Muscatine County Iowa

Source: History of Muscatine County Iowa, Volume I, 1911, page 403


The German-American Savings Bank is one of the solid financial institutions of Muscatine and has within its directorate and large list of stockholders, some of the most affluent and influential men of the county. The bank was organized in June, received its charter July 1, 1899, and was in operation at that time, the board of directors having chosen for its officers J. L. Giesler, president; J. H. Kaiser, vice president; and S. L. Johnson, cashier. Directors: J. H. Kaiser, J. L. Giesler, Gus Schmidt, F. H. Little, Albert Baird, Fred Daut, J. Scott Blackwell, S. M. Barrison, H. W. Huttig.

The bank was capitalized at $60,000. It commenced business on the corner of Second and Sycamore streets and remained there until March 27, 1908, when its present new quarters became the home of the bank. This building is on the opposite corner from the old bank and is one of the most attractive structures in the business center of Muscatine. It is built of dark vitrified brick, with Bedford stone trimmings, four stories in height. The ground dimensions are twenty-eight and one-half feet on Second street and one hundred and forty feet on Sycamore. Most of the lower floor is given over to the bank. To the rear, on Sycamore, is the hallway and three store rooms. It is not necessary to state that the German-American has everything of modern taste and requirements within the walls of its banking rooms. That goes without saying. The last financial statement of this bank shows that its capital stock, surplus and undivided profits amounted to $178,000, and its deposits were $1,529,625.

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