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The Fairfield Weekly Ledger

May 4, 1881

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Fairfield Weekly Ledger
Jefferson County, Iowa
Transcribed by:  Joey Stark

Note:  Typographical errors (followed by [sic]) and spelling variations in names in this document are intentional and reflect the actual newspaper articles.   Transcriber’s notes are occasionally included and are indicated with [Ed. note:….].  Surnames shown here are in UPPER CASE for easy location; not rendered as such in the newspapers.

May 4, 1881

Sheriff’s Sale.

Notice is hereby given that by virtue of a General Execution to me directed, issued out of the Circuit Court of the State of Iowa, in and for Jefferson county, upon a judgement rendered in said Court in favor of A. C. POTTER (Assigned to J. A. McKEMEY,) against Elizabeth MILLS, I have levied upon the following described real estate, as the property of the said Elizabeth MILLS, to-wit:  The southeast quarter, southeast quarter, section thirty-one (31), township seventy-two (72), range nine (9) west – 5 acres.  And that on
 SATURDAY, MAY 21, A. D. 1881,
At 1½ o’clock p.m. of said day, at the front door of the court-house, in the city of Fairfield, Iowa, I will proceed to sell said property, or so much thereof as may be necessary to satisfy said Execution, amounting to three hundred and eighty-eight and 80-100ths dollars debt, and seventeen dollars costs, together with accruing costs, at public auction, to the highest and best bidder for cash.

Sheriff of Jefferson County, Iowa

Dissolution Notice.

The firm of BAXTER & HUGHES, composed of the undersigned, and lately engaged in the omnibus and transfer business at Fairfield, Iowa, has been dissolved by mutual consent.  J. M. HUGHES will continue the business, and will collect all accounts due the firm and pay all claims against it. J. M. HUGHES,
     J. A. BAXTER.
April 29, 1881.  3t

A List of these Officials in Jefferson County.

Following is a list of the school officers of Jefferson county, as furnished by Supt. GRINSTEAD.  In the county are thirty-seven school organizations, nine of which are district township and all the others independent.  In each paragraph, the name of the president of the board is given first, the secretary second and the treasurer third.  Teachers will do well to preserve this list:

Blackhawk township, 9 sub districts.  John DAVIES, John LEECH, P. J. ROTH.
Buchanan, 6 sub-districts.  Thos. H. CLOVER, P. I. LABAUGH, Clark VANNOSTRAND.
Cedar, 5 sub-districts.  James GALLIHER, O. H. PHILLIPS, Wm. MOUCK.
Des Moines, 8 sub-districts.  W. E. COWAN, Geo. C. FRY, Amos TAYLOR.
Fairfield, 10 sub-districts.  H. B. MITCHELL, John ROSS, John W. McLEAN.
Locust Grove, 5 sub-districts.  Geo . HIDEY, T. A. ROBB, A. CONNOR.
Lockridge, 7 sub-districts.  John STEPHENSON, Geo N. PARK, Wm. DUNLAP.
Penn, 11 sub-districts.  E. O. MACY, J. H. KYLE, Isaac ELLIS.
Walnut, 6 sub-districts.  A. MONHARDT, L. J. BIDWELL, John HOCH.

Liberty independent districts.  Independent No. 1, W. H. WOOLERY, J. N. SLIMMER, Jacob RINEKER.  No. 2, Wm. READ, N. P. CLARRIDGE, Wm. BALDING.  No. 3, Libertyville, A. G. WARD, W. R. McCARTNEY, J. C. FRY.  No. 4, D. W. CARTER, E. A McCLAIN, A. WILLIAMS.  No. 5, Adam RODABAUGH, R. O. SHERRICK, Abraham RODABAUGH.  No. 6, Union, Robt. JOHNSON, J. S. HOPE, A. B. HOLLISTER.  No. 7, Peter YOST, Harvey THOMPSON, Greer McKEE.  No. 8, Eagle, L. J. NICHOLS, M. L. CREEK, L. J. CLARK.

Polk independent districts.  Independent No. 1, M. ANDERSON, T. Z. GILLETT, Jennett GILLETT.  No. 2, Union, H. T. CUDDY, J. T. BARTLES, P. A. McREYNOLDS.  No. 3, Hickory Grove, L. B. MYERS, A. S. RANDALL, H. S. RIGGS.  No. 4, Pleasant Hill, A. J. RYMAN, F. M. STEPHENSON.  No. 5, Abingdon, Thos. J. JAQUES, Chas. J. GOBBLE, W. J. JOHNSON.  No. 6, Center, Wm. LEWIS, Elizabeth BAYNE, B. KENYON.  No. 7, John C. RUGGLES, W. D. INGALLS, W. L. DUKE. No 8, Pleasant View, B. D. MOWERY, Jesse M. JONES, A. H. ELLER.  No. 9, Maple Grove, J. M. PACKWOOD, Wm. A. REED, R. B. KIRBY.

Round Prairie independent districts.  Independent No. 1, Vega, W. B. FRAME, Geo. CHAPMAN, S. C. RIDGEWAY.  No. 2, Glasgow, George HEATON, Henry WEBB. J. S. BREWER.  No. 3, Huston, no report.  No. 4, Mt. Zion, Calvin STEWART, David FELL, W. W. STEWART.  No. 5, Clay Hill, Burton LITTON, C. R. WORKMAN, J. W. CHURCH.  No. 6, Union, Benj. ARCHIBALD, Hiram HEATON, John STEWART.  No. 7, Pleasant Hill, John ANDERSON, John SUNBURG, O. R. LINDERSON.

Independent district Batavia, J. H. HILTON, M. S. FRISBE, S. R. BOGGS.

Independent district Fairfield city, W. T. BURGESS, Geo. D. TEMPLE, S. C. FARMER.

Independent district Brookville, D. E. TINSLEY, W. L. S. SIMMONS, John GANTZ.

Independent district Burr Oak, Walnut township, James ROBINSON, William STORTZ, S. G. WOOD.

A Sharpe Game Played for Better or Worse – The parties Seek in the West a Fairfield for a Future Home.

Under the above caption the Burlington Hawkeye chronicles a social event, occuring [sic] in that city, Thursday of last week, in which Fairfield people feel considerable interest.  Dr. WORTHINGTON is so well-known to our people as a young man of studious habits, undoubted integrity, and excellent moral character that words of commendation are superfluous.  He is one of out energetic, successful young physicians, and has many warm friends here.  Mrs. WORTHINGTON has won many friends in this city on previous visits here, and will prove a valuable acquisition to society.  She is well-known in Burlington, where she has been a successful teacher in the city schools, and there is general regret in that city over her departure.  Mr. and Mrs. WORTHINGTON have now taken up their home in this city and are receiving the congratulations of friends, of which THE LEDGER is one.  The Hawkeye says:

Last evening two worthy young people, not unknown in our city, joined hands and names over a union of hearts consummated long before.  Mr. David H. WORTHINGTON, a promising young physician of Fairfield, and Miss Clara L. SHARPE, of our city, pledged themselves, one to the other, as husband and wife, in the presence of a numerous party of friends and well-wishers, whose sincere congratulations will follow them in all their future life.

The ceremony was performed about half-past five o’clock, at the residence of N. R. DERBY, Esq., by Rev. Frank EVANS.  The bride and groom both looked their happiest, and probably there was sufficient reason for it.  The ceremony was performed according to the ritual of the M. E. church, and was exceedingly short and simple, though its very simplicity made it appear the more beautiful.  Congratulations followed, and the good will exhibited at the conclusion of the ceremony was but an earnest of the extent to which the happy pair had won the affections of all present.  A few moments were spent in general social chat, and then the joyous company, headed by the new-made husband and wife, proceeded to the dining-hall, where an elegant repast was passed and repassed, and where mirth and jollity prevailed.  The supper over, the procession filed back again, and then disbanded, and the action became general.  The presents were much admired, and the possessors were fairly envied their good fortune in being substantially remembered by their friends.  We would have prepared a list of the bridal gifts, but there existed a feeling of delicacy on the part of the parties, so we refrained and stifled our desire to specify them.  The ceremony was performed beneath a splendid floral design of a horse-shoe, suspended in the recess of a spacious bay window.  The tables were ornamented with several magnificent boquets [sic] from HAWKINS’ greenhouse, Mt. Pleasant, and the rich perfume from the rare beauties filled the whole house.  A large number of friends of the groom from Fairfield were hindered from coming by the rain of the morning.  It is probable that they would not so easily have forgone the pleasure of being present had they known how beautiful the day was to end.  The newly-wedded couple left on the evening express for their future home in Fairfield, where the bride’s mother and brother will shortly join them.  Mrs. WORTHINGTON has been for several years intimately identified with the educational interests of our city, and she leaves behind her a host of friends, who will not forget the pleasant days of their acquaintance.  The groom deserves the happiness he has won, and none but will say that the bride not only deserves hers, but has earned it.  Their host of friends wish them a happy home, and above and over all long and prosperous lives made happy by an unshaken faith in each other’s love and fealty.

Board of Health.

City Clerk’s Office,
Monday, May 2, 1881.

The city council of Fairfield, Jefferson county, Iowa, met as the local board of health of said city, as required by the statute.  Present – Mayor CUMMINGS, Trustees BROWN, BRIGHT, HOWLETT, SHEWARD, SHOULTZ, UNKRICH and WILLIS.  Absent – Trustee McGAW.  The minutes of the previous meeting were read and approved.

On motion, the ordinances of the city are hereby adopted as the rules of this board of health, and, on motion, the following resolution is adopted:

   Resolved, That the health physician shall have power to declare what is injurious to the health of this city and have the same removed or abated after having given notice to the owner of any property place or building (at said owner’s expense) to remove any nuisance, source of filth, or cause of sickness found on private property within twenty-four hours, or such other time as is deemed reasonable by the health physician, after said notice.

On motion Calvin SNOOK, M. D., was elected health physician for the ensuing year, all the trustees voting aye.  On motion M. S. CRAWFORD was allowed the sum of three dollars for his services as clerk of the board during the past year, and Calvin SNOOK was allowed the sum of ten dollars for his services as health physician during the past year, and warrants ordered drawn therefore;  those voting aye were Trustees BROWN, BRIGHT, HOWLETT, SHEWARD, SHOULTZ, UNKRICH and WILLIS; nays, none.

On motion the clerk is ordered to procure and furnish all the physicians in the city with the necessary blanks on which to report to said clerk all the cases of diseases dangerous to the public health occurring in the city.  On motion the following resolution was adopted:

   Resolved, That the health physician shall at once examine all the cellars around the public square and require them to be put in a healthy condition.

On motion it is ordered that the minutes of this meeting be published in one issue of the Fairfield LEDGER, Fairfield Tribune and Fairfield Journal.

On motion the board adjourned.
 M. S. CRAWFORD, Clerk.

Real Estate Transfers

Reported Monday of each week by LEGGETT & McKEMEY, abstracters and real estate agents.---  Office over Farmers’ bank:

April 27, Thomas D. POLLOCK to John HEALD, 20 acres in 4-71-10, $200.
April 28, James and Maggie SULLIVAN to Joseph KASKA, 2 acres in 2-72-8, $10.
April 30, Monston ANDERSON and wife to Jasper N. SMITH, 40 acres in 20-73-11, $1000.
April 30, Christian and Luthera SHAFER, to Andrew ANDERSON et al., 40 acres in 31-73-8; 40 acres in 32-73-8, $900.
April 28, W. W. JUNKIN and wife to Stacy BALDWIN, e hf w pt and e 16, ft lot 5, block 10, new plat Fairfield, $600.
April 29, C. M. COMEGYS and wife to Sarah A. COMEGYS, all right, title and interest in lot 4, block 4, old plat Fairfield.
April 29, Wiley W. HITE to Henry HITE, lot 6, block 10, McQuerry’s addition to Batavia, $50.
April 29, John V. MYERS and wife to John P. MANATREY, 3 acres in block 100, Centennial addition to Fairfield, $200.

A House With a History.

The destruction of the old “North American” building Saturday night puts our old timers into calling up many incidents connected with its erection and history.  It was one of Fairfield’s old landmarks, and was erected in the spring of 1851 by Henry KELTNER, who died at a ripe old age in this city a few years ago.  About that time the then new court house was just approaching completion, and with the idea that it would greatly enhance the value of the property in that vicinity – a similar thought was indulged in by some of our people of a later day when voting on another county building – and would be the center of trade, he thought it would be a splendid location for a hotel.  The house was opened with a great flourish, by I. W. McMANAMAN, as the “Clay Hotel”, but its prosperity didn’t bear out the sanguine opinions of its owner.  Later it was turned into a tenement house, but again Peter PATTON tried to make a success of it as a hostelry and failed.  Again it was made a home for several families, and earned, and deserved, the name of the “bee hive” from the number of people to which it gave shelter.  Along in 1860 the democrats of Fairfield used it as a club room, and made the old house resound with the shouts of coming victory, but failure followed, and the building again lay idle.  Then the system of graded schools was begun in Fairfield, and in this building.  After an occupancy of several years for school purposes, the building of the union school house destroyed its usefulness, and it was finally purchased by J. VOTE & Co., and transformed into a furniture factory, and was used as such at the time of its destruction, although several changes in ownership had been made in it.  It was a massive wooden structure, and stood firm to the last, the heavy oaken timbers enduring, solid and strong, even after the heat of the flames had destroyed almost everything else.  Our pioneers can tell you many tales of it in a better way than they can be printed.

Council Meeting.

At the council meeting Friday night all the members were present but WILLIS. C. C. RISK was granted permission to plant trees on north side of his store building.  A sidewalk was ordered on south end of lots 5, 6, 7 and 8, block 3, Grimes’ addition.  A remonstrance against sidewalk on south end of lots 5, 6, 7, and lots 6, 7, 8, 9 and 10, block 27, o. p., was rejected.  The committee on streets and alleys reported that they had located a crossing on first south street, petitioned for by D. P. STUBBS, and granted Lee HAMPTON permission to change drain on his lot.

An offer of $300 was made by C. W., E. W. , and T. S. GAGE for alleys in block 8, Gage’s addition, but, on motion to accept, the proposition was rejected.  The report of the committee on streets and alleys that all alleys in city now fenced be thrown open was adopted, and an order made accordingly.

Bills were allowed as follows:  J. A. HERRING, street commissioner, $35.80; W. J. CLARK, labor, $20.00; R. H. PATTEN, labor, $5.00; W. P. FEE, labor, $15.00; J. R. MIKESELL, salary and fees, $35.00; W. S. HENNEKER, fees, $2.55; Fairfield Gas Co., gas for April, $115.02; Fairfield Gas Co., cleaning and lighting lamps, $35.00.

Marriages, Births and Deaths.

Marriages.--- March 30, in Round Prairie township, by John L. KING, J. P., Charles O. JOHNSTON and Anna S. ANDERSON.

April 4, in Locust Grove township, to L. D. DAVIS and wife, a daughter.
April 4, in Penn township, to Walter D.  HOSKINS and wife, a son.
April 13, in Fairfield township, to Andrew GANTZ and wife, a daughter.
March 9, in Locust Grove township, to John A. CRAMER and wife, a son.
March 19, in Walnut township, to Wm. VOGLE and wife, a daughter.

Deaths.--- March 13, in Des Moines township, of inflammatory rheumatism, Laura E. STEBLETON, aged 15 years, 3 months, 23 days.

WEDNESDAY, at Lockridge, occurred the death of A. L. BROWN, a young man well-known in this vicinity.  He had been ill for some time, the result of an injury to one of his legs, but was well enough Sunday to venture out.  He was suddenly taken ill next day and died two days later.  He was about twenty-one years of age, and was much esteemed at his old home.


The undersigned, administratrix of the estate of Isaac EVERETT, deceased, will make her final settlement with said estate in the Circuit Court of Jefferson county, Iowa, at the September term, 1881, beginning September 5th, 1881, at which time all interested may appear and contest the same, if they think proper.
2w18 EMELIA EVERETT, Administratrix

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