The Fairfield Weekly Ledger |
May 18, 1871
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Fairfield Ledger
Fairfield, Jefferson County, Iowa
Transcribed by Sherry Bash
REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS.--The following deeds to lands and town lots in Jefferson county, have been placed on record in the Recorder's office, from May 2, 1871 to May 15, 1871 :
Annexed is a plat of Jefferson county. The dates in the following transfers refer to time of signing of deeds; the figures following to price paid.
73-11 |
Hawk 73-10 |
73-9 |
73-8 |
Grove 72-11 |
field 72-10 |
anan 72-9 |
ridge 72-8 |
Moines 71-11 |
ty 71-10 |
71-9 |
Prairie 71-8 |
Lewis ARRET from Samuel HUBER and wife, 80a sec. 6, 78-10. Feb 19, 1869. 1000 00
Alexander BLAKELY from Samuel RIDINGER and wife, 80a sec. 30, 73-9. May 11, 1871. 500 00
Ira J. COOK from John HOLLAN, by Att’y, 20a sec. 19, 71-9. Jan 26, 1869. 270 00
John W. DUBOIS from Wm. McCOMB, 25a sec. 26, 72-10. May 11, 1871. 3000 00
James F. GOODE from Wm. H. WISECARVER, sec. 11, 72-11 (undivided half one acre and saw mill.) Sept. 19, 1870, 700 00
John W. HAYDEN from Amos VENDEVER and wife, 100a sec. 13, 71-11 and Sec. 31, 72-10. April 18, 1871. 2900 00
John LEACH from James EMERY and wife, 5a sec. 21, 73-9. April 17, 1871. 82 00
Solomon LIGHT from Chas NEGUS and wife, 21 48-100ths a sec. 25, 72-10, May 6, 1871. 1000 00
Lawrence T. MARTIN from Geo. H. COOK, 80a sec 24, 72-10. May 4, 1871. 2574 00
Jacob VOTE from Augustus VOTE, lot in Grimes’ addition to Fairfield, May 2, 1871. 200 00
City of Fairfield from John V. MYERS and wife, lot 6, blk 14, of o p Fairfield. April 18, 1871. 1000 00
James F. GOODE from H. H. CANADAY, lot 1, ˝blk 2, Brookville, August 30, 1869. 100 00
[Untitled column, hand-labeled Moorman Cemetery.]
Are we a civilized people?--I have been prompted to ask the above question from the following reason : I lately visited our graveyard and found it pastured close by the stock, the shrubbery destroyed and the graves desecrated by the feet and manure of the animals. I have adverted to this subject heretofore but to no purpose, and wish to try it again. Those having relations buried there are mostly people of ample means, "clothed in purple and fine linen and fare sumptuously every day," yet do not think enough of the "friends that are gone," to apply a few cents annually of their abundance to "keep watch over the silent dead," and see that the fence is kept up, the gate closed and the graveyard
neat and clean. It seems that they would rather spend that amount for some gew-gaw, or pound of tobacco, or hoard it up to gloat over. If they should hear of such conduct in a "heathen land" they might possibly
send a missionary.
Brookville, Iowa.
Query.--Is the graveyard alluded to by friend ROBB the only one in the county that is in the condition spoken of?
George & Morris
Respectfully inform the people that there are great bargains offered in their large stock of
Clocks, Chains, Jewelry,
Solid Silver - Ware.
Pistols, Fine Cutlery, Fancy Goods,
Mirrors, Childrens’ Buggies, Gold Pens, Bird Cages, Spectacles,
Toys, Musical Instruments of all kinds.
Well's Block East side of Park.
BLACKWOOD--EDWARDS. -- April 2, 1871, at the residence of the officiating Justice in Walnut township, by L. J. BIDWELL, J. P., Mr. John S. BLACKWOOD and Miss Emma J. EDWARDS.
PRESLER--SWISHER.-- March 14, 1871, at the residence of the bride's parents, in Walnut township, by L. J. BIDWELL, J. P., Mr. Francis E. PRESLER and Miss May E. SWISHER.
GASSNER--DUNLAP.-- April 5, 1871, at the residence of the bride's mother, in Buchanan township, by Rev. B. WALL, Mr. W. T. GASSNER and Miss Rose DUNLAP.
HAGERTY--LUSE.--March 12, 1871, at the house of N. D. DEGOOD, in Locust Grove township, by Rev. Andrew SMITH, Mr. John HAGGERTY and Miss Catherine LUSE.
KENNEDY--BISHOP.-- April 6, 1871, at [remainder of article missing.]
ELLIOTT--LAMBIRTH.-- May 4, 1871, at the residence of the bride's mother, in Round Prairie tp., by Rev. J. LEE, Mr. Wm. ELLIOTT and Miss Harriet LAMBIRTH.
SIMMONS--SHIPLER.--May 4, 1871, at the residence of the bride's parents in Des Moines township, by Reuben ELLMAKER, J. P., Mr. George SIMMONS and Miss Alwilda SHIPLER.
DOTY--ASKREN.--May 13, 1871, at the Court-house in Fairfield, by W. K. ALEXANDER, J. P., Mr. William DOTY and Miss Francis ASKREN.
Barn Burned.--On Sunday last the barn of Mr. J. MOUNT, one mile east of Fairfield, was burned to the ground. Mr. MOUNT was badly burned in
the face and hands in his efforts to get his horses out. His daughter Sadie had one hand somewhat burned. The injuries are not severe or dangerous. Mr. M. and his three daughters were at home. One of them discovered the smoke, about 2˝ o'clock in the afternoon. Mr. M. went to the barn and thought he could extinguish the flames, but finding that impossible he got his two horses and wagon out, and in doing
so received the burns. It is supposed that some strolling scoundrels set the barn on fire, but whether intentionally or not, is only conjecture. Two men were seen to run away from the place. If proved on them, it would be of no benefit to Mr. M., as the parties are doubtless worthless. The loss is from $350 to $400.
The loss is a peculiarly severe one on Mr. MOUNT. He has been unfortunate during the past year. His eyes have been so sore as to render it impossible for him to work a great part of the time,
and but lately he passed through a severe spell of sickness. He is cheerful under his afflictions, and looks upon the bright side all the time, drawing consolation from the fact that no troubles are so great but they might be greater. He also has a higher source from which to seek comfort and consolation.
P. S. -- We learn that Dr. SHAFFER raised about $150 with which to assist Mr. MOUNT in re-building his barn.
FAIRFIELD, May 15, 1871.
Soldiers met pursuant to adjournment. Capt. W. T. BURGESS elected Chairman and D. B. MILLER, Secretary.
Chairman stated that the object of the meeting was to make arrangements to decorate the graves of deceased soldiers, on May 30th, 1871.
On motion the soldiers and citizens wishing to participate were requested to meet in the Park at the hour of 2 o'clock P.M., of said day.
On motion the following committees were appointed:
Committee on Arrangements.--L. P. VANCE, Thos. BELL, S. M. BOLING, J. A. SPIELMAN and J. N. EDWARDS.
Committee on Decoration.--E. M. B. SCOTT, D. B. MILLER, J. S. GANTZ, A. HEWITT and C. S. McCLAIN.
Committee on Music.--Dr. P. N. WOODS, Al. YEARICK and M. A. McCOID.
Committee on Finances.--Geo. H. CASE and J. N. EDWARDS.
Committee to procure Badges.--J. E. ROTH, and J. A. MONTGOMERY.
On motion J. A. MONTGOMERY, was appointed mustering officer, and W. T. BURGESS, officer of the day. Samuel BARNES and C. T. SHAMP, appointed conductors.
The following resolution was unanimously adopted :
Resolved, that an invitation be extended to the soldiers of the county to participate with us in the ceremonies of the occasion, and the attendance of the ladies and citizens is also respectfully solicited.
All are requested to bring flowers and boquets.
On motion the papers in the county were requested to publish the proceedings of this meeting.
Meeting adjourned until May 17th, at 7˝ o'clock, P.M.
W. T. BURGESS, Pres.
D. B. MILLER, Sec’y
for decoration of the soldiers’ graves, Tuesday, May 30th, 1871. Soldiers and all citizens wishing to participate will assemble in the Public Park, at 2 o'clock P. M.
First, music, as directed by committee on music.
Second, formation of procession by mustering officers.
Soldiers’ Widows with National Colors Dressed in Mourning.
National Colors.
Ministers Wishing to Join in Procession.
Friends and Citizens.
March to North entrance of Park; round Square by West side; out Washington St., to Railroad St.; thence cross Williams St. to New Cemetery; halting at entrance, open ranks; march from rear to front of column; hollow square formation; soldiers widows; ministers and speakers surrounded by
square; remarks and music as directed by officer of the day and committee on music. All persons joining in procession will remain in ranks during hollow square formation.
All soldiers will be invited to make remarks or suggestions for good of the cause, before the close of the exercises, by chief officer. After exercises re-formation of column; marching to old cemetery; decorating graves in open order; passing round graves with uncovered heads, thence to south entrance of Cemetery; halting for benediction; marching back to public square in column.
The other papers in the county please cop .