![]() | History of Muscatine County Iowa 1911 | ![]() |
Source: History of Muscatine County Iowa, Volume I, 1911, pages 221-229
WAPSINONOC TOWNSHIP. Asa Gregg was a pioneer of 1837. He was a native of Belmont county, Ohio, born in 1806. He remained on his father's farm until the age of twenty, when he went to Fredericktown and engaged in the manufacture of carriages and wagons with a brother. In 1837 he located in Wapsinonoc township, where he bought a claim of two hundred and forty acres on section 10, which he entered and partially improved. Two years afterward he sold out and moved to a farm of one hundred and sixty acres on section 2. This he improved and made his home until 1866, when he took up his residence in West Liberty. Mr. Gregg in 1830 married Miss Catherine Drake and the union was blessed with ten children: Edwin R., Elbridge L., Louisa, Adelia, William, Charlotte, Aurelia and Charles. Two died in infancy. This pioneer became a prominent citizen and always took an active interest in politics. For twenty years he was justice of the peace and served as postmaster of the town of West Liberty for fifteen years. He was an easy and fluent writer, one well informed of the early history of West Liberty and Wapsinonoc township and in the year 1878 wrote and published a history of the town and township, a part of which follows:
"This was called the Wapsinonoc settlement, that being the Indian name of the stream, or, as they pronounce it, 'Wap-pe-se-no-e-noc,' which, in their language or tongue signifies 'smooth surfaced' meandering stream or creek. The first settlement was made in the fall of 1836, and during the winter following several families came in, among them some men by the name of Huntman, who in the spring went to Missouri, and united their fortunes with the great Mormon prophet, Joe Smith, who was at that time making a settlement there and shortly afterward was driven out of the state.
"In the spring of 1837 there was quite an immigration into Iowa, or, as it was then called, the Black Hawk Purchase, and of course some new arrivals here to fill the place left vacant by the departure of the Huntmans, among whom were the following. William Bagley, William Corns, William A. Clark and the writer, all of whom arrived before the middle of May in that year. Later in the season Galentine Gatton and Samuel Hendrickson made a settlement where they now reside. The two brothers, Henyen and Cornelius Lancaster, also made a commencement that season. At this early date of our settlement we had neither roads nor bridges, and any one may very easily conjecture what some of the difficulties were that these early pioneers had to encounter, when they are informed that all the provisions, except such as could be procured by rifle, had to be brought by wagons from Illinois.
"The first election was held in a cabin in the timber, nearly west of this village, then occupied by William A. Clark, at which, it is believed, all legal voters exercised the elective franchise for the first time in Iowa. There being no party issue to divide and distract the public, there was wonderful unanimity in the voting, and the close of the polls showed that all had cast their votes for the same candidates, none of whom were personally known to the voter, and on counting out the votes it was found that we had just eight voters west of the Cedar river.
"The first sermon was preached by Elder Martin Baker, a well and favorably known minister of the Christian order or denomination, who lived and died below Rochester. Mr. Baker was a good and true man and very much respected by the early settlers; rough and uncouth as a bear in his manners it is true, yet tender-hearted as a child; and many a kind act of his has gladdened the lonely hut of the poor and needy settler when sickness was upon him and starvation was staring him in the face and his greatest hour of need had come.
"Francis Foot made a settlement on the east side of the creek in the summer of 1837, in a cabin built by a man by the name of Hueler, whose wife had died early that spring and he, Hueler, became dissatisfied and left the country, Mr. Foot taking his place and remaining here until his death, which occurred in the fall of 1838.
"At the time last mentioned the land was not surveyed into sections, but during that season the government surveyors came along and sectionized it, and their trails on the sections lines on the prairie were plainly visible until after the land sale in the fall of 1838.
"The fall of the year last mentioned was the darkest time our infant settlement ever experienced and will long be remembered by those who were here at that time. The most of us had been here long enough to reduce our finances to a mere shadow and had raised barely enough grain to keep our families from starvation. The season had been very sickly indeed. There were not well persons enough to take proper care of the sick. Death had visited our little sett1ement in more than one form, and to crown our misfortunes the general government ordered the whole of the Black Hawk Purchase into market. Here was a dilemma. Many who had expended every dollar they had in the world in improving their claims, found themselves in danger of losing all for want of means to enter their lands. Fortunately, through the instrumentality of John Gilbert, an Indian trader, those who held claims in the immediate vicinity, obtained funds of Alexis Phelps, who at that time lived at Oquawka, Illinois, to enter what land they wanted. The manner of the loan was this: He, Phelps, was allowed to enter the land in his own name; he then gave the other party a bond for a deed, conditioned that they should pay him the amount which he paid for the land within one year, with twenty-five per cent interest from the date of the bond; and what is more remarkable is that all who borrowed of Phelps at that time had the good fortune to fulfill their contracts with him and obtain their lands, or a large advance on their investment in improving it.
"The Indians, though quite numerous, were not generally very troublesome, but would occasionally, when under the influence of liquor, attempt to steal a horse, or annoy us in some other way, such as throwing down our fences, or taking our corn to feed their ponies, etc. Large numbers of them were in the habit of coming here for the purpose of making sugar from the hard maple, which was, and is yet, quite abundant in the groves hereabouts and still bears the evidence of their destructive mode of obtaining the sap.
"The next spring after the land sale they came, as was their custom, prepared for making sugar, but the whites had recently become proprietors of the soil and did not feel like quietly submitting to their depredations upon the timber, and after full deliberation they determined that they would not suffer the Indians to make sugar here. The settlers therefore collected together with their arms and proceeded at once to the Indians' camps, where they found them very busy preparing to make sugar. The Indians were at once informed that the land belonged to the white men--that their title had passed from them by treaty to the general government, and by purchase to us. They for a long time pretended not to understand us, and affected ignorance of the object of our visit. This caused a long parley and considerable delay. The day was coming to a close and we found that they expected a large accession to their numbers that evening. We therefore found it necessary to make some demonstration that would not only compel them to understand us, but convince them that we were in earnest. They had built fires in their old camps, which were covered with old dry bark, entirely useless as a protection from rain, it having curled up into rolls something like a window blind rolled up. The pieces of bark were directly over the fire where the supper was cooking. We went to one of these camps and directed the Indians to take everything that belonged to them out of the camp, telling them in their own language, as well as we were able, that we were going to burn their camp, at the same time taking a roll of bark from the top and throwing it in the fire. This seemed to convince them of our deter- mination to force them to leave, and they at once, with our assistance, removed all their property out of danger. We were very careful not to molest or injure any property belonging to the Indians, but burned every vestige of the old camps, after which we caused them to pitch their tents in a part of the grove where there were no hard maple trees and late in the evening their friend came in but made no attempt to make sugar afterward.
"There was an old squaw with those whom we removed from the sugar camp, who, during our parley before burning the old camps, became very much excited, and was the only one among them who seemed to understand us, although we knew very well that all the men understood us from the first. This old woman, however, undertook to convince us that they had a right to makc sugar here under treaty, and went to her tent and came out with a roll of dressed buckskin and commenced unrolling it, and to our surprise, in the center was a neatly written copy of Wayne's treaty, or, as it is usually called, the treaty of Greenville. This, no doubt, had been kept in her family from the time of the treaty in 1795. This manuscript was white and pure and looked as if it had not been written a week. No doubt her father, or perhaps her husband, had been a warrior who had participated in the bloody conflicts of the days of 'Mad Anthony,' and who had been compelled to acknowledge the superiority of the whites over the dusky warriors of his doomed race.
"The Indians had, with great labor, dug out some troughs to hold the sugar water and had them on the ground ready for use, but the old woman before mentioned, hearing some of us speak of them as being very good for the purpose for which they were intended, was determined they should not profit us, took an ax and with a very clear Indian war whoop, split them to pieces and in a very taunting way requested us to burn them also.
"In 1838 the following additions were made to the settlement: George Van Horne, William Leffingwell, J. P. Van Hagen, and Robert Stuart. The first mentioned moved to Wapello, Iowa; Mr. Leffingwell, after a residence in Wapsinonoc of five years, became a citizen of Muscatine and died there October 23, 1876; Mr. Stuart, after living here a number of years and holding some important offices in the county, removed to Cedar Falls, where he lived until his death, when his widow returned here. The arrivals of 1839 were more numerous than any previous year, viz.: Valentine Bozarth, S. A. Bagley, Enos Barnes, James Van Horne, Jacob Springer, John G. Lane, A. B. Phillips anc John Bennet. The year 1840 the writer does not remember but two who made a permanent settlement in this vicinity. There may have been others, perhaps were, but we can only bring to mind Egbert T. Smith and E. T. S. Schenk, who were both well and favorably known. Mr. Schenk later removed near Downey.
"Dudley B. Dustin was among those who lived here at this time and wil be remembered for his kindness of heart, as well as his many eccentricities and jokes. He could mimic any one to perfection, and many a time at our public gatherings would set the crowd in a perfect roar of laughter at the expense of some unlucky neighbor.
"Wapsinonoc township consisted of all Muscatine county that lies west of the Cedar river. At that time and for many years thereafter, and at our elections, all would assemble at one place and cast their votes; and it would be interesting to give the number of votes each year and note the increase of population, had we the means to do so.
"As before stated our township consisted of all this county west of Cedar river, when the road now known as the Chicago, Rock Island & Pacific railroad first began to be talked about and the company began to urge upon the people the necessity of taking stock, but the settlers were generally poor and to raise any considerable amount by individual subscription, was soon found to be out of the question. Interested parties soon began to urge upon the authorities of the county the propriety of the county's taking stock and after some hesitation the county judge issued an order for a vote on the question of a tax for railroad purposes. At this election the contest was warm and sharp--those who were in favor of the measure being extremely energetic, while those who opposed it did so with great warmth and energy; and this township was so united on the question that there was but one vote in favor of the measure which has now become so odious and has been so burdensome. Our township therefore became quite noted for its independence, and soon after gained the appellation of the State of Wapsinonoc, which high distinction was brought about as follows:
"The next day after the election above mentioned, the writer went to Muscatine and had hardly descended from his horse until he was surrounded by the friends of the tax, who were jubilant over the success of their measure and during a warm but friendly discussion of the question, our old friend, William St. John, came up and in a taunting way shook his finger at the writer, saying:
"'We have got you now; what will you do next?'
"'Well,' said the writer, 'we will just call out the militia, that's what we'll do,' and from the idea of calling out the militia on the railroad tax question we got the name of the State of Wapsinonoc.
"John D. Wolf and Mary Ann Bagley were the first residents of the township who were married but they obtained their marriage license at Muscatine, where the ceremony was performed. The first birth in the township occurred in the summer of 1837, about a quarter mile distant from the present West Liberty, when Louise, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. William Corns, saw the light of day.
"The first school was taught in an unoccupied log dwelling on section 2 by Valentine Bozarth in 1839. The first regular school house was built on land owned by Asa Gregg, on section 2, in 1843. It was a comfortable frame building."
Other old settlers in this township may be mentioned which undoubtedly escaped the memory of Mr. Gregg. Nathaniel Hallock came from New York in 1837 and entered land. William A. Clark was also a settler in 1837, locating on section 10, where it is said he was the first man to plow land and plant a crop in "Wapsi."
Enos Barnes and wife Charlotte located on section 12, in 1838, and raised a family of ten children. Here the elder Barnes passed the remainder of his days and died at the age of eighty in 1880. William J. Phillips came in 1839 and settled on section 3. He died in 1883 at the age of eighty.
William S. Lane immigrated from Virginia to Iowa in 1839 and settled in this township, purchased two hundred and forty acres of raw land and began farming.
Galentine Gatton settled on section 6 in 1837 and built a cabin, where he resided until his death in 1881.
WEST LIBERTY. The original town of this name was located a little northwest of the present corporatIon. It was laId out by Simeon A. Bagley and surveyed in 1838 by George Bumgardner at that time county surveyor. A postoffice was established with Mr. Bagley as the first postmaster. The first store in the village was conducted by Peter Heath. A few years later a new town was laid out by John M. Spencer and T. J. Robinson, of Rock Island, and J. W. Clark, of Iowa City, and it was surveyed on the 21st of January, 1856, by Peter Houtz. A number of houses, also the postoffice and store building were moved from the old site to the new town plat, and the town was incorporated in 1868.
West Liberty is located in the northwest part of Wapsinonoc township, between the forks of the creek of that name and the junction of the Chicago, Rock Island & Pacific and the Burlington, Cedar Rapids & Northern Railroads. From 1866 to 1869 little was done in the way of improvements in the town, but in anticipation of the Burlington, Cedar Rapids & Northern Railroad building through this section, the citizens subscribed $60,000 in stock and building at once commenced.
West Liberty now has a population of 1,666 and boasts of its attractiveness, its respect for the law and its courts, the intelligence of its people and the fellowship among the citizens. The residents are proud of what they have accomplished and have a right to be. The town has modern stores, thrifty and enterprising business men, and an unsurpassed public-school system, with a high school far and above the average. It is the smallest town having a high school on the north central list of accredited preparatory schools recognized by colleges and universities.
Public spirit has been emphasized more than once in the last score of years, as during this time the necessity of a combined electric light and water works system confronted the people. When the first well was drilled back in the '80s, the expense fund was provided with a bond issue and when in 1897 an electric lighting system was proposed, such a plan of finance was out of the question because the statutes allowed but a certain per cent of the indebtedness and this had been reached. The people wanted an electric lighting plant, for they had voted for it at a special election but the difficulty of financing it was an obstruction that could not be removed. Notwithstanding all this, the people proceeded with the movement to install the system even if it became necessary for them to stand the expense personally. A mass meeting was called and it was agreed that the citizens should give their personal notes to obtain the money to build the plant, which was accomplished by five public-spirited men signing notes for $500 each. In this way the necessary fund was raised and the notes were met with the revenues from the electric plant.
The water works system was built in 1887 but the town soon outgrew the plant and in 1897, when the electric lighting system was proposed, it became evident that the water works would have to be rebuilt and the two systems combined. This was when A. H. McClun, president of the Peoples State Bank, was mayor. There was opposition and it became strong enough to make the proposed electric light plant an issue in the municipal election. The element favoring the electric light plant prevailed, however, and Mr. McClun was his own successor as mayor. At a special election the question was submitted to the people and carried and today the town has a complete system of water works and electric lights, fully adequate to meet all its needs, at a cost of $25,000.
Through the generosity of the "Lord of Skibo," Andrew Carnegie capital, with a fund subscribed by the citizens in 1905, the public library was built at the corner of Fourth and Spencer streets and an extensive collection of books comprising the choicest of the oldest works, were placed on the shelves in the beautiful building in charge of Mrs. Lon Hauer, librarian. The gift of Mr. Carnegie was $7,500, to which was added subscriptions enough to make the total $10,000. The library building, elegant throughout in its appointments, stands on the spot where was built the first house of the community, which was an old frame structure that stood as a guide for the laying out of the town thorough-fares.
In West Liberty stands a beautiful soldiers' monument erected in Oak Ridge cemetery. The movement for the building of the shaft was instituted by the Woman's Relief Corps of Silas Jackson Post. By giving chicken pie suppers and other entertainments and through public subscriptions, $1,400 was raised for the monument, which was erected by appropriate and elaborate dedicatory services.
Since 1897, when I. A. Nichols, who was formerly in partnership with his brother, C. M. Nichols, returned to the Iowa State Bank, remarkable advancement has been made by the institution. It is capitalized at $40,000. The surplus and profits aggregate $45,000, and the deposits $305,000. Two other strong financial concerns add to the prosperity and importance of West Liberty--the Citizens Savings Bank and the Peoples State Bank.
The Iowa Condensed Milk Company is a concern, spending about $60,000, every year in West Liberty and has been a greater benefit to the farmer than is generally realized. More than $100,000 has been placed in the factory and a sure market with the best prices for milk is assured the year round. This concern makes every kind of condensed and evaporated milk, sweet and condensed milk used by candy makers, also unsweetened and condensed milk for ice cream makers and evaporated milk for household and manufacturing purposes.
The three leading Protestant churches are the Methodist Episcopal, Christian and Presbyterian. The Methodist society was organized in 1839 and for a time services were held in a schoolhouse. About 1858 a church was erected and in 1875 this was replaced by a more modern structure.
The Christian society was organized in Phillip's school house, about two and a half miles southwest of the village, in 1866. In 1868 a house of worship was erected in the village. This was replaced by a more modern structure in the winter of 1886-7, the building being dedicated on the 9th of January of the latter year.
The Presbyterian church of West Liberty dates its organization from 1857. Previous to this time, however, services were held and an organization existed which was known as the Old School Presbyterian church, of which Rev. John Hudson was the first pastor. In the original organization there were but four charter members, and in due time a church and parsonage were erected. In June, 1875, a second building was erected, this being occupied until February, 1888, when the building burned. On the day the fire occurred, steps were taken toward the erection of a new church which was completed and dedicated on the 2d of September of the same year.
There is also a Society of Friends in West Liberty. They held services in 1858 but did not organize themselves into a society until 1860 and a little later a church was erected a mile north of the town. About 1870, however, this structure was moved into the town.
The Catholics also have a modern church building, with a membership largely in the country surrounding the town.
Calvary Lodge, No.95, A. F. & A. M., received its charter June 3, 1857. The following were the charter members: W. C. Evans, George W. Dunlap, L. Stockman, Arthur C. Davis, Asa Gregg, I. D. Vore, Perry Reynolds, J. A. Mills, Allen Broomhall, J. R. Palmer, E. Messmore, J. N. Graham. The first officers were: William C. Evans, W. M.; Asa Gregg, S. W.; Allen Broomhall, J. W.; I. D. Vore, Sec.; George W. Dunlap, Treas.
Liberty Chapter, No.79, Royal Arch Masons, was instituted December 1, 1875. The first officers were: E. C. Chesebro, M. E. H. P.; P. R. Evans, E. K.; J. A. Hollister, E. S.; George C. Shipman, Sec.
Liberty Lodge, No. 190, I. 0. 0. F., was instituted under dispensation, March 3, 1870, and October 20 a charter was granted. The charter members were: E. L. Stratton, W. G. H. Ingram, George Bagley, C. W. Burger, F. M. Mitchell, P. R. Evans, W. L. Penny and H. A. Thomas. The first officers were: George Bagley, N. G.; E. L. Stratton, V. G.; W. L. Penny, Sec.; P. R. Evans, Treas. An encampment was organized October 21, 1887, and a degree of Rebekah was organized in 1884.
Silas Jackson Post; No.255, D. A. R., was organized November 6, 1883, by H. Beeson, with twelve charter members. Its first officers were: J. W. McElravy, commander; S. S. Gunse, S. V. C.; W. L. Nichols, J. V. C.; Clark Luse, Q. M.; E. H. King, Surg.; John Wright, Chap.; T. K. Chase, 0. D.; Charles D. Gibson, G.; R. G. Lewis, Adjt.
The other fraternal orders here are Knights of Pythias, Woodmen and Good Templars.
In 1862 the first fair was held at West Liberty and since that time an annual exhibition of the products of the farm and live stock has been held at that place. The first fair was held in Moses Butler's barn, six miles north of the town. Ephraim Robinson got out the first premium list. Since that time the fair has been held in a number of places but the present grounds were purchased in 1881, where one of the leading annual agricultural exhibitions in the state has been held from year to year.
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