
Transcribed by Cheryl Sheets, February 4, 2018

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OCTOBER 4-11, 1942


Sunday, October 4th.  
9:30 A. M. Sunday Church School with Special Worship Service.
10:35 A. M. Morning Worship. Communion Service. Reception of Members. Ministration of Baptism. Rededication Service. Sermon by the pastor, Dr. Henry C. Schneider—Pastor since 1939. The subject, “At My Father’s Table.”
6:00 P. M. Supper for the Young People of the Church. Speaker—Dr. C. Vin White, Dean of the Theological Seminary of the University of Dubuque, Dubuque, Iowa. Subject: “The Trifling and The Titanic.”
7:45 P. M. Evening Worship.Speaker—Dr. C. Vin White. Sermon subject: “The Church Ready for Creative Work.”
  Speaker—Dr. C. Vin White. Sermon subject: “The Church Ready for Creative Work.”
Tuesday, October 6th.  
2:30 P. M. Missionary Program and Tea.
  Rev. and Mrs. Paul B. Shedd of Jackson, Minnesota, will speak. The Shedds were our Missionaries to Persia at one time.
7:45 P. M. Historical Evening.
  The History of the Organization of the Church will be given.
Wednesday, October 7th.  
7:45 P. M. Recognization Evening.
  Recognizing Officers and Members who have been with us twenty-five years and more. Reading from letters of former members.
Thursday, October 8th.  
6:15 P. M. 100th Birthday Dinner.
  Toastmaster—Mr. Fred Beach.
  Our History by Mr. Gus Allbee.
  Address, “The Church That Stands Undaunted”. Dr. W. O. Harless, our Synod Executive.

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Sunday, October 11th.  
9:30 A. M. Sunday Church School with Special Worship Service.
10:45 A. M. Morning Worship.
  Speaker—Dr. David I. Berger, of the Bible Department of Coe College, Cedar Rapids, Iowa. Pastor of this church 1934-1939. The subject: “The Supreme Task of The Church.”
6:30 P. M. Tuxis Meeting.
7:45 P. M. Evening Worship.
  Speaker—Dr. David I. Berger. Sermon subject: “The Outlook for Christianity.”

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Page created February 4, 2018 by Lynn McCleary