Muscatine County Iowa

Source: History of Muscatine County Iowa, Volume I, 1911, page 409


The transportation facilities of Muscatine county are most excellent. Nature already had placed at her hand the far famed Mississippi and then came the stage routes. But wonderful, indeed, was the era that opened the world and its marts to the new and growing city by the advent of the railroad. Today, five lines enter the county, three of them the seat of government, and the future holds flattering possibilities for others. In another chapter graphic and interesting details are given of the early days on the "Father of Waters" and in this chapter descriptions of the pioneer "stage days" and the celebration of the first train of cars over the Rock Island railroad into Muscatine is portrayed in all its unique details, the former by the Judge J. Scott Richman and that of the railroad by a versatile writer of the Journal of 1855.

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