The spring of 1930 was not, perhaps, the best-auspiced time to
be a shiny new graduate, off to seek employment, diploma carefully in
hand, as the ink was still drying. Even so, a college degree
meant a good deal more at that time than now, when every other Dick and
Jane has a degree of some sort, in some field. What today is
merely a pre-requisite for a job not limited to manual labor or retail
sales, was in 1930 a trustworthy indicator of a superior general
education with a solid specialized basis in some academic field.
If you have the leisure, I invite you to consider not only the
graduate's level of achievement, but its context. In 1930, the
Great Depression firmly established and deepening daily, a small
private liberal-arts college in the middle of east central Iowa
graduated a class of 137, approximately half of which were
female. Processing this information for presentation forced me to
re-consider, and modify, a number of my conceptions of that time.
One expects students from the locality, and there are a number
of Poweshiek county surnames in the list of graduates. The
presence of surnames like Carino, Cohen, dePersia and Saul hints at a
wider demographic, and a greater egalitarianism, than I - at least -
had expected. As a genealogist and a jack-leg historian, my
curiosity is piqued. I'd like to know where these then-young
people came from, where they went, and what they did. If you
connect with one of these graduates, I'd very much appreciate hearing
from you.
Without further ado, then, it's my pleasure to present to you
the Grinnell College graduating Class of 1930:
- Adams, Eva Alberta
- Allen, Edward Douglas
- Atkinson, Margaret Ione
- Barnes, Andrew Thornell
- Bates, Mary Frances
- Beck, Malcolm Gerald
- Berg, Signa Turner
- Bowlin, Donald Ayers
- Box, Donald
- Bray, Henry Marshall
- Brazelton, Lola Irene
- Briggs, Charles Walter
- Brinkman, Geraldine Mae
- Brown, Edward Trebus
- Bryan, Charlotte DeEtte
- Burns, LaVera Ruth
- Busby, Cora May
- Carino, Fermin Lauchangco
- Carley, Thomas P.
- Carlson, Helen M.
- Carpenter, Mary Doris
- Clapp, Jane Alice
- Cohen, Aileen Bernice
- Conard, Rebecca
- Corrough, James Vincent
- Cox, Arthur Francis
- Davis, James L.
- Davis, Mary Elizabeth
- DeLong, Robert Gibson
- dePersia, Arthur
- Dewey, Carroll Martin
- Disbrow, Mary Ethel
- Douglass, Donald Wickware
- Dunham, Harold Grinnell
- Eckholm, Wendell
- Edenburn, M. Evelyn
- Edge, Virginia Evans
- Fansher, Vivian Nadeen
- Foval, James E.
- Fuhrer, Aceneth
- Gallagher, Wilma M.
- Gillespie, Katherine Amelia
- Goodman, Donald B.
- Goodrich, Gladys
- Greene, Davis Child
- Hafkey, Vera Irene
- Hall, Luella Blanche
- Hayes, Charlotte
- Hayes, Douglas
- Heil, Suzanne
- Heldridge, Meredith James
- Hemphill, Martha Gale
- Hettinger, Edith Lucile
- Holman, David Odgers
- Hotchkin, Ralph H.
- Howard, Mabel Louise
- Hubbard, Flohill
- Hulsebus, Blanche Marie
- Hurder, Marguerite Irene
- Jay, Edith Margaret
- Johnson, Al Arthur
- Jones, Donald Prentiss
- Jones, Joyce Wilda
- Kent, John Crossett
- Klinefelter, Paul Henry
- Knapp, Merton Howard
- Knight, Anna Mildred
- Lark, Mary Webb
- Laustrup, Charles Platner
- Liedtke, Edwin Carl
- Lucke, Theodore Koller
- Lynde, Elizabeth
- Lyon, Georgia Madelon
- MacArthur, Gretchen
- McCormick, Martha Jane
- McCornack, Doris Isabel
- McFarlin, Marjorie Cathryn
- McIntire, Ernest Eugene
- McIntire, Ernestine
- McNally, MiriamE.
- Madgett, Pauline Helen
- Mark, Robert Frank
- Markee, Marjorie Elizabeth
- Mathews, Billie Norma
- Matlack, Margaret Westgate
- Milne, Elizabeth Adeline
- Morris, Harold White
- Mutersbaugh, Loretta Ann
- Napier, Margaret Elizabeth
- Nelson, Bertha M.
- Nelson, Dorothy Mabel
- Noon, Eleanor Marie
- Nowlen, Annie Martha
- Parish, Charles Edwin
- Pelletier, Dyre John
- Perry, John Edward
- Peterson, Russell
- Phillips, Richard Malcolm
- Pilling, Ida Patricia
- Porath, Dorothy Phoebe
- Rathmann, Lucile Elizabeth
- Read, Alden Arthur
- Riniker, Virginia Campbell
- Rose, Harold Fay
- Rosecrans, Earleen A.
- Rosine, Carl H.
- Rutherford, Donald George
- Sampson, Kathryn Elizabeth
- Sankey, Ruth Elizabeth
- Saul, Helen Anita
- Schroer, Harold Arthur
- Sharnborg, Orville Edward
- Shaw, Leslie M.
- Shelmidine, Lyle Stanton
- Shields, John Anderson
- Smith, Florence Dawson
- Smith, Russell Jackson
- Snoddy, John Alfred
- Snyder, Oswald Hammatt
- Spurlock, Burwell
- Steenbergen, Adelaide Elizabeth
- Stephens, Camilla Ellen
- Stoaks, Mary Elizabeth
- Swearengen, Carroll
- Teget, Fern Elizabeth
- Thiedeman, Lydia Margaret
- Thompson, Margaret Kathryn
- Troyer, William Lewis
- Turner, Catherine Vernon
- Urban, Arline Lenore
- Utley, Mildred Eugenia
- Welton, Claude Riley
- Wilder, Marjorie
- Wilhelm, Harold Philip
- Willard, Ruth Eleanor
- Williamson, Ruth Ella
- Wollenweber, Decla Mary
The above content derives from a Commencement Program booklet
provided by Mrs. Martha Paul, of Portage, MI. While finalizing
the estate of her in-laws, Mary Opal (Koger) and Lloyd C. Paul, she
recognized the significance of historic materials, and went to
considerable trouble to find repositories appropriate to their nature.
The booklet is physically archived at the Poweshiek County
Historical and Genealogical Society Library.
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