The Fairfield Weekly Ledger |
November 23, 1871
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Fairfield, Iowa "WEEKLY LEDGER"
Jefferson County
Transcribed by Joey Stark
The Fairfield Ledger News, Book & Job Office.
[Picture of a Printing Press, caption below it of "OUR NEW IMPROVED NEWSPAPER AND JOB PRESS."]
Having greatly improved and increased our facilities for doing Book and Job Printing, we are prepared to do everything in our line in the best and most satisfactory manner, at the shortest possible notice, and on reasonable terms. Books, Pamphlets, Hand-bills, Circulars, Letter-Heads, Bill-Heads, Business Cards, Visiting Cards, Wedding Cards, Blanks, &c., printed to order. Call and see samples and get estimates before going elsewhere, or sending your work out of the county. All we ask is the opportunity, to convince the people of Jefferson County that we can and will do as good and more satisfactory Job Printing than Chicago, Burlington or Davenport bummers, or any other "rats."
The FAIRFIELD LEDGER is the official paper of the State, County, City and Township in which it is published, is taken by more people in Jefferson county than any other newspaper, and offers superior incudements to advertisers. For terms of paper and advertising, see elsewhere. JUNKIN & ROBINSON.
Real Estate Transfers.--The following deeds to lands and town lots in Jefferson county, have been placed on record in the Recorder's office, from Oct. 9, 1871, to Nov. 21, 1871 :
Annexed is a plat of Jefferson county. The dates in the following transfers refer to time of signing of deeds; the figures following to price paid.
73-11 |
Hawk 73-10 |
73-9 |
73-8 |
Grove 72-11 |
field 72-10 |
anan 72-9 |
ridge 72-8 |
Moines 71-11 |
ty 71-10 |
71-9 |
Prairie 71-8 |
Bavid ALTER, Sr., from A. E. GRIMES et. al., lot adjoining Fairfield. Oct. 10, 1870. 200 00
Porter CONDER from James W. TUNING, 40a, secs 26 and 35, 7I-8. November 7, 1871. 825 00
James B. DAVIS from Alfred M. GREY and wife, 26a, sec 30, 72-11. September 18, 1871. 650 00
John DAVIS from Larkin BOND and wife, 11a, sec 8, 72-11. March 21, 1868. 110 00
Rachel DIXON from W. G. HAZLEWOOD and wife, 9a, sec 18, 73-9. October 8, 1868. 180 00
F. J. DEMARSH from Peter VANOSTRAND, 7a, sec 33, 73-9. Nov. 1, 1871. 150 00
Same from David H. STEVER, a small tract in sec 26, 72-10. Nov. 13, 1871. 500 00
Alfred M. GREY from Wm. J. GRIMES and wife, 26a, sec 30, 73-10. April 1, 1871. 450 00
Reuben HARRIS from John DAVIS and wife, 11a, sec 8, 72-11. Oct. 6, 1871. 110 00
Same from F. M. TROBIE and wife, 10a, sec 8, 72-11. Oct. 4, 1891 (sic). 150 00
Charlotte HANLEY from Robert STAMM and wife, 40a, sec 34, 72-8. Sept. 22, 1871. 1,100 00
Alfred HIBBARD from Daniel CARTER and wife, 2½a, sec 19, 71-10. Oct. 7, 1871. 62 50
Jefferson County Coal Company from Clara M. WALCHEB, 10a. sec 33, 73-9. Sept. 4, 1871. 25 00
Henry MERCER from James B. EVANS, 16ft off east side of 40a, sec 4, 71-9. March 29, 1869. 20. 00
Nathaniel B. McCREA from E. W. GAGE et. al., 2 lots ad. Fairfield. Oct. 16, 1871. 400 00
Geo. G. McCREA from N. B. McCREA, lot ad. Fairfield. Oct. 16, 1871. 200 00
John MARTIN from W. D. LAYTON and wife, 70a, sec 31, 71-8. Oct 31, 1871. 700 00
Robert M. RIGDON from Edward DEALY and wife, 90a, secs 10 and 16, 72-10. Oct. 18, 1871. 2,610 00
Thos. A. ROBB from Geo. T. AMOS and wife. 40a, sec 33, 72-11. Oct. 3, 1871. 720 00
Israel STEVER from Hugh JOHNSON and wife 160a, secs 12 and 14, 71-10. October 1, 1871. 2,000 00
Rob't STAMM from David STAMM and wife, 40a, sec 34, 72-8. August 26, 1865. 900 00
Ezra J. SPERRS from Mahlon FLINT and wife, 80a, sec 18, 73-10. March 10, 1859. 400 00
Jacob SECHRIST from Ezra J. SPERRS and wife. 80a, sec 18, 73-10. March 1, 1860. 1,000 00
Abraham TROUT from J. R. LAUGHLIN and wife, 1a, sec 18, 71-10. Sept. 8, 1871. 110 00
G. A. UNKRICH from A. E. GRIMES et. al., lot ad. Fairfield. Oct. 21, 1871. 350 00
Same from James HAYS lot ad. Fairfield. Oct. 25, 1871. 450 00
Emiline WILSON from Hugh H. CANADAY and wife. 50a, sec 12, 72-11. Sept. 30, 1871. 700 00
Samuel WERNER from Jacob SECHRIST and wife, 80a, sec 18, 73-10. Nov. 15, 1864. 800 00
P. M. and Amanda WHITMER from John R. CLAWSON, 51a, sec 32, 72.9. Octtober 19, 1871. 1,000 00
Notice is hereby given that by virtue of a special execution to me directed, issued out of the Circuit Court of the State of Iowa, in and for Jefferson County, upon a judgment rendered in said Court in favor if David SEARS against M. D. L. SPURLOEK and Rachel SPURLOCK, I have levied upon the following described real estate as the property of the said M. D. L. SPURLOCK and Rachel SPURLOCK, to-wit: The undivided one-half part of the west half of the southwest quarter of section twenty (20) in township seventy-two (72) range eleven (11) in Jefferson county, Iowa. And that on
Saturday, December 2, 1871,
At 1 o'clock P.M. of said day, at the front door of the Court-House in the city of Fairfield, Iowa, I will proceed to sell said property, or as much thereof as may be necessary to satisfy said execution, amounting to 795 and 20-100ths dollars debt, and 20 and 40-100ths dollars costs, together with accruing costs, at public auction to the highest and best bidder for cash.
3t45 p f $6.50 Sheriff of Jefferson Co., Iowa
HUFF--LEWMAN.--Nov. 11, 1871, at the house of the officiating minister, in Polk tp., by Rev. A. W. HINES, Mr. Isaac HUFF and Miss Ellen LEWMAN.
HAYMOND--BERRY.--Nov. 16, 1871, at the house of the bride's father, in Lockridge tp., by Rev. B. F. DOUGHTY, Mr. James HAYMOND and Miss Margaret E. BERRY.
A sheet and pillow case masquerade is the latest novelty among our young people, Everybody wraps up from head to foot in a sheet, with a pillow case over the head, and when dancing look like a lot of ghosts out on a Hollow E'en frolic. The first of the season was given at the residence of Mr. and Mrs. Geo. D. TEMPLE, on last Thursday night, and is reported to have been a very pleasant affair.
(Handwritten note to also see Dec. 14th.)
Sheriff SPEARMAN, of Henry county, has captured Henry BUNT, who was indicted two years ago by the Grand Jury for the killing of Henry BRAMBLE, in Jefferson township, in November, 1869. The capture was made in Greenwood Co., Kansas.
Sudden Death.--Mr. Alexander MITCHELL, an old gentleman of about 70 years, residing about one mile north of Fairfield, went to bed in apparent good health on last Sunday night, and was found dead the next morning. He leaves a family of four grown children, and was a man very generally respected. A post mortem examination was held, and below we give the result.
Postmortem examination made by Doctors P. N. WOODS and R. J. MOHR, Nov. 21st, 1871, to ascertain the cause of death in the case of Alexander MITCHELL who died suddenly on the morning of the 20th inst. The following abnormal conditions were found : Enlargement and dilatation of the ventricles of the heart, ossification of its valves and coronary arteries, extensive inflammatory adhesions between the surfaces of the pericardium and copious, effusion into the cavity of the sac. The latter in our opinion being sufficient to cause his death.
OLIVER.--Nov. 10, 1871, in Fairfield, of Scarlatine Maligna, after a short illness, Annie, daughter of Dr. J. W. and M. G. OLIVER, aged 2 years, 8 months and 21 days.
When the cords were severed that bound this dear child to earth the parents' hearts bled with anguish; but while they mourn because her glad smile no longer greets them, yet in the midst of their tears, they rejoice to know they have one child safe in Heaven.
The B. & M. R. R. Co. are rapidly pushing their road to make connection with the Union Pacific at Ft. Kearney. When completed, they will have a continuous through line of 470 miles, beside branches, through one of the finest countries on this green earth. No road in the west can now compare with it, as regards smoothness of road bed or completeness of general equipment, and its officers and employees know their duty and strictly perform it.