Muscatine County Iowa

Source: History of Muscatine County Iowa, Volume I, 1911, pages 431-432


This council was organized in Muscatine by members of the Catholic faith, March 12, 1908, with fifty members, and a few weeks later a second class of fifty was initiated, while in May, 1911, a third class of fifty was initiated. This is an order whose principles are founded upon high aims and is growing rapidly in membership and influence throughout the community.

There are many other societies and lodges in Muscatine but space cannot be given them for a detailed history of each organization. A mere mention of the various lodges will have to suffice. There is a Court of Honor, Muscatine Court, No. 67, with a membership of 400; the Brotherhood of American Yeoman is the third lodge in the state and has 200 members; Argus Lodge, No. 17, Iowa Legion of Honor, which was reorganized in 1901, has a membership on its rolls of twenty-five; the American Patriots was organized in 1895 and with a membership of fifty, amalgamated with the Knights and Ladies of Golden Precept. The latter, Pearl City Lodge, No. 45, was organized with twenty charter members, February 15, 1900. In the summer of 1907 a lodge of Homesteaders was organized in Muscatine. It now has a membership of about 500. Then there is the Order of the Fraternal Bankers Reserve, with a membership of over 360, which was organized July 29, 1903. An order something similar to the above, the Bankers Pioneer Association, was organized October 31, 1902, with thirty-five charter members. The Bloomington Council, No. 175, Fraternal Aid Association, was organized with thirteen charter members. The membership now amounts to 400. Supreme Castle, Highland Nobles, was organized May 3, 1904, and the Major John Circle, an auxiliary to the Grand Army Post, was organized in 1901. Thirty-five women of Muscatine and vicinity were the promoters of this society. Its purposes are similar to that of the Woman's Relief Corps and there are now about fifty members.

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