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Transcribed by Beverly Gerdts, submitted June 13, 2017Mr. and Mrs Oren Lee are more of our early residents who spent most of their lives in Fredonia. Mrs Lee was Etta Brown, a sister of Charlie Brown, and reared a family of eight children: Clifford, of Grandview, Stella Wilson, who passed away May 6, 1956, Edwin Lee, Davenport, Delbert Lee, Muscatine, Merle Lee, Columbus Junction, Mrs. Fay Carr, Red Top, Missouri, and Paul and Robert.
Noah and Stella Wilson were residents of Fredonia for several years after their marriage. Noah operated a service station here in Fredonia.
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Three children graced their union: Bryce Leroy, who frowned in the Cedar river in July, 1943, at the age of 13 years, one daughter, Janice Jean, who died in infancy, and Lyle, who remains at home with his father.
Delbert Lee has a 15-minute program of songs on the Muscatine radio station for a time.