1889 Biographical History of Shelby County, Iowa
Page Index:
Potter |
Loehr |
Ramsay |
Jacobson |
Fry |
Brommenschenkel |
Booth |
Silliman |
Brindley |
Neff |
Campbell |
Schiltz |
Roundy |
Cook |
Tingle |
H. C. POTTER was born in Whiteside County, Illinois, September 22, 1854, and is a son of Martin and Sauna (Perry) Potter, natives of the State of New
York. He was reared and educated in his native county. September 2, 1875, Mr. Potter was married to Miss Phoebe Richmond, daughter of Daniel Richmond. The result of this union is five children -- Wyman, Edna, Glenn M., Hazel K. and Grace. Mr. Potter is proprietor of one of the leading blacksmith and wagon shops in Harlan; he has had thirteen years' experience in the business, and thoroughly understands conducting it successfully and to the best interests of his patrons. He is in the prime of life, and is among the highly esteemed business men of Harlan. Mr. Potter is a member of the I. O. O. F., No. 267.
Source: 1889 Biographical History of Shelby County, Iowa, pp. 457. Transcribed by Marthann Kohl-Fuhs.
( portrait)
FREDERICK W. LOEHR, farmer and stock-raiser, and dealer in agricultural implements at Earling, under the firm name of Loehr & Langenfeld, has been identified with the interests of Shelby County since 1873. He was born in Fond du Lac County, Wisconsin, January 26, 1850, and is the son of Quinn and Dora T. (Strabul) Loehr, natives of Prussia. The father came to America when eighteen years old, and the mother came when about fifteen years of age.
They were both reared in Wisconsin, and after their marriage settled in Fond du Lac County, where Mr. Loehr engaged in the mercantile business. The youth of our subject was spent on the farm, in the store and in the common schools, where he received his early education; he afterward attended Callaway College. He resided with his parents until his marriage to Annie May Langenfeld, which occurred in November, 1872. The following spring he came to Iowa and purchased 330 acres of wild land in Westphalia Township; then there was but one house between Harlan and Galland's Grove. He returned home the following year and moved his family to the county. He built a shanty, and broke forty acres of ground the first year; thus the
improvement of his farm began, and by hard work and good management he has one of the finest farms in the county. In early days Mr. Loehr had to haul his grain to and drive his live stock to Shelby, Avoca, or Dunlap; at the latter place he has received 17 cents a bushel for corn, and 2 cents per pound for hogs. Mr. Loehr pursued the occupation of farming and stock-raising until the fall of 1888, when he engaged in the sale of farming implements. Mr. and Mrs. Loehr are the parents of seven children -- Quirin E., Dora, Jacob, Johannah, Nicholas, Catharine and Mary. He and his wife are members of the German Catholic church and attend the service at Westphalia. Mr. Loehr has served as township trustee, and on the board of school directors. Several times he has been elected to the office of justice of the peace, but never qualified. He was elected first trustee of the township. In the fall of 1887 he was elected supervisor of the county, and is the present incumbent of the office.
Source: 1889 Biographical History of Shelby County, Iowa, pp. 456-457. Transcribed by Marthann Kohl-Fuhs.
S. J. RAMSAY, proprietor of a meat market on the south side of the square, Harlan, deserves and receives the patronage due a well-kept market. He is a practical and experienced butcher, and is a popular and reliable business man. Mr. Ramsay was born in Maryland, March 26, 1852, and is the son of Hugh C. and Elizabeth (Whitford) Ramsay. He was reared and educated in his native State, and at the age of twenty-seven years emigrated to Iowa, remaining in Lincoln Township, Shelby County, for a few months. After this short residence in Iowa, he went to northwestern Missouri and lived there a few years. Not yet satisfied with the different sections of the west he had visited, he went to Saunders County, Nebraska, which was his residence until he came to Harlan in 1888. Mr. Ramsay was married at the age of twenty-nine years to Miss Anna C. Dayman, of Saunders County, Nebraska.
They are the parents of two children -- Elizabeth and Raymond. Politically Mr. Ramsay affiliates with the Democratic party.
Source: 1889 Biographical History of Shelby County, Iowa, pp. 457-458. Transcribed by Marthann Kohl-Fuhs.
LORENS JACOBSON, one of the enterprising farmers of Shelby Township, came here in 1872. He was born in Denmark, March 15, 1844, a son of Peter and Catherine (Christianson) Jacobson. He lived in his native place until he was twenty-three years of age; he went to school until he was fourteen years old, when he worked on a farm. In 1867 he sailed from Copenhagen to Leach, Scotland, then via Liverpool, England, to New York, landing at Castle Garden. lie first went to New Jersey, where he worked on a farm for a time; then he went to Long Island, then to Connecticut, and from there to Minnesota, where he remained for a short time. His last move was to Jasper County, Iowa, where he worked one year. With his brother Andrew he came to Shelby
County, driving an ox team. The first season he broke prairie, and in the fall went to Adair County, Iowa where he lived until 1872, when he came to Shelby County again. In 1874 he settled on the land where he now lives. It was wild prairie when he came here, but he has made a good farm of it. He
has eighty acres, a good story and a half house, a barn, sheds for cattle and cribs for grain. Everything shows industry and thrift. Mr. Jacobson was married in Shelby County, October 24, 1870, to Miss Mary Jacobson, who was born in Denmark. She came to this country when she was eighteen years old. She was a daughter of Nels and Mary Jacobson. By this marriage eight children were born -- Anna, Peter, Louie, Tina, Christian and Winnie. Two children died -- Andrew, seven years old, and Willie, eighteen months old. Our subject is a Republican. He has served as school director. He is in
the prime of life, is kind to all, honest in his business transactions, and one of the successful farmers in the township.
Source: 1889 Biographical History of Shelby County, Iowa, pp. 459-460. Transcribed by Marthann Kohl-Fuhs.
LEWIS W. FRY, a native of Franklin County, Indiana, was born April 24, 1865. He is the third child of Daniel and Rachel Fry. His childhood was passed
in his native county until his seventh year, when his parents removed to Shelby County, Iowa; here he has since made his home, with the exception of three years spent in Avoca and Denison, Iowa. During this time he was engaged in the practice of veterinary surgery. Mr. Fry was brought up on a farm, and received the training usually given farmers' sons. His literary education was obtained in the common schools. At the age of fourteen years he began the study of veterinary surgery, and applied himself with great zeal to mastering this profession. He took a thorough course of lectures, and when he embarked in the profession he was probably as well equipped as any man entering the business. He practiced three years, but owing to ill-health he was obliged to abandon his work. He then turned his attention to breeding and raising fine grades of live-stock. His thorough knowledge of veterinary surgery is of great advantage to him in this business. Mr. Fry's farm of eighty-six acres lies in the northeast quarter of section 23, Union Township, one-half mile west of Defiance. He was married December 1, 1887, to Miss Cora B. Luxford, daughter of William and Barbara Luxford. She was born in La Salle County, Illinois, September 25, 1866. They are both members of the United Brethren church.
Source: 1889 Biographical History of Shelby County, Iowa, pp. 460. Transcribed by Marthann Kohl-Fuhs.
FATHER PETER BROMMENSCHENKEL, Pastor of St. Boniface Catholic Church at Westphalia, Shelby County, Iowa, is a native of Rhine District, in Prussia. He was born September 27, 1846. His parents were Nicholas and Catharine Brommenschenkel, also natives of Prussia. The father was a farmer in his native land and in 1850 emigrated to America, first settling in Hennepin, Putnam County, Illinois, where he remained with his family two years; he then moved to Chicago. After spending three months there he moved to Dubuque, Iowa, covering the distance through the then wild
and unsettled country in a prairie schooner-covered wagon, landing in Dubuque some time in 1853, where the parents still live. After coming to this country, the father of our subject learned the wagon-maker's trade, following the same for many years. Peter was only four years of age when he came
with his parents to America, so his education has been obtained in this country. He is both a German and English scholar of marked intelligence; his first school days were spent at Dubuque, Iowa, in the school of the German Holy Trinity Church; he also attended the English Cathedral school of that city two and a half years. These schools fitted him to advance rapidly in the course of study, which was to guide him in his eventful Christian life-work. He then entered St. Francis Seminary, situated a few miles from the city of Milwaukee, Wisconsin, in the autumn of 1862, graduating from that institution in
June, 1869. In August of the same year he was ordained priest by the hand of Bishop Hennessy, of Dubuque, Iowa. In October of the year 1869 he was appointed to take the place of Father Emonds at Iowa City, Iowa, having charge of St. Mary's Church, the latter having gone to Europe on a vacation. He next went to Council Bluffs, Iowa, as the assistant pastor in that city, remaining there three months. He then served the church at Marshalltown, Iowa, from July, 1870, until November, 1875, and was then sent to Richmond, Washington County, Iowa, where he labored until October, 1881; from
this place he went to Riverside in the same county, serving faithfully until 1886, when he became pastor of his present church at Westphalia, Iowa. Here he succeeded Father Weber. During his labors at Marshalltown, Iowa, he built a parsonage, and had charge of the Catholic congregation at State Center, where he erected a church edifice; he also looked after the best interests of the Catholics at the Dunn's settlement in the neighborhood, as well as at Blairstown, Benton County, Iowa, and at Toledo, Tama County. While serving the church in Washington County he built a church near Riverside, and a school at Richmond. Since Father Brommenschenkel has been at Westphalia he has worked ardently and manfully, for the cause he espoused in early life -- that of promulgating the faith and teachings of the Roman Catholic church. He has charge of a congregation at Harlan, Iowa, where he has been instrumental in building a church. Father Brommenschenkel, while strictly adhering to the teachings of his church, deals with men as he finds them, treating all with consideration. He never allows personal likes and dislikes to turn him from the path of duty, and by reason of this is a successful organizer and leader of his people, sharing the good will of all classes in and out of his church.
Source: 1889 Biographical History of Shelby County, Iowa, pp. 460-461. Transcribed by Marthann Kohl-Fuhs.
NATHANIEL BOOTH, dealer in agricultural implements, Harlan, has been deeply interested in the welfare of Shelby County since his residence here, which began in 1871. He is a native of England, born in London, September 21, 1837. He is a son of John and Elizabeth (Davis) Booth, both natives of England, who emigrated to America in 1849, and settled in St. Louis, Missouri; here Mr. Booth died July 14, 1849. In the spring of 1850 the father, with two children, of whom our subject is the younger, came west to Kainsville, now Council Bluffs, where he remained two years, and then went to Salt Lake City; here he staid until the spring of 1860 engaged in farming. Nathaniel Booth, the subject of this sketch, was married in Salt Lake City to Miss Sarah M. Robbins, a native of England, and a daughter of Henry P. Robbins, who came to this country when Mrs. Booth was a child. Mr. and Mrs. Booth are the parents of three children -- William Nathaniel, John Henry and Joseph Osgood. In 1860 Mr. Booth took his family to California, where he engaged with the firm of Simpson & Gray in the lumber business at Stockton; San Joaquin. County. His wife died in 1868, and in 1871 he came with his boys to Shelby County. He purchased 137 acres of improved land in Harlan Township, where he resided until the spring of 1881, when he came to Harlan, and engaged in business with E. J. Trobridge, dealing in agricultural implements. This firm continued six months, when Mr. Booth bought Mr. Trobridge's interest and has since done an extensive business, being the leading dealer in agricultural implements in the county. Mr. Booth was again married March 3, 1869, to Miss Mary Ann Phillips, a native of Upper California, born July 27, 1850, and a daughter of David J. Phillips, who was a native of Wales, and who came to this country about 1848. By this union five children were born -- Charles D., David J., Mary E., Charlotte E. and Nathaniel P. Mr. Booth served as sub-director for several terms, and as district treasurer of Harlan Township for several years. He was a member of the city council for one year, and served as township trustee for ten years. He is a member of the I. O. O. F., Harlan Lodge, No. 257; Mount Sinai Encampment, No.
106. He has passed through all the chairs of the lodge. He was representative to the grand lodge for two years and was deputy grand master for one year. He is also a member of the A. F. & A. M., Parian Lodge, No. 321; and Olivet Chapter, No. 107. Mr. and Mrs. Booth are members of the Latter
Day Saints church. Politically Mr. Booth affiliates with the Republican party. Mr. Booth owns, besides his extensive business, 165 acres and other lands in different localities.
Source: 1889 Biographical History of Shelby County, Iowa, pp. 461-462. Transcribed by Marthann Kohl-Fuhs.
S. P. SILLIMAN, Deputy Clerk of the District Court of Shelby County, has been a resident of the county since 1880. He was born in Pittsburg, Pennsylvania, August 20, 1843. He is the son of John and Nancy (Stevenson) Silliman, both natives of Pennsylvania. For eight years he was superintendent of the Allegheny County poor farm. From Allegheny County, Pennsylvania, the family removed to Columbiana County, Ohio. S. P. was the oldest of four children, and received his education at Pittsburg, Pennsylvania. At the age of sixteen he accepted a position as clerk in his father's
mercantile establishment in New Waterford, Columbiana County, Ohio, where he remained for a number of years. In 1867 he accepted a position in Meiggs County, Ohio, where he had charge of a mill for three years. At the end of that time he removed to Benton County, Iowa, where he aƧted as cashier of the Benton County Bank for eight years. In 1880 he removed to Shelby, Iowa, where he was bookkeeper in the mercantile house of W. F. Cleveland for four years. By his long experience and thorough knowledge of the intricacies of bookkeeping he is considered one of the most expert accountants in western Iowa, and has been employed in that capacity in the several county offices and prominent business houses of Harlan. January 1, 1889, he accepted the appointment of deputy clerk of courts of Shelby County under Omar P. Wyland. Mr. Silliman is a thoroughly accurate business man, and has filled all the different positions mentioned in this notice with credit to himself and to the best interests of his employers. He is well in formed on general topics, and has made many friends in Shelby County. He is a member of the Masonic order, and a member of the Iowa Legion of Honor of Shelby, No. 10. Mr. Silliman was married at Tampico, Illi nois, September 21, 1875, to Miss Sue Groff, a native of Lancaster County, Pennsylvania, where she was reared and educated. They have one son -- Robert G., born May 19, 1877. Mr. Silliman's father died in Blainstown,
Iowa, in 1879. His mother still lives, and resides in Pittsburg, Pennsylvania, at the age of sixty-eight years.
Source: 1889 Biographical History of Shelby County, Iowa, pp. 462 & 465. Transcribed by Marthann Kohl-Fuhs.
( portrait)
J. BRINDLEY, a member of the present board of supervisors, is one of the prominent and well-known citizens of Monroe Township. He was born in La Fayette County, Wisconsin, February 14, 1848, and is a son of Joshua and Sarah (Edge) Brindley. The parents were natives of Staffordshire, England, and were married in their native country. They emigrated to America in 1844, and settled at New Diggings, Wisconsin. In 1848 they removed to Grant
County, Wisconsin, where the father lived the remainder of his days. The mother still lives on the old home farm. The youth of our subject was passed in very much the same fashion as that of other farmers' sons. He was married September 19, 1869, to Miss Isabelle Catherine Clark, of Grant County,
Wisconsin; she is the daughter of John M. Clark, a prominent citizen of Monroe Township. In 1872 Mr. Brindley came to the township and settled on the land which he now owns. He has 240 acres of well-improved land, a comfortable house, barn and crib. He has a good supply of agricultural implements, and a windmill. There is a fine spring on the place that will supply water to 1,500 cattle. The farm is well stocked with cattle and horses. Mr. Brindley is in partnership with Mr. A. Prichard in the business of importing draft horses. As fine specimens of these horses as can be found in Shelby County are on Mr. Brindley's place. J. Brindley is the leading pioneer thresher of Shelby County; he owns one steam thresher and is interested in four others. He has probably threshed more grain in this county than any other man. He is a staunch Republican and is one of the leaders of his party. He was elected county supervisor in the fall of 1888, and his good judgment is well displayed in this office, much to the satisfaction of the public. He and his wife are the parents of five children -- Martha Jane, the wife of Sam Fleming; Thomas J., John W., Robert Allen and Arminta Belle.
Source: 1889 Biographical History of Shelby County, Iowa, pp. 465. Transcribed by Marthann Kohl-Fuhs.
OSCAR NEFF, of Walnut, Iowa, was for many years one of the well-known and active farmers of Monroe Township. His residence there began in 1875,
and continued until 1884, when he removed to Walnut, Iowa, where he has since resided. He was born in Buffalo, New York, in which place he grew to manhood. He received a fair education in the common schools. He was married in his native city, to Miss Harriet Buss, a daughter of Daniel and Charlotte Buss. Daniel Buss was a native of Yorkshire, England. Some time after his marriage Mr. Neff removed to La Fayette County, Wisconsin, and made that his home until 1875, when he came to Shelby County. He improved 160 acres of land where Charles Neff now resides, and 160 acres east of the home farm, besides other lands. He was an active, industrious man, and was successful in his efforts. Mr. and Mrs. Neff reared six children -- Nelson, Charles W. and William (twins), Milliard, Oscar and Hattie (twins). In politics Mr. Neff is Republican. He is a member of the Masonic order and of the I. O.O. F. Charles W. Neff is one of the active and successful farmers of Monroe Township. He was born in La Fayette County, Wisconsin, November 21, 1864, and is a son of Oscar and Harriet (Buss) Neff. He was eleven years of age when his parents removed to Shelby County and settled in Monroe Township. There he passed his youth, occupying his time with the duties assigned a farmer's son and attending the common schools. He
spent one year in Montgomery County, Iowa, and one year at different points in the southwest. Mr. Neff was married July 3, 1885, to Miss Sarah Emeline Johnson, a daughter of William Johnson, a prominent citizen of the township. Two children have been born of this marriage -- Mamie and Walter. Mr. Neff affiliates with the Democratic party. He resides on the home farm and is engaged in general farming and stock-raising, making a
specialty of draft horses. He is frank and genial in his disposition, and has many friends in the township.
Source: 1889 Biographical History of Shelby County, Iowa, pp. 466 & 469. Transcribed by Marthann Kohl-Fuhs.
( portrait)
W. C. CAMPBELL, the editor and proprietor of the Harlan Tribune, was born September 28, 1855, in Brunswick, Australia; this town now forms a part of the city of Melbourne. On April 17, 1859, his parents sailed from the port of Melbourne on the ship Indian Queen, of the English Black Ball Line, in command of Captain Brewer, bound for Liverpool, England. It was the Captain's first ocean voyage, and being ignorant of the course, he made a run of twenty-four hours too far south while rounding Cape Horn. At two o'clock A. M., June 21, the vessel struck an iceberg, which carried away
all the masts and rigging, whereupon the captain, most of the crew, and all the officers excepting the third mate, took to the boats, supposing the vessel to be in a sinking condition. All the boats were swamped and their crews drowned within half an hour after leaving the ship. The carpenter reported after a thorough examination of the vessel, that her hull was uninjured. When daylight came it was found that the ship had drifted away from the iceberg; temporary masts were erected, and in this condition, under the direction of a young man who had studied navigation, and by the aid of all on board, the vessel was steered for Valparaiso, South America, reaching that port in safety six weeks after the wreck. To the young man who directed the course of the vessel the passengers are indebted for their lives, as he was the only person on board who had any knowledge of the science of navigation. The ship's owners had the passengers transferred to Panama and put under the care of the British Consul. A stay of six months was made there, during which time Callao, Lima and other towns along the coast were visited. In January of the following year the family arrived in England, ten months having passed from the beginning of the voyage. In London a stay of one year was made, after which the family removed to Edinburgh, Scotland; they resided in that city and vicinity for the following ten years, during which time the subject of this biography received a common-school education.
In May, 1871, Mr. Campbell emigrated to America with his parents and settled in Fremont County, Iowa. The year 1872 saw him employed as an apprentice in the office of the Sidney Union, Fremont County; this paper was edited by Robert Simons, and Mr. Campbell remained in his service for two years, when he obtained a position in the Shenandoah Reporter. In 1876 he began work in the Atlantic Telegraph office; this journal was edited by Hon. Lafayette Young, and Mr. Campbell assisted in getting out the first number of the Daily Telegraph. In the following January he began work for E. H. Kimball on the Exira Defender, published in Audubon County. In the following June he moved with Mr. Kimball to Guthrie Center, where the Guthrian was established. Later he conducted the Guthrian for six months in company with William Harris, under the firm name of Harris & Campbell.
In July, 1878, Mr. Campbell was married at Guthrie Center, by the Rev. Delano, of the Baptist church, to Miss Emma F. Straight. His marriage has been blessed with three children -- May, Harry and Bob. In January, 1879, he issued the first number of the Audubon Advocate, the first paper printed in the town of Audubon. In the spring of 1880 he located at Harlan, and became connected with the Herald, then conducted by George D. Ross. In January, 1885, he purchased the Tribune of J. D. Walker; this paper is still under his management and control, and continues to be the organ of the Democratic party in the county. In June, 1889, the Tribune, which had been an eight-column folio, was enlarged to nine columns, and its facilities added to by the purchase of
a cylinder press, a feature which has added much to its appreciation in the town and county. In 1882 Mr. Campbell was elected recorder of the town, receiving a majority of 121 votes; he served in that capacity one year. Since his purchase of the property Mr. Campbell's experience as a practical printer and newspaper man has enabled him to put the paper in a thoroughly sound financial condition and largely to add to its circulation and influence, as well as to its mechanical facilities for doing all kinds of work connected with the business. His assiduous attention to editorial duties and zealous efforts in behalf of the party represented by the Tribune has won for him the confidence and esteem of his party associates, and he has been chosen as a delegate to all the local district and State conventions which have been held during his editorial management. His aim has been to make the paper a trustworthy journal, free from scandal or sensational features, and his treatment of political opponents has been characterized by a straightforward opposition to their political views, and free from that style of disreputable personal warfare which is unworthy the real journalist. During his residence in Harlan he has been associated with the various social organizations which have sprung up, and has contributed to the best of his ability to their successful conduct. In his career as a newspaper man Mr. Campbell has been fortunate in making and retaining friends, and has made only those enemies that naturally spring up around the newspaper man ambitious to advance his political friends by zealous attachment to their cause.
As a citizen he has not been found wanting in the influence of his pen, and the contribution of his means to advance the, interests of the town and county.
Source: 1889 Biographical History of Shelby County, Iowa, pp. 468-470. Transcribed by Marthann Kohl-Fuhs.
JOHN SCHILTZ, a citizen of Lincoln Township, Shelby County, was born in Luxemburg,Germany, November 3, 1827. He is a son of Frederick and Anna Mary (Wier) Schiltz. He attended school until he was fourteen years of age and then assisted his father on his farm and in the lime kiln. In 1852 he embarked on a sailing vessel at Havre, France, and arrived at Castle Garden, New York, after a voyage of forty-three days. He went to Rochester, New York, and worked by the day for eighteen months; after a short residence in different places in New York he removed to Freeport, New York, where he
worked in the blacksmith and machine shops of the railroad company. He saved his money and bought a small house and lot which he sold and then bought forty acres of land in Stephenson County, Illinois. He then sold that and bought 160 acres in Carroll County, Illinois, where he lived until he came to Shelby County, Iowa. His farm contains 220 acres, and he has a good house, a barn, cribs, a grove and an orchard. The place is under good cultivation, and is one of the best in the township. Mr. SchiItz is engaged in general farming. He was married at Freeport, New York, in 1856, to Miss Mary Mert a native of Bavaria, Germany, and a daughter of Joseph and Mary (Sheilberger) Mert; she came from Germany in 1853. Mr. and Mrs.
SchiItz are the parents of seven children -- Michael, Terza, Anna Hare, John, Mary, Henry and Lena. The children have a good German and English education, and are well informed on general topics. Politically Mr. SchiItz is a Democrat. The family are members of the Roman Catholic church. They are among the first families of the township.
Source: 1889 Biographical History of Shelby County, Iowa, pp. 470-471. Transcribed by Marthann Kohl-Fuhs.
SARAH ROUNDY is the daughter of William and Polly (Hedrick) Van Ausdall, natives of Virginia. Mr. Van Ausdall was born February 23, 1788, and died January 1, 1869, in Shelby County, Iowa. His wife was born in November, 1792, and died in November, 1846. They were married in Virginia, and in 1839 they came to Iowa and located in Lee County, where Mrs. Van Ausdall died. They were the parents of twelve children, of whom seven survive -- Jane, wife of William Gaugh; Elizabeth (deceased); Mary, wife of Thomas Woodcock; Anna, wife of John Cachran; Malinda (deceased); Margaret Sims (deceased); Cornelius (deceased); Leanah, wife of Chauncey Williamson; Martha, wife of George Oman; Sarah Roundy, the subject of this notice; Susannah (deceased), and William H., residing in San Antonio, California. Mr. Van AusdalI was reared a farmer and followed this occupation uccessfully through life. He came to Shelby County in 1850, bringing his family with him, settling at Galland's Grove; there he spent the latter part of his life. He
figured very prominently in the early political history of the county; he was the first judge of the county, and held some of the township offices. Be was an elder in the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints (reorganized), and took an active interest in the upbuilding of that society. He united with the church in 1832, and clung fast to the faith until his death. He was a man who did whatever he could to promote the welfare of the community. The
last seventeen years of his life he spent with his daughter, Mrs. Sarah Roundy. Mrs. Roundy was born in Lawrence County, Ohio, February 22, 1831, and came to Iowa with her parents when she was eight years old. She was married March 22, 1853, to Asahel Roundy, a native of Onondaga County, New York, who was born September 10, 1828. He came to Shelby County in 1850, and there lived the remainder of his days; he died June 6, 1879. His first venture in real estate was a claim of 160 acres in section 20, Grove Township; there he and his wife commenced life together. They struggled through the early history of the county, fearlessly facing the hardships met with by all pioneers. They improved their land and increased their
possessions until at the time of Mr. Roundy's death they owned 300 acres, all of which is highly improved. They have done their share in promoting the interests and welfare of the county. Through their many deeds of kindness and hospitality they have become endeared to a large circle of friends. Mr.
Roundy was noted for his honorable and square dealing. He had few equals as a neighbor, and as a husband and father he was kind, faithful and true. He held positions of honor and trust among the people, and his death was mourned by a large circle of friends. His place is one that can not easily be filled. Mr. and Mrs. Roundy were the parents of ten children -- Mary, wife of James Laing; Anna (deceased); Martha, wife of J.M. Franklin; Artimicia, at home; Frances, wife of J. C. Hardman; Sophia, at home; William U., residing in Grove Township; Forest Rose and Lillie A., at home; Alma (deceased).
The family are members of the reorganized Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints. Sophia and Marthy have been successfully engaged in the profession of teaching.
Source: 1889 Biographical History of Shelby County, Iowa, pp. . Transcribed by Marthann Kohl-Fuhs.
THOMAS COOK, deceased, late of Cass Township, Shelby County, Iowa, was a well-known and highly respected citizen. Be was born in Huntingdon County, Pennsylvania, May 20, 1830, and is a son of Jesse and Ann (White) Cook. Jesse Cook was born February 15, 1800, and Ann Cook was born October 15, 1800. Anthony Cook came from England with William Penn; his son, John Cook, was the father of Jesse Cook, who was the father of Thomas Cook, the subject of this sketch. The Cooks were the first to discover coal in that part of Pennsylvania, and all were prominent in the coal mining of that region. The mines were known as the Cook vein of coal, which was discovered by John Cook when he was digging for a rabbit. Thomas Cook was married in Pennsylvania in November, 1851, to Miss Mary Alloway, who was born in Bedford County, Pennsylvania, November 3, 1829. She was the daughter of Jonathan and Elizabeth (Anderson) Alloway. They reared two children -- Maggie Horton, of Portsmouth, and John A. Cook. Thomas Cook improved eighty acres of land, upon which he lived until death. In politics he was inclined to the principles of the Republican party. He was a member of the I. O. O. F., Lodge No. 579, of Broad Top, Pennsylvania, and joined the lodge at Shelby, in 1876. He was a chief patriarch of the order; he represented his lodge at Wilkes Barre, Pennsylvania, at the session of the State grand lodge; he also visited the sovereign grand lodge at the Centennial in Philadelphia in 1876. He represented the Shelby Lodge at Des Moines and Cedar Rapids, Iowa. Thomas Cook departed this life November 21, 1887; his wife died May 15, 1886; she was a member of the Church of God. John A. Cook, an active citizen of Cass Township, was born
at Broad Top, Pennsylvania, July 24, 1857. He was reared in his birthplace, and received a good education at the Fulton Institute. He assisted his father in the coal business for some time, and came west when the family came to Shelby County. He spent one season in Wyoming Territory, near Fort Laramie, at which time he was in the employ of G. H. and J. S. Collins. At one time he was in the employ of W. F. Cleveland, in Shelby. He was married February 14, 1882, at Wells' Tannery, Pennsylvania, to Miss Nettie Horton, a daughter of David and Susan (Wishart) Horton; she was born in Pennsylvania, May 1, 1861, and spent a part of her girlhood in the place of her birth. On coming to Iowa her parents settled in Lucas County, remaining four years and then returned to Pennsylvania. Mr. and Mrs. Cook are the parents of three children living -- Jesse W., Ora M. and Harry Ernest. Clare Chester died at the age of six months. Mr. Cook has unusual ability as a musician; he is a member of the Rink's Cornet Band, and at the age of thirteen years was the leader of the Broad Top City Band. In politics he is a Republican. He is a man well informed upon general topics, of a genial disposition, and worthy of the regard in which he is held.
Source: 1889 Biographical History of Shelby County, Iowa, pp. 474 & 477. Transcribed by Marthann Kohl-Fuhs.
( portrait)
A. H. TINGLE, Recorder of Shelby County, was born in Muskingum County, Ohio, October 20, 1862. He is son of W. J. Tingle, of whom special mention is made elsewhere in this volume. He was ten years old when his parents came to Iowa and settled in Grove Township, Shelby County. Here he was reared on a farm and received his early education at the district school. He afterward attended Bailey's Business College at Keokuk, Iowa, graduating in
the fall of 1882. He resided with his parents until he was twenty-three years old, when he accepted the position of deputy recorder under B. B. Mastick, where he remained over three years. In the fall of 1886 he was elected to the office of recorder, and was re-elected in 1888, and is the present incumbent. Mr. Tingle was married September 16, 1884, to Miss Carrie B. Barney, a native of Wisconsin, and a daughter of George M. and Julia (Washburn) Barney, of Waukesha. By this union two children were born -- Holly B. died at one year of age; Wyatt B. still survives. Mr. Tingle is a member of the A. F. & A M., Parian Lodge, No. 321; Olivet Chapter, No. 107. He lends his support to the Republican party.
W. J. Tingle, farmer and stock-raiser, has been identified with the interests of Shelby County since 1869. He is a native of Ohio, born in Guernsey County, May 17, 1824. He is a son of John and Sarah (Dennison) Tingle, who were natives of Virginia, and of German and Irish ancestry. They were among the pioneers of Ohio, entering government land, and settling in a dense wilderness, where our subject was reared. His education was obtained in subscription schools in primitive log school-houses, with slab benches and stick and mud chimneys. His father died when he was two years old, and his mother was left a widow, with three sons and two daughters. W. J. was the youngest child. When he was about seventeen years old he was apprenticed to a cabinet-maker; he served about two years, and at the end of that time he returned to the farm and managed that for two years or more.
In 1846 he was married to Miss Rachel E. Koaran, a native of Guernsey County, after which he resided on the old homestead. By his marriage two children were born; one still survives -- Hannah M., wife of Michael Eshman, of Omaha; Sarah J. (deceased) was the wife of George H. Doughty. Mrs. Tingle died in February, 1852, and in April of the same year Mr. Tingle went to California, crossing the country with ox-teams and taking four months for the journey. He went to Jacksonville and engaged in mining for a time, and then worked at carpentry. The following December he went to Sacramento City. He arrived there without money, and found the city under water. He worked at anything he could find to do. In March he left there and went to Nevada and engaged in mining, carpentry and saw-milling for over a year. Be returned to the east by way of the Isthmus, and remained in Ohio until the fall of 1856. He was married to Miss Mary C. Wheelan, a native of Ohio. After his marriage he settled on his farm, and in connection with his agricultural pursuits he engaged in the manufacture of salt. Here he lived for eight years. In 1869 he sold out and came to Shelby County, and purchased 320 acres of unimproved land -- a part in Galland's Grove and a part in prairie. He improved this place and resided upon it for some years; he then traded it for a mill in Panama, which he managed for two years and then sold out. In the fall of 1888 he moved one mile and a half from Dunlap. They are the parents of seven children, six of whom still survive -- William E. of Grove Township; George W., studying for the ministry of the Methodist Episcopal church; A. H., recorder; Charles E., Alfretta and Joseph S. One died in infancy. Mr. and Mrs. Tingle are members of the Methodist Episcopal church. He is a member of the A. F. & A. M., Parian Lodge, No. 321. Politically he was formerly an old-line Whig, but since the organization of the Republican party he has cast his vote in its support. In 1862 he went to Washington Territory by water, leaving home in March and returning the following October.
Source: 1889 Biographical History of Shelby County, Iowa, pp. 476-478. Transcribed by Marthann Kohl-Fuhs.
RICHARD LEYTHAM is one of the oldest pioneers of Cass Township, having come there in 1865. He was born in Lancashire, England,. March 3, 1823, and is the son of John and Eleanor (Singleton) Leytham. He was reared to the occupation of a farmer. November 12, 1848, he was married to Elizabeth Taylor, a native of England, and a daughter of James and Eunice (Oibin) Taylor. In 1855 Mr. and Mrs. Leytham sailed from Liverpool to America; they landed at Boston and proceeded to Canada, but remained there only a short time comparatively. In the spring of 1856 they removed to Omaha, Nebraska. Omaha then had a few shanties, one hotel, the Douglas House, a small boarding-house called Little Ireland, and lots of whisky. A three days' residence in Omaha satisfied Mr. Leytham and his wife, so they went to Florence, Nebraska, six miles north of Omaha, where they were among the first settlers. They built them a home, and remained there nine years. In 1865 they came to Shelby County, and Mr. Leytham bought sixty acres of land, ten of which were broken; there was a log-cabin on the place, and there was no other between Cass Township and Harlan. Mr. Leytham now owns 220 acres of well-improved land, stocked with a large number of cattle and horses. Mr. and Mrs. Leytham are the parents of fifteen children, nine of whom are living -- John, Thomas, Eleanor, Robert, Richard, Ann Jane, Sarah, Eunice and William; those deceased are -- Eunice, the first child so called, Elizabeth, James, Maggie, Samuel and Charles. The parents are members and zealous supporters of the Latter-Day Saints church, Mr. Leytham being a teacher in the church. He and his wife were brought up in the Church of England, but changed their views after coming to America, and united with the church of the Latter-Day Saints. In politics Mr. Leytham is inclined to the principles of the Democratic party. He is a good conversationalist, genial in his disposition, and an honored and respected citizen of Cass Township.
Source: 1889 Biographical History of Shelby County, Iowa, pp. 478. Transcribed by Marthann Kohl-Fuhs
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