Move Into The Future By Saving The Past
Churches of Louisa County, Iowa

Pg 41
Columbus City, Iowa

Transcribed by Beverly Gerdts, August 5, 2016

        Columbus City Methodist Church has had a colorful and continuous history, being the first church to be established in the Columbus Community, in the year 1840. It was followed closely however, by the United Brethren the next year and the Ce Ceders (Associate Presbyterians) in 1842. The twenty-six years before the present church was built were rugged.

        It was not until 1866 that the present House of Worship was finished, on land donated by Col. Wesley W. Garner. On June 28, 1866, the bell for the church arrived and on August 1st it was raised to the belfry. On August 30th, it was rung for the first time, as the funeral procession of Mrs. Whicher passed by. Dedication of the church was held on October 28, 1866, and at 9:00 A.M. the bell was rung for the first church service. Cost of the church was $3,000.00 with a debt of $800., which was reduced to $400 on Dedication Day.

        The circuit of the new church was part of a larger one extending from Burlington to Fort Des Moines. Among the Circuit Riders to preach to the little flock during those years were such famous warriors for Christ was Peter Cartright, Andy Kirkpatrick, Joseph Paschal and Michael See.

        Class meetings and larger groups sometimes met out-of-doors, in groves, and were then called “Bush Meetings”. The first building to be used by the pioneer followers of John Wesley was known as Prairie Chapel, nine miles south of Columbus City. As this town grew, the group began to hold services in various buildings there. In 1855 it was agreed that a permanent house of worship should be built.

        Mr. Samuel K Helmick, great grandfather of the present Jeanette Helmick Masonholder, was one of the committee members to select the building site. It was decided to build on March 1, 1866. The contract called for the building to be ready by September 10, 1866. Their first expense was 80 cents for a record book in which all expenses and contributions were recorded for the new church.’

        In the 1930’s and 1940’s the Ladies Aid of the Methodist Church met once a week at the home of one if the members that had room for quilting. At times they would have 2 or 3 quilts in at once. They would charge one-half cent a yard for the thread that was put in the quilt. In later years they raised the price to one cent a yard for thread. They were Willing Workers and eager to do what they could to help the church. Early members of this group were: Mrs. Elenora Colton, Alice Orris, Mrs. David McRoberts, Mrs. Rena Pratt, Mrs. John Utt, Kate Rahmiller, Anna Cutkomp, Mrs. Fred Huff, Mrs. Evan Anwyl, Emma Green, Mrs. Mary Cassabaum, Nellie Marsden, Bessie Aringdale, Maud Boulton, Ellen Biggs, Clara Orris, Mrs. Schabillion, Mrs. Shock, Bessie Lee, Rachel Morgan, Rhoda Morrison, Mrs. Elmer Huff, Alice Anwyl, Mrs. Rosenberger, Anna Helmick, Eunice Marion, Mrs. Aringdale and Mrs. Ferdand Spathe ( mother-in-law of Rev. Fred Smith).

        A Centennial worship service was held on Thursday, October 27, 1966. The Centennial message was given by Dr. Fred E. Miller, Administrative Assistant to Bishop James S. Thomas. The message was entitled “Worthy of our Heritage.”

        The Sunday worship service on October 30th again commemorated the 100th year celebration. Pastor Earl E. Josten, James S. Thomas, Bishop and George A Sheifs, District Superintendent were part of the service. Janet Greene, Mrs. Cecil Allen, Junior and Chancel Choir, Wesley Choir, C. J., and combined choirs presented special music. The sermon “Forever Beginning” was given by Rev. Josten.

        Later in the afternoon a Centennial Service of Memories was held. Following the prelude by Mary Beth Heindel a gospel hymn sing was led by Mrs. Ernest Kilpatrick and Mrs. Cecil Allen. Other special music was presented by Carole Hubrey, the Diller Sisters, Mrs. Marvin Crull and Paul Hoskins.

        Rev. Fred Smith gave the Centennial Prayer and Rev. Robert Parris, Asbury Methodist Church of Wellman, gave the Centennial Message of Memories.

        Mrs. Leonard Frisk gave highlights of the Centennial History. This followed by reminiscing, hymn of dedication and benediction.

        On Monday, October 28, 1991 the Columbus City United Methodist Church held a service to commemorate the actual date of the first church service and first bell ringing. This event dated back to 1866. Rev. Waldon Page gave the prayer. Marilyn Kilpatrick and Margaret Diller shared the bell history and lead the Litany of Praise.

        The Columbus City United Methodist Church celebrated their 125th anniversary on November 3, 1991, proclaiming “125 Years and Still Growing – Yesterday, Today and Forever”. The morning worship service included special music by the youth choir and the adult choir.

        Rev. Richard Faris, pastor of Holstein United Methodist Church, gave the witness, “Can I Give Her Your Name?”

        Mae and Jim Fortune were greeters, Larry Perkins, Henry Swails and Sam Smith were ushers. Choir directors were Marilyn Kilpatrick and Margaret Diller. Darlene Allen was organist.

        At the 2:00 service of Remembrances these members were recognized for their continuous memberships:

Mary Garrett 53 years
Nola Pine 56 years
Wilma Wasson 45 years
Darlene Allen 44 years
Margaret Diller 44 years
Harold Pine 41 years

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Marilyn Kilpatrick 40 years
Alfred Williams 40 years
Lorena Williams 40 years

        Also recognized were Harold and Nola Pine as the longest married couple with 62 years.

        The church is one of the oldest in the area, as the original building on the original site and used by the same faith all these years.


1967 New Chance furniture, a cross and a new flag
1970 New piano
1972 New Choir Pews
1975 Oak pews from the former Canaan United Methodist Church west of Mt. Union were installed
1977 New porch built and enclosed, basement storage room added
1978 New sliding for the church, new church lighting, stained glass windows for the vestibule.
1979 A lighted cross for the exterior installed and new church sign erected
1980 Basement remodled and decorated
1981 Pew cushions and vertical blinds at the sanctuary windows
1892 New Wurlitzer studio piano for sanctuary
1986 Landscaping
1987 Choir robes purchases from L-M school
1988 Sanctuary remodled with new lighted cross for sanctuary donated, alter railing refinished
1988-89 New hymnals purchased


1866 Benjamin Orris, local Preacher
1869 George W. Banford
1870 S. H.Thomas
1872 John Haynes
1873 James Hunter
1874 E. J.Pike
1879 J. W. Lewis
1881 C. Simmons
1882 M. See
1884 J. S. Dunlavy
1887 J. W. Potter
1889 W. C. Chew
1892 J. LeCornu
1894 W. H. Perdew
1896 J. W. Carson
1897 S. F. Bishop
1900 J. H.Taylor
1902 E. L. Tennant
1903 J. C. Kenrick
1906 R. D. Pool
1909 C. P. Zenor
1910 A. W. Gilliland
1911 A. W. McBlain
1913 E. C. Brooks & L. L. Ackerson
1914 J. F. Stillwell
1918 R. L. LeMott
1919 Harold Ward
1921 Russell Pewitt
1923 Henry Ludemann
1924 V. C. Darby
1926 Raymond Reed
1927 Wayne Emry
1929 W. A. Samp
1935 V. A. Bloomquist
1940 Clifton H. Hiller
1943 Lester H. Bill
1945 J. B. Pooley
1950 E. C. Sears
1953 G. C. Pennington
1960 R. M Parris
1965 E. E. Josten
1969 Harold Olson
1972 Paul Hasel
1979 Richard Faris
1987 Thomas Woodin
1991 Walden Paige

Picture: Suzanna Smith’s Sunday School Class. Shelli Smith, John Burroughs, Suzanna Smith, Morgan MacEachern, Travis Hendrickson and Todd Moore.

Picture: Jr. Choir

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Picture: 1966 Columbus City United Methodist Church 100yrs.
First row front: Kellie Nicola, Michelle Coon, Vera Diller (holding Valerie Diller), Curt Stewart, Chris Stewart (behind Curt), Nancy Stewart (holding Eric), Edith Smith (holding Tammy Pretz), Beth Faler, Jill Peters, Linda Pretz (holding Mike Pretz), Kay McConahay (holding Kip McConahay), Bret McConahay & Fay Cassabaum.
Second row: Ted Morrison, Bob Rutt, Lori Morrison, Mabel Diller, Lillian Wince, Mae Kemp, Blanche Williams, Keith Loyd, Ernie Todd, Kim Peters, Rita Wheeler and Mary Beth Heindel.
Third row: Marjorie Collier, Rosina Hawkins, Helen Morgan, Fran Morrison, Marjorie Heindel, Darlene Allen, Maude Boulton, Lois Hubrey, Carolyn Rutt, Janice Wasson, Carole Hubrey, Janet Peters, Jean Rutt (behind Janet Peters), Vivian Loyd and Christine Todd. Fourth row: Ernie Kilpatrick, Steve Hawkins, Nola Pine, Margaret Diller, Bonnie Frisk, Pam Pine, Sue Rutt, Chett Bond, Willard Hawkins, Marilyn Kilpatrick, Janet Loyd, Bessie Aringdale, Mike Loyd, Mildred Jones, Dick Rutt, Phil Peters and Rob Heindel.
Fifth row: Rev. Earl Josten, Art Cassabaum, James Helmick, Faye Diller, Neal Smith, Harry Wince, Don Pretz, Paul Heindel, Bill Diller, Ethan Blieu (behind Bill Diller), Robert Loyd, James Morrison, Lewis Peters, Cecil Allen and Wendell Morgan.

Picture: From the Centennial 1966. Sunday school Classes K-8th: teachers (in back row) Fran Morrison, Darlene Allen (organist), Janet Peters, Jean Rutt, Marge Heindel and Margaret Diller.

Picture: Columbus City Methodist Episcopal Church 1866

Picture: Oldest married couple in church, Harold and Nola Pine.

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Picture: Taken in November 1991 at the 125th celebration.
Row 1: Joan Pretz, Jennifer Pretz, Jared Hendrickson, Lorrie Schieffer, Jeff Burroughs, Justin Bozarth, Amber Shear, Jackie Poore, Shelby Poore, Bill Morgan, Emily MacEachern, Kelly Tipps, Brian Tipps.
Row 2: Curtis Hendrickson, Cindy Burroughs, John Burroughs, Travis Hendrickson, Carrie Swailes, Nancy Morgan, Morgan MacEachern, Terry MacEachern.
Row 3: Sammie Jo Smith, Casey Bozarth, Kim Humbert, Shelli Smith, Suzanne Smith, Margaret Dillon, David Morgan, Judy Shear, Kip McConahay, Teresa Meyerholz, McKensie Meyerholz. In front of them are – Karen McConahay, Kenny Meyerholtz and Jay Meyerholtz.
Row 4: Pat Cutler, Kay McConahay, Mark Babbit, Lois Hines, Judy White and Criss White.
Row 5: Mark Kilpatrick, Marilyn Kilpatrick, Lenore Van Auken, Bonnie Frisk, Jean Galitz, Dorothy Diller, Marjorie Heindel and Judy Swailes,
Row 6: Ernest Kilpatrick, Jan Rees, Nola Pine, Pauline Hixson and Wilma Wasson.
Row 7: Marjorie Collier, Lou Greene, Rosina Hawkins, Harold Pine and Kay Perkins.
Row 8: Bob Greene, Cecil Allen, Darlene Allen, Mae Fortune, Jim Fortune, Larry Perkins, Henry Swailes and Rev. Waldon Paige.

Picture: United Methodist Church Columbus City

Picture: Columbus City United Methodist Church 1968-united with United Brethren Church

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Picture: Children’s story

Picture: 1993 Pre School Class. Jay Meyerholz, Brandon Smith, Kay Perkins, teacher.

Picture: Kindergarten Thru 2nd: Jennifer Pretz, McKenzie Meyerholz, Megan Smith, Casey Bozarth, Emily MacEachern, and Lori Schieffer, Marilyn Kilpatrick, teacher

Picture: 3rd and 4th Grades: Shelby Poore (right) Terry MacEachern teacher, Jeff Burroughs and Jackie Poore.

Picture: 7th –12 Classes. Tom and Travis Moore, Tim Johnson, Cutis Hendrickson, Shellie Smith (standing) Theresa Meyerholz, teacher

Picture: 1993 Young Adult Class. Kim Humbert, Karen Hendrickson, Vicky and Terry Moore, Pat Cutler.

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Picture: Dave and Nancy Morgan also in Young Adult Class.

Picture: Older Adult Women’s Sunday school Class 1993. Front row: Bonnie Frisk, teacher, Dora Tisor. Back row: Jean Galitz, Marjorie Heindel, Eva Swailes.

Picture: 1993 Darlene Allen, Organist

Picture: Adult Sunday School Class 1993: Left to right: Dorothy Diller, Kay Perkins, Wilma Wasson, Lloyd Phillip, Mary Louise Phillips, Leonard Hixson, Lois Hines, teacher, shown below.

Picture: Rosina Hawkins is also a member of the Older Adult Women’s Sunday School class. Lois Hines—teacher of the Adult Women’s Sunday school class.

Picture: Margaret Diller, Jr. Choir Director.

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Page created August 5, 2016 by Lynn McCleary