Muscatine County Iowa

Source: History of Muscatine County Iowa, Volume I, 1911, page 348


In 1901 only three of the ward buildings had a full elementary course and prepared pupils for the high school. These were the First Ward, Second Ward and Fourth Ward buildings. The Cedar street school had eight grades. The pupils from this building were sent to the First and Third Ward buildings for their ninth grade work. The East Hill, West Hill and Musserville schools had four rooms each. Pupils from these schools went to the central schools for their upper or grammar work. At that time and for several years thereafter the attendance increased so rapidly that it became necessary to provide additional accommodations for the pupils in the ward schools. Two rooms in the basement of the high school were then opened for pupils from the crowded central ward schools. A school was opened in the Mission building on Green street for pupils in that vicinity. Another was opened in a store building between the Fourth Ward building and the Musserville school for pupils of that district. These rooms furnished some relief but only temporarily, on account of the constantly increasing attendance. The crowded condition of the schools made it necessary for the board of education to take some action providing for additional school room. So the board called a special meeting of the electors of the district at the city hall, April 9, 1902; to vote on the proposition of issuing bonds in the sum of $25,000, the proceeds thereof to be used in the construction of school buildings and additional school room. While the vote was light, the proposition carried, and money was thus obtained to make the necessary additions, etc. The whole number of votes cast was 303; the number of votes cast by men in favor of issuing bonds was 155; the number of favorable votes cast by women was 51; the total affirmative vote was 206; number against: men, 94; women, 3; total, 97. The majority in favor of the proposition was 109.

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