The Fairfield Weekly Ledger |
May 11, 1881
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Fairfield Weekly Ledger
Jefferson County, Iowa
Transcribed by: Joey Stark
Note: Typographical errors (followed by [sic]) and spelling variations in names in this document are intentional and reflect the actual newspaper articles. Transcriber’s notes are occasionally included and are indicated with [Ed. note:….]. Surnames shown here are in UPPER CASE for easy location; not rendered as such in the newspapers.
May 11, 1881
Decoration Day.
Decoration Day, Monday, May 30th, is, as usual, to be properly observed in this city, and the first steps toward the arrangements for the occasion were made Wednesday evening last, at a meeting held at the office of M. S. CRAWFORD. Hon. S. M. BOLING, who was appointed to secure speakers, informs us that the address will be delivered by Rev. F. W. EVANS, of this city. At the meeting in question the following committees were appointed, and an adjournment taken until this evening when another meeting will be held at ‘Squire CRAWFORD’s office.
Committee on Arrangements – C. D. TOMY, A. S. JORDAN, T. L. HOFFMAN,
Speakers – S. M. BOLING.
Vocal Music – Dr. P. N. WOODS, F. J. L. BLACK, G. A. UNKRICH.
Martial Music – J. W. MESSICK, S. J. CHESTER.
Flowers and Evergreens – J. M. HUGHES, W. T. BURGESS, J. R. GIBSON.
Invitations – M. S. CRAWFORD, S. M. BOLING.
Financial Committee – J. S. GANTZ, J. A. SPIELMAN.
College Notes.
The examinations of the Senior Class ended Monday of this week, and the examinations of the lower classes of the collegiate and preparatory departments occur Thursday and Friday, June 9th and 10th. Following are the dates of other exercises connected with the closing of the school year:
Valedictory exercises of the literary Societies, Friday, June 10, 7:30 p.m.; Baccalaureate Sermon by President EWING, Sabbath, June 12, 3 p.m.; sermon before the Society of Religious Inquiry by Rev. Herrick JOHNSON, D. D., Chicago, Sabbath, June 12, 7:30 p.m.; prize contest in Oratory and Declamation by Senior and Freshman Classes, Monday, June 13, 7:30 p.m.; Class Day Exercises, Tuesday, June 14, 10 a.m.; Examination of Applicants for Admission, Tuesday, June 14, 2 p.m.; Annual meeting of the Board of Trustees, Tuesday, June 14, 2 p.m.; Alumni Reunion, Tuesday, June 14, 7:30 p.m.; Commencement, Wednesday, June 15, 10 a.m.; Alumni Banquet, Wednesday, June 15, 1 p.m.
Following are the names of the class of ’81: William CRAIG,
Keokuk; John T. HOPKINS, Fairfield; William C. HOWELL, Keokuk; S. M. JOHNSON,
Fairfield; Alice A. SCOTT, Kossuth; Ernest M. SNOOK, Fairfield.
Death of Blanche SLAGLE.
At the home of her parents, Mr. And Mrs. James M. SLAGLE, in this city, on Thursday last, occurred the death, from pulmonary consumption, of Miss Blanche A. SLAGLE, aged aged [sic] 22 years and 5 months. Deceased was a native of Fairfield, having been born here Dec. 5, 1858, and with the exception of a few years while at school in the east, had passed her entire life in her native town. As a child and woman she was singularly kind and affectionate, as a daughter and sister true and devoted. Of rather a retiring disposition, she still made many warm friendships, and her death will be widely mourned outside the home circle – among companions in social and school life, in whose memories her many noble traits of character will ever linger. Her taking away was not entirely unexpected, though for some days preceding her death her condition was such as to arouse the slumbering hope in the bosom of friends who watched over her. She had suffered from disease two years or more, in fact had not been in strong health for some time. All the aid that kind of friends and medical skill could give seemed to better her condition, and a several months’ residence in the genial air of the western mountains seemed to be without beneficial results. Since her return home, a few months ago, her confinement to the house has been continuous. Death seemed to have set his mark upon her, but her courage never failed, and with a bright, sweet hope and a tender solicitude for parental feelings she firmly expressed her wish that she might yet recover, although her own condition seemed to tell against her wishes. She bore her sufferings meekly and cheerfully, and the passing away seemed to have for her no terrors. When the final dissolution came, she was peaceful and calm. In the still of the night so quietly did her sweet spirit take its flight to realms above that even the watchers by her bedside knew not when the summons came.
Marriages, Births and Deaths.
April 28, in Burlington, Iowa by Rev. F. W. EVANS, Dr. D. H. WORTHINGTON, of Fairfield, Iowa, and Miss Clara L. SHARPE, of Burlington.
May 3, in Fairfield, by Rev. J. A. RAINES, William G. ADAMS and
Miss Jennie TAIT.
April 21, in Cedar township, by G. B. PHILLIPS, J. P., J. T. RITCHIE
and Miss Martha GIBBERSON.
May 5, in Batavia, by Elder G. W. JOHNSTON, George W. CALDWELL and
April 18, in Round Prairie township, to Frank P. BALL and wife,
a daughter.
March 28, in Cedar township, to C. D. BAILEY and wife, a son.
Sept. 1, in Liberty township, to Washington HECKATHIER and wife,
a daughter.
April 7, in Des Moines township, to W. C. NAGLER and wife, a daughter.
March 20, in Fairfield, to F. JAMES and wife, a daughter.
March 7, in Fairfield, to J. H. BEATTY and wife, a daughter.
April 27, in Fairfield, to P. I. LABAUGH and wife, a son.
May 4, in Fairfield, to James A. WEST and wife, a son.
Feb. 21, in Fairfield, to Henry AGG and wife, a son.
April 11, in Buchanan township, to James W. CLAPP and wife, a daughter.
Nov. 5, in Polk township, to Perry C. PALMER and wife, a son.
Nov. 18, in Polk township, to J. G. BOWMAN and wife, a son.
Dec. 1, in Polk township, to M. L. PACKWOOD and wife, a daughter.
April 24, in Fairfield township, of typhoid fever, F. E. DILL, aged
58 years, 2 months, 12 days.
April 29, in Round Prairie township, of congestion of the bowels,
Emeline HARTLEY, aged 38 years, 8 months, 8 days.
April 19, in Liberty township, of measles, Zura HECKATHIER, aged
18 months.
May 4, in Fairfield, of pneumonia, Clyde PARKINS, aged 7 years,
5 months, 1 day.
April 16, in Buchanan township, of general debility, Martha Ellen
CLAPP, aged 5 days.
April 23, in Fairfield, of puerperal metritis, Mary ANNEWALT, aged
15 years, 8 months, 7 days.