Muscatine County Iowa

Source: History of Muscatine County Iowa, Volume I, 1911, pages 102-104


Since the commissioners' court opened its first session and began transacting the county's business, many changes have taken place both in the volume of governmental affairs and the manner of taking care of them. In 1840 the population of the county was 1,942. At the last census taken in 1910, the number of people residents of the county was 29,505. Then a board of commissioners looked after the county's affairs, now a board of supervisors do the work. At the beginning money was a very scarce article and a farm was worth scarcely anything if it had no improvements. The first assessor's returns was practically nil, but today the actual value of real and personal property in the county is no less than $35,000,000. By a glance at the tabulated reports here given, this will at once become evident to the one familiar with the present system of rating property for taxation.


Township or Town                 Lands        Lots    Personal     Total
Bloomington.....................$245,600  $  14,385  $  69,495  $ 329,480
Cedar........................... 131,850      1,800     33,375    167,025
Fruitland....................... 131,170      1,935     34,940    168,045
Fulton.......................... 357,310                67,420    424,730
Stockton Town...................              9,285     10,450     19,735
Goshen.......................... 274,130                75,540    349,670
Atalissa Town...................             12,475     20,270     32,745
Lake............................ 218,040                59,785    277,825
Montpelier...................... 117,655      2,185     29,125    148,965
Moscow.......................... 215,260      6,345     43,395    265,000
Orono...........................  90,095      9,080     30,225    129,400
Pike............................ 302,740                61,710    364,450
Nichols Town....................   6,775     34,770     33,995     75,540
Seventy-six..................... 267,170      2,400     57,415    326,985
Sweetland....................... 303,320      3,480     58,365    365,165
Wilton.......................... 354,485                51,610    406,095
Wilton Town.....................            107,920    143,495    251,415
Wapsinonoc...................... 415,910      1,445    114,215    531,570
West Liberty Town...............  57,530    165,175    192,850    415,555
Muscatine....................... 260,560  1,359,190    674,930  2,294,680
                               _________ __________ __________ __________
                              $3,749,600 $1,731,870 $1,862,605 $7,344,075


Chicago, Rock Island & Pacific main line and branches..........  $547,130
Burlington, Cedar Rapids & Northern main line and branches.....   256,400
Muscatine North & South........................................    19,300
Chicago, Milwaukee & St. Paul..................................   117,085

Telegraphs and telephones......................................    46,715
Express companies..............................................     4,525


Townships and towns........................................... $7,344,075
Railroads.....................................................    939,915
Telephones and telegraph companies............................     46,715
Express companies.............................................      4,525

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