Muscatine County Iowa

Source: History of Muscatine County Iowa, Volume I, 1911, page 390


When Jacob and John Mahin purchased the Journal in July, 1852, the younger man was made editor and printer. It was the beginning of an editorial career which spanned half a century. Mr. Mahin's first paper was made up so as to give something to the farmer, something for the story reader and considerably more for the politician. There was also in this paper a report of a political speech made by Henry O'Connor, who had just previously appeared before the public.


The paper also contained the editorial and some news matter. The salutatory of the youthful editor showed that he was not wholly satisfied with himself but rather was aware of imperfections and crudities in his first effort. It is worth noting, however, that he then laid down three planks of political economy to which he steadfastly adhered throughout his editorial career--first, a protective tariff; second, internal improvements; third, a sound and stable currency.

The whig national, state and county tickets in the field at that time were printed in this paper. All the candidates were beaten at the ensuing election, except Elijah Sells, who received a majority of three votes for representative, his opponent being H. D. LaCossitt, of Muscatine. Mr. Sells was a resident of Fairport.

The third page of this issue was mainly filled with advertisements, while the fourth and last page contained poetry and miscellany and more advertisements. Among the advertisements were those of five of the many splendid steamboats then plying in these waters. There being no railroad reaching the Mississippi river at that time, passenger and freight traffic was almost exclusively by the river and there were many large and finely equipped boats in the trade. Of those whose names appeared in the advertising columns of this issue, so far as is known, none are now living; at least none who may survive are living in Muscatine.

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