Pages 101 - 132 submitted by Ken & Shirley Plumb, January 20, 2010
COUNTY DIRECTORY NAMES G - K (name sequence and spellings are as they were presented)
G Gage S R, farmer.
Resides nine miles from the city, on Hoopes road; post office, Muscatine. Rents from Mrs. E. Miller. Was born in Ohio 1841; came to this county 1845.
Gallagher James, farmer.
Resides seven miles from the city, on Iowa City road; post office, Muscatine. Owns two hundred and ten acres land. Came from Ireland to this county 1848.
Gates S, farmer.
Resides twelve miles from the city, two miles south of Lord’s Ferry road; post office, Lettsville. Owns one hundred and thirty acres land.
Gates Peter, farmer.
Resides nineteen miles from the city, two and one-half miles from West Liberty, on West Liberty road, post office, West Liberty. Owns one hundred and twenty acres land. Was born in Ohio 1812; came to county 1866.
Gatton R, farmer.
Resides fourteen miles from the city, two miles from Moscow, on old State road; post office, Moscow. Was born in Indiana 1836; came to this county 1839. Own ninety-one acres land. A fine quarry of Limestone is located on this farm, lying along the track of the C, R I & P railroad.
Gatton Wm, farmer.
Resides fourteen miles from the city, two miles from Moscow, on old State road; post office, Moscow. Owns ninety acres land. Was born in Maryland 1793; came to this county 1839. Old Settler.
Gatton John, farmer.
Resides fourteen miles from the city, two miles from Moscow, on old State road; post office, Moscow. Was born in Ohio 1832; came to this county 1839. Old Settler.
Garnes H H, farmer.
Reside three miles from the city, on Iowa City road; post office, Muscatine. Owns one hundred and sixty-three acres land. Was born at Harrisburg, Pennsylvania; came to this county 1844. Breeder of short horn cattle, Poland China and Chester White hogs.
Garnes John W, farmer.
Resides three miles the city, on Stewart road, Muscatine Island’ post office, Muscatine. Owns ninety acres land. Grower of small fruit. Came from Pennsylvania to this county 1854.
Garvin Pat, farmer.
Resides five miles from the city, on Lord’s Ferry road; post office, Muscatine. Rents forty acres land from McBride.
Gebert Fred, farmer.
Resides three and one-half miles from the city, between River and Sherffey roads; post office, Muscatine. Owns eighty acres land.
Geiger John, farmer.
Resides ten miles from the city, one-half mile south of Batty road; post office, Muscatine. Owns eighty acres land.
George C, farmer.
Resides thirteen miles from the city, three and one-half miles south of Durant; post office, Durant. Owns two hundred and twenty acres land.
George John, farmer.
Resides seventeen miles from the city, three miles north of Telegraph road; post office, Stockton. Owns eighty acres land. Was born in Ohio 1825; came to this county 1846.
George Thomas, farmer.
Resides sixteen miles from the city, two miles west of Lord’s Ferry; post office, Nichols Station. Owns one hundred and four acres of land. Was born in Ohio; came to Iowa 1852.
Gerard H, farmer.
Resides fifteen miles from the city, two miles north of Coneville, post office, Coneville. Owns one hundred and thirty acres land.
Gerhart L, farmer.
Resides fourteen miles from the city, one mile and one-half south of Telegraph road; post office, Pleasant Prairie. Owns two hundred acres land.
Gerhart George, farmer.
Resides fourteen miles from the city, one-half mile south of Telegraph road; post office, Pleasant Prairie. Owns one hundred and twenty acres land.
Gerperel H, farmer.
Resides nine and one-half miles from the city, three and one-half miles from Wilton, between old Telegraph and Graded roads; post office, Wilton. Owns two hundred and eighty acres land.
Gertz Augustus, farmer.
Resides four miles from the city, between Lucas Grove and Dickerson roads; post office, Muscatine. Rents from Henry Bloomer’s estate. Came from Germany to this county 1856.
Gettert Peter, farmer.
Resides seven miles from the city, one mile north of Telegraph road; post office, Sweetland Centre. Owns two hundred and eight acres of land. Was born in Germany 1842; came to Iowa 1854.
Gideon J W, farmer.
Resides sixteen miles from the city, three miles north of Lord’s Ferry; post office, Coneville. Was born in Ohio 1829; came to Iowa in 1856. Owns one hundred and forty acres land.
Gidney A, farmer.
Resides fifteen miles from the city, one and one-half miles west of Lord’s Ferry; post office, Coneville. Owns one hundred and fifty acres land.
Gilbert Douglass, farmer.
Resides two and one-half miles from the city, on north side of Telegraph road; post office, Muscatine. Owns two hundred acres land.
Gilbert Hiram, farmer and stock raiser.
Resides two and one-half miles from the city, on north side of Telegraph road; post office, Muscatine. Was born in Kentucky 1807; came to Iowa 1837. Fruit grower and stock raiser. Breeder of pure blooded Poland China hogs.
Gilbert M W, farmer.
Resides two miles from the city, on north side of Telegraph road; post office, Muscatine. Rents fifteen acres land from H Gilbert.
Gilbert Joseph, school teacher.
Resides six and one-half miles from the city, on Dickerson road, on Calvin Adams farm; post office, Muscatine.
Gilkerson Samuel, farmer.
Resides eight and three-fourths miles from the city, on Dickerson road; post office, Muscatine. Owns one hundred and twenty acres land. Came from Pennsylvania.
Gillis George, farmer.
Resides seven miles from the city, on Slough Bridge road, the Island; post office, Muscatine. Owns two hundred and forty acres land. Was born in Virginia 1820; came to this county 1852.
Gipple G W, farmer.
Resides seventeen miles from the city, one mile south of Washington road; post office, Lettsville. Owns eighty acres land.
Goddard Charles, farmer.
Resides even and one-half mile from the city, between Telegraph and Pine Mill roads; post office, Muscatine. Owns one hundred and sixty acres land.
Goddard J T farmer.
Resides seven miles from the city, on cross road between Telegraph and Graded roads; post office, Muscatine. Owns eighty acres land. Was born in Maine 1837; came to this county 1859.
Gorey James, farmer.
Resides nine miles from the city, on Lord’s Ferry road; post office, Muscatine. Owns one hundred and thirty acres land. Was born in Ireland; came to Iowa 1860.
Gorey Paul, farmer.
Resides nine miles from the city, on Lord’s Ferry road; post office, Muscatine.
Gouldsberry H, farmer.
Resides six and one-half miles from the city, on Lord’s Ferry road; post office, Muscatine. Rents twenty-five acres of land from Mrs. Chapman.
Grady Justus, farmer and blacksmith.
Resides seven miles from the city, on Lucas Grove road; post office, Muscatine. Owns six and three-quarters acres of land and blacksmith shop. Raises half-breed Poland China and Berkshire hogs. Came from Pennsylvania to this county 1856.
Graham J W, farmer.
Resides three and one-half miles from the city; post office, Muscatine. Own seventy-five acres of land.
Gray S M, farmer.
Resides five miles from the city, on Port Louisa road, on the Island; post office, Muscatine. Owns ninety acres of land. Breeder of Poland China hogs. Came from Ohio to this county 1840.
Gray F A J, farmer.
Resides ten miles from the city, four miles north of Sweetland Centre; post office, Sweetland Centre. Owns two hundred acres land under cultivation. Was born in Pennsylvania; came to Iowa 1863. Was elected to the Legislature by a large majority in 1865.
Gray H, farmer.
Resides fourteen miles from the city, on county road east of Wilton road; post office, Wilton. Owns two hundred and fifty-five acres land. Was born in Maine 1817, came to this county 1843.
Greenewald Peter, farmer.
Resides thirteen miles from the city, two miles north of Telegraph road; post office, Durant. Rents eighty acres land from C Meyer.
Gregory H, farmer.
Resides eight miles from the city, one-half mile north of Lord’s Ferry road; post office, Muscatine. Owns one hundred and sixty acres land.
Greiner Jeremiah, farmer and stock raiser.
Resides six miles from the city, on Moscow road; post office, Muscatine. Owns five hundred acres land, and hundred head of cattle, forty head of horses, and breeder of Poland China hogs. Horses, cattle and pure blooded hogs for sale. Was born in Pennsylvania; came to this county in 1853.
Greiner Wm, farmer.
Resides six miles from the city, on Tipton road; post office Muscatine. Owns eighty acres land.
Grell Barney, farmer.
Resides seven miles from the city, on cross road between River and Pine Mill roads; post office, Muscatine. Owns one hundred and fifteen acres land.
Green Jos A, Bashaw Stock Farmer.
Two miles from the city, on Iowa City road; post office Muscatine. Mr Green is proprietor of the celebrated trotting stallions Bashaw and Melzer. BASHAW is in the stud at the Bashaw stock farm, serving mares at ONE HUNDRED DOLLARS. Melzer, a colt of Bashaw, and full brother to Bashaw, Jr, is in training at Washington, Iowa. Besides these two fine stallions, Mr Green has on his farm twenty head of wll-bred mares and colts. He was born in Vermont; and emigrated from that State 1835; came to Muscatine county 1844.
Grete George, farmer.
Resides six miles from the city, between Pine Mill and River; post office, Muscatine, Owns one hundred and twenty acres land.
Grete Ferd, farmer.
Resides seven miles from the city, between River and Pine Mill roads; post office, Muscatine. Owns forty-six and two-thirds acres land.
Griffin H S, farmer.
Resides fourteen miles from the city, on Washington road; post office, Lettsville.
Grimm Daniel Jr, farmer.
Resides ten miles from the city, two miles south of Telegraph road; post office, Melpine. Owns one hundred acres land.
Grosjean S N, farmer.
Resides seven and one-half miles from the city, on Slough road; post office, Muscatine. Owns eight-five acres land under cultivation, forty acres meadow, and fifty acres timber land. Was born in France 1849; came to Iowa 1852.
Grosjean Peter, farmer.
Resides thirteen and one-half miles from the city, on Washington road; post office, Lettsville. Owns forty acres land.
Grunder Peter, farmer.
Resides twelve miles from the city, on Graded road; post office, Wilton. Owns forty-two acres land.
Guild R D, farmer.
Resides sixteen miles from the city, two and one-half miles from Atalissa; post office, Atalissa. Rents ninety-six acres land from J Guild. Was born in New Jersey 1833; came to this county 1861.
Gurley J F, farmer.
Resides three miles from the city, on River road, on the Island; post office, Muscatine. Owns one hundred and sixty acres land. Small fruit grower. Came from Connecticut to this county 1869.
Guthrie J W, farmer.
Resides eighteen miles from the city, three miles from Stockton, on new Telegraph road; post office, Stockton. Owns one hundred and sixty acres land. Was born in Ohio 1847; came to this country 1865.
H Haas Adam, farmer.
Resides two miles from the city, on Slough Bridge road, on the Island; post office, Muscatine. Owns one hundred acres land. Was born in Germany 1811; came to this county 1863.
Hacket James, farmer.
Resides nine miles from the city, on Grandview road; post office, Muscatine. Owns forty acres land.
Hadley Charles, farmer.
Resides fourteen miles from the city, on Washington road; post office, Lettsville. Owns two hundred acres land.
Hahn P, farmer.
Resides eleven miles from the city, one mile from Moscow, on Moscow road; post office, Moscow. Owns three hundred and twelve acres land.
Hartfleigh Wm S, farmer.
Resides seven miles from the city, on cross road between Telegraph and Graded road; post office, Summit. Rents two hundred acres land from Jas Davis. Was born in Maryland 1827; came to this county 1866.
Haines John N, farmer.
Resides ten miles from the city, one and one-fourth miles from Moscow, on cross road between Tipton and Moscow roads; post office, Moscow. Owns eighty acres land.
Haine L J, farmer.
Resides four and one-half miles from the city, on Tipton road; post office, Muscatine. Rents eighty acres land from Thomas Haine.
Hall H, farmer.
Resides ten miles from the city, one and one-half miles north of Telegraph road; post office, Melpine. Owns two acres land.
Hartmann G, farmer.
Resides seventeen miles from the city, two and one-half miles north of Telegraph road; post office, Stockton. Rents eighty acres land from E Jockheck. Was born in Germany 1853; came to Iowa 1858.
Hanks J, farmer.
Resides sixteen miles from the city, three miles northwest of Lord’s Ferry; post office, Coneville. Owns two hundred and ten acres land. Was born in Ohio 1829; came to Iowa 1854.
Hanis W H, farmer.
Resides eleven miles from the city, half a mile south of Telegraph road; post office, Melpine. Owns one hundred and sixty acres land.
Hankins J, farmer.
Resides sixteen miles from the city, half a mile north of Coneville; post office, Coneville. Rents one hundred acres of land from J Brockway.
Hansen H, farmer.
Resides thirteen miles from the city, two miles north of Telegraph road; post office, Durant. Rents one hundred and sixty acres land from B Otto. Was born in Germany 1851; came to Iowa 1874.
Hapener John, farmer.
Resides ten and one-half miles from the city, one mile from Moscow, on Tipton road; post office, Moscow. Owns one hundred and ninety acres land, ninety acres under cultivation, and one hundred acres in pasture and timber.
Hare Col A M, farmer and small fruit grower.
Resides two and one-half miles from the city, on River road; post office, Muscatine. Owns two hundred and ninety-five acres land. Hard and soft stone quarries and coal banks on the farm, three miles from the city. Breeder of Poland China hogs and small fruit grower. Was born in Ohio 1811; came to this county 1841. Col Hare was Colonel of the Eleventh Iowa Infantry. Old Settler.
Hare A J, farmer.
Resides three miles from the city, on River road; post office, Muscatine. Owns twenty-six acres of land. Was born in this county 1846.
Hargrove B, farmer.
Resides fourteen miles from the city, one mile from Atalissa, on Pedee road. Owns one hundred and twenty acres of land. Breeder of Berkshire hogs and stock cattle. Was born in Ohio 1831; came to this county 1866; post office, Atalissa.
Harker Joseph, farmer.
Resides six miles from the city, on Pine Mill road; post office, Sweetland Centre. Owns one hundred and ninety acres land.
Harker Ed J, farmer.
Resides six miles from the city, on Pine Mill road; post office, Muscatine. Owns sixty acres land.
Harker L, farmer.
Resides four and one-half miles from the city, quarter of a mile north of Telegraph road; post office, Muscatine. Rents eighty acres land from K Van Camp.
Haroff Peter, farmer.
Resides seven and one-quarter miles from the city, on Hoopes road; post office, Muscatine. Owns forty-five acres land under cultivation, and one hundred and ninety-three acres in pasture and timber. Was born in Pennsylvania 1809; came to this county 1855.
Haroff David, farmer.
Resides seven and one-quarter miles from the city, on Hoopes road; post office, Muscatine. Rents seventy acres land from Peter Haroff. Was born in Ohio; came to this county 1855.
Haroff John, farmer.
Resides seven and one-quarter miles from the city, on Hoopes road; post office, Muscatine. Rents sixty acres land from P Haroff. Was born in Ohio; came to this county 1855.
Harper Wm, farmer.
Resides nine and one-half miles from the city, on Dickerson road; post office, Muscatine. Owns one hundred and forty acres land. Was born in Ireland; came to this county 1846.
Hart James, farmer.
Resides ten and one-half miles from the city, three and one-half miles from Atalissa, on Brown’s Ferry road; post office, Atalissa. Rents eighty acres land from J C Hartman. Was born in Ohio 1828; came to this county 1873.
Harrigan John, farmer.
Resides seven miles from the city, on Iowa city road; post office, Muscatine. Owns sixty acres land. Came from Ireland to this county 1850.
Hartman H, farmer.
Resides twelve miles from the city, one mile from Pine Mill, on Pine Mill and Blue Grass road; post office, Pine Mills. Owns eighty acres of land.
Hartman B, farmer.
Resides ten miles from the city, east of Pine Mills road; post office, Pine Mills. Owns eighty acres land.
Harvey W, farmer.
Resides eighteen miles from the city, one mile and a half west of Nichols Station post office, Nichols Station. Owns one hundred and sixty acres land.
Hasman P, farmer.
Resides ten and one-half miles from the city, on Tipton road, three and one-half miles from Wilton; post office, Moscow. Owns eighty acres land.
Hawks Fred, farmer.
Resides eighteen miles from the city, two miles southwest of Nichols; post office, Nichols. Owns sixty-five acres of land under cultivation, and twelve acres timber.
Hayes, Daniel, stock raiser.
Resides in city limits of Muscatine, on Iowa City road; post office, Muscatine. Breeder of trotting horses. Proprietor of the Hambletonian and Abdallah Stallion TRAMP.
Haynes John, farmer.
Resides sixteen miles from the city, one mile south of Coneville; post office, Coneville. Owns two hundred acres of land.
Hazlett Wm, farmer.
Resides five and one-half miles from the city, between Lucas Grove and Dickerson roads; post office, Muscatine. Own one hundred and eighty acres of land. Came from Pennsylvania to this county 1848.
Healey Andy, farmer.
Resides six and one-half miles from the city, on Brown’s Ferry road; post office, Muscatine. Rents one hundred and sixty acres land from Seth Humphreys.
Healey Mike, farmer and stock raiser.
Resides four and one-half miles from the city, on Brown’s Ferry road; post office, Muscatine. Owns nine hundred and forty acres land, two hundred head of cattle and twenty-five head of horses. Was born in Ireland; came to this county 1860.
Healey Thomas, farmer.
Resides eight miles from the city, between upper and lower Iowa City roads, post office, Muscatine. Owns two hundred and sixty acres land. Was born in Ireland; came to this county 1861.
Healey C F, farmer.
Resides thirteen miles from the city, on Moscow road, one mile from Moscow; post office, Moscow. Owns one hundred and eight acres land under cultivation, and one hundred and thirty acres meadow, pasture and timber.
Heberling A, farmer.
Resides thirteen and one-half miles from the city, one-half mile south of county line road, one-half mile from Atalissa; post office, Atalissa. Owns eighty acres land. Was born in Virginia; came to this county 1826.
Hechton Fred, farmer.
Resides thirteen miles from the city, three miles west of Breckenride Ferry; post office, Adams. Owns two hundred and forty acres land.
Heinley Joseph, farmer.
Resides six miles from the city, on Telegraph road; post office, Sweetland Centre. Owns eighty acres land.
Henderson R, farmer.
Resides fourteen miles from the city, on Pine Mill and Blue Grass road; post office, Pine Mills. Rents forty acres land from H Fridley.
Hendricks Jacob, farmer.
Resides four miles from the city, on Brown’s Ferry road; post office, Muscatine. Owns one hundred and twenty-five acres of land. Was born in Holland; came to this county 1852.
Hendricks H V, farmer.
Resides ten miles from the City, on Washington road; post office, Lettsville. Owns three hundred and twenty acres land.
Hendricks Ira, farmer.
Resides ten miles from the city, on Washington road; post office, Lettsville.
Hendricks C M, farmer.
Resides twelve miles from the city, on Washington road; post office, Lettsville. Owns one hundred and fifty-four acres of land. Was born in Indiana 1832; came to Iowa 1843.
Hendricks W, farmer.
Resides ten miles from the city, on Grandview road; post office, Lettsville. Owns one hundred and sixty acres land.
Hendrickson Samuel, farmer.
Resides seventeen miles from the city, two miles from West Liberty, on County Line road; post office, West Liberty. Owns three hundred and fourteen acres land. Was born in Ohio 1815; came to this county 1840.
Henneker J P, farmer.
Resides ten miles from the city, on Telegraph road; post office, Melpine. Owns sixty acres land.
Henry John, farmer.
Resides nine miles from the city, on Grandview road; post office, Muscatine. Owns twenty-three acres land.
Henzy Jacob, Blacksmith.
Resides six miles from the city, at Sweetland Centre.
Henza J, farmer.
Resides twelve miles from the city, on old Telegraph road; post office, Pleasant Prairie. Owns eighty acres land.
Herrick Stephen, farmer.
Resides seventeen miles from the city, six miles from Pine Mill on Pine Mill and Blue Grass roads; post office, Blue Grass. Owns one hundred and twenty acres land.
Herschman John, farmer.
Resides twelve miles from the city, on Moscow road; post office, Moscow. Owns one hundred and fifteen acres land under cultivation, and forty-five acres meadow and pasture.
Hershey Benj, Stock Farm.
Resides in city, farm three miles from the city, on Slough road; post office, Muscatine. Owns seven hundred and twenty acres land, and one hundred and twenty-five head of horses. Mr. Hershey’s natural taste for the stock business has done a great deal for Muscatine County, by way of improving the breed of horses. At present he has several fine, well-bred trotting stallions. General Hatch is one of the best horses in the country. Many of his colts have proven to be first-class trotters. Mr. Hershey also owns the famous trotting mare “Fleta” a daughter of “Gen Hatch” and a number of others that promise to even surpass the beautiful little mare “Fleta”.
Heps Oregon, farmer.
Resides eight and one-half miles from the city, on Iowa City road; post office, Muscatine. Rents sixty acres land from Victor Eagle. Breeder of Percheron horses, and Poland China and Berkshire hogs. Came from Pennsylvania to this county 1858. Hetzler Andrew, farmer.
Resides three miles from the city; post office, Muscatine. Owns eight-three acres land.
Heyde Fred, farmer.
Resides sixteen and one-half miles from the city, three miles from Durant, on new Telegraph road; post office, Stockton. Owns one hundred and sixty acres land. Was born in Germany 1826; came to this county 1863.
Hickey W, farmer.
Resides two miles north of Telegraph road; post office, Durant. Owns eighty acres land.
Hickey M, farmer.
Resides nine miles from the city, on Washington road; post office, Lettsville. Owns eighty acres land.
Hickey John, farmer.
Resides ten miles from the city, on Grandview road; post office, Lettsville. Owns eighty acres land.
Higley Charles, farmer.
Resides fifteen miles from the city, one-half mile north of Washington road; post office, Lettsville. Owns fifty acres land.
Hildebrand H H, farmer.
Resides fifteen miles from the city, three and one-half miles from West Liberty, on Brown’s Ferry road; post office, West Liberty. Owns to hundred and fifty acres land. Breeder of stock, hogs and cattle. Was born in Pennsylvania 1831; came to this county 1857.
Hill S G, farmer.
Resides four and one-half miles from the city, one-fourth mile north of old Telegraph road; post office, Muscatine. Owns eighty acres land. Was born in Ohio; came to his county 1865.
Hinchendorff H, proprietor Pine Mill.
Resides eleven miles from the city, on Pine Creek. Manufactures flour and feed stuff; post office, Pine Mill. Owns fifty-five acres land.
Hindermeister J, farmer.
Resides four miles from the city, on Slough road; post office, Muscatine. Owns twenty acres land.
Hindee Robert, farmer.
Resides seventeen miles from the city, four miles south of West Liberty; post office, West Liberty. Owns four hundred and twenty acres land. Was born in New York; came to this county 1856.
Hininger A, farmer.
Resides nine miles from the city, two miles north of Telegraph. Resides nine miles from the city, two miles north of Telegraph road; post office, Sweetland Centre. Owns twenty acres land.
Hinkhouse H, farmer.
Resides twenty miles from the city, one-half mile south of Port Allen; post office, Port Allen. Owns ninety acres land.
Hitchcock, Josiah, farmer.
Resides six miles from the city, on Brown’s Ferry road; post office, Muscatine. Owns one hundred and sixty acres land. Came from Ohio to this county 1852.
Hitchcock John P, farmer.
Resides eight miles from the city, on Hoopes road; post office, Muscatine. Owns four hundred and fifty acres land under cultivation and three hundred and thirty acres in pasture and timber. Was born in Sciota County, Ohio 1810; came to this county 1847.
Hoag J J, farmer.
Resides six and one-half miles from the city, on cross road between Telegraph and Graded roads; post office, Muscatine. Owns eighty-six acres land. Was born in Vermont 1827; came to this county 1874.
Hobson S, farmer.
Resides two miles from the city, on River road; post office, Muscatine. Owns seventy-four acres land. Breeder of Jersey cattle and Poland China hogs. Came from Ohio to this county 1839.
Hoffiger Magdalina.
Resides nine miles from the city, on Lucas Grove road; post office, Muscatine. Owns one hundred and seventy acres land. Breeder of Berkshire hogs. Came from Germany to this county 1846.
Hollingsworth Jos, farmer.
Resides twenty-two miles from the city, on old State road, two miles from Downey; post office, Downey. Rents sixteen acres land from L Wiggins. Was born in Ohio 1844; came to this county 1860.
Hollingworth P W, farmer.
Resides three miles from the city, on Lucas Grove road; post office, Muscatine. Rents from Suel Foster. Dealer in small fruits. Came from Illinois to this county 1874.
Hollenbeck J, farmer.
Resides sixteen miles from the city, two miles south of Nichols; post office, Nichols. Rents one hundred and twenty acres land from P Hollenbeck.
Hollenbeck Peter, farmer.
Resides sixteen miles from the city, four miles southwest of Breckenride Ferry; post office, Nichols Station. Owns two hundred acres land.
Hollister H A, Stock Farm.
Resides twelve miles from the city, two and one-half miles from Wilton on new Telegraph road; post office, Wilton. Owns one hundred acres land under cultivation, and three hundred and twenty acres in pasture, meadow and timber. Breeder of Short Horn cattle and blooded horses. Was born in New York 1826; came to this county 1852.
Holeman J F, Stock Farm.
Resides twenty-two miles from the city, two miles from Downey, on old State road; post office, Downey. Owns three hundred and thirty acres land. Proprietor of the thoroughbred running stallion “Woodburn”. Mr. H brought the first Short Horn bull (Emperor) to Muscatine County. He was burned to death in the barn 1864. Mr. H was born in Ohio 1825; came to this county 1855.
Holliday I, farmer.
Resides nine miles from the city, on Slough road; post office, Muscatine. Owns forty acres land.
Holling W, farmer.
Resides eight miles from the city, on old Telegraph road; post office Melpine. Owns one hundred eighty acres land.
Holcomb T B, gardener and fruit grower.
Resides in city limits, on the Island; post office, Muscatine. Owns thirty-six acres land. Grower of small fruits and gardener; came from Ohio to this county 1869.
Holcomb Frank R, farmer.
Resides on city limits, Muscatine Island, on Stewart road; post office, Muscatine. Owns forty-six acres of land. Grower of small fruit. Was born in Ohio; cane to this county 1846. Secretary of Protective Association of “P. of H.,” of State of Iowa.
Holcomb Adeline.
Resides with F R Holcomb, city limits; post office, Muscatine. Owns forty-seven acres land. Came to this county 1846.
Haltz John, farmer.
Resides six and one-half miles from the city, between Telegraph and Pine Mill roads; post office, Muscatine. Owns two hundred and ten acres land.
Hoops J W, farmer.
Resides four miles from the city; post office. Muscatine. Owns seventeen acres land.
Hoops R H, farmer.
Resides six miles from the city, on Hoops road; post office, Muscatine. Owns eighty acres land under cultivation, and two hundred and seven acres in pasture and timber. Was born in Pennsylvania 1819; came to this county 1845.
Hoops L Sr, farmer.
Resides six miles from the city, on Hoops road; post office, Muscatine. Owns one hundred and seventy-seven acres land under cultivation, and one hundred and fifty acres in pasture and timber. Was born in Pennsylvania 1815; came to this county 1854.
Hoops Joseph L, farmer.
Resides three and one-half miles from the city, on Lucas Grove road; post office, Muscatine. Owns three hundred acres land. Breeder of Poland China, Berkshire and Chester White hogs. Was born in this county.
Hooker John, farmer.
Resides nine miles from the city, on Moscow road; post office, Moscow. Owns four hundred and ten acres land. Breeder of fine cattle and hogs. Was born in German; came to this county 1860.
Horlor J P, farmer.
Resides sixteen miles from the city, three miles west of Lord’s Ferry; post office, Coneville. Owns one hundred and twenty acres land.
Hormil C, farmer and blacksmith.
Resides nineteen miles from the city, one mile from West Liberty, on West Liberty road; post office West Liberty. Owns one hundred and ten acres land and blacksmith shop. Was born in Germany 1842; came to this county 1865.
Horton A G, farmer.
Resides seven miles from the city, on Graded road; post office, Muscatine. Owns one hundred and sixty acres land.
Horton Thomas, farmer.
Resides sixteen miles from the city, two miles west of Lord’s Ferry. Rents one hundred and sixty acres of land from Dr Wenson.
Horton C C & E W, stock farm.
Reside two miles from the city, on Iowa City road. Own forty acres land. Breeders of pure blood Ayershire cattle and Poland China and Berkshire hogs; also, small fruit growers. Came from Orange county, New York, to this county 1848. C C Horton was elected to the Legislature 1872 and 1874.
Horton Dr James S, stock farm.
Resides one and one-half miles from the city, on Iowa City road; post office, Muscatine. Owns one hundred and forty-five acres land; also, one hundred and sixty acres on the Island. Breeder of Dutch and Ayershire Grade cattle, Cotswold sheep, and Poland China hogs. Small fruit grower. Was born in Orange county, New York, 1805; came to this county 1848.
Horton, Edwin C, stock farmer.
Resides five miles from the city, on Lucas Grove road; post office, Muscatine. Owns ninety-two acres land. Breeder of Ayershire cattle, Poland China and Chester White hogs, and Bashaw horses. Was born in Orange county, New York; came to this county 1848.
Hopkey H, farmer.
Resides eighteen miles from the city, seven miles from Pine Mills; post office, Blue Grass. Owns twenty acres land.
Hopkinson Wm B, farmer.
Resides six miles from Muscatine, at Summit; post office, Summit. Owns two and one-half acres land. Was born in Ohio 1851; came to this county 1854.
Horen Thomas, farmer.
Resides six miles from the city, one mile and a half north of Telegraph road; post office, Muscatine. Owns eighty acres land. Was born in Ireland; came to Iowa 1854.
Houseman U, farmer.
Resides five miles from the city, on Brown’s Ferry road; post office, Muscatine. Owns two hundred and twenty acres land. Came from England to this county 1856.
Houser Jacob, farmer.
Resides on city limits, on cross road, between upper and lower Iowa City road; post office, Muscatine. Owns eighty acres land. Breeder of Poland China hogs and Bashaw horses. Was born in Maryland; came to this county 1845.
Houser Christian, farmer.
Resides on city limits, on cross road, between upper and lower Iowa City road; post office, Muscatine. Owns eighty acres land. Was born in Washington county, Maryland; came to this county 1843. Breeder of Durham cattle, Bashaw horses and Poland China hogs.
Hough Jacob, farmer.
Resides fifteen miles from the city, half a mile north of Durant road; post office, Durant. Owns two hundred and sixty acres land. Was born in Pennsylvania 1816; came to Iowa 1862.
Howard C, farmer.
Resides ten miles from the city, east side of Pine Mills road; post office, Pine Mills. Owns one hundred acres of land.
Howe S K & J E.
Resides in Muscatine. Own one hundred and sixty-seven acres land, two miles from the city, on Tipton road. S K Howe, Secretary Muscatine Manufacturing Co. J E Howe, carpenter.
Howell P W.
Resides four miles from the city, on Stewart road, on the Island; post office, Muscatine. Owns eight acres land. Came from New York to this county 1859.
Hubbard W, farmer.
Resides ten miles from the city, on Washington road; post office, Lettsville. Rents forty acres land from Mr. Hendricks.
Hubbell J N, farmer.
Resides three miles from the city, on River road; post office, Muscatine. Rents one hundred and fifty acres land. Was born in Connecticut 1837; came to this county 1875.
Hubert Joseph, farmer.
Resides ten miles from the city, one mile east of Wilton road; post office, Wilton. Rents eighty acres land. Was born in Germany 1851; came to Iowa 1854.
Hudson John, farmer.
Resides eighteen miles from the city, on old State road, three miles from West Liberty; post office, West Liberty, Owns one hundred and sixty acres land.
Hughes G A, farmer.
Resides eleven miles from the city, on Brown’s Ferry road; post office, Atalissa. Owns four hundred acres land. Was born in Virginia 1815; came to this county 1850.
Humphreys Sereno, farmer.
Resides eight miles from the city, on Dickerson road; post office, Muscatine. Owns one hundred and seventy-four acres land. Breeder of Poland China and Chester White hogs. Emigrated from Connecticut 1842; came to this county 1856.
Hun Mike, farmer.
Resides four miles from the city, on Slough road; post office, Muscatine. Rents twenty-five acres from G Funk.
Hunt G W, farmer.
Resides ten miles from the city, two miles from Moscow on Moscow road; post office, Moscow. Owns one hundred and sixty-two acres land.
Hunter J R, farmer.
Resides fifteen miles from the city, two and one-half miles from West Liberty; post office, West Liberty. Owns one hundred and five acres land. Was born in Pennsylvania 1822; came to this county 1842. Old Settler.
Hunter W, farmer.
Resides eighteen miles from the city, two and one-half miles south of West Liberty; post office, West Liberty. Owns one hundred and sixty acres land.
Hunter Samuel, farmer.
Resides five and one-half miles from the city, on Stewart road, on the Island; post office, Muscatine. Owns one hundred and seventeen acres land. Came from New York to this county in 1860.
Huntsberger John, farmer.
Resides four miles from the city, on Iowa City road; post office, Muscatine. Owns seventy acres land. Breeder of Chester White hogs; has nine head of cattle and four horses. Was born in Pennsylvania; came to this county 1853.
Husted Marcus, farmer.
Resides ten miles from the city, east side of Pine Mill road; post office, Muscatine. Rents one hundred and sixty acres land from J L Husted.
Husted J L, farmer.
Resides ten miles from the city, on north side of Pine Mill road; post office, Muscatine. Owns one hundred and sixty acres land.
Huston John, farmer.
Resides four miles from the city, on Slough road; post office, Muscatine. Owns one hundred and seventy acres land. Was born in Ireland, 1819; came to Iowa 1844.
Hutton Charles, farmer.
Resides six miles from the city, on Brown’s Ferry road; post office Muscatine. Renter. Came from New York to this county 1859.
Hutton Thomas, farmer.
Resides seven miles from the city, on Iowa City road; post office, Muscatine. Rents from Kendrick, estate.
Hurlburt E, farmer.
Resides four and one-half miles from the city, on cross road, between Iowa City and Moscow roads; post office, Muscatine. Owns one hundred and ten acres land.
Hyatt Jack, farmer.
Resides five miles from the city, on Port Louisa road, on the Island; post office, Muscatine. Rents eighty acres land from Mr. Spring.
I Idle J, farmer.
Resides sixteen miles from the city, three miles north of Lord’s Ferry; post office, Coneville. Rents eighty acres land.
Idle John, farmer and stock dealer.
Resides fifteen miles from the city, on Washington road; post office, Lettsville. Owns three hundred and sixty acres land.
Illiam Fred, farmer.
Resides sixteen miles from the city, one mile north of Telegraph road; post office, Stockton. Owns one hundred and sixty acres land. Was born in Germany 1830; came to this county 1853.
Isley S, farmer.
Resides eight miles from the city, on Slough road; post office, Muscatine. Owns two hundred and twelve acres land. Was born in Germany 1830; came to Iowa 1854.
Irwin James, farmer.
Resides nine and one-half miles from the city, on Pine Creek; post office, Muscatine. Owns one hundred and twenty acres of land.
Irwin W, farmer.
Resides ten and one-half miles from the city, on Blue Grass road; post office, Muscatine. Owns eighty acres land.
Irwin Samuel, farmer.
Resides eleven miles from the city, on Blue Grass road; post office, Muscatine. Owns eighty acres land.
J Jacobs S W, Thoroughbred Cattle Breeder.
Resides sixteen miles from the city, two miles from West Liberty; post office, West Liberty. Owns four hundred and ten acres land, and a magnificent herd of one hundred and twenty-five head of thoroughbred cattle. Among Mr. Jacobs’ premium herd are to be found many of those rarely bred animals whose value reaches up into the thousands, which often excites incredulity on the part of persons not familiar with the pure blooded cattle business. Mr. Jacobs commenced the cattle business in 1869, and his wonderful success stands without a parallel. His sales, which take place annually, have amounted to many hundred thousand dollars, and he, not satisfied with his present eminent position as The Cattle King of the Northwest, is continually spending thousands of dollars in Europe and this country, seemingly determined to reach that position where he will be without a peer in the cattle business. Our space will not admit of anything like a description of the herd. The “Peri,” “Golden Drops,” “Water Lilies,” and “Rose of Sharon,” are a few of the renowned families represented. Mr. Jacobs has also a fondness for fine horses. He was born in Vermont 1830; came to this county 1857.
Jackman F, farmer.
Resides thirteen miles from the city, half a mile south of Telegraph road; post office, Pleasant Prairie. Owns one hundred and sixty acres land.
James G, farmer.
Resides nineteen miles from the city, five miles southwest of West Liberty; post office, West Liberty. Owns one hundred acres land.
Jayne J F, farmer.
Resides thirteen miles from the city, three miles south of Durant; post office, Durant. Owns one hundred and sixty acres land.
Jeans T P, farmer.
Resides fourteen miles from the city, two miles west of Lord’s Ferry; post office, Coneville. Owns two hundred and twenty acres land.
Jelly John, farmer.
Resides fourteen miles from the city, two miles from Atalissa; post office, Atalissa. Owns eighty acres land.
Jenne A, farmer.
Resides four miles from the city, on Stewart road, Muscatine Island; post office, Muscatine. Owns one hundred and sixty acres land. Came from Michigan to this county 1873.
Jarvis George, farmer.
Resides two and one-half miles from the city, on Stewart road, Muscatine Island; post office, Muscatine. Owns eighty acres land. Came from Illinois to this county 1865.
Jester J B, farmer.
Resides nine miles from the city, one-half miles north of Telegraph road; post office, Sweetland Centre. Owns one hundred and eighty acres land.
Jockheck E F, farmer.
Resides twenty-three miles from the city, one mile from Stockton, on County Line road; post office, Stockton. Owns one hundred and thirty-four acres land. Was born in German; came to this county 1868.
Johnson D B, farmer.
Resides five miles from the city, on cross road between old Telegraph and Graded roads; post office, Muscatine. Owns fifty-eight acres land. Was born in New Hampshire 1812; came to this county 1855.
Johnson A, farmer.
Resides nineteen miles from the city, three and one-half miles from Walcott. Owns three hundred and twenty acres land. Was born in Ireland 1835; came to this county 1855.
Johnson-----, farmer.
Resides seventeen miles from the city, one and one-half miles north of Telegraph road; post office, Blue Grass. Owns one hundred and twenty acres land.
Johnson Sarah, farmer.
Resides seven miles from the city, on Iowa City road; post office, Muscatine. Owns one hundred acres land. Came from Ohio to this county 1841.
Johnson Joseph, farmer.
Resides in city limits, on Holcomb road; post office, Muscatine. Rents from Mrs. Holcomb. Came from Ohio to this county 1868.
Jones A C, farmer.
Resides five and one-half miles from the city; post office, Muscatine. Rents eighty acres land.
Jones W T, farmer.
Resides eleven miles from the city, three miles from Atalissa, on Tice’s Ferry road; post office, Atalissa. Owns on hundred acres land. Was born in this county 1856.
Jones Thomas, farmer.
Resides sixteen miles from the city, one mile south of Coneville; post office, Coneville. Rents one hundred and sixty acres land from Mr. McCee.
Jones George E, Stock Farm.
Resides three miles from the city, on Graded road; post office, Muscatine. Owns one hundred acres land. Breeder of thoroughbred Jersey cattle and Poland China hogs. Mr. Jones is devoting his entire attention to the improvement of the breed of cattle and hogs. His favorite breed of cattle is the Jersey. He has some rare specimens of those blue-blooded animals on his farm. His two thoroughbred bulls, “Comet” and “Victor,” are perfect beauties in the shape of cattle flesh. The Poland China hogs on his farm are the finest specimens of that lazy brute we have seen, the old boar in his present condition weighing about six hundred and fifty pounds. Mr. Jones came from Massachusetts to this county 1852.
Jordan Wm, farmer.
Resides two miles from the city, on Lucas Grove road; post office, Muscatine. Owns seventy-seven and one-half acres land. Breeder of Poland China and Chester White hogs. Came from Virginia to this county 1864.
Julch P, farmer.
Resides twenty miles from the city, four miles west of Nichols Station; post office, Nichols Station. Rents eight acres land from R F Oberman. Was born in Germany 1845; came to Iowa 1870.
K Kale A, farmer.
Resides six miles west of Breckenridge Ferry; post office, West Liberty. Owns two hundred and five acres land.
Kane Daniel, farmer.
Resides twelve miles from the city, two miles west of Breckenridge Ferry; post office, Adams. Rents sixty acres land from Dr. Stafford.
Kane John, farmer.
Resides twelve miles from the city, six miles north of Sweetland Centre; post office, Sweetland Centre. Owns one hundred and seventy acres land.
Kane James, farmer.
Resides twelve miles from the city, six miles north of Sweetland Centre; post office, Sweetland Centre. Owns one hundred and sixty acres land.
Kane J M, farmer.
Resides six miles from the city, on Lord’s Ferry road; post office, Muscatine. Superintendent of County Farm.
Kaniff John, farmer.
Resides fifteen miles from the city, two miles from Atalissa, on Pedee road; post office, Atalissa. Rents forty acres land from Mrs. Aiken.
Karmann J, farmer.
Resides sixteen miles from the city, two miles south of Telegraph road; post office, Blue Grass. Owns one hundred and twenty acres land.
Kaufmann Peter, farmer.
Resides seven and one half miles from the city, two and one-half miles north of old Telegraph road; post office, Sweetland Centre.
Kaufmann, Fred, farmer.
Resides eight miles from the city, on Tipton road; post office, Muscatine. Owns three hundred and sixty-five acres land.
Keohl John, farmer.
Resides twenty miles from the city, three miles from Walcott; post office, Walcott. Rents one hundred and fifty-three acres land from A Long. Was born in Germany; came to this county 1862.
Keeler J C, farmer.
Resides thirteen and one-half miles from the city, one-half mile from Atalissa, on old State road; post office, Atalissa. Owns forty acres land. Was born in Pennsylvania 1828; came to this county 1867.
Kennedy W, farmer.
Resides fifteen miles from the city, one mile south of Coneville; post office, Coneville. Rents eighty acres land from E Smeltzer.
Kelley M, farmer.
Resides four and one-half miles from the city, between Moscow and Iowa City roads; post office, Muscatine. Rents eighty acres land from Mrs. Ryan. Came from Ireland to this county 1857.
Kelley Frank, farmer.
Reside fourteen miles from the city, one mile north of Telegraph road; post office, Pleasant Prairie. Owns two hundred and forty acres land.
Kelley George S, farmer.
Resides seven miles from the city, on old Telegraph road; post office, Sweetland Centre. Owns one hundred acres land.
Kelley C H, farmer.
Resides seven miles from the city, on old Telegraph road; post office, Sweetland Centre. Owns five hundred and twenty acres land.
Kelley George, farmer.
Resides ten miles from the city, one-fourth of a mile north of Telegraph road; post office, Melpine. Owns one hundred and sixty acres land.
Kelley James, farmer.
Resides seven miles from the city, two and one-half miles north of old Telegraph road; post office, Muscatine. Owns one hundred and sixty acres land. Was born in Pennsylvania 1805; came to Iowa 1869.
Kelley Frank, farmer.
Resides eight miles from the city, on Wilton road; post office, Wilton. Owns one hundred and sixty acres land.
Kelley S G, farmer.
Resides seventeen and one-half miles from the city, two and one half miles from Stockton, on new Telegraph road; post office, Stockton. Owns one hundred and sixty acres land. Was born in Ohio 1836; came to this county 1855.
Kemper H, farmer.
Resides twelve miles from the city, three-quarters of a mile from Pine Mill, on Blue Grass road; post office, Pine Mill. Owns two hundred and forty acres land.
Kennedy A, farmer.
Resides four miles from the city, on old Telegraph road; post office Stockton. Owns one hundred and twenty acres land.
Kepper A, farmer.
Resides seventeen miles from the city, two miles north of Telegraph road; post office, Stockton. Owns one hundred and twenty acres land.
Kerschner Fred, farmer.
Resides eighteen miles from the city, three miles west of Nichols Station; post office, Nichols Station. Owns one hundred and sixty acres land.
Kerr-----, farmer.
Resides nine miles from the city, three miles north of Telegraph road; post office, Sweetland Centre. Owns eighty acres land.
Key Joseph, farmer.
Resides five and one-half miles from the city, between upper and lower Iowa City road; post office, Muscatine. Rents from Wm Lake. Came from England to this county 1870.
Kie John, farmer.
Resides twelve miles from the city, six miles north of Sweetland Centre; post office, Sweetland Centre. Owns one hundred and sixty acres land. Was born in this county 1854.
Kiene B E, farmer.
Resides twelve miles from the city, six miles north of Sweetland Centre; post office, Sweetland Centre. Owns one hundred and sixty acres land. Was born in this county 1854.
Kifer Mathias, farmer.
Resides nine miles from the city, on Dickerson road; post office, Muscatine. Owns one hundred and forty acres land. Came from Germany to this county 1856.
Kilty B, farmer.
Resides five miles from the city, on Hoops road; post office, Muscatine. Was born in Ireland 1816; came to Iowa 1851.
Kincaid Col G W, farmer.
Resides three and one-half miles from the city, on Slough road; post office, Muscatine. Owns five hundred acres land. Was Colonel of the Thirty-seventh Iowa Volunteers 1862.
Kirk Robert, farmer.
Resides six miles from the city, on Dickerson road; post office, Muscatine. Owns two hundred and sixty acres land. Came from Ireland to this county 1855.
Kirk Robert Jr, farmer.
Resides eight miles from the city on Dickerson road; post office, Muscatine. Rents one hundred and sixty acres land from R Kirk, Sr.
Kile J, farmer.
Resides nineteen miles from the city, three miles west of Nichols; post office, Nichols Station. Was born in Pennsylvania 1816; came to Iowa 1856. Owns eighty acres land.
Killion Thomas, farmer.
Resides twelve miles from the city, four miles east of Wilton, on cross road; post office, Wilton. Rents eight acres land from P Doran. Was born in Iowa 1848; came to this county 1870.
Kinsey C B, farmer.
Resides thirteen miles from the city, five miles east of Wilton, on cross road; post office, Wilton. Owns two hundred and forty acres land. Was born in Ohio 1821; came to this county 1863.
Kisor G W, farmer.
Resides nine miles from the city, on Slough road; post office, Muscatine. Owns ninety acres land. Was born in Iowa 1846.
Kisor R W, farmer.
Resides nine miles from the city, on Slough road; post office, Muscatine. Owns one hundred acres land .Was born in Iowa 1838.
Kleintop A, farmer.
Resides half a mile from the city, on River road; post office, Muscatine. Owns eleven acres land. Was born in Germany 1828; came to this county 1864.
Klein George, farmer.
Resides twelve miles from the city, five miles from Wilton; post office, Wilton. Rents one hundred and sixty acres land from L Klein. Was born in this county 1848.
Klein L, farmer.
Resides nine miles from the city, two and one-half miles from Moscow, on Moscow road; post office, Moscow. Owns three hundred and twenty-two acres land.
Kleppinger W C, farmer.
Resides eighteen miles from the city, one mile and a half from Durant, on Durant road; post office, Durant. Owns one hundred and sixty acres land. Was born in Pennsylvania 1826; came to this county 1867.
Klepper C, farmer.
Resides four miles from the city, north side of Pine Mills road; post office, Muscatine. Owns two hundred and fifty acres land.
Klochsen F, farmer.
Resides nine miles from the city, on Graded road; post office, Muscatine. Rents sixty acres land.
Knapp Charles, farmer.
Resides nine miles from the city, one mile and a half north of Telegraph road; post office, Sweetland Centre. Owns one hundred and sixty acres land.
Kobler John, farmer.
Resides sixteen and one-half miles from the city, on cross road, half a mile south of County Line road; post office, Atalissa. Rents fifty acres land from P Buckman. Was born in Switzerland 1844; came to this county 1873.
Krell Simon, farmer.
Resides seven miles from the city, on Pine Mill road; post office, Muscatine. Owns eighty acres land.
Kuchle J, farmer.
Resides twenty miles from the city, three miles from Walcott, on new Telegraph road; post office, Walcott. Rents one hundred and sixty acres land from A Johnson. Was born in Germany 1843; came to this county 1860.
Kuger Chris, farmer.
Resides on new Telegraph road, three miles from Walcott; post office, Walcott. Rents two acres from Joe Cooper.
Kupler Charles, farmer.
Resides ten and one-half miles from the city, three miles from Wilton, on Tipton road; post office, Wilton. Owns forty acres land.
Kurger Oliver, farmer.
Resides four and one-half miles from the city, on Iowa City road; post office, Muscatine. Rents from Kendrick estate. Came from Germany to this county 1855.
Kurz John, farmer.
Resides seven miles from the city, on Dickerson road; post office, Muscatine. Owns ninety-four acres land. Came from Germany to this county 1866.
Kurz H, farmer.
Resides nine miles from the city, on Pine Mills and Durant road; post office, Muscatine. Owns one hundred and forty-three acres land.
Kutz Charles, farmer.
Resides five and one-half miles from the city, half a mile south of Slough road; post office, Muscatine. Owns eighty-five acres land.
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