Jefferson County, Iowa
The Fairfield Weekly Ledger

October 19, 1871

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Fairfield, Iowa "WEEKLY LEDGER"
Jefferson County

Transcribed by Joey Stark

  NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, That by virtue of a General Execution to me directed, issued out of the Circuit Court of the State of Iowa, in and for Jefferson County, upon a judgment rendered in said Court in favor of GRANNIS & FARWELL against John POLLY, I have levied upon the following described personal property as the property of the said John POLLY, to-wit: A lot of lumber of different kinds, the lumber yard at Libertyville, Iowa. And that on
  MONDAY, OCTOBER 23d, A. D. 1871,
at ten o'clock A.M. of said day, at the lumber yard in the village of Libertyville, Iowa I will proceed to sell said property, or so much thereof as may be necessary to satisfy said Execution, amounting to 371 45-100ths dollars debt, and $6 00 costs, together with accruing costs, at Public Auction, to the highest and best bidder for cash.
            J. S. GANTZ,
      Sheriff of Jefferson County, Iowa.
  2t40-pf $6 50.

  NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, That by virtue of a General Execution to me directed, issued out of the Circuit Court of the State of Iowa, in and for Jefferson County, upon a judgment rendered in said Court in favor of W. C. MOSS Jr., & Co., against John POLLY, I have levied upon the following described personal property, as the property of the said John POLLY, to-wit: A lot of lumber of different kinds, the lumber yard at Libertyville, Iowa. And that on
  MONDAY, OCTOBER 23d, A. D. 1871,
at ten o'clock A.M. of said day, at the lumber yard in the village of Libertyville, Iowa I will proceed to sell said property, or so much thereof as may be necessary to satisfy said Execution, amounting to 412 44-100ths dollars debt, and 5 50,-100ths dollars costs, together with accruing costs, at Public Auction, to the highest and best bidder, for cash.
            J. S. GANTZ,
      Sheriff of Jefferson County, Iowa.
  2t40 pf $6 50.

  NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, That by virtue of a General Execution to me directed, issued out of the Circuit Court of the State of Iowa, in and for Jefferson County, upon a judgment rendered in said Court in favor of BOWEN, HUNT & WINSLOW against John POLLY. I have levied upon the following described personal property, as the property of the said John POLLY, to-wit: A lot of lumber of different kinds, the lumberyard at Libertyvill, Iowa. And that on
  MONDAY, OCTOBER 23d, A. D. 1871,
at ten o'clock A.M. of said day, at the lumber yard in the village of Libertyville, Iowa, I will proceed to sell said property, or so much thereof as may be necessary to satisfy said Execution, amounting to 774 21-100 dollars debt, and 5 50-100ths dollars costs, together with accruing costs, at Public Auction, to the highest and best bidder, for cash.
            J. S. GANTZ,
      Sheriff of Jefferson County, Iowa.
  2t40-pf $6 50.

  NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, That by virtue of a General Execution to me directed, issued out of the Circuit Court of the State of Iowa, in and for Jefferson County, upon a judgment rendered in said Court in favor of R. B. MOORE against John POLLY, I have levied upon the following described personal property, as the property of the said John POLLY, to-wit: A lot of lumber of different kinds, the lumberyard at Libertyville, Iowa. And that on
  MONDAY, OCTOBER 23d, A. D. 1871,
at ten o'clock A.M. of said day, at the lumber yard in the village of Libertyville Iowa, I will proceed to sell said property, or so much thereof as may be necessary to satisfy said Execution, amounting to 114 50-100ths dollars debt, and $6 00 costs, together with accruing costs, at Public Auction, to the highest and best bidder, for cash.
            J. S. GANTZ.
      Sheriff of Jefferson County, Iowa.
  2t4-0pf $600 .

  Personal.--Mr. Frank M. BYRKIT, of Red Oak, formerly of Fairfield, and daughter Elsie, spent Monday and Tuesday with friends here.
  Mrs. Ellen S. TUPPER spent Tuesday afternoon at our home. We are always glad to see her.
  We had a pleasant call on Tuesday from John A. O'NEAL, one of the live business men of Batavia.

DICKSON--COLE.--October 19, 1871, at the Court House, in Fairfield, by Thos. D. EVANS, J. P., Mr. Hiram DICKSON and Mrs. Ann B. COLE.

          Proof of Will,
Jefferson County.    } ss.
To All Whom it May Concern :
  Know Ye : That there is now on file in the office of the Clerk of the Circuit Court of said county, a paper purporting to be the last Will and Testament of Daniel AKERS, deceased, and that the same has been produced in open Court and publicly read, and the first day of the next term of said Court set for the proof and final hearing of the same.
  Notice is therefore hereby given to all concerned, That the proof of said Will will be heard on the first day of the next term of the Circuit Court in and for said county, to be held in the Court-house in Fairfield on the 3d Monday of November, 1871.
  [L. S.] Witness Geo. H. CASE, Clerk, and the Seal of said Court hereto affixed, this Oct. 17th, 1871.           GEO. H. CASE.
  3t42          Clerk.

MOUNT.--Oct. 6, 1871, at the residence of his son, J. S. MOUNT, Mr. Samuel MOUNT, in the 81st year of his age.
  Mr. Samuel MOUNT was born in the State of Virginia, March 19th, 1791. He early united with the M. E. Church, and became abaut the same time a witness of Christ's saving grace. He was licensed to exhort on West Wheeling Circuit, Virginia, Nov. 6, 1821, by Rev. Jesse LEE, as the original license which he had in his possession at his deceased testifies. He seems to have been continued in his relation as exhorter for much of the time for about forty-five years, his last license dating Fairfield, July 16, 1866.
  He was a man of unmistakable and steadfast piety, and stood for more than fifty-five years as a witness for Christ. During his life he was chastened with severe affliction. The loss of two daughters and three sons bowed him down with heart-rending sorrow, but he was able to resign all to the will of God, and stayed his heart in the comforting Saviour. He knew for months before hand that his time on earth would shortly cease, and as his departure drew nigh, he seemed to increase in confidence of a Savior's loving help. The grave, with him, lost its terrors, and death its sting. The last time he was with us in love feast, he presented a scene to thrill any heart ; his locks white as the winter's snow, his frame bowed with age, but his eyes gleamed with the light of Heaven, as he, with zeraphic utterance, told of a Savior's love to him in early life, God's ceaseless mercy to him during his pilgrimage here, and the blessed certainty that he soon should rest in the "mansion prepared."
  His last illness was intensely painful, but he sweetly fell asleep in Jesus, at the house of his son, Joseph MOUNT, near Fairfield, Iowa, Friday morning, October 6th. His children, grand-children and great grand-children arise to call him blessed.
  Father MOUNT had excellent natural endowments, a very genial disposition, and a vein of humor which the severest pain could not entirely repress. He was one of those rare men who carry the young heart into old age. His was a happy life to himself, and a blessing to his race. "He rests from his labors, and his works do follow him."        E. H, C,

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