Muscatine County Iowa

Source: History of Muscatine County Iowa, Volume I, 1911, pages 289-290


From the smallness of the ranks in the Muscatine police department it is easy to gather that the city is not one of turbulence, but on the contrary, its citizens measure up to and beyond most of its neighbors in their observance of the laws. The rowdy and dissolute element does not thrive in the city and the saloon has no where in the whole county to find an abiding place. This makes for peace and order and, Muscatine prides herself on the excellent deportment of her citizens and the consequent necessity for a police department, diminutive in number but entirely adequate for the purpose. A force of nine men is deemed sufficient to police the city. This consists of a day contingent of four men, including the chief. Five men patrol the place during the night. The police headquarters are on the first floor of the city hall. As the municipality has no jail, prisoners are turned over to the county jail, where they are kept safely at the expense of the city.

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