Jefferson County Online
The Fairfield Weekly Ledger

June 15, 1881

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Fairfield Weekly Ledger
Jefferson County, Iowa
Transcribed by:  Joey Stark

Note:  Typographical errors (followed by [sic]) and spelling variations in names in this document are intentional and reflect the actual newspaper articles.   Transcriber’s notes are occasionally included and are indicated with [Ed. note:….].  Surnames shown here are in UPPER CASE for easy location; not rendered as such in the newspapers.

June 16, 1881

Death of John G. BROOKS

On the 9th inst., at his home in Keokuk county, occurred the death of John G. BROOKS, and old citizen of this county.  He was born in Butler county, Ohio, and was 64 years old.  He came to Iowa in 1846, and lived near this city for a number of years.  He was twice married and was the father of 18 children, fourteen of whom are yet living.  In politics Mr. BROOKS was a democrat, supporting Douglass in 1860, but upon the breaking out of the rebellion he was an ardent supporter of the Lincoln administration and the Union army.  Mr. BROOKS was a man of strong religious convictions, a member of the Methodist church from childhood up, and died in the faith of Christ.

Soldiers’ Reunion.

At a meeting of the reunion committee, in this city Saturday, of which Capt. BURGESS was chairman, and John DAVIES secretary, it was decided to hold the reunion on October 5th and 6th, and A. S. JORDAN, Thos. BELL and M. S. CRAWFORD were appointed a committee to secure grounds.  Following are committees appointed:

Arrangements—Comrades S. J. CHESTER, W. T. BURGESS, Wm. DUNCAN, J. R. McELDERRY, J. S. GANTZ, C. D. TOMY.

Assistants to commander – S. H. WATKINS, W. T. BURGESS.

Committee on Finance – Blackhawk, J. H. ABRAHAM; Buchanan, Thomas H. CLOVER; Cedar, P. H. WALKER; Des Moines and Liberty, J. D. HOUDERSHELDT; Fairfield, J. S. GANTZ; Lockridge, David PIERCE; Penn, J. W. SHAFFER; Round Prairie, George HEATON; Polk, B. D. MOWERY; Locust Grove, L. P. BAKER; Walnut, Amon PARK.  This committee is to collect all funds with which to defray expenses.

Committee on arrangements were instructed to secure artillery.  The above committees will meet in this city, at M. S. CRAWFORD’s office, Saturday, August 20th.

Fairfield’s Fourth.

At a meeting held at the court-house Saturday evening, W. T. BURGESS, president, A. W. JAQUES, secretary, it was determined to appropriately observe the national day, and the following committees were appointed:

Arrangements – W. T. BURGESS, S. F. HAMMOND, J. J. CUMMINGS, Thomas BELL, N. S. BRIGHT.

Vocal Music – P. N. WOODS, T. F. HIGLEY, F. J. L. BLACK, Mrs. S. B. HIGLEY, Miss Joe EICHHORN, Miss Mell McKEMEY.

Instrumental Music – A. W. JAQUES, C. P. SIPPEL, A. J. SHERIDAN.

Toasts and Responses – H. N. WEST, C. D. LEGGETT, C. M. McELROY.

Finance – W. W. JUNKIN, J. W. SAMPSON, G. P. LANG.

Flags and Decorations – R. H. MOORE, T. L. JAMES.

It’s a late day, but never too late to celebrate, so let’s turn out and give our aid for the good of the cause.


By virtue of a commission to us directed, from the Clerk the Circuit Court of Des Moines county, Iowa, being the second circuit of the first judicial district of said state, we will, as referees, offer for sale, on
 SATURDAY, JUNE 25, 1881,
at the front door of the Town Hall, in the village of Glasgow, Jefferson county, Iowa, between the hours of 9 o’clock a.m. and 4 o’clock p.m., sale to commence at 1 o’clock p.m. of said day, to the highest bidder, the following described real estate, situated in Jefferson county, Iowa, to-wit:
The southwest quarter of the southwest quarter of section thirty-five (35), township seventy-one (71), range eight (8) west;

Also, the northwest quarter of the southwest quarter of section thirty-five (35), township seventy-one (71), range eight (8) west;

Also, the northeast quarter of the southeast quarter of section thirty-four (34), township seventy-one (71), range eight (8) west;

Also, the northwest quarter of the southeast quarter of section thirty-four (34), township seventy-one (71), range eight (8) west.

Said property belonging to the heirs at law of James W. GRIMES, deceased, and sold on an order of partition by the Circuit Court of Des Moines county In the case entitled No. 2355, John G. WALKER et al. vs. Hiram GRIMES et al.

Terms of Sale: --- One half cash in hand, and one-half in one year, balance deferred to draw 8 per cent. Interest, and to be secured by first mortgage on the land conveyed.
 W. B. FRAME,  Referees.
May 23, 1881  4t21 pf $10



To Nancy McDEMAR, Lucy McNULTY, Thomas McNULTY, heirs at law of Patrick RILEY, deceased:

You are hereby notified that there is now on file in the office of the Clerk of the Circuit Court of Jefferson county, State of Iowa, the petition of Catherine RILEY, administratrix of the estate of Patrick RILEY, deceased, praying an order of said Circuit Court to sell certain described real estate, situate [sic] and being in Jefferson county, Iowa, for the purpose of paying certain debts against said estate, said real estate being described as follows, to-wit:  Ten acres (10) out of the southeast corner of the southwest quarter of the southwest quarter of section nineteen (10), township seventy-two (72), of range eight (8) west, commencing at the southeast corner of said quarter of said section, and running forty rods (40) south, thence forth rods (40) west, thence forty rods (40) south, thence forty rods (40) east to the place of beginning; also, fifteen acres (15) in the southwest corner of the northwest quarter of section No. five (5), in township seventy-one (71) north, of range No. eight (8) west, said fifteen (15) acres being sixty (60) rods from east to west, and forty rods (40) from north to south; also, twenty acres (20) of the southeast quarter of the northeast quarter of section six (6), township seventy-one (71) north, of range eight (8) west, and being immediately west of and adjoining said fifteen acre tract.

Now unless you appear thereto and defend on or before noon of the second day of the September Term, A. D. 1881, of said court, which term commences on the first Monday of September, A. D. 1881, default will be entered against you and judgment rendered thereon.

4t24 bf. $10 Attorney for Plaintiff.

[Ed. note:  One rod is equal to 16½ feet in length.]


To all Persons Interested:

The undersigned will make her final settlement as administratrix of the estate of John H. HOUD, deceased, on the 5th day of September, 1881, in the Circuit Court of Jefferson county, Iowa, and will ask her discharge.  You may appear and contest the same if you think proper.

2w22  MARY A. HOUD.

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