Page 185B
State: Iowa


Supervisor's District No. 8 Sheet No.
County: Lucas Enumeration District No. 70 12
Township or other Division of County Name of Institution
Name of Incorporated city, town, or village, within the above named division: Chariton City Ward of city, 1
Enumerated by me on the 8th day of June 1900, Frank E Manning, Enumerator
Location Name Relationship
Personal Information
Nativity Citizenship Occupation of each person over 10 years of age Education Ownership of Home
In Cities Dwelling Family
Street House Number of each occupant on 1 June 1900 Relationship to head of household Color or Race Sex Date of Birth Age at last Birthday

Single, Married, Divorced or Widowed

Number of years married Mother of how many children number of children living
Month Year Place of birth this person Place of birth of Father of this person Place of birth of Mother of this person Year of Immigration Number of years in the United States Naturalization Occupation Months not employed Attended School (in months) Can Read Can Write Can speak English Owned or rented Owned Free or Mortgaged Farm or House Number of Farm Schedule
    1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28
        Reed, John Son W M Dec 1883 16 S       Iowa Ohio Ohio       at School   9 yes yes yes        
    263 270 Smith, J. B. Head W M Oct 1833 66 M 42     New York New York New York       Book Keeper 0   yes yes yes O F H  
        _____,M.A. Wife W F Sept 1835 64 M 42 2 2 Ohio Pennsylvania Maryland       Music Teacher     yes yes yes        
        _____,William Son W M Feb 1867 33 M 2     Iowa New York Ohio             yes yes yes        
        _____,Maud L D-in-Law W F June 1877 22 M 2 1 1 Iowa Illinois Missouri             yes yes yes        
        _____,Baldwin B Grand Son W M Mar 1900 3/12 S       Iowa Iowa Iowa                          
    264 271 Sullivan, Anna Head W F Aug 1851 48 Wd   6 6 Ireland Ireland Ireland 1856 43   Boarding House Keeper 0   yes yes yes R   H  
        _____,Tommie Son W M July 1876 26 S       Iowa Ireland Ireland       Cigar Maker     yes yes yes        
        _____,Ida Daughter W F April 1877 23 S       Iowa Ireland Ireland       Saleslady (Groceries)     yes yes yes        
        _____,Grace Daughter W F Feb 1880 20 S       Iowa Ireland Ireland             yes yes yes        
        Moore, Charles Boarder W M Aug 1862 37 M 3     Iowa Illinois Illinois       Painter (Carrage) 0   yes yes yes        
        _____,Mary Boarder W F July 1876 23 M 3 0 0 Missouri Missouri Missouri             yes yes yes        
        Halbach, John Boarder W M Feb 1878 22 S       Illinois Ohio Indiana     Day Laborer Day Laborer 0   yes yes yes        
    265 272 Becker, R. A. Head W M June 1871 28 M 8     Iowa Germany Germany     Barber Barber     yes yes yes R   H  
        _____,Nellie Wife W F Nov 1871 28 M 8 3 3 Iowa Illinois Ohio             yes yes yes        
        _____,Rorce Son W M Feb 1893 7 S       Iowa Iowa Iowa                          
        _____,Bearl Son W M Feb 1895 5 S       Iowa Iowa Iowa                          
        _____,R.A. Son W M July 1896 3 S       Iowa Iowa Iowa                          
    266 273 Murphy, B. F Head W M Sept 1835 64 M 41     Ohio Ohio Ohio             yes yes yes R   H  
        _____,M.E. Wife W F July 1841 58 M 41 1 1 Indiana North Carolina North Carolina             yes yes yes        
        Kennedy, Hary Boarder W M May 1869 31 S       Iowa Ohio Illinois       Barber     yes yes yes        
        Bears, Tobit Boarder W M Oct 1874 25 S       New York New York New York       Tipe Setter 0   yes yes yes        
    267 274 Lockwood, G. A. Head W M Sept 1841 58 M 33     Canada (Eng) Canada (Eng) Canada (Eng) 1850 49 Na. Jewlery Merchant 0   yes yes yes     H  
        _____,Sarah Wife W F May 1850 50 M 33 1 1 Ohio Ohio Indiana                          
        _____,Edward Son W M Oct 1867 32 S       Iowa Canada (Eng) Ohio       Jeweller 0   yes yes yes        
    268 275 Spears, Manuel Head W M Oct 1876 23 M 3     Virginia Virginia Virginia       Day Laborer 0   yes yes yes R   H  
        Anderson, Wright Boarder W M May 1865 35 M 6     Missouri Missouri Missouri       Day Laborer 0   no no yes        
    269 276 Wilsey, George Head W M May 1865 35 M 6     Illinois Illinois Ohio       Grocery Merchant 0   yes yes yes O F H  
        _____,W. Wife W F July 1864 35 M 6 2 2 Iowa New York Ohio       Boarding House 0   yes yes yes        
        _____,Ruth Daughter W F Sept 1895 4 S       Iowa Illinois Iowa                          
        _____,Blanche Daughter W F Feb 1897 3 S       Iowa Illinois Iowa                          
        Churchill, May Servant W F Nov 1868 31 S       Iowa Ohio Indiana       Cook 0   yes yes yes        
        Wood, Josie Servant W F Dec 1877 22 S       Illinois New York New York       Servant 0   yes yes yes        
        Wilson, Willie Boarder W M May 1874 26 S       Iowa Germany Germany       Salesman (Hardware) 0   yes yes yes        
        Blanchard, Harry Boarder W M Aug 1874 25 S       Iowa Ohio Illinois       Salesman (Implement) 0   yes yes yes        
        Briles, William Boarder W M Nov 1866 33 S       Illinois Indiana Indiana       Salesman (Drugs) 0   yes yes yes        
        Bears, Tobe J Boarder W M Aug 1871 28 S       Missouri Missouri Kentucky       Mason (Stone) 0   yes yes yes        
        Aritt, William Boarder W M July 1858 41 Wd       Ohio Kentucky Kentucky       Stone Cutter 0   yes yes yes        
        Clouse, John Boarder W M Nov 1865 34 S       Indiana Indiana Indiana       Stone Cutter 0   yes yes yes        
        Streckling, Harry Boarder W M Sept 1862 37 S       New York Vermont New Hampshire       Music Dealer 0   yes yes yes        
        Watson, John Boarder W M May 1862 38 S       Illinois Illinois Illinois       Stone Mason 0   yes yes yes        
    270 277 Tickel, George Head W M Sept 1867 32 S       Iowa Pennsylvania Missouri       Hostler 0   no no yes     H  
    271 278 Shelton, Alfred Head B M Oct 1843 56 M 26     Virginia Virginia Virginia       Butter Maker 0   yes yes yes O F H  
        _____,M. A. Wife B F July 1860 39 M 26 1 1 Missouri Missouri Virginia             yes yes yes        
        _____,Charlie Son B M Oct 1877 22 S       Iowa Virginia Missouri             yes yes yes        
        Scott, Walter Boarder B M Jan 1865 35 S       Iowa Missouri Missouri       Day Laborer     yes yes yes        
        Lewis, Hattie Sister B F Feb 1863 37 M 2 0 0 Missouri Missouri Missouri             yes yes yes        
    272 279 McGovern, John Head W M May 1845 55 M 30     New York Ireland Ireland       Farm Laborer 0   yes yes yes O F H  
        _____,Ann Wife W F Oct 1845 54 M 30 4 3 New York Ireland Ireland             yes yes yes        
        _____,Williams Son W M Sept 1881 18 S       New York New York New York       Day Laborer     yes yes yes        

Contributed by Kathleen Gregory March 2012

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