
Pages 325 - 326 submitted by Lynn Mccleary, January 8, 2010

(name sequence and spellings are as they were presented)

A - none
Beard J, potter
Bronson Eli, proprietor of pottery
Bassett J, potter
Bronson N, farmer
Chatterton W R, farmer
Covell S W (M & C)
Doilarheit J, potter
Dallman J, blacksmith
Eaton P S, potter
Feusler M, potter
Feustel John (successor to Russell Bros), proprietor of pottery.
        Purchased and rebuilt this factory in 1871. Mr. Feustel has
        had sixteen years experience in this line of business.
Feustel C, potter
Haldon C, potter
Johnson J, potter
Keck George, proprietor of pottery
Kinger J, potter
Keck Wm, potter
Kramer S, teamster
Lee S, potter
Lee C O, potter, bds S Lee's
Leibrecht A
Lee M, potter
Lee & Thompson, potters
Lee G F (Lee & Thompson)
Lee F, potter
Meekimer & Covel, Dry Goods, Groceries, Hardware, Hats,
        Caps, Boots, Shoes, Crockery, Glassware,
        Family Medicines, &c., Post Office, Water st.
Morris D, pottery
Nelson A, teamster
Nelson W, potter
Parker R, teamster
Reeves W, laborer
Russel Wm, kiln burner
Russel E, potter
Simmons A, potter
Spencer P, potter
Sweet A, farmer
Spencer E J, potter
Smith H R, laborer
Smith G E, teamster
Smith J, potter
Sellhorn J, potter
Small C S, potter
Simmons J, potter
Shad L, potter
Sweet F, potter
Sparks J, proprietor of pottery
Thomson Wm, potter
Thayer P, potter
Townley Wm, prop'r general merchandise store, Water street
Williams R, carpenter
Willheit G H, potter
Weaver J C, teamster
Wagner L, potter
Weaver R B, clk at Wm Townley's general merchandise store
X, Y, Z - none

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Page created by Lynn McCleary on January 8, 2010