Early Schools of Mills County, Iowa

Forest Grove School
Rawles Township

Class Photo c1908/1910 ~ Teacher: Elsie Russell Savage
Front Row:
Teacher, ? Huffman, Dorothy Moon, Merlin Huffman, Paul Glenn, Roy Grosse, Anna Aistrope, Vivian West.
Back Row:
Edna Brading, Ada Grosse, Harley Huffman, Walter Russell, Clay Huffman, Ida Grosse, Carroll Moon.
In 1898 the Forest Grove students included the following students:
Teacher: Charles Hurlbutt, Arthur Cummings, Lillian Goode, Orville Goode, Richard Goode, Vera Grosbeck, Flora Grosse,
Hattie Grosse, Beulah McCoy, Allene McCoy, Una McCoy, Bernice Moon, Georgia Moon, Elsie Russell, Tura West.
~ Photo identification by Edna Brading Genson. Courtesy of Cay Merryman