Page 185A
State: Iowa


Supervisor's District No. 8 Sheet No.
County: Lucas Enumeration District No. 70 12
Township or other Division of County Name of Institution
Name of Incorporated city, town, or village, within the above named division: Chariton City Ward of city, 1
Enumerated by me on the 7th day of June 1900, Frank E Manning, Enumerator
Location Name Relationship
Personal Information
Nativity Citizenship Occupation of each person over 10 years of age Education Ownership of Home
In Cities Dwelling Family
Street House Number of each occupant on 1 June 1900 Relationship to head of household Color or Race Sex Date of Birth Age at last Birthday

Single, Married, Divorced or Widowed

Number of years married Mother of how many children number of children living
Month Year Place of birth this person Place of birth of Father of this person Place of birth of Mother of this person Year of Immigration Number of years in the United States Naturalization Occupation Months not employed Attended School (in months) Can Read Can Write Can speak English Owned or rented Owned Free or Mortgaged Farm or House Number of Farm Schedule
    1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28
        Barkley, Loyd J Son W M Nov 1888 11 S       Missouri Indiana Indiana       at School   9 yes yes yes        
        _____,Clella M Daughter W F Mar 1890 10 S       Iowa Indiana Indiana       at School   9 yes yes yes        
        _____,Ester L Daughter W F Sept 1894 5 S       Iowa Indiana Indiana                          
    253 260 Price, F. M. Head W M April 1867 33 M 13     Iowa Illinois Ohio       Conductor RR 0   yes yes yes R   H  
        _____,Retta P Wife W F Aug 1868 31 M 13 3 3 Iowa Illinois Illinois             yes yes yes        
        _____,Maud Daughter W F Sept 1887 12 S       Iowa Iowa Iowa       at School   9 yes yes yes        
        _____,Nellie Wife W F July 1890 9 S       Iowa Iowa Iowa       at School   9 yes yes yes        
        _____,Rex Son W M July 1896 3 S       Iowa Iowa Iowa                          
    254 261 Shular, Vint Head W M Nov 1874 25 M 5     Nebraska Indiana Ohio       Salesman (Groceries) 0   yes yes yes R   H  
        _____,Flossie Wife W F Aug 1875 24 M 5 1 1 Iowa Tennessee Ohio             yes yes yes        
        _____,Gladis Daughter W F Feb 1898 2 S       Iowa Nebraska Iowa                          
    255 262 Amberling, Fred Head W M July 1869 30 M 5     Iowa Germany Germany       Bridge Carpenter 0   yes yes yes O F H  
        _____,Mary Wife W F Mar 1865 35 M 5 3 3 Ohio Pennsylvania Ohio             yes yes yes        
        _____,Carl Son W M Aug 1896 3 S       Iowa Iowa Ohio                          
        _____,Darl Son W M May 1898 2 S       Iowa Iowa Ohio                          
        _____,Mearls Son W M Feb 1900 3/12 S       Iowa Iowa Iowa                          
    256 263 Callhoun, W.O. Head W M April 1870 30 S       Iowa Ohio New Jersey       Day Laborer     yes yes yes R   H  
        _____,Lourrina Mother W F Mar 1830 70 Wd   10 7 New Jersey New Jersey New Jersey             yes yes yes        
        Long, Nora Servant W F Aug 1878 21 S       Iowa Ohio Illinois       Domestic     yes yes yes        
    257 264 Thorpe, M. E. Head W M Nov 1842 57 M 18     New Jersey Ohio New Jersey             yes yes yes O F H  
        _____,S.J. Wife W F Feb 1843 57 M 18 0 0 Ohio Wales Pennsylvania       Boarding House     yes yes yes        
        Willoughby, Leroy Daughter W M Feb 1870 30 S       Iowa Pennsylvania Ohio       Fireman (Locomotive) 0   yes yes yes        
        Thompson, Leota Daughter W F July 1871 28 M 1 1 1 Iowa Pennsylvania Ohio             yes yes yes        
        _____,Lysle Grand Son W M June 1888 11 S       Iowa Pennsylvania Iowa       at School   9 yes yes yes        
        Dale, Leonard Roomer W M May 1878 22 S       Iowa Illinois Iowa             yes yes yes        
        Martin, Elmer Roomer W M June 1872 27 S       Illinois Ohio Ohio       Miner (Coal) 3   yes yes yes        
        Jones, Charley Roomer W M Sept 1868 31 S       Ohio New Jersey Vermont       Molder (Iron) 5   yes yes yes        
    258 265 Sullivan, Brigget Head W F Nov 1864 35 Wd   1 1 Ireland Ireland Ireland 1871 28   Boarding House     yes yes yes O F H  
        _____,William Father W M July 1823 76 Wd   7 4 Ireland Ireland Ireland 1871 28 Na.       yes yes yes        
        Brown, Charley Boarder W M Aug 1846 53 S       Illinois Ohio Ohio       Blacksmith 0   yes yes yes        
        Barr, Frank Boarder W M Sept 1863 36 S       Ohio Ohio Indiana       Fireman (Locomotive)     yes yes yes        
        Bowen, Rosie Daughter W F May 1888 12 S       Nebraska Ireland Ireland       at School   9 yes yes yes        
    259 266 Courtleyo, Jacob Head W M Jan 1834 66 M 44     Ohio New Jersey New Jersey             yes yes yes O F H  
        _____,S. K. Wife W F Feb 1836 64 M 44 5 2 Indiana Tenessee Ohio             yes yes yes        
        _____,Della Daughter W F July 1869 30 S       Iowa Ohio Indiana       Teaches School 3   yes yes yes        
        _____,Fannie Daughter W F Sept 1864 35 S       Iowa Ohio Indiana       Seamstress 0   yes yes yes        
    260 267 Fulton, A.M. Head W M Nov 1867 32 M 7     Iowa Ohio Ohio       Physician 0   yes yes yes O F H  
        _____,Etta M Wife W F Dec 1871 28 M 7 1 1 Iowa Pennsylvania Iowa             yes yes yes        
        _____,Martha E Daughter W F Dec 1896 3 S       Iowa Iowa Iowa                          
        Hugh, Nettie J. Boarder W F July 1867 32 M 1 0 0 Iowa Iowa Iowa       Nurse 0   yes yes yes        
    261 268 Spiker, V. E. Head W M Mar 1874 26 M 3     Illinois Ohio Illinois       Liveryman 0   yes yes yes R   H  
        _____,Lula Wife W F June 1876 23 M 3 0 0 Iowa Pennsylvania Pennsylvania             yes yes yes        
        Clark, J. W. Boarder W M Dec 1848 51 M 7     Virginia Virginia Kentucky       Engineer (Locomotive) 0   yes yes yes        
        _____,Maud Boarder W F June 1876 23 M 7 0 0 Iowa Kentucky Kentucky             yes yes yes        
        Irwin, Paul Boarder W M Feb 1877 23 S       Iowa Iowa Ohio       Lineman (Telephone) 0                
        Anderson, John Boarder W M May 1871 29 S       Illinois Ohio Indiana       Fireman (Locomotive) 0   yes yes yes        
        Wilson, John Boarder W M Sept 1852 47 S       Vermont Vermont Vermont       Hostler 3   yes yes yes        
        Williby, Clarance Boarder W M Aug 1880 19 S       Iowa Iowa Ohio       Day Laborer     yes yes yes        
        Adams, Cafutola Boarder W F April 1883 17 S       Iowa Kentucky Ohio       Servant     yes yes yes        
    262 269 Reed, Josie R Head W F Sept 1855 44 Wd   1 1 Ohio Ohio Ohio       Dress Maker 0   yes yes yes        

Contributed by Kathleen Gregory March 2012

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