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Columbus Junction, Iowa
Transcribed by Beverly Gerdts, August 4, 2016
On September 12, 1887, the Reverend John W. Potter was appointed to the Crawfordsville Circuit. Soon after his appointment, he preached his first sermon in the Central Presbyterian Church at Columbus Junction. He preached his second sermon here on October 9,1887, and it was at this meeting that he organized the Methodist Episcopal Class consisting of the following named persons: Isaac Welch, Beuly Welch, Jennie Baldwin, Lulu Northey, Letitia Gray, W.W. Echman, Lina Echman, Lillie Echman, E.W. Oliver, Ida Lewis and Mrs. Mary Lane.
In the spring of 1888 a subscription paper was circulated among the people interested in Methodism, the object being to raise money for the building of a new church on a lot located at the corner of Second and Maple. The lot had been purchased while Reverend D. S. Dunlevy was pastor.
The building committee - W.W. Echman, I. Welch and W.H. Gray- let the contract to G. L. Lischer early in the summer of 1888. The cornerstone for the new church was laid August 26, 1888 by Reverend Dr. Cox of Washington, Iowa. The church was of Gothic architecture and the dimensions of the building were: large room, 32x 50 feet; basement room, same size; side or lecture room, 14x 28 feet; ceiling 20 ½ feet; and spire and tower, 52 feet.
The sunken condition of the lot below the street made a great deal of foundation necessary and would later furnish the opportunity to provide Sunday School or lecture rooms at minimal cost. Mr. William Owen of Cotter, Iowa, who was born in Wales and learned there in his youth to quarry rock, came to America as a young man and was working on the J.E. Gray farm. Mr. Owen quarried all the rock used in the foundation at the Gray Quarry and the stones were laid in the foundation by William Davis, another Welshman.
The total cost of the first Columbus Junction Methodist Church was slightly over $4,000. Trustees of the church appointed on January 19 were: Isaac Welsh, W.W. Echman, E.W. Oliver, Jennie Galdwin, Meda Blair, George Parkin and Robert Reaney.
On January 20, 1889, the church was dedicated free of debt by the Reverend C. H. Stocking of Burlington, Iowa, assisted by the Reverend T. J. Meyers, Presiding Elder of the Burlington District. Mr. Owen, the man who quarried the rock for the foundation, and Mrs. J .E. Gray, whose husband owned the quarry, sang in the dedication choir that morning.
On the next Sunday, January 27,1889, Sunday School was organized with R. J Reaney named as Superintendent. One week later, 179 persons attended Sunday School and the attendance averaged 80 persons for the next year. B. H. Shearer later served as the Superintendent for thirty- two years.
A new parsonage was built for the minister and his family during 1911 at 118 Maple St. The house located east of the new home preceded it as the parsonage.
The Methodist Church with Reverend Victor Bloomquist as pastor observed its Fiftieth Anniversary on January 22, 1939. H. Lee Huston, Chairman of the Board, appointed B. H. Shearer, P. F. Benson and E. H. Wiegner to arrange a satisfactory program.
The Reverend J.W. Potter, who was pastor at the time of the church’s dedication, was the speaker at the morning service. Reverend O. B. Rogers and Reverend W. A. Samp were guest speakers during the week long celebration.
Mrs. Eugene Lewis was given a certificate of recognition for being the only surviving charter member of the church living in Columbus Junction. Five persons who were present at the dedication fifty years earlier were in attendance: Mr. Ida Lewis, the only surviving charter member of the church organization; Mr. and Mrs. R. J. Reaney, who joined soon after the class was organized; Mr. Isaac Stone and Reverend Potter.
The observance of the Fiftieth Anniversary of the opening of the first Columbus Junction Sunday School in the Methodist Church was commemorated at a special service on January 29, 1939.
At the service, certificates awards for fifty years of continuous membership in the local church were presented to Mrs. Eugene Lewis and Mr. and Mrs. R. J Reaney by G. W. Weber and B. H. Shearer. The sermon was delivered by Dr. Guy Fansher, District Superintendent.
The Women’s’ Society of Christian Service and Wesleyan Service Guild was organized in September, 1940, under the leadership of Reverend Victor Bloomquist. Their first meeting was held on October 3, 1940, in the church parlors. Mrs. Lee Huston was elected President and conducted the meeting with twenty-three members present.
The WSCS participated in many different money- raising projects through the years. Jeannette Masonholder remembers one such project
“In the late 1940’s, Mrs. Ayers would have the ladies come to her home. They would being apples, cherries, pickle juice, molasses and jelly for the ingredients and they would all work together making mincemeat which they sold for 75 cents a quart.”
For many years there was some thought of proving more modern facilities for the Sunday School. This project began to move forward when the Official Board voted to begin raising money and agreed to begin work when eighty percent of the estimated cost of the project…
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… was paid in. This was accomplished in a few weeks and the work began on April 11,1949, with J. H Wykert and William Gabriel in charge. The new addition provided seven new classrooms, a new modern kitchen, two new restrooms, and a new inside stairway. The church parlors were enlarged to provide more space for social gatherings; the sanctuary, which had been remodeled at various times through the years, was completely redecorated, an alter placed in the chancel and a new carpet put on the floor. The cost of the project was slightly over $13,000.
The members of the Building Committee were: William Luckey, Chairman; H. Lee Huston, Treasurer; James Reaney, Mrs. R.C. Smith and J .H. Wykert. The trustees of the church were: H. W. Eliason, Robert F. Reaney, William Luckey, D. A. Marker, J. H. Wykert, P. F. Benson, Woodrow Shearer, Paul Grouwinkel and Max Vannice.
During the pastorate of the Reverend George Pennington (1953-1960), the topic of a new Methodist Church was discussed. It was evident that the Sunday School did not have nearly enough space, but nothing concrete was accomplished. Further action was taken on June 30,1961 while Robert M. Parris was pastor. At this time $10,000 was raised and the old grade school building and grounds at 519 Second Street were purchased for $9,500. The cost of removing the building and several old trees from the grounds was more than $700.
1962 marks the year the Methodist Men of the Columbus Junction church were organized. They received their charter to be known as the United Methodist Men in June, 1968, with Ernest Kilpatrick serving as the first President.
As Plans proceeded for the new church, it was thought advisable to hire and architect in 1963, and Lindgren and Taylor, Des Moines, were obtained. Under the pastorate of Reverend Parris and Reverend Earl Josten, special committees were formed to study the needs of the church. Over a six-year period of research, planning, and months of intensive work on the part of the architect and committees, a “Master Plan” was developed. The architect then drew plans for a building which he thought would be suitable for the use of the congregation.
On October 27 and 31,1963, the Official Board and the Building Committee took the necessary steps toward the planning and building of new Methodist Church. They authorized a three-year “Program of Progress” Crusade.
Reverend Lawrence Jones, Conference Director of Stewardship and Finance, directed the Crusade with the assistance of H. Lee Huston, General Chairman and a Leadership committee: Mr. and Mrs. William Dunn, Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Hendrickson, Reverend and Mrs. Robert Parris, and Mrs. H. Lee Huston. Don Schnell served as Chairman of Publicity and Lola Whisler as Treasurer.
Captains of visitation included: Mr. and Mrs. Richard Utter and Mr. and Mrs. William McGinnis, Mr. and Mrs. Warren Lewis, Mr. and Mrs. Russell Greene, Mr. and Mrs. Dwight Duncan and Mr. and Mrs. Warren Greene.
Their Goal - a new Church with adequate Church School Facilities. The Cost - $125,000 to 135,000 (estimated). Their Theme - “Take heed now, for the Lord hath chosen thee to build.” I Chronicles, 28:10. The three-year crusade brought in $20,000.
During the period of December 30, 1966, to January 10, 1967, A Church Advancement Crusade was launched and represented the second phase of the program for procurement of funds for the new church. Conducted by Reverend L. L. Blackman, the crusade was completed through the efforts of William Dunn, Crusade Chairman Mrs. Helen Leonhard, Building Committee Chairwoman; and Reverend Earl Josten, our local pastor. This crusade brought in an additional $20,000. With special gifts and memorials, the total funds available was now nearly $80,000.
Meanwhile, during 1968, the Methodist Church and the United Brethren Church merged to become known as the United Methodist Church. On October 2,1968 the charter meeting of the Women’s Society of Christian Service and Wesleyan Service Guild was held, joining the united women of the Evangelical Brethren Church and the women of the former Methodist Church. The charter was presented to the society by Reverend Josten and Mrs. Paul Masonholder served as the first president.
Also in 1968, the Fredonia Methodist Church under the pastorate of Reverend Jerry Richards decided to discontinue services at the church. When the 98 year-old church was closed, the South Iowa Conference of the Methodist Church gave the Columbus Junction Church the authority to administer the Fredonia property. The building was sold and the proceeds were given to the Columbus Junction United Methodist Church building Fund. Several Fredonia members joined the Columbus Junction church at this time, bring the membership to 430.
During this time, plans for the new Methodist Church were progressing steadily and it was hoped that the remaining funds would be raised in a few years.
Bids were opened for the building contractor and Earl Woods and Sons, Ainsworth, were awarded total contracts of $222,272 in May of 1969.
“Remember the tin pail which you carried lunch in to school? Remember the walnut pie cupboard, the ceramic butter churn, Dr. Morgan’s medicine bottles from Columbus City, reading Welsh books, the dough bin, the jugs the team carried, your fur cape and double breast vest?” The Muscatine Journal carried the advertisement for the “Remember When Sale” which the WSCS of the Columbus Junction Church held to raise funds for the new church. The items were the contents of several old homes which ere being liqui…..
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…dated along with donated items offered at auction on June 20,1969. A sign posted at the door read, “Thou shalt not steal. This is a church building fund sale.” The committee for this unique fund -raiser was Mrs. Sam Sands, Mrs. Harold Bliven, Mrs. Paul Grouwinkel and Mrs. Warren Lewis.
The Ground–breaking Ceremony for the new church was held on June 22, 1969, the first Sunday of Reverend Harold Olson’s pastorate in the Columbus Junction United Methodist Church. Dr. Sheils, District Superintendent, conducted the ceremony, and was assisted by Mrs. Rolla Thornton, Past Building Chairwoman; William Dunn, Present Building Chairman; Russell Greene Past Building Chairman; Richard Utter, Lay leader; Mrs. Paul Masonholder, President of WSCS; Warren Lewis, Administrative Board Chairman; and Charles Jenkins, Chairman of Trustees.
The current Building Committee at that time were recognized: William Dunn, Chairman; Mrs. Warren Lewis, Secretary; Mrs. R. J. Thornton; Charles Jenkins; Charles Buser; Warren Greene; Paul Lowe; Richard Utter; William McGinnis; Mrs. Max Vannice; Mrs. R. C. Smith; Rollin Smith and Reverend Olson. Special recognition was given to the late “Ernie Ford”, who in addition to having been a member of this committee, held most every other post of responsibility in the Methodist Church.
The Cornerstone of the first Methodist Church which had been laid in 1888 was removed on November 6, 1969. Jim and Ralph “Bo” Morrison removed the stone with the assistance of Reverend Olson, Mrs. Rollo (Helen) Thornton and Max Vannice. The papers contained in the Cornerstone were unreadable as moisture had seeped into the storage box. However, it was possible to distinguish the dates on two newspapers- the July 18,1888, issue of the Columbus Gazette and the August 23,1888, issue of the Columbus Safeguard.
The laying of the Cornerstone was completed on September 14, 1969, with Reverend Olson in charge of the service. The box was sealed by Ross Masonholder and placed by William Dunn and Charles Buser.
Construction work was going well on the new brick church as 1969 drew to a close. It was anticipated that the new edifice would be ready for use in 1970. After eight years of hard work, the Building Committee under the leadership of Ernie Ford, Mrs. Rollo (Helen) Thornton, Russell Greene and William Dunn, present Chairman, had accomplished their goal- a new Columbus Junction Untied Methodist Church.
A service of Remembrance and Appreciation was held June 14, 1970, at the Columbus Junction United Methodist Church, the last service in the old church. The Pastor, Reverend Harold Olson presided and Warren Greene assisted. A quartet composed of Boyd Buser, John Greene, Bob Rutt and Tom Bennett sang. The Church By the Side of the Road.” All members united in a Litany of Appreciation for the church. At the close the service there was a processional to the new church when the members of the congregation participated in a Symbolic Moving Service as every person carried something to the new church.
The old building was made into four apartments by Wood and Sons with plans to complete two more later on at the basement level. Reverend and Mrs. George Pennington, a former pastor of the church, then pastor of the Ainsworth church, made plans to live in one of the apartments. The steeple and bell from the old church were removed on June 20, 1971, in the final move to complete the apartments in the building.
Over 800 persons representing 55 towns from Iowa, Illinois, New York, Indiana, Washington, England and Japan, registered during the Consecration Services held on June 21,1970, for the new United Methodist Church. Among the former ministers of the church who were present were Reverend and Mrs. Walter A. Samp (1929-1935), Reverend and Mrs. Lester Bill (1943-19450, Reverend and Mrs. George Pennington (1953-1960) and Reverend and Mrs. Robert M Parris (1960-1965). The dinner served by the ladies of the church was attended by 325 persons.
Preaching the Consecration Sermon and leading the Consecration Ritual at the first service in the new church was Dr. George Sheils, District Superintendent. The building was presented by Mr. William Dunn, Building Committee Chairman. Mrs. Jerry Gerot, organist, along with former organists of the church- Mrs. Richard Nelson, Mrs. Beryl Roundy and Miss Janet Greene- provided organ music during the day. The Wesley Choir, Caroler Choir and the Chorister Choir provided special music.
After the afternoon Fellowship Service, an Open House was held with a Consecration Tea and guided tours conducted by the Building Committee.
Committees for the Consecration Day were under the leadership of Margaret James- Invitations; Mrs. Richard Utter-Program Brochure; Mrs. Ocie Moran-Dinner; Mrs. Alton Griffin- Tea; Mrs. Mary Greene- History; Mrs. William Dunn-Music; and Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Marshall, Mr. and Mrs. Lisle Luithly, Mr. and Mrs. Bill Greene, Mr. and Mrs. Dale Powers, Mr. and Mrs. Rollin Smith, Mr. and Mrs. Bill Fulton and Mr. and Mrs. Ed Massey-Hospitality.
On January 5, 1978, Mrs. Lola Whisler, Church Financial Secretary, informed the church board that all building funds were completed and that the building erected in 1969-1970 was now debt free. Hope Dunn, Dedication Committee Chairwoman and her committee-Reverend Paul and Haven Hasel, Maxine Goble, Juanita Sands, Judy Prior, Alice Vannice, Helen Thornton and Warren Greene- planned Dedication Services and a Mortgage Burning for March 5, 1978.
Other Committee Leaders were: History- Mary Greene, Speakers- Reverend Hasel; Music- Haven Hasel; Flowers- Mr. and Mrs. Paul Grouwinkel and….
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… Mr. and Mrs. Wesley Smith; Programs- Mr. and Mrs. Larry Robbins; Transportation- Mr. and Mrs. Rollin Smith, Mr. and Mrs. William Woodring, Mr. and Mrs. Warren Woepking, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Elliot and Mr. and Mrs. Tom Sands; Dedication and Mortgage Burning- Reverend Hasel, Invitations- Trish Woepking and Marlene Griffin; Afternoon Reception- Wilma Arthur; Reservations- Alice Vannice; Name Tags- Ruth Dircks and Kathryn Morrison; Memorials- Paul Grouwinkel and Woodrow Shearer; Slides- Verl Lekwa; Publicity- Mr. and Mrs. Woodrow Shearer and William Shearer; Registration- Julia Hunkins, Fern Marshall and Delores Gentzler; Dinner Host and Hostess- Mr. and Mrs. Robert Hedemann; Greeters- Mr. and Mrs. Charles Buser and Mr. and Mrs. Richard Utter; Ushers- Dave Gobel; Table Arrangements- Wilda Carey; Children’s Church – Betty Conklin; Nursery- Laura Grogan; and Flowers – Marsha Gerot.
The morning service was on the theme, “I planted, Apollos watered, but God gave the growth: I Corinthians 3:6. Former ministers participating in the service were: Reverend Lester Bill, Reverend Robert Parris, Reverend Earl Josten, Reverend Harold Olson, also Reverend Arthur Bent and Mrs. Minerva Pennington representing her husband, the late Reverend George Pennington. Lloyd Clark was the worship leader.
Reverend Eugene Young, District Superintendent, spoke at the Dedication and Mortgage Burning Service. Taking part in the service were Mrs. Hope Dunn, Planning Chairwoman; Robert Hedemann, Council of Ministries; Warren Greene, Lay Leader; Reverend Denley Ganfield, Representative of the Ministerial Association of Columbus Junction and Mrs. Minerva Pennington.
Reverend Hasel led the mortgage burning service by placing a lighted candle into a former communion chalice which had been used many years a the old Methodist Church. He then passed torn bits of the mortgage to William McGinnis, Administrative Board Chairman, who, in turn, passed pieces to the group of former ministers and Mrs. Pennington, the Building Committee members – Charles Buser, Warren Greene, Charles Jenkins, Connie Lewis, Paul Lowe, Rollin Smith and Reverend Olson; Representatives of the Church Family- Helen Thornton, Alice Vannice and Richard Utter; Dr. Roy Ostrem, Chairman of Stewardship Committee, and Richard Peterson, Chairman of the Board of Trustees. They all in turn, placed their pieces of the mortgage into the flaming chalice.
The Dedication Service was held with Susie Buser- Youth Representative; Jay Greene-College and Career Representative; Richard Utter- Untied Methodist Men President; and Mrs. Wilda Carey- United Methodist Women President, taking part. Special music was provided by the Carolers Junior Choir, Melody Junior High Choir, Wesley Choir and a Brass Quartet- Sam Carrell, Jeff Austin, Joyce Greene and Jay Hauenstein. Marsh Gerot was the organist for the day’s activities.
It is to be noted that Paul Grouwinkel was instrumental in seeing that the grounds surrounding the new church were properly landscaped during the next several years.
The following is a description of the new Columbus Junction United Methodist Church: The church is located on an elevated site surrounded by many colorful hard wood trees. The Sanctuary is of one story, brick masonry construction, with a sweeping laminated wood arched roof. The arches and exposed wood roof are stained in naturally finished tones to blend harmoniously with exposed brick walls. High colored glass windows flank the Sanctuary and tall slender faceted colored glass windows occur at either side of the organ speaker loft in the Chancel. This glass is chopped rather then cut to encourage irregularities in the edges if the cuts, which tends to reflect light in different colors and angles. The communion table and large hanging cross are at the center of worship and have been brought forward from the chancel wall to be nearer the worshiping congregation. There is a raised pulpit on one side and a lectern on the other, behind which is a choir area on raised levels. The Chancel is spacious and angled in such a manner that the pews face the Chancel at a complimentary angle giving a sense of unity between worshipers, choir and worship leaders. The pews are of contemporary design and repeat the wood tones in the Chancel furnishings and wood arches. The floor of the Sanctuary and Chancel is carpeted. Directly behind the Sanctuary is a carpeted Lounge area and folding doors between the Fellowship Hall and Lounge area provide overflow space for the Sanctuary. Adjoining the Fellowship Hall is a large porch area over looking a wooded ravine and outdoors activities area.
Early in 1980, the church purchased the home located at 1403 Colton to be used in the future as a parsonage for the Methodist minister and the minister’s family. Reverend Richard Faris and his family were the first to live in the new parsonage.
In the spring of 1985, concerns were expressed for the development of the parking lot at the Methodist Church. A Parking Lot Committee was appointed and elected Lisle Luithly Chairman at their first meeting held on April 7, 1985. Chosen to serve on the committee were: Earl Hungate, Don Woods, Rollo Thornton, Robert Hedemann, Debbi Murry, Ruth Buser, Janice Buser, Warren Lewis, Bill Greene and Reverend Faris.
Plans for the parking lot were drawn by John Greene. During July 1985, three Islands, two with light poles, were formed as the cement was poured for the parking lot. Al Bohling was secured to landscape the area. The total cost of the new parking lot and the landscaping was $57,714. Several memorials and gifts for the parking lot were announced during a brief Dedication Service conducted by Reverend Faris on March 1,1987. (For a complete listing, check with the church office.)
During October, 1987, Reverend Tom Woodin pro…
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….ceded with plans to celebrate the 100th Anniversary of the Columbus Junction United Methodist Church. A Centennial Committee was chosen and included: Mary Beth Carey- Chairwoman, Bonnie Wass, Marsha Gerot, Betty Reutinger, Janice Buser, Bobi Woodin, Lois Farrier, Ruth Buser, Bev Nielsen and Reverend Woodin.
Centennial activities were celebrated throughout the entire year of 1988. A logo contest was held and logos were designed by Earlene Lekwa and Carla Harris were chosen along with a theme, “ Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, today and forever,” Hebrews 13:8
Reverend Woodin conducted a John Wesley Covenant Service for the Church Family in January.
The Centennial Cookbook Committee, Mary Beth Carey, Marie Greene, Janice Thornburg and Marge Bonnichsen; completed their task and offered the Centennial cookbook for sale in March.
The Centennial theme was evident at the Mother-Daughter Banquet served by the United Methodist Men in May. Table decorations featured antique kitchen items and wooden dolls dressed in gingham.
During their August meeting, The United Methodist Women celebrated the centennial with a skit, “Growth of United Methodist Women”, written by Hope Dunn.
A Funday Sunday was held during September for the youth of the church. They released 100 helium filled balloons to celebrate their church’s birthday.
The members of the centennial committee put together a wall-hanging featuring the centennial logo designed by Earlene Lekwa and hung it over the altar in preparation for Centennial Sunday. Carla Harris reproduced her log on a sign which was placed in the front lawn of the church.
Bev Nielson and Bobi Woodin, and their committee, designed and produced a float in celebration of the centennial. The float was entered in the Columbus Days Parade in early October.
Centennial Sunday was observed on October 9, 1988, with a Centennial Worship Service featuring the Wesley Choir and the Bell Choir. Reverend Leroy Moore, Assistant to the Iowa United Methodist Bishop, delivered the message. Lunch was served in the Fellowship Hall after the church service. In the afternoon, Richard Petersen, Master of Ceremonies introduced Wayne Neuzil, who led an “Ole Fashion Hymn Sing.” Mr. Neuzil sings the Star Spangled Banner at the Iowa Hawkeye games. Later there were remarks and sharing with former pastors and friends of the Church Family.
A Centennial pageant, “Beginnings”, written by Hope Dunn, was presented. The pageant represents those men and women who were largely responsible for establishing a Methodist Church in Columbus Junction. The case was as follows: Reader- Mary Beth Carey, Reverend Potter- Pastor Tom Woodin, Lulu Northey- Betty Reutinger, Letitia Gray- Marsha Gerot, Beuly Welsh- Bonnie Wass, Isaac Welsh- Warren Woepking, Jennie Baldwin- Bobi Woodin, E.W. Echman- Bill Greene, Lillie Echman- Bev Nielsen, E. W. Oliver – Steven Sents, Idaf Lewis – Lois Farrier, Mary Lane-Evelyn Finke, and Lena Echman- Laura Mincer.
A special commemorative history of the church, complied by Mary Beth Carey and Betty Reutinger, was available, along with several items in keeping with the centennial theme. Commemorative bookmarks featuring Mrs. Lekwa’s logo design and the centennial theme were given to each person attending.
1703 | Birth of John Wesley, Epworth, England | |
1736 | First visit of John and Charles Wesley to America | |
1773 | First Methodist Conference held in America | |
1843 | First Conference held in Iowa | |
1844 | Iowa Conference was organized at Iowa City | |
1866 | Methodist Church built at Columbus City | |
10 - | 1868 | First religious servies held in Fredonia |
7-10- | 1869 | Funds subscribed for Methodist Church in Fredonia |
1-09- | 1870 | Dediccation of Fredoinia Church |
1870 | New Fredonia Methodist Church completed and Sunday School established | |
10-09 | 1887 | Rev. Potter organized Methodist Episcopal Class in Columbus Junction |
4- | 1888 | Subscription paper circulated for first church in Columbus Junction |
8-26- | 1888 | Laid cornerstone for first church in Columbus Junction at corner of 2nd and Maple |
1-20- | 1889 | First church at Columbus Junction dedicated debt free |
1-27- | 1889 | Columbus Junction Methodist Sunday school orgainized |
1911 | Parsonage, 118 maple St., built for Columbus Junction Minister's family | |
1933 | Iowa and Des Moines Conference merged | |
1-22- | 1939 | 50th Anniversary of First Columbus Junction Methodist Church observed |
1-29- | 1939 | 50th Anniversary of First Columbus Junction Methodist Sunday School observed |
1939 | Methodist Episcopal, Methodist Church South and Protestant Church merged | |
1940 | Fredonia Women's Society of Christian Service formed |
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10-03- | 1940 | First meeting of Women's Society of Christian Service held in Columbus Juncation Methodist Church |
4-11- | 1949 | Construction of new educational unit and addition to First Columbus Junction Church began |
11-30- | 1949 | New educational unit and addition to first church dedicated |
1953 | 1960 | Discussions for need of new Columbus Junction church held under pastorate of Rev. Pennington |
6-30- | 1961 | Old grade school site purchased for new church site at Columbus Junction |
1962 | Columbus Junction Methodist Men organized | |
1963 | Lindgren and Taylor, Des Moines, hired as architect for new church at Columbus Junction | |
11-31- | 1963 | Three Year 'Program of Progess" Crusade launched to fund new church at Columbus Junction |
12-30- | 1966 | Church Advancement Crusade launched to fund new church at Columbus Junction |
1968 | Methodist Church and United Brethren Church merged | |
1969 | Services discontinued at Fredonia Methodist Church | |
6- | 1968 | Charter granted to Columbus Junction United Methodist Men |
10-02- | 1968 | Charter meeting of Columbus Junction Women's Socierty of Chrsitian Service and Wesleyan Service Guild held |
5- | 1969 | Total contracts let for construction of new Columbus Junction Church to Earl Wood &Sons |
6-22- | 1969 | Ground- breaking ceremony held at new Columbus Junction site |
9-04- | 1969 | Laying of new Columbus Junction church cornerstone completed |
6-14- | 1970 | Service of Rememberance and Appreciation held at old church at Columbus Junction |
6-21- | 1970 | Consecration Service held for new Columbus Junction Church |
11-18- | 1970 | Fredonia United Methodist Church held Centennial Services and merged with Columbus Junction United Methodist Church |
1971 | Tower built for Fredonia Church Bell and Fredonia Methodist Church razed | |
9-05- | 1973 | Columbus Junction United Methodist Women held charter meeting |
7-04- | 1976 | Fredonia Church Bell Rung in 200th Birthday |
1-05- | 1978 | Final payment on commitments and giving for debt retirement completed for Columbus Junction Church |
3-05- | 1978 | Service of Dedication held for and Mortgage Burning held for new Columbus Junction Church |
1980 | New Parsonage located at 1403 Colton purchased | |
8-08- | 1984 | Columbus Hycntion United Methodist Women celebrated bicentennial of United Methodist Church |
7- | 1985 | Parking Lot construction completed at new church |
3-01- | 1988 | Parking Lot at new church dedicated |
11-09- | 1988 | Columbus Juncation Untied Methodist Church celebrated 100th Anniversary |
1991 | Wednesday night Soup & Video Worship Services | |
1992 | 25th Anniversary of the building- "Spruced Up" | |
1992 | Great beginnings Preschool Opens | |
1992 | Care Giving Minsitry Groups are formed | |
1992 | Bell Choir loft is constructed | |
1992 | Wednesday night Lay Preaching Services begin |
1874 | E. J. Pike |
1876 | Supplies |
1879 | J. W. Lewis |
1881 | C. Simmons |
1882 | M. See |
1884 | D. S. Dunlevy |
1887 | J. W. Potter |
1889 | W. H. Chero |
1892 | M. J. Pusey |
1896 | B. M. Boydson |
1897 | W. S. Knight |
1900 | F. M. Adams |
1902 | George M. Cannon |
1903 | J. C. Hendricks |
1906 | R. D. Pool |
1907 | Fred Smith |
1908 | C. P. Zenor |
1910 | A. W. Gilliland |
1911 | A. W.McBlain |
1913 | E. C. Brooks |
1918 | L. R. Burdock |
1920 | W. H. Dillon |
1923 | Roy Johnston |
1924 | J. D. O'Dell |
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1927 | J. W. Zerbe |
1929 | Walter A. Samp |
1935 | Walter A. Bloomquist |
1940 | C. H. Hiller |
1943 | Lester Bill |
1945 | John B. Pooley |
1950 | Eugene C. Sears |
1953 | George C. Pennington |
1960 | Robert M. Parris |
1965 | Earl C. Josten |
1969 | Harold N. Olson |
1972 | Paul Hasel |
1979 | Richard Faris |
1987 | Tom Woodin |
1991 | Walden Paige |
Picture: Rev. Wally and Bonita Paige. 1993
Picture of a house with text Then and Now
Picture: 1993 Interior of church
Picture: Rev. Wally and Bonita Paige. 1993
Picture of a house with text Then and Now
Picture: 1993 Interior of church
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Picture: A Sunday School Class – Late 1880’s. Top row: Luttie Rippey, Pearl Parsons, Hattie Stewart, and Nettie Gabriel. 2nd row: Phycia Wilgus, Laura Duncan, Bulah Howes, Lula Riley and Myrtle Pierce. 3rd row: Edith Rhea, Susie Morley, Millie Foster, Minnie Bliven and Nellie Pierce
Picture: Sunday School Chautauqua – August 9, 1907
Picture: B.H. Shearer, Sunday School Superintendent, 32 years.
Picture: Consecration Sunday 1970. Left to right: Rev. and Mrs. Paul Pennington, Rev. and Mrs. George Pennington, Rev. and Mrs. Thomas Hotle, Dr. and Mrs. George Shiels, Rev. and Mrs. Lester Bill, Rev and Mrs. Harold Olson and Rev. and Mrs. Robert Parris
Picture: Warren Woepking, Ron Murry, Rev. Tom Woodin, Merlin Miller and Bill Greene
Picture: Front to back: Marie Rutt, Mrs. Gene Enke, Alice Vannice, Grace Stacy, Doris and Ken McCoy, Max Vannice, Victor Stacy, Paul Grouwinkel, Viola Clark, Helen Thornton, Alice Green, Jo Grouwinkel, Lloyd Clark and Julia Hunkins.
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Picture: Columbus Junction Methodist Church - (no longer in use)
Picture: New Columbus Junction Methodist Church
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Picture: 1993 Valentine’s Dinner Verl and Earlene Lekwa
Picture: Hope Dunn and Connie Ford
Picture: Heather Heddens- Director of Bell Choir
Picture: Members of Bell Choir left to right: Barbara Helscher, Julie Moore and Mary Wilson
Picture: 1993 Nursery Class. Left to right: Shauna Bloomer, Katlin Mincer, Curtis Hartsock, Jordan Gerot, Nathan Wittman and Donna Wittman, teacher
Picture: Kindergarten, First and Second Grade Sunday School Class. Left to right: Patrick Mincer, Ashley Orris, Joel Humphreys, Tyler Travis and Melissa Harris.
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Picture: 1993 Third and Fourth Grade Sunday School Class. Left to right: Mandy Orris, Angela White, Bryan Humphreys, Eli Pavey, Lucas Jordan and Sherri Humphreys, teacher.
Picture: Fifth and Sixth Grade Sunday School Class. Front row: Jessica Jordan, Wade Edwards, and Kristen Clark. Back row: Nita Abbott, teacher, Bethany Wagoner and Kendra Pavey.
Picture: 1993 Adult Sunday School Classes. Left to right: Mike Pavey, Earlene Lekwa, Carla Harris, Martha Murry, Cathy Arola and Marvin Hardy.
Picture: Left to right: Dick Utter, Marie Greene, Wilma and Kenneth Arthur, Ray Cheever, Kathryn Morrison and Phyliss Utter.
Picture: 1993 Golden Hour Sunday School Class. Front row: Gladys Hedemann, Arline Solomon, and Hope Dunn. Back row: George Kelly, Robert Hedemann, Doris Taylor and Alice Stewart.
Picture: High School Sunday School Class. Front row: Tom Sands, teacher, Brad Wagoner, Jason Woepking, and Eric Pavey. 2nd row: Michelle Jackson, Maggie Kisner, Julie Moore, Micki Schleef, Bobbi Garret, Amy Sievers and Seth Schleef. 3rd row: Mindy Kisner, Scott Clark, Joanne Woepking, Amos Garrett, Josh Helscher, Nick Simmons, David Lekwa.
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Picture: Centennial Committee. Left to right: Betty Reutinger, Janice Buser, Ruth Buser, Bobi Woodin, Bonnie Wass, Marsha Gerot, Lois Farrier, and Mary Beth Carey.
Picture: Left to right: Marie Greene, Ruth Forbes, Doris Taylor and Lois Boyd.
Picture: Pastors present at 100th Celebration. Left to right-front row: Millie Hotle, Bobi Woodin, Minerva Pennington, Janis Faris, Haven Hasel and Sharon Pennington. Back row: Rev. Thomas Hotle, Rev. Tom Woodin, Rev. Richard Faris, Rev. Paul Hasel and Rev. Paul Pennington.
Picture: Charter members recognized. Left to right front row: Fern Marshall, Helen Thornton, Julie Hunkins, Wilma Henson and Isabelle Sellers. 2nd row: Dorothy Jamison, Juanita Huston, Lila Mincer, Kathryn Morrison and Maxine Goble. 3rd row: Bill Shearer, Woodrow Shearer and Bill Greene.
Picture: Ruth Forbes, Bill and Marie Greene
Picture: Hope Dunn-the producer and director of the Centennial Pageant.
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Picture: Betty Reutinger and Bonnie Wass
Picture: Left to right: Marie Greene, Janice Thornburg, Mary Beth Carey, and not pictured, Marge Bonnichsen.-Centennial Cookbook Committee
Picture: Velma Stout and Sylvia Chatterton
Picture: Julie Hunkins, Minerva Pennington, Mildred Weber and Louise Reaney
Picture: Front row: Lola Whisler, Marie Greene, Juanita Sands, Bobbi Garrett and Kathleen Sands. Back row: Marie Spaethe, Hope Dunn, Nellie Dawson, Earlene Lekwa, Ruth Buser, Jeanette Masonholder and Marge Heindel.
Picture: 1993 Wesley Choir. Front row: Vivian McCulley, 2nd row: Jan Wagoner and Earlene Lekwa. 3rd row: Tom Sands and Glen McCulley.
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Picture: Golden Hour Class. Front row: Marie Rutt, Gladys and Robert Hedemann, Arline Solomon, and Leona Conry. 2nd row: Lola Whisler, Julie Hunkins, George Kelly, Mildred Weber, Mary Greene and Hope Dunn..3rd row: Ocie Moran, Helen Thornton and Minerva Pennington (1980)
Picture: Joy Class. Front row: Richard and Phyllis Utter, Gail Weierhauser, Dorothy McConahay, Kathryn Morrison, Kathleen Sands, and Lois Farrier. Back row: Ruth and Charles Buser, Marjorie Massey, Wilma and Kenneth Arthur and Del Farrier. (1980)
Picture: Married Class. Front row: Jan Vermeer, Janet and Will Utter, Rita Garrett and Julie Finke. Back row: Barb, Steve and Stephani Bonnichsen, Tom and Barb Sands. (1980)
Picture: Senior High Class. Front row: Tammy Cheever, Tim Faris, Stephanie Gray, “Skip” Morrison. Back row: Jenny Prior, Dick Petersen, teacher, Erin Robbins and Kim Prior.
Picture: Junior High Class. Mike Peterson, Tod Faris, Greg Griffin, Mendy Murry and Mike Jamison, Roger Smith, teacher. (1980)
Picture: Married Class. Earlene Lekwa, Jerry and Marsha Gerot. (1980)
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Picture: Fifth and Sixth Grade. Lisa Piper, Erin Robbins, Tonya Cheever, Sherri Orris, Wendy Murry, Sara Prior, Mary Beth Carey, teacher, Bill Bright, Jerry Gerot and Steve Peterson.
Picture: Preschool Class. Front row: David Faris, Brad Masonholder, Jacob Sands, Brad Wagoner, and Scott Clark. Back row: Annissa Evans, Kate Smith, Jolene Gerot, Bobbi Garrett, Sarah Utter and Shelli Smith, Suzanne Smith, teacher, Diane Harris, helper. (1980)
Picture: Kings Kids –First and Second Grades. Linda Evans, teacher, Brian Clark, Jeff Lekwa, Heather Randall, Kevin Gerot, Julie Petersen, Chad Evans and Noel Bright. (1980)
Picture: Kindergarten Class. Janis Faris and Bill Woodring, teachers, Sarah Smith, Joshua Helscher, Shannon Story, Robbie Pierce, Amy Totemeier, Joshua Sands, Sheila Pogemiller, Doug Stirling, Angela Keldgord, Amos Garrett, Wendy Edwards and David Lekwa. (1980)
Picture: Sunshine Kids- Third and Fourth grade. Carla Harris, teacher, Nik Gray, R. D., Murry, Kim Jordan, David Stirling, Jenna Utter, Kyle Keltner, Jason Randall and Richard Pierce. (1980)
Picture: Rollie and Helen Thornton.