Muscatine County Iowa

Source: History of Muscatine County Iowa, Volume I, 1911, page 192


Shelby Norman Post, No. 231, G. A. R., was organized August 29, 1883, with forty-eight charter members. It received its name in honor of Shelby Norman, a lad in his teens, who was one of the first to enlist in the Civil war from this county, and the first to lose his life in battle. The first officers installed were: Post Commander, Dr. S. W. Robertson; senior vice, Lyman Banks; junior vice, Ben E. Lilly; adjutant, John H. Munroe; quartermaster, Galbraith Bitzer; surgeon, Dr. H. M. Dean; chaplain, R. W. McCampbell; officer of the day, Fred Welker; officer of the guard, J. E. Coe; sergeant major, J. E. Stevens; quartermaster sergeant, W. W. Woodward.

The ranks of this order of patriots are daily becoming thinner and it will be but a few years when a Grand Army post will cease to exist from lack of members. Shelby Norman Post at the present time has something over 150 members now on its rolls, but death has taken from its ranks within a few years past many of its most prominent comrades.

When the new court house was finished in 1909, rooms in the basement of the court house were beautifully furnished and allotted to the post as a permanent meeting place. There it is installed at the present time.

The past post commanders are herewith appended: 1883-84, W. S. Robertson; 1885, John H. Monroe; 1886-87, Lyman Banks; 1888, Galbraith Bitzer; 1889-90, Gus Schmidt; 1891, A. D. Carpenter; 1891, R. D. Vore; 1892, M. M. Brown; 1893, J. H. Carl; 1894-5-6, C. C. Horton; 1897, M. C. Briggs; 1898, E. H. King; 1899-1900, A. G. Tyler; 1901, H. A. Rath; 1902, Gus Schmidt; 1903, Henry Kneese; 1904, J. B. Jester; 1905, M. 0. Stanwood; 1906, J. B. Jester; 1907, A. B. Rehmel; 1908, J. H. Munroe; 1909, Henry Kneese; 1909-10, Robert B. Baird; 1910, W. W. Millett; 1911, Herman Schmidt.

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