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The Fairfield Weekly Ledger

May 25, 1881

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Fairfield Weekly Ledger
Jefferson County, Iowa
Transcribed by:  Joey Stark

Note:  Typographical errors (followed by [sic]) and spelling variations in names in this document are intentional and reflect the actual newspaper articles.   Transcriber’s notes are occasionally included and are indicated with [Ed. note:….].  Surnames shown here are in UPPER CASE for easy location; not rendered as such in the newspapers.

May 25, 1881

Enterprise Does It.

One of the best business points in Jefferson county is Lockridge, and it is not particularly because it has the greatest number of business houses, but because the men who are there are active and energetic.  John MELCHER heads the list in this growing little town, and he drives a trade which many a business man in towns of greater pretensions may will envy.  Recently he purchased the entire stock and fixtures of BROWN Bros., and now has consolidated the two stores.  MELCHER’s trade was not of its present mammoth proportions when he took hold of the helm, but he has built it up and feels all the better for it.  John spreads printer’s ink liberally, and he gives good bargains, makes no misrepresentations, and deals fairly and squarely by all his customers, thus gaining new trade continually and keeping that which he has already secured.  Another thing may be said of him, which probably no other merchant in the county can say, that English, German and Swedish are all spoken by men in his employ.  With the grand good style in which John MELCHER does business it is no wonder that he controls the trade of a larger section of country than any man in Jefferson county, and not only does this but is constantly encroaching on the territory of neighboring towns.

Our Congratulations.

The Marshall Times-Republican notes the marriage, in that city on the 18th inst., of Mr. Israel MOORE to Miss Mary D. WOOD.  The bride is one of Marshall’s accomplished ladies, daughter of a prominent citizen, and Mr. MOORE will be remembered by many of our people as a former Fairfield boy.  Of him the T. R. says: “The groom is a young man of sterling worth, who came to our city about five years ago, and starting here on a small scale has by his strict business principles built up a good establishment and a better reputation, and now has one of the finest jewelry establishments in the city.”  Mr. and Mrs. MOORE are in the city to-day on their return from a bridal tour to Chicago and the east.

The Louden Works Sold.

Last week noted the sale of the old Louden shops by Ward LAMSON.  They were purchased by the Fairfield Manufacturing Company, composed of Messrs. M. A. McCOID, S. C. FARMER, W. H. BARTELS and Gus VOTE, and the price paid was $4,000, the sale including the shops and machinery, one warehouse and about an acre of ground.  The company will refit the building and put in new machinery, and in addition to the manufacture of the automatic foot rest will engage in other lines of furniture manufacturing.  They deserve success and so far have had it.

Soldiers’ Reunion.

Commander M. W. FORREST requests the following committee, appointed to arrange for the soldier’s reunion this fall, to meet him at M. S. CRAWFORD’s office, this city, at 10 o’clock a.m., on the 30th inst:  Fairfield township – W. T. BURGESS, J. W. McLEAN; Polk, B. D. MOWERY, Walnut, Amon PARK; Blackhawk, John DAVIES; Locust Grove, T. A. ROBB; Buchanan, T. H. CLOVER; Lockridge, F. O. DANIELSON; Round Prairie, Geo. HEATON; Penn, J. J. McKEE; Liberty, S. H. WATKINS; Cedar, P. H. WALKER; Des Moines, J. D. HOUDERSHELDT.

Death of Mrs. J. R. MILLER

Yesterday at noon, in this city, occurred the death of Mrs. Paulina MILLER, wife of John R. MILLER, the latter well-known as a baggageman at the C., B. & Q. depot for several years.  Her death occurred from, puerperal convulsions, and after she had lain in an unconscious condition for more than thirty hours.  Mrs. MILLER was formerly Miss Paulina HARBAUGH, and was reared near Birmingham, where her family still reside.  She had lived in this city a number of years, and had many friends.  Her age was twenty-six years, and she leaves two children of tender years.  The sympathy of the entire community is with the bereaved husband and family.  The funeral occurs this afternoon at 2 o’clock, from the family home near the C., B. & Q. depot.

County Correspondence.

Editors Ledger: April 29th, in this place, occurred the death of Mrs. Asa CHILCOTT, one of our early settlers and most estimable women – one who had spent most of her life in this vicinity.  Her sickness was of about four week’s duration, and she bore her sufferings patiently and with christian fortitude.  Her husband still survives her, as well as four children, and they have the sympathy of the community in their bereavement.  The funeral occurred April 30th, at her old home, the services being conducted by Rev. WYCOFF.  The remains were interred in the family cemetery.  Mrs. CHILCOTT had been a member of the M. E. Church for many years – a consistent, exemplary member – and had always taken great interest in the work of the church.  She was a kind neighbor, and her services were freely offered whenever there was occasion.  She will be sadly missed by a large circle of friends and relatives.    J. D. B.

Council Meeting.

The regular meeting of the city council was held Friday evening, all members being present.  Trustee McGAW was authorized to visit Ottumwa, at city expense, to examine city lamp globes.--- Ordinance No. 80, published elsewhere, was put upon its third reading and adopted.  Gas committee was instructed to report upon suitable locations for three additional lamp posts on 3d South street.  The remonstrance of A. C. BALTZOLL et al., against new sidewalk on the east side of lots 1 and 10, block 26, n. p., was rejected.  Petition of W. B. TATMAN et al., for new sidewalk, was referred to proper committee.  Stone was ordered purchased for new bridge on 8th West street.  The following bills were allowed:  R. H. MOORE, printing, $2.65; Wm. P. FEE, labor, $31.37; J. R. MIKESELL, Marshal’s salary, $32.50.  Adjourned for one week.

Libertyville Notes.

Editors Ledger:--- I have not seen any more news from this side for some time.  I will give you some.  I saw to-day what was to me a strange piece of currency, belonging to J. D. TOWNSEND.  It was an eighteen pence piece, No. 19012, issued in the fourteenth year of the reign of King George III., dated March 25th, 1776, consequently it was 105 years old, and in good preservation.  To counterfeit it was death.  The delegates to the county Sunday-school convention from M. E. Church are: S. H. WATKINS, Z. T. MOORE, Wm. CLARRIDGE, Lydia BALDING, Clarrie McCLAIN, A. B. CLARRIDGE, Clarrie CLARRIDGE; Presbyterian Church --- Minnie HURST, Thomas POLLOCK, Jas. COWAN and wife, Hamilton SMITH and wife, and E. STEWART.  A few of the old soldiers met and resolved to observe decoration day.  Capt. WATKINS was chosen officer of the day.  Committee on Flowers --- Mrs. J. V. BLAIR, Mrs. Ham. SMITH, Miss Jessie FLETCHER.  Banners --- H. SMITH, R. SUMMERS, James M. FRY.--- Badges --- J. F. LOEHR, I. WARNER.  Music --- F. WINN, J. F. LOEHR, C. SMITH.  Speakers --- L. McCREERY, Wm. SULLIVAN.  Flags --- Dan. LEPPO.  Guides --- J. V. BLAIR, J. FAMULENER.  Permanent Organization --- S. H. WATKINS, A. G. HAGUE, J. C. FRY.  We understand by L. McCREERY that he has procured Hon. M. A. McCOID to deliver the oration.  Programme --- Meet at church at 9 o’clock, promptly; march to cemetery in procession;  decoration at 10 o’clock, after which comes the oration by Hon. M. A. McCOID.---  After the exercises are over the ex-soldiers desire to form a permanent organization.  A cordial invitation is extended to all who wish to attend.           Alex.

--- The Rev. R. Heber NEWTON has discovered that the teapot makes drunkards, and the Rev. Dr. VAN DYKE has discovered that the modern church fair, with raffles and grab-bags attached, makes gamblers.

Real Estate Transfers

Reported Monday of each week by LEGGETT & McKEMEY, abstracters and real estate agents.---  Office over Farmers’ bank:

May 14, Cyrus and Levi WHISTLER to Alfred WHISTLER, 26 ? acres in 8-73-8, $400.
May 14, Alfred WHISTLER and wife to Joseph L. HODGEN, 26 ? acres in 8-73-8, $700.
May 16, Adam J. CARLSON and wife to Ocean NELSON, 57 acres in 11-71-8, $1000.
May 17, Joseph A. GREEN et al., to Alfred A. PETERSON, 25 acres in 29-72-8, $800.
May 17, Perry HARRISON, by administrators, to H. C. BICKFORD, 20 acres in 4-72-11, $100.
May 17, Geo. W. WHITE and wife to Alfred A. PETERSON, 5 acres in 29-72-8, $50.
May 17, Alfred A. PETERSON and wife to James LIBLEN, 20 acres in 29-72-8, $425.
May 17, C. J. GUSTAFSON et al., to Matilda S. LARSON, 17 acres in 16-72-8, $250.
May 17, Giles H. CARL to Catharine CARL, 80 acres in 24-73-10, $1000.  Life estate then to revert to Chester CARL.
May 19, J. A. STONE and wife to D. N. LYON, 40 acres in 16-73-10, $700.
May 20, Milton HOSKINS and wife to Isaac H. CRUMLEY, 18½ acres in 9-73-9, $1,000.
May 14, Fairfield Evergreen Cemetery to Jas. SHOOP, west hf lot 257 in cemetery, $25.
May 17, Geo. HANSON and wife to John LARSON, lot 2 in East Lockridge, $265.
May 17, Edward DEALY and wife to Jacob S. GANTZ, lot 1 block 8, new plat Fairfield, $1200.
May 21, Ralph LAMSON to Ward LAMSON, blocks 21,22,23, Centennial addition to Fairfield, $4800.
Ward LAMSON and wife to The Fairfield Manufacturing Company, part of block 21, Centennial addition to Fairfield, $1000.
  [Ed. note: Last transaction did not have a date.]

Marriages, Births and Deaths

May 5, in Fairfield, by Rev. A. W. HAINES, Robert YOUNG and Miss Hattie L. COLE.
May 18, in Fairfield, by M. S. CRAWFORD, J. P., Charles C. SEATON and Miss Elizabeth HALFERTY.
April 25, in Fairfield, by Rev. H. E. WING, J. C. SUTTON and Miss  Flora C. McKEMEY.
May 3, in Fairfield, by Rev. H. E. WING, J. S. McKEMEY and Miss Ada LIGHT.

College Honors.

The principles on which graduation honors are bestowed in Parsons College are as follows:  There are two first honors of equal rank for the two courses of study in college, classical and scientific; these are the valedictory and salutatory orations.  To avoid any seeming discrimination these are alternated between the two courses from year to year.  For the present year the salutatory is the first honor classical, and the valedictory the first honor scientific.  There are also two second honors, the philosophical oration in the classical course and the scientific oration in the scientific course.  But a certain standard of scholarship is required to secure any honor in either course.
 By order of the Faculty.
  A. McCALLA, Sec.

Program of Exercises for Decoration Day in this City.

The following program of exercises will be observed at the decoration of Union soldiers’ graves, in this city, May 30th:

Meet in park at 2 o’clock p.m., under following officers:  Officer of the Day, S. J. CHESTER; Captain, D. R. COMEGYS; First Lieutenant, Thomas BELL; Second Lieutenant, C. TURNER.
 Music---Martial band.
 Prayer---Rev. A. S. WELLS.
 Music, Choir---“Strew Blossoms on Their Graves.”
 Music, Choir---“Comrades, We Come Once More.”
 Address---Rev. F. W. EVANS.
 Music, Choir---“Rest, Soldier, Rest.”
 Order of March---Jefferson Guards, escort, under Capt. A. W. JAQUES, will form on south side of park, right resting on speakers’ stand; citizens on west side of park, right resting on speakers’ stand; ex-soldiers on north side of park, right resting on speakers’ stand; route of march out of north gate of park, under direction of officers.

 Decoration of soldiers’ graves.
Geo. G. McCREA Co. C 42d Ohio infantry.
Geo. W. FRUSH Co. C 36th Iowa infantry.
James W. WORKMAN Co. E 2d Iowa infantry.
S. B. WOODS Co. E 2d Iowa infantry.
Alonzo CHANDLER Co. A 2d Iowa cavalry.
Maj. Harry JORDAN 19th Iowa infantry.
Grinder WILSON War of 1812.
W. T. BENSON Co. H 120th Illinois infantry.
William FULTON War of 1812.
George E. STEELE Co. M 4th Iowa cavalry.
A. MORRISON Co. I 17th Iowa infantry.
A. B. FERGUSON Co. H 30th Iowa infantry
Joseph JUNKIN War of 1812.
W. S. ORRILL regiment unknown.
J. SHEWARD War of 1812.
G. C. IL GINFRITZ Co. I 45th Iowa infantry.
R. R. POPE Mexican War.
Alex. McCUNE 1st Iowa battery.
W. A. HENDRICKS . War of 1812
F. R. GAINES Co. H 30th Iowa infantry.
John LOCKE Co. E 2d Iowa infantry.
William LEITH Co. E 2d Iowa infantry.
Matthew CLARK Co. H 30th Iowa infantry.
Peter SNOOK . War of 1812
W. H. HILL Co. A 15th Iowa infantry.
H. C. SMOCK Co. I 45th Iowa infantry.
G. B. KIRKPATRICK Co. B 4th Iowa infantry.
Theodore BOGGS Co. E 2d Iowa infantry.
F. A. BURKHART Co. I 25th Iowa infantry.
W. B. McCOID Co. B 8th Iowa cavalry.
W. ACKERMAN Co. G 45th Illinois infantry.
A. P. HEATON Co. M 4th Iowa cavalry.
Jonas C. PRATT Co. I 45th Iowa infantry.
W. T. HENDRICKS Co. H 5th Iowa infantry.
William BRADY Co. H 37th Iowa infantry.
W. H. MILLER regiment unknown.
J. S. HUFFMAN Co. I 45th Iowa infantry.
J. M. POULTON Co. F 3d Iowa cavalry
James A. HILL Co. G 30th Iowa infantry.
William PAINE Co. I 45th Iowa infantry.
Nathan JOHNSON regiment unknown.
Henry C. ROCK Co. I 45th Iowa infantry.
S. S. WALKUP Co. B 8th Iowa cavalry.
W. H. DAVIS Co. F 17th Iowa infantry.
Dr. L. HURST hospital steward 30th Iowa inft.
William H. DOUGLAS Co. B 14th West Virginia volunteers.
George J. FEE War of 1812.
H. M. WERTZ Co. I 45th Iowa infantry.
J. D. RUSSELL Co. I 17th Iowa infantry.
A. INGALLS Mexican War.
Israel STEVER 3d Pennsylvania heavy artillery.
 Return march to the park.
 Closing services at the park.
 Music by Choir---“America.”

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