A glimpse into the past...

The next director was Mr. Henry Hartman of
Chicago. He was to take the band to the Iowa State Fair at Des Moines
where we were engaged to play but because of illness in the Hartman
family he was unable to go. Mr. Ed Hulse of Washington who had directed
the men's band in Keota came to our rescue and took us up to the Fair
for which we were very thankful.
At the beginning, the band paid its own way by
giving concerts and the Keota community and merchants were very kind by
hiring the girls to play the Saturday night concerts before they could
play many tunes.
For two seasons the band gave weekly concerts at
West Chester and Wellman. During the life of the band concerts were
played at Washington , South English, Webster, Harper, Sigourney,
Ottumwa, Davenport, Burlington, Centerville, Marengo, Cedar Rapids;
also at Mystic where the band played two seasons at the Mystic Fair.
The band finally disbanded in 1918 after playing a
two day engagement at the Iowa State Fair. It disbanded because several
of the girls were going to college and some married and moved away.
The members of the original band were: Lavina
Dowis, Hazel Williams, Sarah McNurlen, Bess Smock, Ruth Lindauer, Mary
DeYoe, Nellie Fish, Lois Stewart, Hazel Hagist, Ella Brown, Mrs. Clarke
Nelson, Mrs. Glass, May Dorrance, Ruby Hulse, Blanche Torrey, Pearl
Warrington, Pearl McNurhel, Mrs. Albert Shauenberg, Clara Stewart, Lura
Ludwig, Mrs. Lola Gilbert and Max Glass, director.
By Mrs. Ruby Hulse
Helscher (Will)
One of the original members of the band
The Keota Ladies Band was organized in August of
1905 with Mr. O. W. Glass as their first director. The ladies got their
instruments and began practice right away. By July 1, 1909, they had
received their uniforms — some 25 of them. They consisted of jacket and
skirt of khaki goods and cost about $7.00 each. "The girls look swell."
May 2, 1912. Miss Emma Keeley sent Governor Burke
of North Dakota a picture of the Ladies Band and received a lengthy
letter in reply. Gov. Burke went to school in a little log school house
about a half mile from Harper and knew the Keeleys well. He said that
the next time he visits his home in Sigourney, he'll come to Keota to
see old friends and maybe this Keota Band would turn out, who knows?
Note: Gov. John Burke was born and reared in
Keokuk County and was appointed Treasurer of the United States by
President Wilson and filled that position from 1913 to 1921. The people
of North Dakota urged his candidacy for the office of the President of
the United States at the Baltimore Convention but he requested that his
name be withdrawn.
May 16, 1912. The Keota Ladies Band is in
Burlington playing for Democratic State Convention. Special from
Burlington says the Keota Ladies Band is one of the most popular and
unique organizations in Iowa. The ladies dress in neat costumes with
broad brimmed hats, with brims turned up.

Pulvers Drum Corps. 1918-1919. Back row left to right, Frank
Sturgeon, Chalmers Sturgeon, LeRoy Richardson. Front Row left
to right, Harold Teets, Harvey Banks, Roy Pulver, Clark Pulver,
Amos Schreckengast. |
The Keota
Ladies Band was organized at Keota in 1905. The idea of the Ladies Band
came to Mr. E. C. Gilbert after reading in the Sunday paper about a
Ladies Band and suggested the idea to his wife, Mrs. Lola K. Gilbert,
who thought it a good idea and began talk ing to her friends and with
the help of the ladies who were interested the Keota Ladies Band was
organized. Mr. Max Glass was in Keota and was asked to be direct or and
he considered and thus the Ladies Band came into existence.
For the
first five or six years the band was under the direction of Mr. Glass,
then William Langenberg of Columbus Junction took over. He took us
seriously and made us realize that no organization would amount to
anything without work. He encouraged us by telling us that the way we
picked up the knowledge of music was wonderful; that we were no scrub
organization. They could and did play the most difficult music and that
wasn't all because of the director either. They had lots of talent for
Later Mr.
William Langenberg's brother, Charles Langenberg, took over the
A glimpse into the past...
July, 1916. The Ladies Band has contracted to play
weekly series of concerts at West Chester.
September 28, 1916. An enormous crowd was in town
Saturday night to see the drill put on by the Ladies Band
and it was neatly done. Immediately after they gave a concert in
Independence Park.
August 30, 1917. The Keota Ladies Band, twenty in
number, played a two-day engagement at the Iowa State Fair, August 27
and 28. E. A. Hulse of Washington directed them.

Keota Ladies Band, August 17, 1916. Back row left to right, Ruby Hulse
(Helscher), Mae Marr, Maude Schauenberg, Genevieve Newton (White), Lila
Kracaw (Walker), Maude Gammon (Teets), Ruby Simmerman (England),
Blanche Torrey, Mae Dorrance (Thompson), Lola Gilbert. Front row, left
to right, Marie Burke (Baker),
Marjorie Clark, Mrs. B. B. Brown, Dorothy Bower, Cleo Lyle (Williams),
Grace Fitzgerald (Brinkmayer), Cora Schollenbarger, Mrs. Darbyshire
Wade. |

Keota Ladies Band about 1908. Back row Left to Right: Blanche
Torey, Vina Dowis Mattison, Eva Reed, Gertrude Palm Streit, Mae
Dorrance Thompson, Mrs. Davis, Mary DeYoe Smith. Second row
Left to Right, Hazel Williams Mulhern, Pearl McNurlen Etter, Ruth
Lindauer Marr, Sara McNurlen Dorreen, Mamie Nelson, Maude
Watters Schauenberg, Mrs. Glass. Third row, Left to Right, Pearl
Warrington Fry, Ruby Hulse Helscher, Bess Smock Crown, Mr.
Glass, Bess Holmes Huber, Ella Brown Pettit, Laura Ludwig. |
A glimpse into the past...
Keota Had Many Parades
And Celebrations

The circus comes to town. Corner of Fulton and Broadway looking
east. Date unknown but the Union State Bank building (Dr. Don's
office) was built in 1904. The Randolph Bros. hardware store
pictured on the same corner dates back to 1881.

A glimpse into the past...

Fourth of July Parade.... Billy Mason as Uncle Sam....
New Studebaker,
before 1908.

Fourth of July


Fourth of July Celebration — Keota Park – 1903. Clarence Dayton
and Homer Dusenberry with mustache. |

July 4th, 1917 |
A glimpse into the past...
A glimpse into the past...
13, 1963
Discovery of oil
in the Keota area brought an influx of "wildcat" oil representatives to
the Keota area, seeking to buy mineral rights.
Natural Gas
Pipeline Company of America announced last Friday it has encountered a
small oil accumulation, while test-drilling near Keota, for a
prospective underground natural gas storage reservoir.
Company officials
said preliminary studies indicate little likelihood of an economically
successful operation resulting from the discovery.
The find,
involving what is believed to be the first producible oil in Iowa, was
made on the farm of William F. Flynn, about one and one half miles
northeast of Keota, and two miles north of the Texas-to-Chicago natural
gas pipeline system operated by the company.
production estimated by the company is about 10 barrels per day.
Further tests on the well, officials said, are likely to show a
declining production rate which will not support a profitable
The oil was
encountered 960 feet below the earth's surface in a limestone
The Natural Gas
Pipeline company has been doing considerable drilling in recent weeks,
prospecting for an underground gas storage area, in which natural gas
could be stored in porous rock formations far under the surface of the
ground. The company moved a storage tank of about 3,000 gallons
capacity to the Flynn farm and began pumping oil to determine the
capacity of the well. The 10 barrel per day estimate originally made is
apparently accurate. The oil being pumped is very thick in consistency,
with a strong rancid odor.
The Keota oil
strike is the second in Iowa, the first being at Cresco.
A second oil
deposit was found on the Flynn farm by the Newton Company. The
discovery was made at 1,244 feet in the same formation as that of the
first well. It is believed that it will produce about 10 barrels a day
as did the first well.
It has been
proven by oil men throughout the country that a well producing 10
barrels a day can be a profitable venture if handled correctly. There
are many such wells in production in the oil fields of Texas and
Keota Development
Corporation was formed at a meeting of businessmen of the town on March
2, 1959. Those in attendance elected nine men to serve as a Board of
Directors. They were Lewis Powell, Keith Wells, J .R. Helscher, Darrle
Grimes, Wayne Olson, Don Peden, Dudley Gretter, Don Fagen and Forrest
Articles of
Incorporation and By-Laws were read and approved. A meeting was called
for Tuesday night to elect officers and get the papers filed as soon as
At the meeting
Tuesday evening, Lewis Powell was elected President; Keith Wells,
Vice-President; and J. R. Helscher, Secretary and Treasurer. As soon as
fhe Articles have been approved by the State and published, the
Corporation will solicit for the selling of Stock in the Company with a
par value of $50.00 per share. The amount aimed for will be $100,000.
This sum will be used to develop industry in Keota and also to help in
securing new homes.
July 14, 1966. A
new Development Corporation is formed in Keota which will be known as
the Clark Lane Development Co., Inc. Forming the new company are J. R.
Helscher and Albert Stoutner, The company has purchased ground in the
northeast corner of Keota and plans call for 16 lots in the new
addition which will be known as the Clark Lane addition. The properties
will feature all new hard surfaced roads, with curb and gutter. Each
lot will be supplied with sewer, water, gas and electricity.
January 25, 1968.
Mrs. Orrin Potter is the recipient of the six free buffet dinners for
naming the new restaurant "The Golden Buckle Buffet." Mr. and Mrs. John
Short are the owners of the new restaurant.
The new
restaurant opened March 4, 1968.
The Keota
Development Corporation was the big influence in getting The Golden
Buckle Buffet started in Keota. The Directors of the Development
Corporation said that many months of planning and discussion were in
volved before they finally prevailed upon Mr. and Mrs. John Short of
Des Moines to operate the business.
August 22, 1968.
Parallel parking is here! The Iowa State Highway Commission crew came
to town last week and painted the white parking stripes thus
eliminating the angle parking that had been in effect here since the
town was incorporated in 1873. Because Broadway is an extension of
State Highway 77 the State Highway Commission agreed to pave the street
if the town would pass an ordinance creating parallel parking. Even
though many townspeople dislike the parallel parking and business
owners find the lack of convenient parking distasteful the Town Council
stands firm in its belief that it will make the business area safer for
both vehicular and pedestrian traffic. Cooperation
A glimpse into the past...
by all is needed
and if everyone will bear with the problems for a while the whole town
should benefit greatly. With angle parking the town had approximately
130 parking spots on Broadway. Now that parallel parking is here there
are only 66 spaces left in the same area.
October 17, 1968.
Keota can now boast of another first in its history. We have a
municipal parking lot! The new lot located just east of the Post Office
building has been cleared of the trees and rubbish by Marshall Sanders
and Art Krause. They have done a diligent job in spreading the new rock
The lot,
purchased by the Town Council from Harry E. White for $850.00, is 25
feet wide by 150 feet long and should accommodate at least 12 cars.
The old building
which was torn down to make room for this project housed "Miz"
Henderson's lawn mower repair shop. It is an old landmark and reported
to be one of the oldest in Keota.
Maplewood Manor,
Inc., a nursing home for elderly persons, was organized January 15,
1964, with John E. Klein, A. K. Stoutner, Gail Trier and Dr. K. L.
McGuire serving as the Board of Directors. The site was purchased from
Mrs. Henry Trier and was formerly known as the Arthur E. Stewart
property. Open house was held December 27, 1964, when the building was
completed and ready for occupancy. This 50-bed facility is fully
staffed by qualified personnel and is licensed by the State of Iowa.
The present Board of Directors consists of Gail Trier, John E. Klein,
Jack C. McFadden and Dr. H. M. Don.
The Maplewood
Manor Auxiliary was organized for the purpose of helping make the
residents a part of the Keota Community life and to involve the
citizens of Keota in this work. On December 9, 1969, Reverend Woodward
and several interested people met to discuss what could be done. A
regular schedule of religious services was drawn up; also, plans made
for various entertainments, sewing help and regular visiting and
The first
officers elected in February 1970 were: Mrs. A. K. Stoutner, President;
Mrs. F. A. Mattison, Vice-President; Mrs. B. J. Byrne, Secretary; Mrs.
Frank B. Peiffer, Treasurer.
A birthday party
was planned for every month to celebrate the birthdays of that month.
An annual program was planned and the organizations of the community
asked to do a specific service—i.e., entertainment, sew, birthday
party, etc.
A telephone
committee was organized for the purpose of calling and visiting with
elderly persons in their own home on a regular basis.
organizations have been very helpful and generous with their time as
have many individuals. Since its organization, many musical programs,
bingo games and much visiting has been done and the Auxiliary has done
much to make the residents of Maplewood Manor a part of Keota.
The present:
officers, Mrs. Bill Cady, Mrs. F. A. Mattison and Mrs. Walter Bower,
continue to help the Activity Director, Mrs. Phil George, with some of
the programs at Maplewood Manor.
The Keo-Tones,
Keota's Male Barbershop Chorus, was started in early March of 1971. The
idea originated with Wayne Owens of Keota Manufacturing Co., Inc., and
Terry Dill, the owner of the concern, furnished the group with a place
to practice.
The chorus
started out with eight men and has now grown to a group of over 30
members. Stan Soucek is the director and Robert Adams is the president
of the organization.
The purpose of
the chorus is to have fun singing in the "barbershop style" and any
money derived from singing appearances is to be used for the benefit of
the local area. The first gift was a $100 scholarship given to a Keota
Community School senior in 1972. Since the organization has members
from both Sigourney and West Chester it is planned to give similar
scholarships in coming years to worthy seniors of those school
Besides singing
for local organizations in Keota, the KeoTones have appeared in
Brighton, Sigourney, and Washington. In Williamsburg January 31, 1972,
they presented the entire evening concert sponsored by the Kiwanis Club

A glimpse into the past...
Quoting from the "Washington Gazette"
of May 17, 1872, about the new "cornfield" town of Keota. Last Sunday
May 12th was "Opening Day" for public religious services. A Sabbath
School under Rev. Mr. Smock (Presbyterian) was inaugurated at 2 1/2
P.M. Mr. Smock preached at 3 1/2 P.M. and Rev. Mr. J .C. Kendrick of
the Talleyrand Methodist Church preached at 5 P.M. Services were well
attended. Mr. Smock has prepared a room above his wagon shop which is
21 x 32 feet which is to be used for religious exercises, town hall,
etc., until better accommodations can be had.
The Baptist Church was the first
church built in Keota. At a meeting held with the Baptist Church at
Washington, Iowa, July 4, 1872, the matter of building a house of
worship by the Baptists at Keota was decided upon and a building
committee appointed to solicit aid. The work was begun in August and
finished October 10, and dedicated October 20, 1872, by Rev. N.A. Reed
of Muscatine preaching the dedication sermon. Rev. Wood began preaching
during the summer of 1872 every two weeks, holding services at Smock's
Hall until the completion of the church. The cost of the church was
$1871.00. This church stood at the site of today's United Presbyterian

The next Baptist Church building stood at 1973 location of the
United Presbyterial Church. From 1937 to 1961 it was known as
the Federated Church. |
The oldest church organization in the
town of Keota was the Presbyterian.
This church was organized at Paris,
Washington County, Iowa, on the 5th day of May, 1855, by Rev. Thomas H.
Dinsmore. The organization was moved to Talleyrand in 1856 when a
church was built there and where the organization remained until moved
to the new town of Keota in 1872.
This move was made under the
pastorate of Rev. D. V. Smock, who had built a hall as before mentioned
for the purpose of Divine Services and where not only the
Presbyterians, but all the churches of the town for a time worshipped.
In 1874 the first Presbyterian Church
was erected at a cost of $3000 or $4000. This church building was
erected on the south end of the old high school playground facing south
on Keokuk Street.
In August 1938 the Presbyterian
Church building was razed. The church board sold the two lots to the
Keota School District for $993.44.

Keota Baptist Church ... First church built in Keota.
Dedicated October 20, 1872. |

Keota Presbyterian Church, built in 1874.
Keota's oldest church
organization. |
A glimpse into the past...
Very soon after Keota started it came
into the minds and hearts of a few loyal United Presbyterians in the
vicinity of Keota to establish a church of their choice in the new
town. True there was a flourishing United Presbyterian congregation at
Westminister, six miles east of Keota, and another at Pleasant Valley,
or Tyrone, six miles south, but these were long distances in those days
for there were no automobiles then. The big lumber wagon was the common
vehicle for the country people and if the roads were impassible for
wagons, then as many as could wended their way to church on horseback
and some walked.
On May 19, 1872, Rev. J. H.
Montgomery preached the first United Presbyterian sermon ever preached
in Keota. After much consideration and many conferences, a petition was
circulated to determine how many were willing to attempt an
organization. Twenty-one adult persons signed the petition asking that
an organization might be established in Keota. A charter was granted
and the right to organize a United Presbyterian Church in Keota was
accomplished June 20, 1873. The organization took place in the Baptist
Church and the 21 persons signing the petition became the charter
The church was organized but they had
no church home and no pastor. Through the kindness of the Baptist
Church people, services were held in their church usually in the
afternoon with an occasional meeting in Smock's Hall.
In one and a half years after
organization, there had been quite an increase in membership. About
this time the erection of a church building was talked of. The church
was built during the summer and fall of 1875 at a cost of $4,087.00 and
dedicated December 16, 1875.
It was during the pastorate of Rev.
H. H. Brownell, who was installed in 1899, that the church was
remodeled at a total cost of $3,428.70.
This then was the largest church building in Keota
and was considered a credit to the people who erected it.
This church stood on the first lot north of the
Frank Dasher residence and faced the East on Fulton Street. In January
of 1946 this old landmark was razed.

Presbyterian Church ... 1908. Note: School House
in background.
This church building stood on
the south end of the old high school
facing south on Keokuk Street. |

Keota United Presbyterian Church.
Dedicated December 16, 1875 |

During the pastorate of Rev. H. H. Brownell,
who was installed in 1899, that the
United Presbyterian Church was remodeled.
This old landmark was razed in January 1946. |
A glimpse into the past...
At the session of the Iowa Conference
held at Oskaloosa in September, 1872, the Keota M. E. Mission was
organized with Rev . E.W. Twining as preacher in charge. During the
year 1872-1873 the foundation of the church was laid. The following
year with Rev. B.W. Gortner, pastor, the church was completed and
dedicated by Bishop E.G. Andrews. The frame church building was erected
at a cost of $2,500.
In 1888 there were slightly over 200
In 1897 it was found necessary to
enlarge the church and the old church was incorporated into it by
adding two or three rooms.
A number of beautiful memorial
windows were installed. Rev. Chew was the pastor. The church was
dedicated October 16, 1898, by Dr. Crippen of Des Moines.
In 1915-1916 many more improvements
were made and while this was being done services for the Methodist
members were held in the three-story brick building. It was fitted with
chairs and organ. Since 1915 many more changes have been made. The main
entrance steps on the east were removed and a new entrance made on the
south of the building. Many memorials have been given to the church.
Three members of the local church have become ministers.
In 1939 the name of the church was
changed to the First Methodist Church, thus dropping the one word
The Methodist Church has always been
at its present location and today is referred to as Wesley Methodist
June 29, 1944. Former Keotan to be New York
Governor. Joe Hanley was minister here 40 years ago. Succeeds Governor
Tom Dewey. Keota people and many other old friends take a pleasurable
interest in the fact that the new governor of the State of New York is
a former Keota resident. Joe R. Hanley was pastor of the Methodist
Church here about 40 years ago for approximately two and one half years.
The first Methodist Service was held in Keota, May
12, 1872, in a building called Smock Hall, which is now the location of
the D-X Station. Service was conducted by Rev. J.C. Kendrick, who had
charge of the Church in Talleyrand, which included Lafayette Center and
occasional services at East Lafayette School house.
Meetings were held during the summer and in
September 1872 the Annual Conference was held in Oskaloosa and formed a
Keota Circuit, which consisted of Keota, Talleyrand, Hamilton School
house (in 76 Township) and Lafayette Center. These were attached to the
Muscatine District with J.C. Bunn as Elder and Rev. E.H. Twining as
Preacher in charge.
November 20, 1872, a building committee was
elected, consisting of M.B. Walsh, A.M. Pringle, L. Torry, James
Huskins and L. Dunshee. R. Huston was appointed Class Leader.
In the Spring of 1873 a contract was let for a
church building to be erected on lots purchased in July of 1873, which
were one block North of Smock Hall.

M.E. Church ... dedicated 1874. |