Pages 329 - 330 submitted by Lynn Mccleary, January 8, 2010
(name sequence and spellings are as they were presented)
Ady H H, farmer Andy J, farmer Bagley Geo, drugs, groceries and queensware,
books and stationeryBarkman J, wagon maker Berry T C, carpenter Barkhurst J, farmer Brokaw Wm, carpenter Barnes B Carr P H, shoemaker Cole F M & Bro, barbers Christian Church Doughney M, section man C R I & P R R Doyle C O, carpenter Doyle J R, farmer Embree B, traveling man Gaynor ----, Principal Atalissa district School Guile J, farmer Hurd & Crane, grain buyers Hiatt J, harness maker Harper A P, tanner Howard L, machinist Hampton S, carpenter Jones W H Jones A, land owner Jones T, painter Lundy Wm, farmer Lamb L, carpenter C R I & P R R Manning W, harness maker McAnnich & Co, meat market Manly A, laborer Methodist Episcopal and Presbyterian Church Neff G W, agt C R I & P R R Parvin J N B, carpenter Riddle Wm, blacksmith Rowe D L, physician and surgeon Riddle WW, physician and surgeon Stiles R, carpenter Sanders E D, blacksmith Scott G M, general merchandise store Stratton E D, jeweler and watchmaker Terry Geo, blacksmith Tobin M, farmer Wright Mrs L, millinery Wilshire John, harness shop, general assortment harness and
hardware, carriage rimming and repairing done,
all work warrantedWorrall Geo, boot maker Walker D, stock and grain buyer Weaver J, teamster Worrell A, general merchandise store Wildman B, laborer X, Y, Z - none
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Page created by Lynn McCleary on January 8, 2010