Muscatine County Iowa

Source: History of Muscatine County Iowa, Volume I, 1911, page 281


to which belong the Vorwaerts Turnverein, German Mechanics Aid Society, Muscatine Maennerchor, St. Joseph's Aid Society, St. Mary's Protective So- ciety and the male choir of the German Lutheran church was organized Sep- tember 6, 1908. It is a member of the Iowa State Alliance and of the German-American National Alliance. The original officers were: George Boch, president; Herman Mahrann, secretary; Joseph Missel, treasurer. The present officers are: John T. Nester, president; Herman Grensing, secretary; J. F. Heerd, treasurer. It has worthy objects for its purpose. It has introduced and maintained the custom of an annual celebration of "German Day" in honor of the first German settlement in America, at Germantown, Pennsylvania, and was instrumental in introducing an athletic instructor for all the public schools here, last year. The introduction of German instruction in the same and public playgrounds for the children of this city are numbered among its other objects. This combination of German societies has also led to the formation of


organized August 21, 1910, for the worthy purpose of eventually erecting a suitable and commodious German hall for above societies. August 26, 1910, the German Home Society was duly incorporated, the incorporators, who are also directors, being: William Wendlandt, Henry Heinz, Herman Grensing, John F. Heerd, John T. Nester, George Boch, John Wolfram, John L. Knopp, L. C. Lenck, Henry Umlandt, Emil Kranz, Charles Spieth, Gustav Maeglin and Jacob Sylvester. The present officers are: William Wendlandt, president; Henry Heinz, vice president; Herman Grensing, secretary; J. F. Heerd, treasurer. This society has recently purchased a lot 4OX14O feet, on the corner of Chestnut and Front streets, upon which it intends to build a hall.

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