Muscatine County Iowa

Source: History of Muscatine County Iowa, Volume I, 1911, page 341


In 1902 the beautiful church edifice was erected at the new town of Ardon in Fruitland township, on the line of the Chicago, Milwaukee & St. Paul Railroad. The church is named St. Malachy's and was erected to take the place of its predecessor, about one mile west of the present location. The money contributed for its erection came from residents of the community, irrespective of religious belief and is a beautiful testimonial to the liberality of the people of that section. The building committee consisted of James O'Toole, Patrick O'Toole, John O'Brien, Thomas Cashman and James Furlong. The structure cost about $5,000 and is free from debt. It is a frame building and has a lofty steeple, and being located upon high ground, can be seen for many miles. The interior of the church is furnished in a neat and artistic manner and very pleasing to the eye. There are five memorial windows, donated by Mrs. ]ohn Byrne, Mrs. Maggie Fanning, Father Nolan, Mrs. Finland and Mrs. James Gorey. This church was dedicated November 9, 1902, by Father Nolan, assisted by Revs. Gillespie, of Mechanicsville, and Ryan, of Davenport. This parish is in a very prosperous condition at the present time.

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