Muscatine County Iowa

Source: History of Muscatine County Iowa, Volume I, 1911, page 84


From the Journal of April 1, 1864, we glean that "the new Northern Line steamer Muscatine arrived at our levee yesterday afternoon. She was delayed on her upward trip (from the Ohio river) some seventy-two hours at the lower rapids by high water. Her arrival was announced by peals from the cannon answered by a piece on board the boat. Hundreds of our citizens were on the wharf to welcome her. Immediately on her arrival, she was formally presented by Henry O'Connor, Esq., on behalf of the merchants of Muscatine with a beautiful set of flags, consisting of an ensign, a banner with the name of the boat, two side-wheel flags, a Union jack and a streamer. They were made of the finest English bunting at Buffalo, New York, and cost $95. Captain Roach was accorded the floor and responded by inviting the company into the cabin, where refreshments were provided to them and where for a time everything went merrily. The boat is a magnificent large "side-wheeler," one of the best of the Northern Line Company's packets. She was built by the company at Wheeling, West Virginia, last summer, under the superintendence of Captain Robinson, who is to be commander. Her dimensions are as follows: Length, 201 feet; breadth of beam, 34 feet; cylinders, 18 inches in diameter, with 6 1/2 feet stroke; length of buckets, 10 feet; diameter of wheel, 38 feet; and tonnage, 600. She draws twenty-five inches light. She can also accommodate with comfortable staterooms, 100 passengers and carries cots for forty more. Her cabin is an elegant affair, richly and tastefully ornamented. She is furnished magnificently and all modern improvements for comfort and convenience are used. From her build and power we judge she will be a fast boat. Altogether, Muscatine has reason to be proud of her namesake. Captain Rhodes is a brother of T. B. Rhodes, president of the line. Clerk Jenks is also well known on the upper rivers. They will remain with the boat until the completion of the City of Burlington, now in course of construction at Wheeling by the Northern Line Company, of which boat they are to take command."

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