The Fairfield Weekly Ledger |
April 13, 1881
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Fairfield Weekly Ledger
Jefferson County, Iowa
Transcribed by: Joey Stark
Note: Typographical errors (followed by [sic]) and spelling variations in names in this document are intentional and reflect the actual newspaper articles. Transcriber’s notes are occasionally included and are indicated with [Ed. note:….]. Surnames shown here are in UPPER CASE for easy location; not rendered as such in the newspapers.
April 13, 1881
A Clue to the Suicide.
The man found hanging in the school house near Beckwith is supposed to be John WESLEY. On his person was found a prescription from a druggist at Mason City, Iowa. In answer to inquiries the druggist says the prescription was made by a physician. The man had no money, but gave a due bill for 40 cents, to which he signed the name of John WESLEY. On the hotel register his name appears as J. WESLEY. He was partially in the jail for a few days, but was released. This was some time in March. Part of an envelope found on his person had the postmark, Huntsville, Ala., on it. The two photographs found on him (one of a woman and the other supposed to be himself) were sent to Huntsville for identification.
Rev. Reed’s Farewell.
Rev. Carson REED, for many years pastor of the First Presbyterian Church of this city, and a longer resident of Fairfield, has received a unanimous call from the Presbyterian Church of New London to accept its pastorate, and has decided to accept. He will remove to his new home, with his family, about the 1st of May. Both as a minister and a citizen Mr. REED will be missed from Fairfield, where he is highly esteemed. In everything that has ever pertained to the good of his church or the city he has ever been a prime mover, and there are few of us but will regret to lose him, and none more than THE LEDGER. Still we wish him abundant success in his new location.
The Would-Be Suicide.
Sheriff CHESTER shows us a letter he received this week from the man John NEUHAUSER, Berne, Ind., whose name was mentioned in connection with the attempted suicide at Lockridge. Mr. N. says the man’s name is Antony BERDOLL, that he is a German, unmarried, and has lived in that vicinity about seven years; that he left there March 31st for Oregon. Mr. NEUHAUSER also says that his violent attempt to take his life was probably the result of an attack of delirium tremens as BERDOLL has been a hard drinker of late.
County Correspondence.
Society of Religious Inquiry.
The usual monthly meeting of this society was held in the parlor of the Presbyterian church Sabbath afternoon, April 3d. A large number of friends were present. After devotional exercises, an address was delivered by J. F. HINKHOUSE, on “The Debt we owe to Christ.” Debt is something due one from another. Soloman says “the borrower is servant to the lender.” We owe a debt of gratitude to our friends who assist us when we need aid and sympathize with us in our sorrows. Much more do we owe our Saviour a debt of love. We cannot repay it except by making Him our friend. If we accept Him, not only will we receive an acknowledgement by peace and happiness in this life, but felicity in the life to come.
After singing, a paper on “The Present” was read by E. M. SNOOK. We are in this world to accomplish a duty, not here for pleasure merely, for upon our actions now depends an eternity of blessedness or of woe. There is no time like the present time. Let us improve it. “The Lord’s Prayer” was the subject of a beautiful essay by Miss Alice SCOTT to which it would be impossible to do justice in a brief synopsis.
D. M. HELFENSTINE spoke upon the Christian grace of “Forbearance.” It is a virtue too little practiced. Our Savior taught it both by precept and by example. We should respect the opinions of others and not ridicule them. The Jews would never trample upon a piece of paper lest the name of God should be upon it. Let us cultivate the spirit of patience and tolerance.
“Conformity to the World” was the subject of a paper by J. T. HOPKINS. Christians are permitted and required to mingle with the world, and left to choose their own course in life. Between absolute good and absolute evil it is easy to decide. It is in small things we are liable to err, and to those we should give heed. The example of Jusus [sic] should be our model and the word of God our guide.
After singing a hymn, the audience was dismissed and a brief business session of the society was held. M.
Batavia Notes.
Harry TEMPLETON, spent Wednesday of last week in town. Dean LOATHERMAN, who has been confined to the house for some time with erysipelas, is able to be on the street again. Rev. M. M. WARREN, of Oregon, preached at the Baptist church last Wednesday night. School commenced Monday, April 4th, with nearly one hundred enrolled. Sabbath school was reorganized last Sabbath, with Mr. KENT, Superintendent, and Edwin CLARK, Assistant. Rev. W. I. MILLER is afflicted with rheumatism and was unable to go to his appointments last Sunday. Our railroad meeting, appointed for last Saturday, in the interest of the Ft. Madison N. G., failed to come off. Installation of the officers of the Christian Templars will take place Wednesday night. Mr. CRANE, of Lacon, Ill., will open a tin shop and furniture store in the room lately occupied by D. McDILL as a dwelling. Qui Vive.
Real Estate Transfers
Reported Monday of each week by LEGGETT & McKEMEY, abstracters and real estate agents, Fairfield. Office over Farmers’ bank:
April 4, Wm. A. and Sierra N. LYON to John S. LYON, 63 acres in 8-73-10,
April 4, A. C. POTTER and wife to Daniel FIDLER, 20 acres in 25-71-9,
April 4, Samuel T. BERRY and wife to George WHISLER, 40 acres in
Sec. 7; 2½ acres in sec. 11, all in 72-8, $1000.
April 4, Jacob KLAIS and wife to David KOONS, 30 feet off east end
sw ¼ ne ¼, 21-73-11, $40.
April 5, H. P. DUFFIELD and wife to C. L. MOSS, 40 acres in 34-71-9,
and 100 acres in Van Buren county, $4500.
April 5, Charles L. MOSS and wife to John LOCK, 40 acres in 34-71-9,
April 6, George COWS and wife to John B. DAVIS, 10 acres in 30-73-11,
April 6, David J. GOODE and wife to James F. GOODE, 10 acres in
36-72-11, $125.
April 6, Wm. H. BATES and wife to the heirs of Jeremiah BATES, dec’d,
20 acres in 12-72-10, $500.
April 7, Abraham TULK to Mary M. TULK, quit claim deed, 40 acres
in 1-72-8, $1.
April 7, Lawrence WIORA, by sheriff, to R. C. RISK, 60 acres in
24-73-9, $771.
April 9, Warren H. BRITTON and wife to Mary PREVOST, 30 ? acres
in 3-71-9, $1400.
April 9, Hiram McCRACKEN and wife to F. J. DEMARSH, quit claim deed,
10 acres in 26-73-9.
April 4, Eli _____ (SMITH?) and wife to Elizabeth F. Ch______________
of lot 7, block 8, new plat, $1000.
[Ed. note: The original newspaper clippings from which this material is transcribed show no text for the second blank.]
Marriages, Births and Deaths.
March 29, in Lockridge township, by Wm. DUNLAP, J. P., Charles J.
KALIFF and Miss Annie Louisa PETERSON.
April 2, in Fairfield, by C. T. SHAMP, J. P., James W. BEASGLY and
Mrs. Elmira KIEF.
April 2, in Cedar township, by Isaac CONLEE, J. P., Benjamin Franklin
BOWDER and Miss Lydia E. SOX.
April 7, in Fairfield, by M. S. CRAWFORD, J. P., Abraham TULK and
Mrs. Mary M. KING.
March 27, in Perlee, to Alex. BELL and wife, a son.
March 4, in Locust Grove township, to Florence SCANOLL and wife,
a son.
March 13, in Fairfield township, to James W. WEBB and wife, a daughter.
March 23, in Polk township, to W. M. LEWIS and wife, a son.
Deaths.--- March 7, in Fairfield township, of heart disease, Christina SEARS, aged 77 years.