Mills County Schools
Perfect Attendance
Malvern Leader
Malvern, Iowa
Thursday June 8, 1933, Page 7
Perfect Attendance Awards:
With the closing of the rural schools of the county many records of good attendance have been reported.
The following is a list of those pupils in rural schools who were neither absent nor tardy during the last six weeks of school:
- Bethlehem school:
Raymond Lincoln, Earl Lincoln, Vera Lincoln, Sarah Jane Lincoln, Franklin Lincoln, Dean Lincoln, Franklin Lincoln,
Dean Lincoln, Mary Ellen Richardson, Wannetta Bacon and Betty Bacon.
- Forester school:
- Kenneth Evans, Alice Lang, and Leala Templeton.
- Ingraham Center school:
- Viola Pierce, Lucille Pierce, and Kenneth Schoening.
- Mt. Vernon school in Ingraham:
- Martin Jenkel, Bonnie Custer, Phyllis Williams, Norma Williams, Albert Jenkel, Lola Collier, Richard Bishop,
Shirley Burgoin, and Lois Bishop.
- Oaks school:
- Ivy Lucile Kraenke, Evelyn Harman, LeVon Harmen, Velma Mahan, Jewell Mahan
- Pleasant Valley school:
- Lucille Knop, Fern Maddocks, Donald Clyde Jackson, Betty Barger, Bernald Schoening, Darlene Knop, Sarah Ruse,
Viola Knop, Billy Zanders, Richard Whitesides, and Lola Knop.
- Sandiland School:
- Doris Darland, Eva Huntsman, Emmett Stephens, Maxine Collier, Donovan Darland, Albert Washburn, Richard Lee Bowers,
Isabelle Stephens, and Junior Benedict.
- Sand Hollow School:
- Harry Hunt, Ward Hunt, Joe Krabbenhoft, Roy Krabbenhoft, Glen Schoening, Catherine Schoening, Pauline Schoening,
LaVerne Deitchler, and Carol Deitchler.
- Vogler school:
- Lee Roenfeld, Linda Heitmann, Eldon Deltchler, Virginia Kruse, Allice Roenfeld, Marvin Heitmann, Lou Rita Kruse
- Wearin school:
- Margaret Robbins, Josephine Haden, Betty Haden, Roberta Moore, Lawrence Cargill, and Gerald Moore.
- West Liberty school No 1:
- Russell Crouch, Henry Vohns, Minna Vohns, Herman Vohns Viola Marjorie Jens, Ervin Jens, Robert Hunt, Marian Hunt,
Esther Graalfs, George White and Clifford White.
Spelling Awards:
The pupils listed below are those who have had 100 perfect spelling lessons during the school year:
- Excelsior school:
Otha Mass, Wade Freeman, Leon De Bolt, Herbert Freeman, Frances De Bolt, Florence Adams, and Mabel Laws.
- Lincoln school:
Louise Barker, Jackie Cowardin, Herchel Nuss, Emory Kuhl.
- Vogler school:
Lou Rita Kruse, Juanita Queen, and Leona Hansen.
- White Cloud school:
Lorene Bryan, Donald Piburn, Jack Buffingyon, Ruth Summers, Clifford Baldozier,
Otha Bryan Marvin Piburn, and Josephine Baldozier.
Transcribed by Jaime Hockett |