R. L. Polk & Co.'s Iowa State Gazetteer 1912-1913 Directory for Louisa County
Transcribed by Sheryl on September 7, 2023
CAIRO. Population, 125. In Marshall township, Louisa county, 9 miles w. of Wapello, the county seat, and 8 from Columbus Junction, both of which places afford banking and shipping facilities. Mail, daily. |
Murray H, hotel. |
Murray & Son,. general store |
COTTER. Population, 75. On the C., R. I. & P. Ry., in Columbus City township, Louisa county, 18 miles n. w. of Wapello, the judicial seat. Has a bank. Exp., U. S. Telephone connection; W. R. Owens, postmaster. |
Cotter Savings Bank (capital $12,000), R T Jones pres, R L Richards cashr. |
DUNCAN J K, General Store. |
Owens W R, general store. |
Rainey & Eliason, lumber. |
Stapp G B, grain & coal. |
ELRICK. Population, 25. A post office on the Iowa Central Ry, and M., N. & S. R. R., in Elliott township, Louisa county, 8 miles s. e. of Wapello, the seat of justice, and 4 from Oakville, the nearest banking point. Exp., Adams. Telegraph and telephone facilities; O. P. Johnson, postmaster. |
Elrick & Thompson, general store. |
Graham H M, restaurant. |
JOHNSON O P, Postmaster. |
Leeper Lewis, r r, exp and tel agent. |
Oakville Telephone Co. |
FREDONIA. Population, 250. On the Iowa river and on the C., R. I. & P. Ry., 12 miles n. w. of Wapello, the county seat. 40 from Burlington, and 14 from Columbus Junction, the nearest banking point. Tel., W. C. Exp., U. S.; J. J. Carr, postmaster. |
CARR J J, General Store, R R Agt and Postmaster. |
Crull S A, artificial stone. |
Farmers' Co-operative Store, J T Gamble mngr. |
Ice R M, coal and grain. |
McDaniel S, grocer. |
GLADWIN. Population, 25. On the C., M. & St. P. Ry., in Union township, Louisa county, 18 miles northwest of Wapello, the county seat and 7 from Haskins, the nearest banking point. Tel. W. U. Exp., W., F. & Co.; M. G. Jones, postmaster. |
Bolmer Charles, cement blocks. |
C M & St P Ry, H O Hoover agt. |
Garard Thomas, genl store. |
Hoover H O, r r, exp and tel agt. |
JONES BROS, General Store. |
Jones M G, postmaster. |
Wells, Fargo & Co's Express, H O Hoover agt. |
Western Union Tel Co. |
GRANDVIEW. Population, 374. An incorporated city on the M., N. & S. R. R., in township of same name. Louisa county, 9 miles n. of Wapello, the judicial seat, and 14 from Muscatine. Has Congregational, Evangelist, Methodist Episcopal and Plymouth Brethren churches and a bank. Tel., Postal, Exp. Adams. Telephone connection; C. A. Arihood, postmaster. |
ARIHOOD CLAY A, Postmaster. |
Beik Dan, live stock. |
Belk Hilt, live stock. |
Buster J M, elevator and live stock. |
Buttman A C, harness. |
Cocklin W G. garage and implts. |
Dickerson W H, hotel and mayor. |
Garrett J E, genl store. |
Graham H L, real estate. |
Grandview Button Factory. |
Grandview Lumber and Coal Co. |
Grandview Savings Bank (capital 15,000), Louis Leiberknecht pres, A Holiday cashier. |
Greiner A J, dentist. |
Guthrie Wm, livery. |
Higley Dr Dennison J, drugs. |
King Charles, carpenter. |
Krahl L A, hotel. |
Lamansky F, r r, exp and tel agt. |
Latta E T, insurance. |
McDaniel Bros, saw mill. |
McGrew O W, physician. |
Mueller & Shellabarger, genl store. |
Reed C L, carpenter. |
Reed W E, restaurant. |
Roe Ed, cement contr. |
Schweitzer Bros, genl store. |
Schweitzer & James, cement contrs. |
Snyder L L, restaurant. |
Stephens D, live stock. |
Wagner P C, undertaker and coroner. |
Werner Christopher, live stock. |
Werner Lee, live stock. |
Williams J J, live stock. |
Wilson & Young, genl contrs. |
LETTS. Population, 433. An incorporated town on the C., R. I. & P. Ry., in Grand View township, Louisa county, 13 miles n. of Wapello, the county seat and 41 from Davenport. Has Methodist Episcopal and United Brethren churches, a bank, an opera house and a weekly newspaper, the Letts Record. Exp., U. S. Telephone and telegraph facilities; L. Van Horn, postmaster. |
Armentrout G W, physician. |
Barnes E H, carpenter. |
Barnett WT, r r, exp and tel agent. |
Brown F L, meats. |
Brown L G, restaurant. |
Citizens Savings Bank (cap $40,000), Wm Liebernecht pres, E R McCormick, cashier. |
Collins J H, marble. |
Dalton Grat, live stock. |
Dalton Rose, notions. |
Ealand T L, physician. |
Eisenhart Augustus, harnessmaker. |
Ellis H, general store. |
Furnas George B, wagonmaker. |
Garrett Bros, live stock. |
Griffin W S, hardware and implts. |
Gipple L U, drugs. |
Hartman W S, painter. |
Letts Record, C M Wright publr. |
Hartman T, painter. |
Independent Pearl Button Co. |
Keeve Lumber Co. |
Letts James H, live stock. |
Letts Pearl Button Co. |
Lieberknecht Wm, live stock. |
McCormick Bros, ins and automobiles. |
McMinn W H, hotel. |
Mississippi Valley Telephone Co. |
Ritter Bros, feed mills. |
Ross M C, agri implts. |
Runyon W V, carpenter. |
Schmidt Otto, meats. |
Shellabarger M A, mason. |
Shellabarger Vinton G, carp and mayor. |
Snyder Bros (Bert and Chet), grocers. |
Turkington S H, live stock. |
VAN HORN L, Insurance. Lighting Apparatus and Postmaster. |
Williams Retta, milliner. |
Wright C M, lawyer and publr Record. |
OAKVILLE. Population, 389. Is located on the M. & St. L. and M. N. & S. Ry. In Elliott township, Louisa county, 12 miles s. e. of Wapello, the judicial seat, and 21 from Burlington. Has Methodist and Presbyterian churches, 2 banks, grain elevator with a capacity of 50,000 bushels, and a weekly newspaper, the Sentinel. This is a center for breeders and dealers in blooded stock. Tel. W. U. Exp., Adams; George R. Hall, postmaster. |
Borden J S, restr. |
Carlson John W, jeweler and harness. |
Carter J Byron, carp. |
Carter W D, hardware. |
Central Hotel, Frank Searles propr. |
Childs C B, phys. |
Christy G W, agt M N & S R R. |
Davis Oscar, live stock breeder, 5 mi w. |
Davis R E, r r, exp and tel agt. |
Ditto R C, phys. |
Dutton J N, live stock. |
Elrick & Thompson (Fred C Elrick, John C Thompson), general store. |
Farmers' Bank, C R Walker pres, W E Lynn mngr. |
Farmers Grain Co, W A Pegram mngr. |
Farris A E, grocer. |
Graham George W, publr Oakville Sentinel. |
Hall Allen, insurance. |
HALL GEORGE R, Postmaster and General Store. |
Hawkeye Lumber Co, John Beckman mgr. |
Holliday & Francisco J Frank Holliday, Elmer E Francisco), dry goods. |
Lynn W E, insurance and real est. |
Matthews H N, mayor. |
Moffett E L, drugs. |
Moshier T L, live stock breeder. |
Muscatine North & South R R, G W GW Christy agt. |
Oakville Sentinel, G W Graham publr. |
Oakville State Savings Bank (cap $25, 000), Chester Prindle pres, M I Thompson cashr. |
Oakville Telephone Co. |
Ohlwein & Pulver, shoes and clothing. |
Pulver E L, plasterer. |
Reddick George W, livery. |
Schweitzer Bros, grocers. |
Thompson & Carter (John C Thompson, H Byron Carter), opera house. |
Todd J T, live stock. |
Walker Charles R, live stock breeder, 4 1/2 mi s w. |
Williams J A, hardware. |
Williams L C, restaurant. |
Wykert George, saw mill. |
MARSH. Population, 25. On the M. & St. L. Ry., in Morning Sun township, Louisa county, 16 miles s. w. of Wapello, the judicial seat, and 6 from Morning Sun, the nearest banking point. Exp., Adams. Tel., W. U.; L. Dodd, post master. |
Dodd L, postmaster. |
DOLD BROS, General Store. |
Marsh Farmer Elevator Co, grain and coal. |
Yenney F I, agt I C R R. |
MORNING SUN. Population, 1,000. An incorporated town located on the C. R. I. & P. and M. & St. L. Rys. (depots 1 mile apart), in Louisa county, 7 miles s. of Wapello, the judicial seat, 22 n. of Burlington, and 151 s. e. of Des Moines. Has 6 churches, 2 banks and a weekly newspaper, the News-Herald. Ships grain, live stock, butter, eggs and produce. Tel., W. U. Exp., U. S. Telephone connection; T. J. Ochiltree, post master. |
Allen Hotel, Wm D Allen prop. |
Baine & Van Sant (Lillie Baine, Bertha Van Sant), milliners. |
Beck & McClurkin (Wm Beck, E L McClurkin), grain. |
Boller O Frank, dentist. |
Brown Frank M, grocer. |
Brown Howell C, real estate. |
Butler Charles H, lumber and coal. |
Cavan John W, agt C R I & P Ry. |
Courts & Tomlinson (Fred Courts, Guy J Tomlinson), lawyers. |
Cox Wm A, meats. |
Cubit Wm J, cattle breeder 1½ miles s. |
Curran Bros (S H and W D), drugs. |
Delzell Harvey, grocer. |
Exchange Bank (cap $25,000), Wm Beck pres, E L McClurkin cashier. |
Faris Edwin H, hardware and implements. |
Fent James W, harness. |
Frazier Elliott, flour and feed. |
Gathrope Charles, live stock. |
Graham Dales Y, physician. |
Hewitt Bros (Cyrus F, John T and Thomas), cattle breeders. |
Holiday John P, general store. |
Huffman James W, tailor. |
Huffman Wm, meats. |
Hungate Wm H, restaurant. |
Huston & Bras (Thomas H Huston, John N Bras), grocers. |
Jamison & Robinson (Isaac M Jamison, Wm H Robinson), real estate. |
Jones D R, drayage. |
Kirkpatrick Daniel, marble works. |
McClellan Wm S, physician. |
McClurkin, Ochiltree & Co (E L McClurkin, Marsh Ochiltree), brick and tile mfrs. |
McElhinney Charles A, restaurant. McKinley Bert, hardware. |
Marshall Wm J, grocer. |
Morning Sun Telephone Co, P A Yohe mngr. |
Morrison John M, grocer. |
NEWS-HERALD THE (Weekly), J K Latta Publisher; Commercial and Catalog Printing. |
Paisley Frank T, livery. |
Pierce Curtis P, furn and undertakers |
Robertson Samuel, drugs. |
Selzer Bros (Frank C, Fred C and Harry C), hardware and implements |
Selzer Mfg Co (Frank C and Fred C Selzer), metal chicken coops. |
Skinner Edward, transfer. |
Smith C Henry, r r, exp and tel agent |
Smyth Wm R, physician. |
State Bank of Morning Sun (cap $25,000), Thos McClement pres, W A Thompson cashier. |
Talbot & Talbot (Melvin C and Clarence), clothing. |
Thompson Wm A, insurance. |
Van Velkinburg Casablanca clothes cleaner. |
Walker James, notions. |
Yohe Perry A, auto garage. |
TOOLSBORO. A discontinued post office in Jefferson township, Louisa county, 8 miles s. e. of Wapello, the county seat and 4 from Oakville, the nearest railroad station and banking point. Has rural delivery from Wapello. |
WAPELLO. Population, 1,326. Is located on the C., R. I. & P. and M. N. & S. Rys. (depots 300 yards apart), in Wapello township, Louisa county, of which it is the county seat, 30 miles n. of Burlington and 120 e. of Des Moines. It is lighted by electricity, has 6 churches, a graded public school, 3 banks and 2 weekly newspapers-Republican and Tribune. Exp. Adams and U. S Tel. Postal and W. U.; James D. Hicklin, postmaster. |
Anderson E W, r r, exp and tel agent. |
Archibald Millard F, cleaner and presser. |
Baxter Bros Co, H C Baxter pres, J P Baxter jr, canning factory. |
Bettler C L & Son (Charles L and Arthur), hardware. |
Bigger John A, publr Tribune. |
Boyer W M, livery. |
Castle Edward C, general store. |
Cecil J B, grocer. |
Christie Bert T, dentist. |
Christie Madge De Long, milliner. |
Citizens Bank (private), H B Davison pres, R L Davison cashr. |
Cobb Warren A, propr Commercial Hotel. |
Commercial Bank (private), Joiner Davison pres, R D McCullough cashr. |
Commercial Hotel, W A Cobb propr. |
Cook E B, grain and feed mill. |
Ebert Jacob F, carriage painter. |
Farver Duward W, general store. |
GOLDEN EAGLE THE, R E Grattan The Clothier. New, Nifty and Noble Clothing and Men's and Boys' Furnishings. |
GRATTAN R, Proprieter.The Golden Eagle Clothing Store. |
Grimes & Chittum (W S Grimes, J H Chittum), physicians. |
Grimm & Mayne (John G Grimm, Percy Mayne), meats. |
Guthrie & Edwards (James M Guthrie, Wm E Edwards), farm implts and autos. |
Hale Oscar, lawyer. |
Hartman John, cigar mnfr. |
Hawkins Rodney G, publr Wapello Republican. |
Hesse Fred H, hardware. |
Hoag Charles E, dentist. |
Hunter Marcellus, insurance. |
Hurley Walter H, lawyer. |
Hutcheroft Oris L, livery and vet surg. |
Hutton Murray L, civil engineer. |
Iowa Telephone Co. |
Isett G M, shoes. |
Isett WS & Son (W S and E B), lumber and planing mill. |
Jamison M L & Co, Merritt L Jamison propr, drugs. |
Johann Charles W, automobiles. |
Keck Henry A, harness. |
Keck John G, furn and undertaker. |
Kelly James S. insurance. |
Kelly Wm J. live stock. |
Kendrick & Johnson (Wm M Kendrick, Ernest V Johnson), restaurant. |
Kremer W S, civil engineer. |
Lofgren Carl, jeweler. |
McChesney James S, coal. |
McCray James E, pianos and organs. |
McGinnis Curtis H, dray and feed. |
Marshall George S, dry goods. |
Marshall N W, livery. |
Motter Will, baker and restaurant. |
Mullen Guy, transfer. |
Murphy John P, live stock. |
Murphy & Son (Thomas C and Raymond A), meats. |
Paxton Wm, vet surgeon. |
Pease Henry O, contractor. |
REILEY LEWIS A, Lawyer, General Civil Practice. |
Reutinger Josephine, milliner. |
Rogers E C, physician. |
Ruthenberg Charles, clothing. |
Schwab Henry, machinist and garage. |
Sherman House, Frank Beane propr. |
Sleigh Harry, carpenter. |
Springer Arthur, lawyer. |
Stephens Oral, harness and buggies. |
Stone Wm, plumber. |
Taylor Edward L, painter. |
Termene James, confectioner. |
Thomas David C, general store. |
Vickers Wm, drugs. |
Vienna Button Co, pearl button mnfrs. |
Wapello Electric Light Co, Ora Vaught supt. |
Wapello Lumber Co, lumber and coal. |
Wapello Republican (weekly), R G Hawkins publr. |
Wapello State Savings Bank (cap $30,000), G W Schofield pres, J D Delhi cashr. |
Wapello Tribune (weekly), J A Bigger publr. |
Warnick Nova M, notions. |
Weaver Harry O, lawyer. |
Weber Henry A, agt L S Exp and ins. |
Welch Clyde B, auto garage. |
Weldin Drug, Co (Charles D Weldin, Fred R Gould), drugs. |
Wildermuth Hal F D, photographer. |
Wonnell Lewis C, carpenter. |
WYMAN. Population, 50. On Crooked creek, and on the Burlington Route, in Elm Grove township, Louisa county, 18 miles w. of Wapello, the county seat. Has a bank. Exp., Adams. Tel., W. U.; Wm. F. Orbin, postmaster. |
Baxter & Smith, lumber. |
Frain J F, r r, exp and tel agt. |
Jones M B, genl store. |
Matthews C C, genl store. |
Metzger Bros, grain, coal and feed. |
ORBIN WM F, Postmaster, Lumber and Mayor. |
Wyman Savings Bank (cap $12,000), H E Davis pres, C E Harman cashr. |