Muscatine County Iowa

Source: History of Muscatine County Iowa, Volume I, 1911, pages 442-443


June 26, 1902, the Benjamin Hershey Memorial Hospital was opened to the public. This magnificent public benefaction is the gift of Miss Mira Hershey in memory of her father, Benjamin Hershey, one of the pioneer business men of Muscatine---a man who spent many years of activity in the community and died, leaving a vast estate. The hospital stands on the heights of North Mulberry street. Its ground dimensions are 81 feet 9 inches by 76 feet 6 inches. The material is of red pressed brick set in red mortar with red sandstone trimmings. It has three stories and a basement. The general architectural lines and features are extremely pleasing to the eye. This institution is easy of approach, being on the trolley line, and is situated far and away from the hurly burly of city traffic. The interior is nicely furnished and possesses all the requisites for an institution of this character. Every convenience and accessory is to be found in Hershey Hospital. The rooms are furnished, many by Miss Hershey, others by private individuals and fraternal orders.

All kinds of acute, curable and non-contagious diseases are treated here. Those suffering with chronic and incurable maladies are received and retained at the discretion of the consulting medical staff, but no one will be entertained who, from the nature of his disease, will occasion discomfort to other patients. The prohibitory list embraces cases of incurable cancer, insanity and those of an offensive character. Cases of emergency will be received at any hour. Applicants for admission outside the city must be made in writing upon a printed form which the superintendent furnishes upon request. Surgical operations are given preference and no nurses except those furnished by the hospital will be permitted to serve therein. In the general wards the rate is $7 per week, payable in advance. Private and single rooms are from $14 to $25 per week.

The hopital is incorporated as the Benjamin Hershey Memorial Association. The members of the corporate body compose the board of trustees made up of business men of Muscatine, who have the power to fill any vacancy that might occur in the board. This board has numerous sub-committees who meet often and keep in close touch with the business transacted and the way things are conducted. The greatest satisfaction thus far has existed in the management, and physicians of the city speak in highest terms of the treatment of patients, the accommodations and the skill and character of the nurses.

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