Jefferson County, Iowa
The Fairfield Weekly Ledger

November 16, 1871

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Fairfield, Iowa "WEEKLY LEDGER"
Jefferson County

Transcribed by Joey Stark

  The Christian Church of Fairfield.--This body of Christians was organized on the 10th of September, 1853, with 23 members. Since that period the whole number of communicants have been 144, of which 61 still remain. About December, 1864, they bought the Northeast schoolhouse, known as the "Little Brick," in which they worshipped several years.-- This they sold in 1870, and in 1871 bought the present site, and built a very handsome frame of modern architecture. The new building was opened for services and dedication on Sunday, Nov. 5. Elder Allen HICKEY conducting the exercises. On this occasion the house was crowded to its utmost capacity, many being unable to gain an entrance, ourself among the number. We learn that an effort is being made to secure the services of Elder HICKEY to preach regularly, for one year, in which event he will remove with his family to our city. Mr. HICKEY is, perhaps, the strongest man, mentally, of the denomination in the State, and we hope this congretion (sic) may be successful in securing him.
  The new buildings is 36x55 feet, and cost $3,311; the lot $450; the inside fitting up $200. The contemplated improvements are a neat fence, well and outbuildings. The church is located on Madison street, two blocks east of the square It is a neat and pleasant house of worship, and a monument of praise to the members of the church who have been instrumental in completing it.

  The fact that our young people know that cold weather is coming, and that they are making wise preparations for it, will be found by reference to the long list of marria ges we publish this week.

BAYHA--MITCHELL.--Oct. 10, 1871, at the residence of the bride's mother, in Dakota City, Neb., by Rev. J. F. KUHLMAN, Mr. J. P. BAYHA and Miss Elmira MITCHELL, both of Dakota City, Neb.

  Game Wanted.--On the north side of the Square. REED Brothers are prepared to buy all game offered them.

  Dolls.--Hundreds of them--at from 10 cents to $2.00, at HURST's Bazar.

  Buck Gloves.--A mammoth stock of men and boys' Buck Gloves and Mits, at G. A. UNKRICH's. West Side.

  New Improvements.--In addition to the improvements mentioned two weeks ago we note the following:
  Jesse A. HERRING, corner of Williams and Sears streets, has erected a frame house, 23x25, story and a half high, and containing 9 rooms.
  W. H. BLEAKMORE has built a one-story frame in PUMPHREY's addition, 16x26 in size, with an L 8x12.

REED--WILSON.-- Nov. 7, 1871, at the residence of the bride's father, by Rev. H. B. KNIGHT, Rev. Carson REED of Fairfield, and Miss Mary E. WILSON of Ottumwa.

KNIGHT--JOHNSON.--Nov. 9, 1871, at the Court House, in Fairfield, by Thos D. EVANS, J. P., Mr. Lyman S. KNIGHT and Miss Sophia JOHNSON.

BURKE--DILLON.--Nov. 1, 1871, at the Catholic Church, in Fairfield, by Father Francis WALSH, Mr. James BURKE and Miss Eliza DILLON.

COLLINS--McREYNOLDS.--Nov. 5, 1871, at the Baptist church, in Batavia, by Rev. Wm. N. WHITAKER, Mr. Thos. COLLINS and Miss Emily T. McREYNOLDS.

JOHNSON--JOHNSON.--Nov. 8, 1871, at the New Sharon church, in Lockridge tp., by Rev. J. E. REHNSTROM, Mr. Abraham JOHNSON and Miss Carrie JOHNSON.

HUFF--LEWMAN.--Nov. 11, 1871, at the Methodist parsonage, in Abingdon, by Rev. A. W. HAINES, Mr. Isaac W. HUFF and Miss Ellen LEWMAN. All of this county.

McVEY--KALER.--Oct. 26, 1871, at the house of the bride's father, in Cedar tp., by Rev. A. AXLINE, Mr. W. T. McVEY and Miss Mary C. KALER.

PETTKER--STITZER.--Nov. 2, 1871, at the residence of Mr. John LANGNER, in Lockridge tp., by Rev. A. AXLINE, Mr. Henry PETTKER, of St. Louis, Mo., and Miss Hannah STITZER, of this county.

STEWART--BILLS.--Nov. 14, 1871, at the house of Mr. Barnett RISTINE, in Fairfield, by Rev. A. AXLINE, Mr. Wm. H. STEWART and Miss Anna E. BILLS.

                        U. S. Patent Office, }
      Washington, D. C. Nov. 15, 1871. }
  On the petition of George CRAINE, of Fairfield, Iowa, praying for the extension of a patent granted to him on the I6th day of February, 1858, for an improvement in
  It is ordered that the testimony in the case be closrd (sic) on the 16th day of January next, that the time for filing arguments and the Examiner's report be limited to to (sic) the 26th day of January next, and that said petition be heard on the 31st day of January next.
  Any person may oppose this extension.
3w47     M. D. LEGGETT, Commissioner.

House Burned.--We deeply sympathize with Mrs. Lucy JOHNSON, widowed daughter of Mr. George CREAMER, living about two miles south of town, in the loss of her house and most of its contents by fire, in the night of Nov. 10th. She and herchildren were at a neighbor's when the fire was discovered, and before assistance could be procured everything up stairs was unapproachable. The goods on the ground floor were saved, but most of the bedding, clothing, provisions, &c., were up stairs. Some of the children secured only the clothing they had on. A subscription for Mrs. JOHNSON's relief was started, but we did not learn how much was contributed.

    Office Co. Sup't Common Schools, }
County of Jefferson, State of Iowa. }
To the several Boards of the School Directors, in the county of Jefferson, and State of Iowa :
  Whereas, the undersigned did execute and deliver to each of the following names persons, to-wit: T. B. MAXWELL, Ada O. McMASTERS, Lizzie D. HUGHES, Benjamin HADLEY, J. B. DAY, John HERROLD, J. W. DUFFIELD, Wesley HAMMOND, W. L. SHELDON, W. H. HARNESS, Louisa HOFFMAN, Jas. MOORE, A. W. LAUGHLIN, Gertrude SHUFFLETON, Kate DAY, Ella SINCLAIR, Lou HAMMOND, Lou R. GREENLAND, R. L. REYNOLDS, M. E. McCOID, Emma HALFERTY, Maggie E. EVANS, Helen PARCELL; Cora P. STINE, F. M. CROY, E. G. WILSON, A. H. ELLER, William HAYMOND and Mary SHAFFER, certificates authorizing each one to teach in the public schools of Jefferson county; and,
  Whereas, The above named persons did not attend the Teachers' Institute, held in Fairfield, Jefferson county, Iowa, on the 30th and 31st days of October and the 1st, 2d, 3d and 4th days of November, 1871, and not having offered satisfactory reasons for non-attendance, as provided in Section 83, chapter 1, of the School Laws of the State of Iowa,
  Now, Therefore, in pursuance of the provisions of Section 80, chapter 1, of the School Laws of the State of Iowa, the certificate of each of the above named persons is hereby revoked.
       [L.S.] In testimony whereof I have hereunto subscribed my name this 7th day of November, A. D. 1871.
        John D. EDWARDS, Co. Supt.

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