
Pages 264 - 292 submitted by Kitty Root, January 8, 2010

(name sequence and spellings are as they were presented)


E. Mus---------East Muscatine Cor-----------Corner
S. Mus---------South Muscatine Clk-----------Clerk
N. Mus--------North Muscatine Mfg----------Manufacturer
Av-------------Avenue E--------------East
Res------------Residence W-------------West
Iowa Avenue is the dividing line between East and West Muscatine,
and the streets running east and west are numbered from Iowa Avenue.

L thru Z

Lamar George, ship carpenter, res 109 e 6th
Laghee Thomas, laborer, res 25 w 6th
Lantz John, butcher, res 68 e 5th
Laurent Rev P, Catholic church 28 w 8th
Laurence L, laborer, res 41 e 7th
Lauder Herman J, successor to Kagy & Lauder, attorney at law,
      office 34 e 2d up stairs, res 88 w 3d
Lanagan M, drayman Shammo & Cummins, res 28 Orange
Lambert Daniel, lawyer 17 Iowa av, res 106 w 2d
Langridge W B, book-keeper T D Smith, res 85 w 2d
Langridge W A, machinist, bds 85 w 2d
Lane J H, laborer Chambers Bros
Lantz Samuel, shoemaker Stewart & Porter, res 73 Oak
La Grille T J, painter, res 40 Sycamore
Landt J C, laborer, res Newell road
Lawless James, laborer James, laborer James Week’s, res same
Lamb C, laborer, res Musserville
Lee J J, mail agent M W R R
Leffingwell Wm, city treasurer, res 101 e 5th
Lemkamp Wm, laborer, res 84 w 5th
Leibley John, laborer, res 50 w 6th
Lemon Mrs. seamstress, res 14 e 4th
Leyda Benj, laborer, res 71 e 9th
Lewis E B, merchant tailor 10 e 2d, res same
Lewis Oliver, brick moulder, res 79 e 10th
Lewis C P, tailor, 26 e 2d, up stairs
Lewis J H (McCullough & Lewis), res cor Front and Cedar
Lewis R T, bds T A Russell, Front
Lewis Frank R, Teller Merchants Exchange National Bank,
      bds cor Iowa av and 4th
Leibbert John, miller, res 73 e 2d
Leyson Jacob, clk G Schmidt & Bros, bds Peter Leyson
Leyson Charles, res Morford road
Lemp John, dry goods and carpets, 26 w 2d, res cor Front and Walnut
Leffler Eli, laborer Chambers Bros, res E Mus
Leibrecht George, saloon 9 Iowa av, res same
Leverich John, county supt public schools, res 74 Oak
Lenhart P H, butcher, res Kecklerville
Lentz Samuel, butcher, res 12 e 3d
Leyson Peter, laborer, res Newell road
Lewis G, farmer, res E Mus
Lenard C, laborer, res E Mus
Lee Martin, laborer, res Musserville
Little J G H, ins ag’t , res 75 e 5th
Little Fred, student, bds 75 e 5th
Liebies John, sawyer Musser’s mill, res 50 e 5th
Lilly W W, job printer Journal Office, res 90 e 5th
Lilly Benj E, clk McColm’s, res 116 e 6th
Liebrand Jacob, res 58 e 5th
Light Jacob, bricklayer, res 124 e 7th
Limkee John, laborer, res 97 e 8th
Link Minnie, works Mary Sanders, res suburbs
Lindner Dr, German physician, office over P O, res 27 Linn
Liebreecht Frank, saloon 68 Mulberry, res same
Lillibridge Mrs M, res 58 Sycamore
Lillibridge Chester (Jackson & Lillibridge), res 61 Sycamore
Link George, cabinet maker Kegel, Wienker & Wittich, res E Muscatine
Libbee H, laborer, res S Mus
Link Frank, laborer, res S Mus
Link Harry, teamster, res S Mus
Long J, clk, res 59 e 5th
Long Mrs M, res 73 w 5th
Long B, laborer, res 73 w 5th
Long Leonard, laborer, res 92 w 8th
Lohr Wm, cabinet maker, res 12 w 7th
Lofland H, res 129 e 8th, traveling ag’t Webster
Longstrath John, laborer, res E Front
Lorenze Jacob, carpenter, res Butlerville
Lorenze Louis, laborer Chamers Bros, res suburbs
Logan John, Laborer, res Lucas Grove road
Logan Charles, blacksmith, bds John Logan’s
Lord B W, teamster, res 70 Chestnut
Lord Richard, farmer, res E Mus
Lohm Benj, laborer, bds C J Dold’s
Lovell R M, carpenter, res S Mus
Long P, laborer James Weed’s, res E Mus
Love A, teamster, Musserville
Loober George, fireman Hershey’s mill, res S Mus
Lucas Samuel, laborer, bds Mrs. C Schaefer’s
Lucas August, laborer, res 39 e 7th
Luedi Chris, bakery 13 w Front, res same
Luedi Fred, painter Ament & Bro, bds Charles Fischer’s
Lumpe Fred, Cadle, Mulford & Co, res 73 e 4th
Lumpe Henry, laborer, res Butlerville
Lynch Mrs. M, res 137 e 6th
Lynch P, tinner, bds 137 e 6th
Lynch Francis, bds 137 e 6th
Lyon David, carpenter, res 140 e 7th
Lyman John, chair repairer, res 62 Walnut
Maloney Michael, laborer, res E Mus
Mauk Charles, painter, res Musserville
Mark Henry, Iowa hat store, res 53 e 5th
Martin Mrs E C, res 39 e 6th
Martin Robert, laborer, res 39 e 6th
Madden Mrs A, res 139 e 6th
Markhart F G, clk J S Patten, res 47 w 6th
Magoon G D, carpenter, res 6 w 5th
Martin James K, engineer Chambers Bros, res 102 e 4th
Mark Mrs, res 58 e 4th
Mauk I R, clk, res 42 w 4th
Mackey John, blacksmith 6 w 3d, res 64 w 4th
Mackey Henry sr, carpenter, res 82 w 4th
Martin M, laborer, res 40 w 7th
Mark John, res 83 e 7th
Markman John, tailor, res 13 e 8th
Mattschell F, shoemaker, res 107 e 8th
Mathewson John A, surveyor, office court house, res 137 e 9th
Mark J B, city hat store, res 82 e 9th
Martin Adam, laborer, res 174 e 12th
Marshall James E, traveling agent W W Webster’s marble works, res 82 e 3d
Mayes & Hinkel, carpenters 23 w 3d
Manley George, whitewasher and cook, res 54 w 3d
Mathis C, pumps and wood turning 128e 2d, bds Park House
Mader Peter, bootmaker at Scholton’s
Markart F g, foreman J S Patten, res cor 5th and Pine
Mark H & F, hats and caps, 16 e 2d
Mark Fred (H & F Mark), res 58 e 4th
Madden Harry, lawyer, 13 Iowa av
Mattee George, laborer J S Garlock’s lumber yard
Magee R, marble cutter Webster’s, bds National Hotel
Mahin Brothers, proprietors of Daily, Tri-Weekly and Weekly Journal,
      28 Iowa avenue
Mahin John (Mahin Bros), postmaster, res 104 w 2d
Mahin F W, clk post office, bds John Mahin's
Mahin James (Mahin Bros), res 63 Walnut, cor 5th
Mahin Mrs Jacob, res 102 w 2d
Mannahan Jerry, hostler at W W Webster’s
Madden Richard, carpenter Cadle, Mulford & Co
Mark John, laborer Chambers Bros
Mateer P, laborer Chambers Bros
Mathis ----, laborer Chambers Bros
Matthews John, boiler maker John Baker’s, res suburbs
Maxson L, clk Park House
Maher John, Mus Gas Light and Coke Co, res E Mus
Mahanna Edward, laborer, res 71 Poplar
Magill S T, route agent U S Express Co
Madden R R, carpenter, res 8 Walnut
Madden ----, bds 8 Walnut
Matthews Benj, whitewasher, res Newell road
Maurer G, bootmaker, res 44 Locust
Mayes U C, carpenter, res 32 Spruce
Mathews Wm H, butcher, res E Mus
Maher John, laborer, res E Mus
Manehan John, laborer, res S Mus
Martin H, foreman Dold’s brewery, bds C J Dold
Mauder Thomas, laborer, res S Mus
Manntyke Joseph, laborer, res S Mus
Martin H, cooper, E Mus
Meagher Peter, carpenter, res 69 w 6th
Meehan Michael, laborer, bds John Fitzgerald’s
Mee W J, shoemaker, res S Mus
Meredink Henry, teamster, res 108 w 4th
Meredink D J, laborer, res 83 w 7th
Metzgar Henry, shoemaker, 7 e 2d, res 53 w 8th
Meyers Fred, blacksmith, Ament & Bro, res 147 e 9th
Meyers Henry, blacksmith Ament & Bro, bds 147 e 9th
Meagher & Van Dam, carpenter shop 31 e 3d
Meerdink Albert, bootmaker, bds G W Meerdink’s
Meader George, engineer Kirk & Abbott, bds C W Abbott’s
Meerdink W, harness maker, bds cor 7th and Locust
Meier Rev J, pastor German Baptist Church, 79 walnut
Meyer J H, teamster, res 132 Pine
Mergel M, laborer, bds C J Dold’s
Meerdink G W, res Green
Metler Geo, teamster, res Butlerville
Miller Saml, saw filer Musser’s mill, res Musserville
Middleton T L, fisherman, res Musserville
Middleton ----, gardener, bds Chas Mauck’s
Middleton Benj jr, gardener, res Musserville
Middleton Benj sr, gardener, res Musserville
Middleton Wm, gardener, res Musserville
Miller G, cabinet maker, res 7 w 5th
Miller Fred, carpenter, res 31 e 6th
Miller Jos H, teamster, res 54 e 7th
Miller A, laborer, res 110 e 7th
Miller C E, sewing machine agt, res 9 e 7th
Miller Mrs M, res 27 w 7th
Miller Mrs C, res 65 e 8th
Miller Joe K, clk McColm, res 46 e 3d
Miller Louis, teamster, bds 44 w 3d
Miller Dr H C, office 38 e 2d up stairs
Miller John, laborer Chambers Bros
Miller Louis, laborer, bds W H Snyder’s
Miller Henry, wood worker Mus Mfg Co, res cor 3rd and Walnut
Miller Jacob, painter, res 169 e 8th
Miller Chas, moulder, res Lucas Grove road
Mikesell Mrs A M, res 48 e 5th
Minnehan Timothy, laborer, res 44 w 5th
Mittlander Jos, laborer, res 64 w 5th
Miles L J, musical instruments, 33 e 2d
Mitter Jos, marble polisher Webster’s
Mikesell M L, engineer, res Iowa City road
Milte Geo, laborer, res Tipton road
Mills H, laborer, res S Mus
Moxley Robt, woolen mill and carpet weaver, S Mus
Mohlein Geo, laborer, res S Mus
Morrison Jos, county treasurer, res 85 e 6th
Morrison Henry, res 80 e 5th
Moran Frank, constable, res 45 w 4th
Morah Mrs Mary, seamstress, res 114 e 9th
Mohler Geo, conductor M W R R, res 78 e 3d
Molis H & Co, guns, fishing tackle, cutlery, powder, shot &c, 56 e 2d
Molis H sr (H M & Co), res 38 e 3d
Molis Julius (H M & Co), bds 38 e 3d
Molis H Jr, deputy county treasurer, bds 38 e 3d
Molis C E, gun smith, bds 38 e 3d
Molis Wm, engineer, bds 38 e 3d
Moore H W, dealer in hardware &c, 53 and 55 e 2d, res 111 w 3d cor Cherry
Moignen Louis, res 18 w 3d
Motchall Fred, boot maker, res 107 e 8th
Morford Thos J (late of Barnard & Morford)
Moore G W, laborer Chambers Bros, bds Park House
Morrell Dr H K, physician and surgeon, res Iowa City road
Morris M, carpenter, res 54 Mulberry
Montreal Adam, laborer, res Green
Murphy Phillip, contractor, re 51 e 5th
Murphy Phil, teamster, res 42 w 5th
Murphy M (Byrne & Murphy), res 46 w 6th
Murphy James, laborer, res 30 w 4th
Murphy Phillip, street sprinkler, res 8 e 8th
Murphy Phillip, wood worker, Ament and Bro
Murphy Jas E, wood worker Amen & Bros, bds 51 e 5th
Murphy Arthur, boot maker Scholton’s, res new fair ground
Murphy John, clk Byrne & Murphy, bds Mike Murphy
Murphy Alex, laborer Chambers Bros, bds E Leffler
Murphy Wm, teamster, res 128 Pine
Murphy Patrick, laborer, res E Mus
Murphy ----, res E Mus
Mull Chas L, wholesale grocer, 38 w 2d, res 125 e 6th, cor Spring
Munroe John H, county clk, res 12 w 5th
Muratt Frank, laborer, res 70 w 5th
Muncey Moses, laborer, res 40 w 4th
Mulford J S (Cadle, Mulford & Co), res 63 w 4th
Muscatine Mfg Co, wagons, plows, cultivators &c, office and factory,
      cor 3d and Mulberry
Musser Richard, Musser’s mill and lumber yard, res 85 w 3d
Musser Peter M (P M M & Co), res 84 e Front
Musser Peter (P M M & Co), res 94 e Front
Murdock Jesse, laborer, res 129 w 3d
Mull C E, practical barber, 12 w 2d, bds Commercial
Mull Chas jr, clk, bds cor 6th and Spring
Murdock H, expressman, res 24 Walnut
Murdink B, laborer Chambers Bros
Muscatine Water Works Co,
      G W Dillaway Prest, J Carskaddan Secy, H W Moore Treas
Muscatine elevator, W S Richie Proprietor, Levee
Muscatine Lumber Mfg Co, lumber, laths, shingles, pickets, &c, S Mus
Murath Vincent, blacksmith, res 82 Cedar
Mull Benj, cabinet maker, r es 24 Cedar
Muscatine Gas Light and Coke Co, works 27, 29, and 31 Oak
Myers Frank, laborer, res 34 e 7th
Myers John, fireman, res 72 w 2d
McColm James (McColm & Sons), res 113 e 6th
McColm J L (McCo9lm & Sons), res cor Sycamore and 5th
McColm A G (McColm & Sons), res 41 e 3d
McColm J & sons, dry goods, 24 and 26 e 2d
McElravy Mrs, res 38 w 5th
McGovern Thos, round house C R I & P R R, res 74 w 6th
McAlister Dr H C, physician and surgeon, 15 Iowa av, res 105 w 4th
McFalton Andy, laborer, res 104 e 6th
McClosky Calvin, laborer, res 126 e 7th
McKenna Mrs., res 19 w 7th
McMahen P, laborer, res 59 w 7th
McDonald J S, sewing machine agt, res 61 e 8th
McPartlen P, laborer, res 93 w 8th
McBride Chas, brakeman, bds 13 e 3d
McDonald Rev J W, Methodist minister, 75 e 3d
McQuesten W W (McQuesten & Sawyer), res 112 w 3d
McKibben Frank (McKibben & Wolter), upholster, bds S M McKibben’s
McCormick Mrs Wm, boarding house S e 2d upstairs
McCullough & Lewis, millinery and fancy goods, 14 w 2d
McCullough C B (McCullough & Lewis), res cor Front and Cedar
McQuesten & Sawyer, hardware, 24 w 2d
McCampbell C F, clk S G & P Stein, bds cor 5th and Iowa av
McCampbell R H, county auditor, res cor 5th & Iowa av
McGuire Mrs, 74 w 2d
McClelland Mrs, boarding house, 88 w 2d
McFerrin Mrs, 78 Front
McFerrin J B, 78 Front
McCullough Miss S, school teacher, bds 104 e Front
McKibben ----, laborer Chambers Bros, bds 6 Walnut
McGiffin Nat, traveling agt bds F M Gabble
McKibben S M, res 6 Walnut
McKennan Dr H, physician and surgeon, 8 Iowa av, res 9 Locust
McLaughlin L, laborer, res rear 31 Chestnut
McDoughal Jas, carpenter, res Newell road
McDonald John, teamster, res E Mus
McLean David, gardener, res E Mus
McCort ----, laborer, res S Mus
McKeogh Mrs C, res E Mus
Nagel Wm, tailor J G Hoehl’s, bds F Schmalz
Narvis Chas, clk Geo W Dillaway, res Lucas Grove road
Narvis Harry, teamster, res 20 w 2d
Neff G, upholster S G & P Stein, res 93 w 5th
Neyens N, auction and sales room, 68 e 2d, res 27 e 6th
Neyens Mrs Elwood, 56 Mulberry
Neyenhuis G J, laborer, res Lucas Grove road
Neyenhuis B, res Lucas Grove road
Neyenhuis Wm, res Lucas Grove road
Neyenhuis H M, laborer, res Lucas Grove road
Neyenhuis G B Carpenter, res Lucas Grove road
Neyenhuis Mrs B, res Lucas Grove road
Neairtt Joseph, nurseryman, res 101 e 4th
Negas Mrs S, dressmaker, res 84 e 4th
Nestlebush Wm, laborer, res 59 w 4th
Neidig Benj F, jr, job printer 10 Iowa av, res 2 e 7th
Neidig B & Son, meat market and ice dealers, 87 e 2d
Neidig B, sr (B Neidig & Son) res 71 e 3d
Neidig Maurice ( B Neidig & Son), res 61 Walnut
Nester Martin, teamster, res 50 w 3d
Nester John, blacksmith, res 59 e 7th
Neitzel John, laborer, res 145 e 9th
Newton Robt D, paper hanger, res 140 e 9th
Newcomb Thos, stoneyard, 21 w 3d, res 90 Mulberry
Newcomb Edward, stone cutter, bds National Hotel
Neirel Isador, watches, jewelry, musical instruments, clocks, &c,
      110 e 2d, res same
Newlands Mrs James, bds 96 w 3d
Neachbors Jos, clk J A bishop & co, bds Danl Burtner
Nealey C, traveling agt, res 52 w 2d
Neibert John sr, laborer, res 71 Cedar
Neibert John jr, laborer, bds 71 Cedar
Neibert Wm, sawyer Hershey’s mill, bds Mrs Apple’s
Neibert Jacob, teamster, bds Mrs Apple’s
Neibert John, miller Brown & Heaton, res 71 Cedar
Nerrick Mrs. seamstress, res 10 Walnut
Neshwitz Phillipp, blacksmith Mus Mfg Co, res 16 Lombard
Nestlebush Mrs, res S Mus
Neitzel John, clk Gray’s 3d Ward drug store
Neitzel Thos, clk Hershey’s, res S Mus
New Phillip, laborer, res S Mus
Neitzel John, saloon, 32 Iowa av
Ninehouse J E, laborer, res 63 w 5th
Nisley J R, grocer, res 80 e 9th
Nicklas Martin, bootmaker, res cor Green and Graveyard road
Nistustz Phillip, blacksmith, res Lombard
Nichols H, laborer, res Lucas Grove road
Nichols M, bootmaker, res Lucas Grove road
Nicholson John, plasterer, res 35 e 6th
Noetchlick C, blacksmith, 126 e 2d, res 136 Cedar
Norman Chas, drug store, 30 e 2d, res cor Front and Lombard
Nols H, blacksmith, bds Scott House
Nott Steve, carpenter, res 74 Mulberry
Nollert Mrs, res 60 Cedar
Nollert Geo, bds 60 Cedar
Nolte C, blacksmith, res Butlerville
Nolte Wm, laborer, res Butlerville
O’brien John, laborer, res S Mus
O’Brien John W, grain buyer, res 78 Walnut
O’ Brien Wm, boot maker, bds cor 6th and Cedar
O’Brien George, shoemaker, res 34 e 6th
O’Callahan Ed, shoemaker, res 32 w 4th
Ogilvie Charles, lawyer, res 100 e 9th
Ogilvie Frank A, dealer in staple and fancy groceries, 31 e 2d, res 100 e 9th
Ogilvie Wm, clk, res 100 e 9th
Ogilvie Mrs Adam, res 100 e 9th
Olds Opera House, cor Iowa av and w 2d
Old’s Layman W, res 60 w 3d
Olmstead Perry, traveling agt W W Church, bds National Hotel
Oliver F, laborer, res 153 Poplar
O’Leary Dennis, laborer, bds P Stohr’s S Mus
O’ Neil Moses, brakeman C R I & P R R, res 70 w 7th
Ople George, laborer, res 85 w 6th
Ople John, laborer, res 87 w 6th
Ostrander Wm, marble cutter, res 27 e 8th
Ostrander W A jr, marble cutter, Webster’s, bds 27 e 8th
Othmer Aug, clk Rubleman & & Co, res Butlerville
Othmer Geo, painter Groschel & Knowles, res Butlerville
Othmer W, bootmaker, res S Mus
Overhouse Henry, teamster, res Morford road
Paschen Wm, shoemaker, res 44 e 5th
Parham Jos, res 43 w 4th
Parham Wm, laborer, res Musserville
Pace E, flour and feed store 34 Iowa av, res 128 e 8th
Parkin Wm, lime and coal dealer, 9 2 3d, res 11 w 3d
Patten J S & Co, wholesale and retail dealers in all kinds of lumber,
      93, 95, and 97 e 2d
Patten J S (J S Patten & Co), res cor 5th and Iowa av
Parvin Wm, res 39 Cedar
Parvin W S, stoves and tin ware, 80 e 2d, res 10 Walnut
Parvin Danl S, carpenter, res 39 Cedar
Painter A, clk Jackson & Lillibridge, bds cor Front and Cedar
Painter J H, res 60 e Front
Park House, cor 4th and Mulberry
Patterson Robt, barber, res 35 Sycamore
Paschen & Schwarz, boot makers, 11 Iowa av
Paschen Wm (Paschen & Schwarz), 11 Iowa av
Patrick M C, painter, res 49 Mulberry
Patrick C C, carpenter, bds 49 Mulberry
Parmalee Jos C, millwright, res E Mus
Paste John, brick mason, res 21 w 8th
Page C, res Burlington road
Pearce GB, brick mason, res 88 e 5th
Pettibone Mrs A, res 29 e 3d
Pettibone John, telegraph operator, bds 29 e 3d
Peck J M, tobacco agt, res 45 w 3d
Peck Henry, shingle sawyer, res 10 w 3d
Perkins W R, clk J Rubleman & Co, res 48 w 5th
Peck Henry, laborer Chambers Bros, res suburbs
Perry Frank, baggage master, res 41 w Front
Peasley W S, traveling agent, res Iowa city road
Pelton M H, nursery and garden, Musserville
Pelton John B, res S Mus
Perry S H, res E Mus
Pfeifer Jos, laborer, bds Mrs C Shaefer
Phelps J P, Photographer, 3d floor P O bldg, res 20 Locust
Phelps Fred S, res 48 Pine
Phelps L A, photographer Phelps’ gallery
Phillips ----, teamster, res 75 Mulberry
Pickel Jacob, res 61 w 5th
Pickler J A (Hoffman, Pickler & Brown), lawyer, res 88 e 4th
Pilchrem Adam, laborer, res 20 w 7th
Pilgram Geo, res 21 w 7th
Pierson Jos, butcher, res E Mus
Pitchforth H, cabinet maker, res S Mus
Platt Walter D, druggist Thompson & Co, bds W D Ament
Platt Thos, carpenter, res Iowa City road
Platt Frank, carpenter, bds Thos Platt’s
Platz Wm, at Star brewery
Plepp August, stone mason, res Morford road
Powers J, saloon 16 Chestnut, res 17 Chestnut
Powers Jos, laborer, res 77 w 5th
Potter Mrs, res 87 e 6th
Postill Mrs P C, res 97 e 6th
Porter Geo W, printer, res 108 e 7th
Porter C S (Stewart & Porter), res 70 e Front
Powell Henry, clk Berry & Tyler, bds 85 e 2d
Post Office, 18 and 20 w 2d
Pottery, Jos Parham Proprietor, Musserville
Ponbeck J M, carpenter, res Iowa City road
Pocock L D, laborer, res 46 Orange
Pound T C, dry kiln and lumber yard, Musserville
Price W M, at Grange Factory, res 66 e 6th
Pressler Oswald, laborer, res 38 w 7th
Pratt A R, saw filer Chambers Bros
Pratt Wm, barber Davidson’s shop 2nd st
Pratts Wm, laborer, bds L Pratts
Prosser T B, book-keeper John Lemp’s, bds Burtner’s
Price Jack, grain buyer at elevator, res 63 Linn
Price John, printer Tribune, bds Jack Price
Price Wm M, Supt Mus Mfg Co, res 66 e 6th
Price Theo, woodworker Mus Mfg Co, res cor 6th and Walnut
Priesler Wm, teamster, res S Mus
Puffman Geo, laborer, res S Mus
Purcell Wm, boiler maker at John Baker’s, res E Mus
Purcell M, street commissioner, res 29 w 7th
Pyatt James, engineer, res 74 w 3d
Quinn Mrs H, 72 e Front
Quinn Joe P, steamboat clk, bds 72 e Front
Quaker Church, 90 Walnut
Raff A K (A K Raff & Co), res 86 e 6th
Raff A K & Co, agricultural implements, 89 and 91 e 2d
Rapp Abram, clk Block Bros, res over Braunwarth’s shoe store
Rabbitt P, laborer, res 100 Linn
Rabbitt Michael, farmer, res Burlington road
Rainbow Thos, laborer, res S Mus
Rammery Geo, res Musserville
Reppert Fred, clk J H Canon, res 16 w 5th cor Chestnut
Redman Mrs Cath, res 96 w 5th
Reynolds W P, book-keeper, res 94 e 6th
Reece M, laborer, res 55 e 7th
Redmond M, laborer, res 23 w 7th
Redmond John, laborer, res 87 w 7th
Reed N A jr, attorney at law and notary public, office over
      Canon’s drug store, res 120 w 3d
Regar Jacob, saloon, 29 e 2d, re same
Reuling Risley, salesman Rothschild & Co
Reece Mrs H L, dressmaker 18 e 2d up stairs
Reece G H, traveling agt, res 18 e 2d up stairs
Reinsage Christ, cigar maker, bds Mrs McCormick
Reed J F O, traveling ag’t Dillaway, bds Commercial
Reubeling Abram, laborer, res Lucas Grove road
Reckard M, laborer Chambers Bros
Read George H, ag’t U S Express co, res 54 w 4th
Reuling J A, res 57 Iowa av
Reading Room, room No 1 Olds’ block
Reeder John, laborer, bds Mrs C Schaefer’s
Reager Geo, laborer, res 124 Pine
Reed George, stone mason, res E Mus
Reineke Henry, laborer, res Green
Rechter Mrs, res Green
Reddington John, laborer, res Butlerville
Reinhart Ulrich, teamster, res Butlerville
Reeder George, laborer, res Musserville
Rhebine Wm, laborer, res 13 e 8th
Richards Wm, salesman Hershey’s lumber yard, res 15 e 5th
Richards J W, laborer, res 70 e 7th
Richards Charles, butcher, bds H Herman
Richardson W F, machinist Kirk & Abbott
Richardson John, laborer, res 128 e 7t
Riley Peter, laborer, res 59 w 6th
Riley Edward, laborer, res 21 e 8th
Richie W S, grain buyer at elevator, res 57 e 3d
Rickard Adam, laborer, res 93 e 3d
Rickard Mrs H, millinery, res 28 Sycamore
Riemcke August, res 77 e 2d
Richman, Broomhall & Jones, lawyers, office 9 w 2d up stairs
Richman J Scott (R, B & J), lawyer, bds Mrs McCormick’s
Richman D C (Richman & Carskaddan), lawyer, res 118 Cedar
Richman & Carskaddan, attorneys at law, room 6 Olds’ Opera House
Rice John, laborer Chambers Bros, res suburbs
Rice M, laborer, res E Mus
Risink C, carpenter
Ribbink John, carpenter, res Lucas Grove road
Riggs Jas, laborer, res Musserville
Rick Wm, laborer, res S Mus
Roach Wm (A Davidson & Co), res 112 e 6th
Rothschild David sr (D R & Co), res 14 e 8th
Rothschild I (I R & Co), res 100 w 2d
Rothschild I & Co, dry goods and notions 4 e 2d
Rothschild I & Co, pork packers and provision merchants, office 4 e 2d
Rothschild D & Co, clothing 6 e 2d
Rothschild D jr, bds 14 e 8th
Rowland H, carpenter, res 151 e 9th
Rowland Wm, carpenter, res 137 e 10th
Robertson Dr W S, physician and surgeon, office Hare’s Hall, res 91 w 3d
Robertson Dr J M, physician and surgeon, res 59 Iowa av
Rosenfield E, peddler, res 137 w 2d
Robbins Dr A B, pastor Congregational Church, res 96 w 3d
Robertson John, sawyer Chambers Bros, res 133 e 2d
Rouerdink H J, laborer, res Lucas Grove road
Roberts U N & Co, wholesale dealers in glazed sash, doors,
      blinds, &c, 119 and 121 e 2d
Roberts E L (U N R & Co), res 68 e Front
Roberts U N (U N R & Co), res Davenport
Rotz Ben, laborer, bds Mrs Bapple
Rosenmund Charles, teamster, res S Mus
Rode F, laborer, res S Mus
Ruff F, saloon 14 Chestnut, res same
Rutherford George, janitor Court House, res 72 w 6th
Rutherford Augustin, carpenter, res 72 e 6th
Russell James, canvasser, res 32 w 4th
Ruppell John, laborer, res 78 w 7th
Ruckdeschel Chris, bakery and confectionery, 76 e 2d
Rublemann J (J R & Co), res 82 w 3d
Rubelmann J & Co, saddler hardware and leather, 34 w 2d
Rubelmann John, tinner McQuesten & Sawyer’s bds J Rubelmann’s
Russell T A, clk R T Thompson, Son & Co
Russell James J, law student, res cor Pine and 4th
Russell D A, res 66 e Front
Ruckdeschel L, grocer, 64 Mulberry
Russ Mrs N, res Tipton road
Rudenberger Charles, laborer, res S Mus
Ryan Mrs Mary, washerwoman, res 122 e 7th
Ryan Philip, res 53 w 7th
Ryan Thomas, laborer, res 67 w 8th
Ryan Thomas, teamster, res 71 Pine
Sauer Henry, bootmaker, res 10 e 6th
Sauer D, express driver, res 41 w Front
Sanders Mary, dress making 13 w 3d
Sanders H, carpenter, res Lucas Grove road
Sanders Lena, dress maker at 13 w 3d
Sanders A, laborer, bds H Sanders’
Saunders Wm, clk J G Gordon’s, res Graveyard road
Satterthwaite J, brick mason, res E Mus
Sawyer T R, jewelry 14 e 2d, res 46 w 4th
Sawyer S P (McQuesten & Sawyer), res cor 2d and Locust
Saal M, Continental Hotel, 46 w 2d
Sales Harry, clk Geo W Dillaway, bds Mrs Hatch’s
Schwab C, laborer, res Green
Schermany Charles, carpenter, res E Mus
Schrimm Fred, laborer, res S Mus
Schemp John, laborer, res S Mus
Schliff S, teamster, res S Mus
Schroeder Fred, laborer, res Musserville
Schultz Henry, carpet weaver, res Butlerville
Schmeider John, laborer, res Musserville
Scudder Mrs J, bds S N Candee
Schruzer Mrs W, 95 w 5th
Scholton John, laborer, res 41 e 6th
Scott R W, millwright, res 131 e 6th
Scholton Derk, tailor 36 e 2d, res 78 w 5th
Schimberger Vendel, laborer, res 92 w 5th
Schaefer Wm, shoemaker, res 18 e 6th
Scholtz John, laborer, res 42 e 6th
Schreurs J A, miller at Young America mills, res 60 w 4th
Schieber Chas, laborer, res 88 w 4th
Schaefer George, grocery and saloon, res 122 w 4th
Schmidt August, painter, 91 e 2d
Schmidt Herman (G Schmidt & Bro), res 16 e 7th
Schmidt Ernest, harness maker, res 16 e 7th
Schmidt John, laborer, res 18 w 7th
Schmidt Wilhelmina, washerwoman, res 46 w 7th
Schmidt John, restaurant and saloon, res 4 e 8th
Schmidt G & Bro, books, stationery, music, &c, 40 e 2d
Schmidt G (G S & Bro), res 5 e 7th
Schmidt Charles, teamster, res 97 w 7th
Schmidt John, shoemaker 42 w 2d, res cor 4th and Locust
Schmidt Wm, laborer, res Lucas Grove road
Schmidt Barney, boot and shoemaker 13 Chestnut, res same
Schmids Wilthelm, laborer, res 88 w 7th
Schoeneberg Jacob, teamster, res 44 e7th
Schwab Louis, teamster, res 66 w 7th
Schiner Henry, laborer, res 90 w 8th
Schaefer Mrs. John, Western Brewery 134, 136, and 138 w 8th
Scholton J W, shoemaker 43 e 2d, res 63 e 7th
Schott John, laborer, res 91 e 7th
Schrandemeyer H, laborer, res 79 w 7th
Schraeder ----, laborer, res 75 e 8th
Schraeder Wm, blacksmith, res 95 e 8th
Schmalz ----, shoemaker, res 77 e 8th
Schempe F, laborer, res 105 e 8th
Schwage H C, laborer, res 158 e 12th
Schwartz Chris, laborer, res 166 e 12th
Schmeltzer Henry F, wagon maker 20 Mulberry, res 122 e 2d
Schaefer Wm, boot and shoemaker 37 e 2d, res cor 6th and Sycamore
Schaefer Conrad, boot maker, bds Wm Schaefer’s
Schmeltz F & C F, boot makers, 47 e 2d
Schmelz F (Schmeltz & Bro) res cor 10th and Mulberry
Schmeltz C F (Schmeltz & Bro), res 77 e 8th
Schreurs G W, Young America Mills, res 48 Oak
Schreurs H, laborer Y A Mills, res Lucas Grove road
Schaub James, tinner Clapp & Fisch, bds Frank Casper
Schenck Robert C, book-keeper Merchants Exchange National Bank,
      bds at Burtner’s
Schultz T, clk Fred Tappe, bds 33 w 2d
Schanfletzel Jacob sr, laborer Chambers Bros mill, res 52 Walnut
Schanfletzel Jacob jr, laborer Chambers Bros mill, res 52 Walnut
Schenck Wm, book-keeper, bds Daniel Burtner’s
Schlipf Chris, saloon keeper 10 w Front, res same
Schneider George, boat store, groceries and provisions, cor Front and Chestnut
Schwertfaeger Charles, cigars and tobacco 14 Chestnut, res 25 Cedar
Schasen George, laborer, res Tipton road
Schaefer Henry, pressman Tribune, bds Mrs Schaefer’s
Schwartz L (Paschen & Schwartz), 11 Iowa av, res Kecklerville
Schwartz J, teamster, res 3 Iowa av, up stairs
Schaefer Mrs, res 40 Walnut
Schafnit Henry, brakeman C, R I & P R R, res 88 Walnut
Scott House, J K Scott prop’r, entrance 38 Iowa av
Schaefer F, brick moulder, res Lucas Grove road
Schaefer Mrs. C, resides Lucas Grove road
Schaefer John, bds Mrs C Schaefer’s
Seal W J, saw filer, bds Mrs B Apple’s
Seeley N B, laborer, res Musserville
Seagg Julius, fireman Musser’s mill, res Musserville
Seiler John, sexton Graveyard, res 6 w 6th
Semple J L, grain buyer, res 15 e 4th
Seright H J, bds Park House
Seamon A, laborer J S Patten
Sender George, peddler, res 43 e 8th
Sharpless J, laborer, res E Mus
Shoemacher John, laborer, res Butlerville
Shoemaker John, pastor Holland Baptist Church, res 74 w 5th
Sharkey Miss, dress maker, res 85 e 4th
Shoemaker John, laborer, res 74 w 7th
Sheets Adam, plasterer, res 78 e 8th
Sheeley Clay, laborer, res 41 e 7th
Shammo Samuel (Shammo & Cummins), res 77 e 3d
Shammo & Cummins, wholesale grocers, 1 and 3 w Front, cor Iowa av
Shaw Wm H, printer Tribune, res Iowa City road
Shupe F M, laborer Welker & Bergin
Shook N, laborer Chambers Bros mill
Shaw Ed, saloon, 14 w Front, res same
Sheetz Henry, farmer, Iowa City road
Shaefer Wm, laborer, res Morford road
Shields John, laborer, res Iowa City road
Sheets John, plasterer, res Iowa City road
Shafnit Jacob, yard master C, R I & P R R, res 7 Walnut
Shook Mrs H A, dress maker, res 26 Walnut
Shepard E B, traveling ag’t, res 26 Sycamore
Shannon Patrick, grocer, 11 Chestnut, res same
Simon August, laborer, res Butlerville
Sisters’ school house 20 w 8th
Sicehig Jos, laborer, res 89 w 8th
Simmonds Henry, cook National Hotel
Sitter Henry, clk eating saloon 11 e 2d, res same
Silverman, Cook & Co, bankers, 1 w 2d, cor Iowa av
Silberhorn J T, saloon 40 Iowa av, res same
Seiler John jr, teamster, res Newell road
Slattery Martin, laborer, res E Mus
Slattery Michael, laborer, res E Mus
Slaughter Mrs C, res 147 e 7th
Slaughter John, clk, res 147 e 7th
Small John, laborer, res E Mus
Smith R A, Cooper’s patent pumps, 111e 2d, res 149 Cedar
Smith Joe, laborer, bds P Stohr’s S Mus
Smith W P, brick layer and plasterer, res 82 e 3d
Smith Rev P, pastor German Presbyterian Church, res 16 e 3d
Smith Thomas D, real estate, loan and insurance agent, 8 Iowa av, res 63 w 3d
Smith E, real estate agent, bds 63 w 3d
Smalley Shepherd, farmer, res Burlington road
Sumner P H, res 143 e 10th
Smedley Samuel, laborer, res 138 e 10th
Smith Dr C W (Benham & Smith), res River road
Smith Hugh, laborer, res 80 e 2d up stairs
Smith Charles, clk P O, bds Robert Smith’s, 149 Cedar
Smith Charles, teamster, res 11 w Front
Smith T, laborer, res 24 Cedar
Smith Rudolphe, cabinet maker, res 157 Cypress
Smalley A, real estate dealer, res 141 w 2d
Smithers Mrs M, seamstress, res 76 Mulberry
Snyder Mrs, res 27 w 7th
Snyder Wm H, livery, sale and express stable, w Front, res 44 w 3d
Snavely H K, Commercial College, 40 e 2d, res 29 Mulberry
Southworth Miss E, school teacher, bds 104 e Front
Sprague W B, stone cutter, res 31 e 5th
Spaethe John, carpenter, 12 e 6th
Springer Louis, laborer, res 30 w 7th
Spoon George, laborer, res 109 w 8th
Spring Wm, farmer, res 84 w 3d
Speer P B, feed stable, 9 Cedar, res 13 Cedar
Spratt Samuel, printer Tribune, bds Park House
Strake A, laborer, res Green
Steiner B, laborer, res E Mus
Stohr Peter, bdg house, S Mus
Stahl H sr, teamster, res S Mus
Stahl H jr, teamster, res S Mus
Stroner Charles, laborer, res S Mus
Stocker G, laborer, res S Mus
Stenefield Geo, engineer, res Musserville
Strake Mrs, res Green st
Starr Joseph, laborer, res Green st
Stephens Henry, laborer, res Butlerville
Stoehr Lawrence, laborer, res S Mus
Stahl, Henry, laborer, bds A Fritz’s
Strohm Mrs Mary, seamstress, res 57 e 5th
Stocker Samuel, traveling agent, res 18 e 5th
Stimerdink Mrs Hannah, res 76 w 5th
Steinmetz Conrad, cabinet maker, 44 w 6th
Sterneman John, at S & L Cohn’s, res 60 e 4th
Stracke Albert, carpenter Huttig Bros & F, res 46 e 4th
St John H, teamster, res 109 w 4th
Stevens D L, ag’t Wilson sewing machine, res 106 e 7th
Strayjack, Antoine, tailor, res 28 w 7th
Stockdale and Curran, blacksmith shop, 48 Iowa av
Stockdale John (Stockdale & C), res 52 e 8th
Stegerman H, laborer, res 75 e 8th
Stein Jos, laborer, res 25 w 7th
Straker B, laborer, res 75 w 8th
Stewart W H, res 35 e 3d
Strake Wm (Van Gent & S), res Graveyard road
Stutts Henry, laborer, J S Patten & Co
Strassburger Emanuel, book-keeper Rothschild & Co, bds Mrs McCormick’s
Sterneman Dr C H, dental office over McColm’s dry good store,
      res 86 Sycamore st
Stewart & Porter, boot and shoe dealers, 28 e 2d
Stewart T S (Stewart & Porter), res 27 Cedar
Steere Robert, dealer in remnants, 198 e 2d, res 53 Mulberry
Stone F H, drug store, 30 w 2d, res Iowa City road
Storal Joseph, boiler maker at John Baker’s
Stein S G, president Merchants Exchange National Bank, res cor 2d and Pine
Stein S G &P, dealers in all kinds of furniture, 64 and 66 w 2d
Stein Phillip (S G & P Stein), res cor 4th and Chestnut
Stiehl Chris, saloon, 2 e Front, cor Iowa av, res same
Stewart F (Giesler & Co), bds F Giesler’s
Stone Charles, farmer, res Iowa City road
St Clair J B, mfg soda water, 40 Cedar, res 32 e 3d
Starcke Rev B, Pastor Free Protestant Church (German), res 53 Walnut
Steele N R, carpenter, res 149 Cypress
St John Jas H, bds D Burtner’s
Stewart Matthew, laborer, res 31 Chestnut
Stahl F, teamster, bds Mrs Achter’s
Storz John, blacksmith, S Mus, res same
Surgison Thos, gardener, Musserville
Suber Christian, cabinet maker, res 20 w 7th
Sullivan Thos, laborer, res 133 w 3d
Swan Mrs N W, res 79 w 5th
Swan F W, jeweler, res 79 w 5th
Sweem Jerome, res 76 e Front
Sweeney Thos, book peddler, res 55 e 6th
Sweeney J K, traveling agt, GA Garrettson & Co
Sweeney Jos, laborer, 57 Cedar
Swaine Wm, miller, res 67 e 4th
Sywassink J W, laborer, res Lucas Grove road
Taylor W G, harness maker H Weisse
Tallant Thos B, secy Iowa Bible pub Co, bds Danl Burtner
Tappe Fred, millinery and fancy dry goods, 33 w 2d, res up stairs
Tappe Chas, wine and liquors, 35 w 2d, res up stairs
Tebow Jas O, packer at Dillaways, res 69 e 9th
Terry Orange S, watches, clocks, jewelry, musical instruments, &c, 16 w 2d,
      res Iowa City road
Terry Wm H, laborer, res 91 Spring
Tersteg Mrs B, res Lucas Grove road
Tersteg John, laborer, res Lucas Grove road
Tetsch John, laborer, res E Mus
Teller J, laborer, res S Mus
Thompson Dr W B, physician and surgeon, office Thompson’s drug store,
      res 8 e 5th
Thompson Dr R E, physician and surgeon, office Thompson’s drug store,
      bds Commercial Hotel
Thompson R T (R T T son and Co), res 25 w 4th
Thompson R E, drugs, chemicals &c, cor e 2d and Iowa av
Thompson S St John, bds 8 e 5th
Thompson T (R T T Son & Co), bds 25 w 4th
Thompson R T, Son & Co, hardware and stove dealers 32 w 2d
Thieke Fred, cigar maker, bds cor 8th and Sycamore
Thompson Geo, gardener, res Musserville
Thauern Antoine, laborer, res 8 e 7th
Thieke A, blacksmith Ament & Bro
Thomas R R, painter, 01 e 2d
Thurston & Dolson, boots and shoes, 18 e 2d
Thurston Franklin (Thurston & Dolson), res 27 Iowa av
Thornton J, drayman Garrettson & Co, res 62 Mulberry
Thomas Martin, laborer, res 57 Cedar
Thomas J J, wagon shop Lucas Grove road, res same
Thornton Jas, well digger, res 72 Chestnut
Thomas Henry, potter, res 102 Orange
Tibbetts C A, laborer, res 76 e 3d
Tibbetts Chas, brakeman C R I & P R R, res 16 e 6th
Timm John, laborer, res Lucas Grove road
Timm Fred, teamster, res 94 w 5th
Timm Henry, laborer, res S Mus
Tieke F, plasterer, res 112 Sycamore
Tilden Theo, tinner McQuesten & sawyer, bds Scott House
Tilliard Thos, laborer, res Musserville
Toohey Patrick, teamster, res 94 w 5th
Tobin Mrs John, res 175 e 10th
Towney John, laborer, res 142 w 2d
Townley Peter, whitewasher, res 80 Cedar
Towle Owen, laborer, res E Mus
Towers C G, auctioneer, res 4 Broadway
Trump Geo, laborer S G & P Stein
Trent H, laborer Chambers Bros
Trent M S, farmer, res 52 Mulberry
Tribune, daily and weekly, Van Horne & Betts Props, 25 Iowa av
Trumbull A, laborer, res E Mus
Trick Matthias, wood worker Ament & bro
Turk John, cabinet maker Kegel, Wienker & Witrtich, res 125 e 8th
Turner Frank B, bds Commercial Hotel
Turner H F, Journal book bindery, bds cor 5th and Walnut
Turnherr Wm, laborer, bds Mrs. C Shaefer
Tuttle Mrs. F, res 48 Pine
Tuman John, teamster, res 148 Cypress
Tutt Noah, teamster, res 67 Pine
Tyler A G (Tallant & Tyler), bds Mrs Worsham, 56 w 3d
Tyler J K (Berry & Tyler), res 85 e 2d
Tyler & Tallant, Iowa Bible Publishing Co, 7 w 2d up stairs
Udisch Carl, cow doctor, res 140 e 6th
Udisch Fred, laborer, res S Mus
Ulrich Fred, saloon 122 e 6th, res same
Uland A, laborer, res Lucas Grove road
Underwood S, carpenter, res 96 w 3d
Underwood John, res 44 e 2d up stairs
Underwood & Clark, real estate and loan agt, 3 w 2d
Underwood F L (Underwood & Clark), res 43 Cherry
Urmston P s, jeweler and purchasing agt, 88 e 2d, res same
Vail J A (City Express), bds Park House
Van Buren M, laborer, res 92 e 6th
Van Buren John, clk Davidson & Co
Van Buren Miss Bessie, book-keeper G W Dillaway
Van Lent John, carpenter, res 62 w 8th
Van Dam J, carpenter, bds cor 7th and Locust
Van Dam D, clk Silverman, Cook & co, bds Mrs. McCormick
Van Nostrand R D, book-keeper Rubleman & co, res 100 w 3d
Van Nostrand Wm H (J Rubleman & Co), res 100 w 3d
VanGent M (VanGent & Strake) res S Mus
VanGent Wm, laborer, res Lucas Grove road
VanGent & Strake, staple and fancy groceries, 81 e 2d
Van Name Wm, lumberman, res 151 e 2d
Van Shook S G, agt A M U ex Co, res 52 e 2d
Van Horne G W, daily and weekly Tribune, res 85 Orange
Van Horne & Betts, daily and weekly Tribune, 25 Iowa av
Vannatte Robt, runner Continental Hotel
Vance Phillip, blacksmith, res E Mus
Varner J W, propr Commercial Hotel, cor Front and Iowa av
Varner H, teamster, res 88 Mulberry
Vauple John, laborer, res S Mus
Vetter Geo, laborer, res 39 w 6th
Vetter Mike, Brent’s factory, res 42 w 6th
Veerink J H, laborer, res 100 w 4th
Vesey Geo P, grocery 65 e 2d, bds National Hotel
Vennink Henry, baker, res 82 w 7th
Vollman Casper, laborer, res 26 w 7th
Voglegesang Geo, laborer, res S Mus
Vogle D, laborer, res S Mus
Washburn L H, atty at law, res 97 e 5th
Wagner John, Star Brewery, res same
Wahl Christ sr, res 57 w 5th
Wahl Jake, engineer, res 54 w 4th
Wahl Christ Jr, shoemaker, res 57 w 5th
Watt John F, plumber and gas fitter, 26 Walnut
Walker Jas, laborer, res 33 w 6th
Watkins Mrs Jane, intelligence office, res 16 w 4th
Warren Mrs N, res 12 e 4th
Walter John F, soap factory, 193 e 9th, res 165 e 9th
Waide S L, lawyer, 73 e 2d, res 88 e Front
Walton C, machinist Kirk & Abbott, beds 71 e 5th
Ward J D, laborer Chambers Bros
Walter John, laborer Chambers Bros, res suburbs
Washburn Scott, traveling agt Shammo & Cummins, res cor 7th and Walnut
Walz F J, prop Germania Hotel
Warfield A, agt C R I & P R R, bds Commercial Hotel
Warfield Chas, telegraph operator, bds Mrs McClelland
Walton J P, builder, res 39 e 8th
Walburg Mrs A, res 67 Walnut
Warden Mrs, seamstress, res 32 Walnut
Walker Joe, carpenter, res 42 Orange
Washburn D, mover of bldgs, res 74 Oak
Walters Mrs N, res E Mus
Washburn G, carpenter, res Musserville
Washburn Gates, engineer, res Musserville
Washburn Chas, farmer, res E Mus
Welch W J, clk J C Welch, bds 28 e 5th
Welch J C, grocer, res 28 e 5th
Welch Robert, Commercial House Saloon, res 14 e 6th
Welch M J (Welch & Knopp), res cor 6th and Chestnut
Welch Patrick, laborer, res 24 w 7th
Welch & Knopp, merchant tailors, 17 2d
Weisenholn Chas, wagon maker, res 36 w 6th
Weaver Christian, carpenter, res 100 e 7th
Weingart Peter, laborer, res 7 e 8th
Weippert John W, editor Deutsche Zeitung, res 11 e 8th
Weber F, res 119 w 8th
Weisse Henry, harness maker, 9 e 2d, res cor 8th and Mulberry
Wells M, drug clk, bds Mrs McCormick
Webster Wesley W, importer and dealer in marble, granite, &c,
      94, 96, and 98 e 2d, res cor w 2d and Spruce
Welker & Bergin, wholesale butter and eggs, 60 and 62 w 2d
Welker Fred (W & B), res Chicago
Welch Jas, runner Commercial Hotel
Weinard Chris, wagon Maker, 6th st
Wenak Chas, drayman, res 15 Chestnut up stairs
Wesson E, carpenter, res 9 Linn
Weirsheuser C, laborer, res Newell road
Weggen Peter, laborer, res Lucas Grove road
Weggen John, laborer, res Lucas Grove road
Weir W C, engineer and contractor, res 47 Cherry
Weir R H, miller, bds W C Weir
Wehring Christ, laborer, bds C J Dold’s
Weise Geo, res Butlerville
Weed Jas, nurseryman, res E Mus
Weaver F, laborer, res E Mus
Weltz John, blacksmith, res S Mus
Whipple C G, head salesman I Rothschild, res 120 e 8th
White G R, grain dealer, res Iowa City road
White Mrs, millinery , 8 w 2d, res same
White Hiram, laborer Chambers Bros, res 79 Mulberry
White Wm, res 8 w 2d
White H W, laborer, res alley bet 1st and 2nd
Whicher Emerson S, real estate agt, 23 Iowa av, res 111 w 2d
Witter F M, principal High School, res 52 e 5th
Williams Geo, laborer, bds T Sergison’s
Williams Robt, city recorder, res 100 e 5th
Williams Blake, printer, bds 100 e 4th
Wiilliams Richard, soda water and cigar dealer, bds 100 e 5th
Williams Mrs, res 79 w 8th
Williams J J, bootmaker, bds79 w 8th
Williams Mrs Kate, dress maker, 80 w 2d
Williams James, coal miner, res 21 w Front
Williams Geo, laborer, res E Mus
Wilhelm Simon, teamster, res 102 e 6th
Wittich W W (K, W & W), res 10 w 6th
Wiley Geo, city assessor, res 28 e 4th
Winn John, teamster, res 56 e 7th
Wiles Geo H, blacksmith, res 76 e 7th
Witteman Fredrick, cabinet maker, res 42 w 7th
Wick ----, peddler, res 138 e 8th
Wipplehauser Peter, express driver, res 36 w 8th
Wilcox Isaac, carpenter, res 25 e 8th
Winterstein Geo, laborer, res 11 w 8th
Wilder John, laborer, res 149 e 10th
Wier J S & J B, wholesale liquor dealers, 118 and 120 e 2d
Wier J S, res 120 e 2d
Wier J B, res 120 e 2d
Wier James M, wholesale dealer and importer fine whiskies, brandies
      and wines, 62 e 2d
Wilder Maurice, porter National Hotel
Wilson J A, staple and fancy groceries, 21 e 2d, res 41 w 4th
Wilson John C, clk Stewart & Porter
Winslow C C, agt Singer Sewing machine, 59 e 2d, res same
Winzer Dr Adolph, office 48 e 2d up stairs, res same
Winn A M, plunder and notion store, 19 w 2d,res 68 w 2d
Witmer H H, book-keeper Hershey’s saw mill
Witmer ----, laborer, res 20 w Front
Wiles Thos, blacksmith Mus Mfg Co
Wingerten Peter, Stone mason, res Morford road
Wicke ----, res 72 Cedar
Winkler Wm, laborer, res 153 Cypress
Wisemiller Robt, teamster, res 55 Spruce
Wienker Frank sr (K W & W), res 14 w 3d
Wienker Harry, traveling agt, bds 14 w 3d
Wienker Frank jr, clk K, W & W, bds 14 w 3d
Winnenk H, laborer, res S Mus
Wisson Wm, laborer, bds T Rainbow
Wilheit Mrs S, res Musserville
Wirtz John, laborer, bds A Fritz
Wiggins John, laborer, res Green
Worst Jacob, wagon maker Ament & Bro, res 16 e 6th
Woodruff Mrs Mary, seamstress, res 13 w 3d
Worsham Mrs, boarding house, 56 w 3d
Worsham David, book-keeper, bds 56 w 3d
Woodward W H, real estate and insurance agt, Silverman’s bldg,
      bds Mrs Hatch
Wolter H (McKibben & Wolter) bds Mrs McCormick
Worst Fred, blk R Welch, bds Jacob Worst’s
Wood Mrs, Iowa City road
Woilard Mrs, res 37 Sycamore
Woods Jos, laborer, res Newell road
Woods Luther, laborer, res E Mus
Woematchel Jos, laborer, bds Mrs Binz
Wright Wm, fisherman, res 54 Mulberry
W U Telegraph office, room 5 Olds’ Opera House
Young Man’s Gymnasium, 36 e Front
Young Henry, barber 51 e 2d, res 12 e 6th
Young Thos, laborer, res 25 e 3d
Young Jos, laborer, bds 25 e 3d
Young Geo H, engineer Chambers Bros, res 112 e Front
Young Geo H jr, laborer C R I & P R R, bds 112 e Front
Young Nichols, shoemaker, res 78 Mulberry
Young American Mills, 47 Oak cor e 4th
Yochem Geo, bootmaker at Metzger’s
Zetter Wm H, laborer, res 81 w 6h
Zeidler Wm, carpenter, res 16 w 6th
Zeak John, laborer, res 84 w 4th
Zediker Danl, laborer, res 91 e 3d
Zeigler John, blacksmith Mus Mfg Co, res suburbs
Zeigler John, res 14 e Poplar
Zeigler Geo, laborer, res S Mus
Zediker John, pilot ferry boat, res S Mus
Ziegler John, res Northern Brewery, Tipton road
Ziheringer Mrs Jos, res S Mus
Zimmerman Jos, res 83 e 2d
Zurbruger B, cooper, res Lucas Grove road

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Page created by Lynn McCleary on January 8, 2010