Muscatine County Iowa

Source: History of Muscatine County Iowa, Volume I, 1911, page 341


On the 17th of December, 1904, the German Congregational church celebrated its fiftieth anniversary, upon which occasion interesting exercises were held. This church was organized in Muscatine in 1854, having for its first deacons Conrad Schaefer and Henry Blumer. Christian Veitz was the first pastor. The following year a house of worship was erected at the corner of Walnut and Fourth streets, and of the first members only two are now living: Elizabeth Schaefer and Veronica Hein. Mr. Veitz presided over this charge for ten years and was succeeded by John Schaerer, who came from Switzerland. Rev. Sallenbach succeeded him and after a few years' ministration here Rev. Reuth took charge, followed by Rev. Henry Hetzler. In 1882, Rev. Jacob Fath was called and remained as pastor seventeen years. In 1891 the need of a new church edifice became apparent and in the fall of that year a structure costing $15,000 was erected at the corner of Cedar and Fifth streets. In 1899 Rev. Fath resigned his pastorate to accept the position of financial secretary of Wilton College. His successor was Rev. Henn, who soon gave up his charge on account of sickness and Rev. Scherff came into the fold as its ministering head. Then came Rev. Osthoff, of Minden, Iowa. In 1903 he was assisted for several months by Revs. Fath and Finger. The present pastor, C. A. Dettmers, of Chicago, has been in charge of this congregation since November, 1904. In the spring of 1905 a parsonage was built and at this time the church is free from debt and in a very prosperous condition.

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