Muscatine County Iowa

Source: History of Muscatine County Iowa, Volume I, 1911, pages 402-403


In 1870 the private bank of Silverman, Cook & Company was established, and continued to conduct its business under that name until 1876, when the title of the firm was changed to Cook, Musser & Company, its members being Henry Funck, P. M. Musser and S. B. Cook. In 1896 the concern was incorporated as the Cook, Musser & Company State Bank & Trust Company, with P. M. Musser, president; Ed. C. Cook, vice president; S. B. Cook, cashier.

In 1880, with a capital stock of $10,000 the Muscatine Savings Bank, an auxiliary institution of the above, was chartered and from time to time as its business prospered, the capital was increased to $80,000, which is the present amount.

January 1, 1910, the Muscatine State Bank was organized, into which its forerunners were merged. Its capital stock, actually paid up in cash, is $250,000; undivided profits, $28,000; deposits, $1,295,415. Officers: P. M. Musser, president; W. E. Bliven, vice president; S. B. Cook, cashier; Ray S. Hoover and B. S. Alnutt, assistant cashiers. Directors: C. R. Musser, G. A. Funck, C. E. Sinnett, J. J. Legler, E. L. McColm, P. M. Musser, W. E. Bliven, S. B. Cook.

This important banking house is also installed in a magnificent new home, on the southwest corner of Iowa avenue and Second street, and from an architectural standpoint is the most classical and imposing bank building in Muscatine. Its cost was not less than $100,000 and every precautionary measure regardless of cost, has been adopted to secure the safety of its treasures and the convenience of its patrons.

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