The information given herein comes from the collections of the County Coordinators.  Inputs by users to expand the information presented in these pages are welcome and appreciated.


Military - General Information
War Memorials in Madison County
Iowa Veterans Cemetery Burials from Madison County since 2006
Madison County in the Iowa National Guard
National Archives Service and Pension Records
War of 1812
Veterans of the War of 1812 who lived in Madison County
Mexican War
Veterans of the Mexican War who lived in Madison County
Civil War
Veterans of the Civil War who lived in Madison County (A)
Veterans of the Civil War who lived in Madison County (B)
Veterans of the Civil War who lived in Madison County (C)
Veterans of the Civil War who lived in Madison County (D)
Veterans of the Civil War who lived in Madison County (E-G)
Veterans of the Civil War who lived in Madison County (H)
Veterans of the Civil War who lived in Madison County (I-K)
Veterans of the Civil War who lived in Madison County (L)
Veterans of the Civil War who lived in Madison County (M)
Veterans of the Civil War who lived in Madison County (N-Q)
Veterans of the Civil War who lived in Madison County (R)
Veterans of the Civil War who lived in Madison County (S)
Veterans of the Civil War who lived in Madison County (T-V)
Veterans of the Civil War who lived in Madison County (W-Z)
Mobilization of Madison County Troops - 1861
Madison County Militias - 1862
History of the 4th Iowa Cavalry
History of the 4th Iowa Volunteer Infantry
History of the 10th Iowa Volunteer Infantry
History of the 23rd Iowa Volunteer Infantry
History of the 39th Iowa Volunteer Infantry
Records of the Grand Army of the Republic (GAR) - Madison County
Life in Madison County During the Civil War
Gettysburg Letter
Reminisces of the Civil War by Emma French Sackett
List of Madison County Pensioners on the Roll - 1883
Civil War Gravestone Project
IAGenWeb Civil War Page
Records of the Grand Army of the Republic (GAR) - Iowa
Civil War Soldiers & Sailors System
Indian Wars
  Veterans of the Indian Wars Who Lived In Madison County
Spanish American War
Veterans of the Spanish American War from Madison County
Mexican Border War
Veterans of the Mexican Border War from Madison County
World War I
Veterans of World War I from Madison County (A-E)
Veterans of World War I from Madison County (F-J)
Veterans of World War I from Madison County (K-O)
Veterans of World War I from Madison County (P-S)
Veterans of World War I from Madison County (T-Z)
The Price of Our Heritage Pictures/bios of Iowa WWI soldiers killed in service
WWI Service Research
A special project of IAGenWeb covering many Iowa specific topics related to the First World War.
World War II
Veterans of the World War II from Madison County (A - Beattie)
Veterans of the World War II from Madison County (Bechtel - Brock)
Veterans of the World War II from Madison County (Brooker - Clopton)
Veterans of the World War II from Madison County (Cochran - Dewitt)
Veterans of the World War II from Madison County (Dick - Faust)
Veterans of the World War II from Madison County (Fee - G)
Veterans of the World War II from Madison County (H - Hircock)
Veterans of the World War II from Madison County (Hiskey - Jungst)
Veterans of the World War II from Madison County (K - L)
Veterans of the World War II from Madison County (M)
Veterans of the World War II from Madison County (N - Pindell)
Veterans of the World War II from Madison County (Poindexter - R)
Veterans of the World War II from Madison County (Sage - Smith)
Veterans of the World War II from Madison County (Smothers - T)
Veterans of the World War II from Madison County (U - Z)
National World War II Memorial
Korean War
       Veterans of the Korean War Who Lived In Madison County (A-D)
       Veterans of the Korean War Who Lived In Madison County (E-J)
       Veterans of the Korean War Who Lived In Madison County (K-Q)
       Veterans of the Korean War Who Lived In Madison County (R-Z)
Viet Nam War
Veterans of the Viet Nam War from Madison County (A-C)
Veterans of the Viet Nam War from Madison County (D-H)
Veterans of the Viet Nam War from Madison County (I-M)
Veterans of the Viet Nam War from Madison County (N-S)
Veterans of the Viet Nam War from Madison County (T-Z)
Middle East War Veterans
Middle East Veterans Who Served from Madison County
Peacetime Veterans
Peacetime Veterans Who Served from Madison County
Maintained by the County Coordinator

This page was created on July 23, 2004.
This page was last updated Tuesday, 02-Jul-2024 13:57:44 CDT .