Madison County, Iowa



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Several expansions, fix-its and remodels were accomplished through the years and in 2006, the church had another special celebration,  the congregation’s 150th anniversary.  They had an all-day event: worship, lunch and an afternoon video presentation on the church’s history and members.  The anniversary project was to raise funds of about $10,000 for a new roof.  They got this done as evidenced by the photo below.  Over the years many members have contributed their gifts and talents to the church, but those gifts of the heart: teaching, comforting, praying for others, even cleaning and organizing – are the ones that follow Christ’s example and keep them a viable entity.


Truro United Church of Christ - (2009)



Ministers Throughout the Years

Year (s)


Year (s)


Year (s)

1856 A. D. Kellison 1902 A C Burnham 1951-1954 Clarence Moore
  William Deal   D W Thompson 1954-1956 Walter Schilling
  J G Bishop 1908 A W Ricker 1956 Tom M King
  J H Creger   Roy C Helfenstein 1956-1961 Dale Lockart
  R A Creger 1912 D Powell 1961-1962 Robert Webber
  Joseph Anschultz   E E Bennett 1962-1963 Millard Marshall
  C C Rowley 1914-1916 Fred W Hagan 1963-1967 James Nicholson
  A Bradfield 1916-1917 S L Bougher 1967-1976 Richard Hempenius
  A H Chase 1917-1918 J W Garrett 1976-1979 David Wagner
  S O Calvin 1918-1919 Archimedes P Hurst 1979 Gayle Strickler
  Rev. Boaz Fall 1919 C C Callahan 1979-1982 George W Campbell
  W C Smith 1920-1924 Russell L Raybourn 1982-1985 Janne Clinton
  W B Golden 1924-1928 Frederick Cooper 1986-1988 Ann Louise Weisenfluh
  J L Towner 1928 O B Whittaker 1989-1990 Tapiwa Mucherera
  Edward Fitzgerald 1928-1930 Rue Burnell 1990-1992 Selva Lehman
1898 Rev. Lamb 1930-1934 I G Randell 1992-2001 Richard Harbart
1898-1899 Paul W Jellison 1935-1938 Oscar V Rector 2001-2004 Roselyn Harbart
1899 John Reed 1938-1942 Clayton P Shephard 2004-2008 Carol Iammatteo-Code
  O E Brown 1942-1943 William Van Vliedt 2008-present Shonda Deranleau
1900 Alonzo Thomas 1945-1946 Frederick Cooper    
  William Bagley 1946-1951 Verne R Willey    


Special note is made regarding Claude Porter.  Claude was a former local member who attended the Bible Institute in Los Angeles, California and was then ordained in 1949.  His first pastorate was Grace Baptist Church is Santa Ana, California.



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This page was created on March 22, 2010.
This page was last updated Thursday, 19-Jan-2017 17:06:46 CST .