Muscatine County Iowa

Source: History of Muscatine County Iowa, Volume I, 1911, page 209


It appears that at the fall election, held in 1841, the question was submitted to the voters of the county as to whether or not the county should be placed upon township organization. The result of the election will be evident to the reader from the following minute taken from the records:

"January 7, 1842. Whereas, it appears to the board that at the last general election in this territory the majority of votes given at such election in the county upon the question of township organization were in favor of such organization. Therefore, it was ordered by the board that the county be divided into the following named townships, viz.: Montpelier, Sweetland, Bloomington, Cedar, Wapsinonoc, Moscow." And the board ordered that a notice be put up at the place of holding election in each township, containing the name and description of the boundary of such township.

In October, 1853, Pike and Seventy-Six were organized and the remainder of the townships as follows: Wilton, February 24, 1857; Fulton, March 4, 1851; Goshen, March 16, 1857; Orono, March 8, 1858; Lake, July 2, 1859; Fruitland, November 9, 1887.

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