneer Press, interest of, in English colony, 166 (see also Pioneer-Press)

St. Vincent, Earl, 248

St. Vincent, Lord, sons of, 145; death of, 235

Salix, polo club organized at, 203

Saloon, cost of travel by, 78

Saloons, names of, 210; criticism of, 210, 211; account of, at Le Mars, 210-215; fight in, 213, 214

Sammis, J. U., office of, 280

Sammis brothers, part of, in polo match, 204

Sankey, Ira D., revival service of, 242

Saskatchewan (Canada), Iowans in, 47

Sawyer, S. B., contracts with, 122

Saxons, migration of, 7

Scandinavians, representation of, on immigration board, 34

Schools, provision for, 127

Scotch, number of, in Iowa, 17, 32, 47, 48, 51, 52, 289, 290

Scotch Land Company, land owned by, 268, 269

Scotland, literature distributed in, 34; immigrants from, 136, 265; Le Mars newspaper sent to, 163; trips of colonists to, 230, 234; return of colonists to, 246

Scott County, Irish in, 43; Canadians in, 46; Scotch in, 48; English in, 50; British in, 257

Scougel, Mr., part of, in cricket match, 209

Seattle (Washington), English resident at, 248

Sedgwick, Mr., farm of, 181

Seed, cost of, 67

Seney, English farm near, 137; hockey team of, 202

Sentinel, The (Le Mars), reporter of, 177; libel suit against, 219; church news in, 240 (see also Le Mars Sentinel)

Seppings, G. W., church services conducted by, 241

Sergeant's Bluff, farm near, 233

Servants, supply of, 89, 91; lack of, 169, 170; status of, 171

Shakespeare, William, mention of, 253

Shambaugh, Benj. F., acknowledgment to, 13

Sharp, R. W., membership of, in Prairie Club, 284

Sharp, W., reference to, 262

Sharp, W. A., membership of, in Prairie Club, 284

Shaw, Alfred, reference to, 262

Shearman, Henry, libel suit brought by, 153, 154

Sheep, advantages of northwestern Iowa for raising of, 88, 89, 92; number of, 132, 133; profits of, 133, 134; loss of, by freezing, 134; range feeding of, 135

Sheffield (England), literature distributed in, 36

Sheldon, number of people from, 196; program at, 224; mission church at, 243, 244

Sheppard, George, Iowa praised by, 28; services of, to emigrants, 28, 29

Shorthorn cattle, raising of, 132, 136, 137

Shuttleworth, J. Duehurst, pamphlet prepared by, 38, 39; signature of, 39; newspaper account of, 39

Sibley, office of Close brothers at, 102, 113, 114; visit of ducal party to, 103; improvements in land near, 104; headquarters of company at, 104; prospects of, 106; building at, 108; English activities in, 115; steamship agent at, 175; cricket team of, 193; number of people from, 196; polo team of, 208; program at, 224; removal of Close brothers to, 230, 231; mission church at, 243, 244; mention of, 271

Simms, H. A., membership of, in Prairie Club, 284

Simpson, W. D., membership of, in Prairie Club, 284

Sinclair, Mr., part of, in cricket game, 192, 209

Sinclair, A. C., part of, in football game, 207; membership of, in Prairie Club, 284

Sinclair, C., part of, in "tug of war", 208

Sioux Center, Hollanders at, 252

Sioux City, Irish at, 43, 290; Canadians at, 47, 290; Scotch at, 48, 290; English at, 49, 290; railroad to, 72; land office at, 104, 105; land commissioner at, 105; Close brothers at, 114, 121; English farm near, 137; stock judging at, 138; English lawyer at, 176; grain business of, 177; dray line at, 177; guests from, 196, 226, 227, 233; races at, 201; polo at, 203, 204; account of disorders at Le Mars in newspapers of, 211, 212; visits at, 231; entertainment at, 241; Episcopal church at, 243; English residents at, 247; burial at, 248; population of, 260

Sioux City and St. Paul Railroad, coming of, to Iowa, 72; foreign landowners along, 116; land commissioner of, 256; land of, 264

Sioux City Journal, mention of, 111

Sioux City Planing Mill, 176

Sioux City Quadrille Band, music by, 227

Sioux County, railroads in, 72; description of, 88; improvements in, 97, 98; value of land in, 101, 264; taxes in, 107; buildings in, 113, 122; business of Close brothers in, 114, 123; purchase of land in, 116; agricultural resources of, 120, 269; breaking in, 124; Dutch in, 127; need of laborers in, 128; lords in, 163; farms in, 238, 239; population of, 260; encouragement of immigrants to, 271; British in, 289

Sioux Falls (South Dakota), plan for railroad to, 108; polo club organized at, 203; English resident at, 247

Slayton, C. W., company represented by, 104

Sloan, polo club organized at, 203

Smalley, J., membership of, in Prairie Club, 284

Smith, George, reference to, 262

Smyth, Chas. G., membership of, in Prairie Club, 284

Smyth, James H., reference to, 263

Smyth, R., return of, to England, 246

Smyth, W. S., reference to, 263 Soap factory, operation of, 175, 176

Social life, account of, in English colony, 221-236

Society, lack of, 91; provision for, 149

"Soiree Dansante ", description of, 227

"Soldier Farm", statement concerning, 66, 67

Soldier Township (Crawford County), report of farm in, 66, 67

Song, colony, words of, 249-251

Soudan, 230, 235

South America, hardships endured in, 8

South Carolina, immigrants from, 17

South Dakota, land improved in, 98; fertility of, 107, 108; origin of names in, 252

Southport (England), pamphlet prepared at, 38, 39

Southworth, H. B., return of, to England, 247

Sowerby, C., membership of, in Prairie Club, 284

"Speculation", rider thrown by, 198

Speculators, lands held by, 73, 74; sale of lands by, 74

Spencer, mission church at, 243, 244

Spirit Lake, plan for tournament at, 202; boat races at, 202; mission church at, 243, 244 Spirit Lake and Western Railroad, plan for construction of, 108

Sports, kinds of, in Iowa, 187-209

"Sportsman", race with, 200

Stafford, Lord, visit of, to Iowa, 103, 104

Stallion, description of, 138

Stanhope, R., arrival of, in Iowa, 161; membership of, in Prairie Club, 284

Stanier, Guy, membership of, in Prairie Club, 284

Stanton, Louise, purchase of land from, 71

Starky, B. B., membership of, in Prairie Club, 284

Statter, Fred, burial place of, 248

Statter, G. F., membership of, in Prairie Club, 284

Statter, W. H., Iowa recommended by, 92; reference to, 262

Steamship agent, service of W. Gladstone as, 175

Steamships, rates on, 78

Steerage, cost of travel by, 78

Stephens, Nassau Somerville, army record of, 240; church services conducted by, 240, 241

Stevens, W. H. P., part of, in football game, 207; place of, in Prairie Minstrels, 223; member ship of, in Prairie Club, 284

Stewards, employment of, 128, 174

Stickney, Mr., railroad financed by, 277

Stirling (Scotland), literature distributed in, 36

Stock, provision for, 65

Stock farms, pupils on, 85, 86

Stock raising, interest of Close brothers in, 60; Iowa suitable for, 61, 62, 76, 92, 93; best locations for, 76; capital needed for, 79, 80, 86; difficulties of, 91; advantages of, 129; profits of, 132, 245; emphasis on, 137, 138

Stockwell, 138

Stoner, W. G., membership of, in Prairie Club, 284

Stoughton, H., membership of, in Prairie Club, 284

Strait, Colonel, coal discovered by, 180, 181, 182

Stubbs, Mr., services of, on cricket team, 191

Stubbs, J. W. H., membership of, in Prairie Club, 284

Stubbs, W., share of, in organization of the Prairie Club, 222

Sturgess, Captain, visit of, 229

Sturgess, Mr., part of, in football game, 207

Sturgess, A. H., membership of, in Prairie Club, 284

Sturgess, E., part of, in " tug of war ", 208

Sturgess, Edw. D., membership of, in Prairie Club, 284

Sugden, A. F., sheep lost by, 134; mention of, 148

Sugden, Mrs. A. F., return of, to England, 247

Sugden, Florence Emily, marriage of, to H. L. P. Chiene, 233

Sugden, Henry Frank, advantages of Iowa pointed out by, 92; office of, 183; rumor of title of, 236; membership of, in Prairie Club, 284

Sugden, Mrs. Henry F., denial by, 236

"Sunbeam", prize won by, 198 Supreme Court of Iowa, decision of, on prohibitory amendment, 214

Sussex (England), colonist from, 234

Sutherland, Duke of, visit of, in Iowa, 103, 104, 229; land bought by, 104, 107, 268; town named for, 265, 290

Sutherland, origin of name of, 252, 265

Sutton, A. F., services of, on cricket team, 191

Sutton, A. T., membership of, in Prairie Club, 284

Swan, C. M., presence of, at dance, 227

Swansea (England), literature distributed in, 36

Swedes, number of, in Iowa, 17, 52

Swinburne, W., membership of, in Prairie Club, 284

Swinton, J. C. B., membership of, in Prairie Club, 284

Sykes, Mr., land owned by, 175, 268; visit of, to Iowa, 229, 259,


Sykes and Hughes, amount of land owned by, 116


Tally-ho riding, popularity of, 188 Tama County, Canadians in, 46; Scotch in, 48

Tarleton, H., part of, in football game, 207; membership of, in Prairie Club, 284

Tartars, migration of, 7

Tattersall, Edmund, races won by, 138

Taxes, amount of, 67, 89, 97, 107; reduction of, for tree planting, 125, 126

"Tax-Payers, Our British", editorial on, 107

Taylor, Ernest, death of, in Iowa, 234

Taylor, H. L., membership of, in Prairie Club, 284

Taylor, L., membership of, in Prairie Club, 284

Taylor, T. C., membership of, in Prairie Club, 284

Taylor County, land purchased in, 100

Taylour, E. E., membership of, in Prairie Club, 284

Tea, sale of, at Le Mars, 175

Tenants, agreement of Close brothers with, 64, 65, 66, 67, 76, 124, 126, 265; breaking done by, 124; number of, 126, 127; nationality of, 127; kind of, 267, 268

Tennant, Robert, land owned by, 268

Tennessee, immigrants from, 17; story of English community in, 157-160

Tennis, playing of, 202, 208

Tete des Morts (Canada), visitors from, 229

Texas, mention of, 39; pioneer conditions in, 88; purchase of land in, by Close brothers, 118; trip to, 235; land owned in, by aliens, 268; value of live stock in, 269

Thales, mention of, 182, 183

Thames River, rowing contest on, 57

Thelwell, E. L., membership of, in Prairie Club, 284

Thompson, Sir Basil, coming of, to Iowa, 143

Thompson, H. W., reference to, 262

Thomson, Mr., part of, in football game, 205, 206, 207

Thomson, B. H., place Of, in Prairie Minstrels, 223; membership of, in Prairie Club, 284

Thomson, W., law practice of, 176

Thoroughbreds, importation of, 138

"Thunderer, The", visit of, to Iowa, 167

Thursby, E. H., membership of, in Prairie Club, 284

Tibbitt, J., membership of, in Prairie Club, 284

Tiffney, Mr., part of, in cricket match, 209

Times, The (London), letters concerning Iowa in, 75

Titles, 163, 236

Tobacco, effect Of, On sOil, 60

Todrich, Mr., part of, in paper chase, 188

Tom Brown's Schooldays, author of, 157

Tottenham, E. H., membership of, in Prairie Club, 284

Touch, J. W., membership Of, in Prairie Club, 284

Towns, establishment of, 29, 30, 100, 101

Townshend, S. Nugent, farm pupil system described by, 144-147; trip in charge of, 232 Track meet, holding of, 201

Traer, Scotch in, 48

Trail County (North Dakota), land bought in, 259

Trains, chartering of special, 196, 226, 227

Transportation, charges for, 70, 71; lack of, 178

Travel, amount of, by English, 228-232

Trees, planting of, 125, 126

Trego County (Kansas), Close brothers in, 117, 118

Trinity College, men from, in centennial regatta, 57, 58; clergyman from, 237; fellow of, 239

Troscoed, location of, 137

Trotter, H. G., membership of, in Prairie Club, 284

Troy Township (Iowa County), Welsh in, 45

"True", prize won by, 197

"Tug of war", holding of, 208

Tullichewan Castle, 136 Turks, migration of, 7

Turner, Jonathan, daughter of, 258

Tutor, advertisement for, 176

Twain, Mark, mention of, 171

Tweedale, Marquis of, mention of, 268

Twidale, J., medical practice of, 176

Typhoid fever, epidemic of, at Rugby colony, 158

UNION COUNTY, Irish in, 43

Union Township (Johnson County), Welsh in, 45

Union Township (Plymouth County), land purchased in, 99

United Mine Workers of America, president of, 45

United States, immigration authorized by, 10; prejudices against, 19; immigration to, 23, 26, 31, 38; trip of Close brothers through, 59, 60; land titles in, 83; amount of land owned by aliens in, 116, 117

United team, game with, 205, 206, 207

Utica (New York), paper published at, 45

VAN DER ZEE, JACOB, Visit of, to Le Mars, 277, 278

Van Sommer, J., membership of, in Prairie Club, 284

Veal, Frederick Kingsbury, lumber yard of, 177; part of, in "tug of war", 208; marriage of, 233; residence of, 247; membership of, in Prairie Club, 284

Vernon, W. G. Harcourt, position of, in bank, 176; part of, in cricket game, 193; membership of, in Prairie Club, 284

Victoria, Queen, celebration in honor of, 207, 208, 209, 220, 241, 280; toast to, 231; prayers for, 238

Viola Township (Osceola County), houses in, 123

Virgin land, plan of Close brothers for farming of, 63-67

Virginia, Frederick B, Close in, 57, 58, 60, 62; price of land in, 60, 61; people of, 61

Voltiguer-Garland, 138

WADDILOVE, MR., wagers won by, 200

Waddilove, A. C., part of, in football game, 205, 206, 207

Waddilove, J. C., membership of, in Prairie Club, 284

Wade, Armigel W., reference to, 263

Wake, T., membership of, in Prairie Club, 284

Wakefield, Jack W., stock farm of, 137; interest of, in cricket, 190, 193; horse ridden by, 199, 200; attempt of, to horse whip editor, 211; incident concerning, 213, 239, 286; mention of, 228; presence of, at picnic, 228; visit of, to England, 228; death of, 248; reference to, 262; college of, 274; membership of, in Prairie Club, 284

Wakefield, John, (see Wakefield, Jack W.)

Wales, literature distributed in, 34

Wales (Montgomery County), Welsh in, 45

Walker, Mr., part of, in paper chase, 188; presence of, at picnic, 228

Walker, R., interest of, in cricket, 190, 191; part of, in tennis tournament, 208

Walker, Richard, place of, in Prairie Minstrels, 224; membership of, in Prairie Club, 284

Walker, Robert, membership of, in Prairie Club, 284

Walkinshaw, J. M. C., race won by, 202; part of, in football game, 205, 206, 207; place of, in Prairie Minstrels, 223; membership of, in Prairie Club, 284

Waller, H. N., buck killed by, 189; membership of, in Prairie Club, 284

Walter, Mr., address by, 167; article by, 171, 172

Walters, John, presence of, at wedding, 233, 234

Wann, W. Hyndman, reference to, 262; membership of, in Prairie Club, 284

Wapello County, Irish in, 43; Welsh in, 44, 45; English in, 50; British in, 257

"War between the Races", editorial on, 211, 212

Ward, George E., cattle raised by, 137; residence of, 247

Warner, George, contract with, 122

Warren, Mr., presence of, at picnic, 228

Warren, D., part of, in "tug of war ", 208

Warren, James Brough, farm of, 136; meat market of, 175; marriage of, 233; membership of, in Prairie Club, 284

Water, lack of, 180

Watkins, S. R., acknowledgment to, 11

Watson, , Mr., part of, in polo match, 208; presence of, at picnic, 228

Watson, H. A., services of, on cricket team, 191; membership of, in Prairie Club, 222, 284; western trip of, 232

Watson, Hugh, death of, 234

Watson, J. G., services of, on cricket team, 191; part of, in polo match, 203, 204; membership of, in Prairie Club, 222, 284; burial place of, 248

Weare, Miss, presence of, at dance, 227

Webster, D., membership of, in Prairie Club, 284

Webster County, Irish in, 43; Scotch in, 48

Weddings, account of, 232-234

Weir, A. Y., part of, in "tug of war ", 208; residence of, 247; membership of, in Prairie Club, 284

Wells, cost of, 66; dragging of, 123

Welsh, number of, in Iowa, 44, 45, 51, 52, 289

Weiton, establishment of, 29; failure of, 29, 30

Westfield, Mr., part of, in cricket match, 209

West Fork, cricket team, of, 191; church services at, 239 (see also Quorn)

West Fork plate, calling of, 197; winner of, 208

Westbourne Farm, 137

Western Town Lot Company, towns platted by, 290, 291

Whalley, Captain, land owned by, 268

What Cheer, Scotch at, 48; name of, 48; English at, 49

Wheat, production of, 39, 67; best location for growing of, 60, 76; blight on, 65, 91; use of new land for, 66; price of, 67; waste of, 70; transportation charges on, 70, 71; profits on, 76; advantages of raising, 129

White, Charles A., geological survey made by, 182

White Pass and Yukon Railway, building of, 118, 119

White Star Line, transportation on, 143

Whitney, Miss, marriage of Almeric Paget to, 143

Whitney, Harry Payne, sister of, 249

"Wide Awake Hose Company, The", member of, 219

Wild, J., membership of, in Prairie Club, 284

Wilde, Mr., presence of, at picnic, 228

Wilde, Oscar, lecture by, 231

Williamsburg, Welsh at, 45

Williamson, E. P., membership of, in Prairie Club, 284

Wilson, G., membership of, in Prairie Club, 284

Wilson Township (Osceola County), houses in, 123

"Windsor Palace", naming of, 210

"Wine", explanation of, 287

Winneshiek County, Irish in, 43; Canadians in, 46

Winstanley, E., part of, in tennis tournament, 208; membership of, in Prairie Club, 284

Winter, severity of, 151

Wisconsin, description of, 19; immigration encouraged by, 33; tenants from, 106; advertising matter distributed .in, 114; hunting in, 189

Wise, Alexander A., work of, on commission, 34, 37

Women 's Emigration Society, founding of, 261, 262

Wood, Mr., farm of, 181

Wood, supply' of, in northwestern Iowa, 89

Woodard, C. P., coal discovered by, 184

Woodbury County, Irish in, . 43; Canadians in, 46; Scotch in, 48, 257; English in, 50; purchase of land in, by Close brothers, 68, 71, 99, 100; railroad in, 72; description of, 88; value of land in, 101, 264; taxes in, 107; land business in, 113, 114; houses in, 122; planting of trees in, 125; loss of sheep in, 134; British in, 257, 289; population of, 260; rank of, as farming community, 269

Woodbury County fair, races at, 201

Woods Brothers, mention of, 177

Wool, market for, 134

Work, necessity for, 25, 26

Workingmen's Emigrant Association of London, letter to, 34

World's Exposition (Philadelphia), awards made at, 39

World's Exposition (St. Louis), awards made at, 39

World's Industrial and Cotton Centennial Exposition (New Orleans), Iowa display at, 40

Worth County, land purchased in, 100

Worthington (Minnesota), office at, 108.

Wraight, P., part of, in football game, 207; membership of, in Prairie Club, 284

Wright, Edward T., advantages of Iowa pointed out by, 92; reference to, 262

Wright, George H., trees planted by, 125

Y Drych, publication of, 45 Yankees, antagonism of, to young Englishmen, 213, 214 (see also Americans)

Yankton (South Dakota), polo club organized at, 203; death of Charles Dacres at, 281

Yonge, F. A., membership of, in Prairie Club, 284

York, Archbishop of, son of, 176

Young, Mr., farm of, 181

Young, David A., membership of, in Prairie Club, 284

Young, W. B., marriage of, 233

Young, William, return of, to Scotland, 246; membership of, in Prairie Club, 284

Young Men's Christian Association, organization of, 242

" ZOE", prize won by, 197

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