A glimpse into the past...

J. B. Berend Coal Business. East Broadway about 1917.

1918. "Shores Line" spices, extracts. Wm. Dawson.

1909. "The others make good icecream but Hamilton's tastes best," Left
to right, Glen Richardson, Cloyce Hamilton, Keith Droz, Walter Palmer.

1920. Callister's Cafe. Ray Callister to the right.


A glimpse into the past...

Leinen & Son Meat Market. Left to Right,
Dimmitt Bamford, J. P. Leinen, Peter Leinen.

Carris Barber Shop. Left to right, "Dutch" Schauenberg, Harry Pulver,
John Carris, behind chair. |

Jake Hammes Shoe Store.

South Side Meat Market, John Schwartz, Pete Smith, Proprietors. Clayton
Eckerman, Assistant. Early 1900's. |

Opening Day Sept. 21 — Hoskins Bros. Pianos -
Furniture - Undertaking - Keota, Iowa |

A glimpse into the past...

1909. A. A. Long's Horse Furnishing Store.

Holmes Grocery. Bob Henry, town marshal, to the right.

Harry Page's Blacksmith Shop. |

1915. George McDaniel's Star Drug Store. |

A glimpse into the past...
The first mention
of banking in the history of the Town of Keota was in 1875. "The State
Banking House of Henkle & Littler & Co. and the Keota Loan and
Savings Ass'n were established to meet a demand much felt by our people
and within the past months have done an exchange business of over
$900,000. The Keota Loan and Savings Ass'n is now erecting and will
soon have completed an iron front brick building (a credit to our
September 30,
1876. The Keota Loan & Savings Ass'n organized with the following
officers: A. D. Faris, President; Hon. J. F. Wilson, Vice-President; F.
M. Israel, Cashier; J. T. Webber, Ass't Cashier. Directors: M. S.
Hulse, George Spangler, Jos. Smith, J. C. Huskins, Joseph Kulp, and E.
Moses. This bank was known as the Keota Bank.
June 19, 1876.
The Keota Eagle illustrated the financial situation! "What Our Farmers
Are Made Of" - A farmer dressed in raimant less costly than Solomon's
put in an appearance at the Keota Bank the other day. After lounging
around, with his eyes open, until he was satisfied with the situation,
he asked to deposit $700 hard cash and $2200 soft money. He remarked
that he had been having it lying around loose and was tired of having
it in his way.
May 5, 1877.
While known as the Keota Bank it was moved into the new brick banking
house which was built on the corner for its special benefit. Here the
bank was re-organized and its capital increased. Charley Singmaster
succeeded A. D. Faris as President; J . T. Webber succeeded F. M.
Israel as Cashier and the institution finally settled down to business
under the cognomem of The Bank of Keota, and is now a first class
institution with plenty of money and any amount of backing.
May 26, 1893. The
brick building for the Farmers Savings Bank is starting. The foundation
was built in a hurry and the vault walls are built up.
July 28, 1893.
The Farmers Savings Bank is nearing completion. The safe is of the
Mosler make, with time lock. They are ready for business as soon as
they get a "permit" from the State Auditor. A. W. Hamill will be the
Cashier; G. Gregory, Pres.; J. S. Stoutner, Vice-Pres.; Capital $30,000.
January 15, 1897.
The Bank of Keota has run through the 20 years allowed to it to run as
a corporation and at its stockholders meeting this week they decided to
re-organize the bank. They will renew the old charter and just bank on
a new basis. C. F. Singmaster, President; H. Henkle, VicePresident; E.
G. Wilson, Cashier; Directors: Samuel Singmaster and J. W. Stewart.
The above bank is
to be known as the State Bank of Keota, said corporation to continue
ten years with a capital of $50,000.
1899. The Bank of
Keota was merged into the State Bank of Keota in 1899. Of this
institution, Mr. Harmon Henkle was Vice-President for many years.
April 2, 1903.
The project for launching a third banking company in Keota was brought
to head Saturday. A meeting of the interested parties was held in
Attorney O. B. Jones' office and this board of directors was chosen: A.
E. Stewart, John Randolph, R. S. Kirkpatrick, J. F. Romine, E. E. Neal,
R. M. Thomson, O. K. Stoutner.
Officers: Pres.,
A. E. Stewart; Vice-Pres., R. M. Thomson; Cashier, Jno. Randolph.
Its name is to be
the "Union State Bank." Capital stock, $30,000. There are 35 or 40
January 14, 1904.
The Union State Bank expects to open February 1. The building is
nearing completion. Directors and officers are the same as chosen last
February 25,
1904. The Union State Bank opened for business Tuesday morning minus
counters and other furniture so some hand-made fixtures will serve
July 7, 1904. The
Farmers Savings Bank put in a complete set of mahogany and birch
interior fixtures. The floor is covered with new linoleum, the interior
finish of room is stained mahogany and the walls and ceiling are
freshly papered. The two cashiers' windows and base of counter are
Tennessee marble; bevel plate glass panels in windows. There is more
room for employees and the public.
January 24, 1907.
A. W. Hamill, cashier of Farmers Savings Bank, resigns to take effect
February 1. B. D. Helscher was named cashier and D. D. Crone of
Washington was named assistant cashier. Mr. Hamill will associate in
business with Keiser Bros.
March 20, 1907.
The State Bank will be remodeled. The outside stairway will be removed
and a new one will be put on the inside. A large plate glass window
will be put in front and the entrance moved to the east corner.
Handsome new mahogany will be installed. The counter will be solid
marble with brick foundation and oak top. They will tear out the wooden
floor and put in a tile floor laid in cement and a cork carpet behind
the counter. The ceiling will be of canvas with walls to match. The
plate glass window was installed in May and witnessed by one hundred
and fifty innocent bystanders.
October 21, 1926.
The Union State Bank and State Bank of Keota are to be merged and will
become the Security State Bank. It will have new stockholders, new
directors and officers. The two banks will cease doing business
Saturday at 4:00 p.m. and pass into history.
The new bank will
open Monday morning, October 25, in the building occupied by the Union
State Bank, with following officers and directors: President, W.F.
Stoutner; VicePresident, J.W. Stewart; O.K. Stoutner, Cashier; C.A.
Lacey, Ass't, Cashier; Directors—J.W. Stewart, H. W. Statler, O. K.
Stoutner, J . C. Stoutner, W. F. Stoutner, R. O. Wilson, A. A.
Clendenning, J. C. Deimerely, W. R. Stewart and C. A. Lacey. The new
bank has $40,000 capital stock and surplus fund of $20,000.

A glimpse
the past...
October 21, 1926. The Security Bank made some
extensive changes. The fixtures in Union Bank were removed and the ones
from the State Bank were brought over and installed. The corridor is on
the east side now so customers can enter the deposit box department
from the corridor in the main hall.
November 13, 1958. A notice to the customers of
the Security State Bank was run in The Keota Eagle announcing the
dissolution of the bank and informing their customers that accounts and
deposits could be transferred to the Farmers Savings Bank. Under the
new management Walter Stoutner was appointed president of the bank. Tom
Mills remains as cashier and Shirley Lyle is assistant cashier.

Keota's First Bank |
Farmers Savings Bank. Dedicated
October 11, 1970. Built at the same location as
Keota's first bank at corner of Fulton and Broadway.
April 16,
1970. The new Farmers Savings Bank building has installed a new
electronic temperature and time sign, which was the desire expressed in
the will of the late Charlie McCampbell, director of the bank for 42
years. A bronze placque will be placed in the lobby designating this as
the "C.A. McCampbell Memorial Clock."
The Same Business...The Same Name...The Same Family
E. E. Neal Photographic Studio |
E. E. Neal is the dean of Keota businessmen,
having started in business here as a photographer when many of the
present businessmen were "on the bottle" and before some of them were
born, states The Keota Eagle of January 28, 1932. He was born near
Crawford sville, Iowa , in 1857. Mr. and Mrs. Neal (who was Miss Mantie
Glaze of Ainsworth, Iowa) were married December 31, 1880, at the home
of the bride's parents.
In 1888 they moved here from Clearfield, Iowa.
that time Mr. Neal formed a partner ship with his brother, Charles
Neal, and established a "Photograph gallery." He chose photography
because of the urging of his brother and chose Keota because of the
opportunity presented. They had purchased the photographic studio from
Brinkley and Fry. It is interesting to note says, The Keota Eagle of
1932, that photography is less than 100 years old and that Mr. Neal has
been in that business in Keota nearly half that period.
In March 1939 Mr. and Mrs. E. E. Neal moved
photographic studio to their home. They had operated a studio here for
four years when John Bryson built the brick block in 1893, building the
studio skylight according to Mr. Neal's specification. Mr. Neal
estimated at the time that in the 46 years his studio was on the second
floor of the Bryson block that he had climbed stairs to total 400 miles
of climbing not counting descending.
