Move Into The Future By Saving The Past
Churches of Louisa County, Iowa

Pg 131
Marshall Township, Louisa County, Iowa

Transcribed by Beverly Gerdts, August 20, 2016

        The Prairie Chapel Church, Methodist Episcopal, was built in 1876, and was a frame structure, the dimensions being 30x50 feet. It was situated on the Southwest Quarter of Section 30, Marshall Township, (near the Cotter farm on the Wapello-Winfield Road) on land purchased from Hiram Hunt; the committee that had charge of construction consisted of Charles Butler, William Ballain and Hiram Hunt. The church was dedicated in 1857. It was started under very favorable circumstances, with a very large membership, numbering 200. The first pastor was C. B. Reynolds, followed by William Orris. The first trustees were Charles Butler and H. B. Kirkpatrick. In 1859 a revival was held and added about 100 converts to the church roll. Many of the members have now passed away, (this article was written in 1889), while still others have removed to different localities. The membership is now about 25 to 30, and services are held the second and fourth Sundays of each month. Sabbath School is held each Sunday at 2:30 P. M. George Hill is the present Superintendent, and has an attendance of 48 scholars. The present Trustees are John LeCornu, Leland Bemis and George Miller, and the present Stewards are George Hill and William Miller. The church is in good condition financially and is also in splendid working order.

        The foregoing is taken from the 1889 edition of the Portrait and Biographical Album of Louis County, published by Acme Publishing Company.

Picture: (L to R) Danny Barrick, Dean Samuels, Max Kern, Bob Samuels, Wanda Harrison, Gene Crowe, and Velda McConahay Buffington, teacher.

Picture: Prairie Chapel, Marshall Township.

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Page created August 20, 2016 by Lynn McCleary